(b) ‘Strategic positioning’ is about the way that a company as a whole is placed in its environment and concerns its‘fit’ with the factors in its environment.With reference to the case as appropriate, explain how a code of ethics can be used as part of a


(b) ‘Strategic positioning’ is about the way that a company as a whole is placed in its environment and concerns its

‘fit’ with the factors in its environment.

With reference to the case as appropriate, explain how a code of ethics can be used as part of a company’s

overall strategic positioning. (7 marks)


1.Part BDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.As part of more comprehensive compliance and ethics programs, many companies have formulated internal policies pertaining to the ethical conduct of employees. These policies can be simple exhortations in broad, highly-generalized language (typically called a corporate ethics statement) , or they can be more detailed policies, containing specific behavioral requirements (typically called corporate ethics codes). 61) They are generally meant to identify the company' s expectations of workers and to offer guidance on handling some of the more common ethical problems that might a-rise in the course of doing business. 62) It is hoped that having such a policy will lead to greater ethical awareness, consistency in application, and the avoidance of ethical disasters.63) An increasing number of companies also requires employees to attend seminars regarding business conduct, which often include discussion of the company's policies, specific case studies, and legal requirements. Some companies even require their employees to sign agreements stating that they will abide by the company' s rules of conduct.Many companies are assessing the environmental factors that can lead employees to engage in unethical conduct. A competitive business environment may call for unethical behavior. Lying has become expected in fields such as trading. An example of this are the issues surrounding the unethical actions of the Saloman Brothers.Not everyone supports corporate policies that govern ethical conduct. Some claim that ethical problems are better dealt with by depending upon employees to use their own judgment.Others believe that corporate ethics policies are primarily rooted in utilitarian concerns, and that they are mainly to limit the company' s legal liability, or to curry public favor by giving the appearance of being a good corporate citizen. Ideally, the company will avoid a lawsuit because its employees will follow the rules. 64) Should a lawsuit occur, the company can claim that the problem would not have arisen if the employee had only followed the code properly.Sometimes there is disconnection between the company' s code of ethics and the company' s actual practices. 65) Thus, whether or not such conduct is explicitly sanctioned by management, at worst, this makes the policy duplicitous (搞两面派的), and, at best, it is merely a marketing tool.(61)

3.4 Hogg Products Company (HPC), based in a developing country, was recently wholly acquired by American OverseasInvestments (AOI), a North American holding company. The new owners took the opportunity to completely reviewHPC’s management, culture and systems. One of the first things that AOI questioned was HPC’s longstandingcorporate code of ethics.The board of AOI said that it had a general code of ethics that HPC, as an AOI subsidiary, should adopt. Simon Hogg,the chief executive of HPC, disagreed however, and explained why HPC should retain its existing code. He said thatHPC had adopted its code of ethics in its home country which was often criticised for its unethical business behaviour.Some other companies in the country were criticised for their ‘sweat shop’ conditions. HPC’s adoption of its code ofethics, however, meant that it could always obtain orders from European customers on the guarantee that productswere made ethically and in compliance with its own highly regarded code of ethics. Mr Hogg explained that HPC hadan outstanding ethical reputation both locally and internationally and that reputation could be threatened if it wasforced to replace its existing code of ethics with AOI’s more general code.When Ed Tanner, a senior director from AOI’s head office, visited Mr Hogg after the acquisition, he was shown HPC’soperation in action. Mr Hogg pointed out that unlike some other employers in the industry, HPC didn’t employ childlabour. Mr Hogg explained that although it was allowed by law in the country, it was forbidden by HPC’s code ofethics. Mr Hogg also explained that in his view, employing child labour was always ethically wrong. Mr Tanner askedwhether the money that children earned by working in the relatively safe conditions at HPC was an important sourceof income for their families. Mr Hogg said that the money was important to them but even so, it was still wrong toemploy children, as it was exploitative and interfered with their education. He also said that it would alienate theEuropean customers who bought from HPC partly on the basis of the terms of its code of ethics.Required:(a) Describe the purposes and typical contents of a corporate code of ethics. (9 marks)

(b) Code of ethics and strategic positioning
Strategic positioning is about the way that a whole company is placed in its environment as opposed to the operational level,
which considers the individual parts of the organisation.
Ethical reputation and practice can be a key part of environmental ‘fit’, along with other strategic issues such as generic
strategy, quality and product range.
The ‘fit’ enables the company to more fully meet the expectations, needs and demands of its relevant stakeholders – in this
case, European customers.
The ‘quality’ of the strategic ‘fit’ is one of the major determinants of business performance and so is vital to the success of
the business.
HPC has carefully manoeuvred itself to have the strategic position of being the highest ethical performer locally and has won
orders on that basis.
It sees its strategic position as being the ethical ‘benchmark’ in its industry locally and protects this position against its parent
company seeking to impose a new code of ethics.
The ethical principles are highly internalised in Mr Hogg and in the company generally, which is essential for effective strategic
更多“(b) ‘Strategic positioning’ is about the way that a company as a whole is placed in its environment and concerns its‘fit’ with the factors in its environment.With reference to the case as appropriate, explain how a code of ethics can be used as part of a ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (c) Define ‘retirement by rotation’ and explain its importance in the context of Rosh and Company.

    (5 marks)

    (c) Retirement by rotation.
    Retirement by rotation is an arrangement in a director’s contract that specifies his or her contract to be limited to a specific
    period (typically three years) after which he or she must retire from the board or offer himself (being eligible) for re-election.
    The director must be actively re-elected back onto the board to serve another term. The default is that the director retires
    unless re-elected.
    Importance of
    Retirement by rotation reduces the cost of contract termination for underperforming directors. They can simply not be
    re-elected after their term of office expires and they will be required to leave the service of the board as a retiree (depending
    on contract terms).
    It encourages directors’ performance (they know they are assessed by shareholders and reconsidered every three years) and
    focuses their minds upon the importance of meeting objectives in line with shareholders’ aims.
    It is an opportunity, over time, to replace the board membership whilst maintaining medium term stability of membership
    (one or two at a time).
    Applied to Rosh
    Retirement by rotation would enable the board of Rosh to be changed over time. There is evidence that some directors may
    have stayed longer than is ideal because of links with other board members going back many years.

  • 第2题:

    (b) Explain FIVE critical success factors to the performance of HSC on which the directors must focus if HSC is

    to achieve success in its marketplace. (10 marks)

    (b) Critical success factors are as follows:
    Product quality
    The fact that the production staff have no previous experience in a food production environment is likely to prove problematic.
    It is vital that a comprehensive training programme is put in place at the earliest opportunity. HSC need to reach and maintain
    the highest level of product quality as soon as possible.
    Supply quality
    The quality of delivery into SFG supermarkets assumes critical significance. Time literally will be of the essence since 90%
    of all sandwiches are sold in SFG’s supermarkets before 2 pm each day. Hence supply chain management must be extremely
    robust as there is very little scope for error.
    Technical quality
    Compliance with existing regulations regarding food production including all relevant factory health and safety requirements
    is vital in order to establish and maintain the reputation of HSC as a supplier of quality products. The ability to store products
    at the correct temperature is critical because sandwiches are produced for human consumption and in extreme circumstance
    could cause fatalities.
    External credibility
    Accreditation by relevant trade associations/regulators will be essential if nationwide acceptance of HSC as a major producer
    of sandwiches is to be established.
    New product development
    Whilst HSC have developed a range of healthy eating sandwiches it must be recognised that consumer tastes change and
    that in the face of competition there will always be a need for a continuous focus on new product development.
    Whilst HSC need to recognise all other critical success factors they should always be mindful that the need to obtain the
    desired levels of gross and net margin remain of the utmost importance.
    Notes: (i) Only five critical success factors were required.
    (ii) Alternative relevant discussion and examples would be acceptable.

  • 第3题:

    “The biggest threat to our environment today is the way we, as human beings, see out environment” does not imply that ().

    A、everything in the ecosystem is part of one complete whole

    B、most people hold a wrong view on the environment

    C、everything affects and is affected by its environment

    D、people are not conscious of the importance of trees


  • 第4题:

    What is special about the battery?

    A. It is built in an iPhone.

    B. It is the smallest of its kind.

    C. It can also be used as a charger.

    D. It keeps power for about 30 days.


  • 第5题:

    资料:Anything that affects the smooth flow of information is known as noise. This might be, for example, the language used,an in appropriate use of technology or the different levels of skill and knowledge of the sender and receiver. For example, every day in the press and on TV, consumers are bombarded with often confusing or contradictory information about the health benefits or risks associated with different foods. Consumers may not have enough understanding or information to judge between conflicting messages. It is therefore not surprising that many people do not hear these messages and switch off.
    A company has to overcome a considerable amount of direct noise caused by the earlier negative press articles. By not responding to these immediately or correcting with facts, consumers are confused and the company loses credibility with the press and the public.
    To achieve its vision and encourage consumers to eat turkey all year round, BM Company needs to give people more information in a way they can easily understand. It has there closed to highlight key facts about the products as the foundation for many of its messages.

    What may not be called noise according the passage?

    A.positive press articles
    B.the different levels of skill and knowledge of the sender and receiver.
    C.the language used.
    D.an inappropriate use of technology.

    【关键词】what;not be called;noises
    【主题句】第1自然段Anything that affects the smooth flow of information is known as noise. This might be, for example, the language used, an inappropriate use of technology or the different levels of skill and knowledge of the sender and receiver. 任何影响信息顺畅流动的东西都被称为噪音。例如,这可能是使用的语言、不恰当的技术使用或发送方和接收方的技能和知识的不同水平。

  • 第6题:

    In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.

    C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in decision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will increase their use of the restaurants.

    Which situation(s) makes you feel motivated or discouraged because of a hygiene factor

    A.Work happily with the colleagues of our team
    B.My boss appreciates my project plan
    C.am the best salesperson this year
    D.All above

    【关键词】feel motivated or discouraged because of a hygiene factor
    【解析】题目意为“出于保健因素,什么情况会让你感到有动力或者泄气?” 选项A 意为“我和团队里的同事相处很融洽”,符合右侧图片中的“Relationships with co-workers”; (同事关系);选项B意为“我老板称赞了我的项目计划”,符合左侧图片的“Recognition”(认可);选项C意为“我是本年最佳销售”,合左侧图片的“Achievement”(成就);选项D 意为“以上全是”。只有A选项满足保健因素。

  • 第7题:

    The relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a part to the whole.


  • 第8题:

    Which statement is true about the components of a queuing mechanism?()

    • A、Each subinterface has its own hardware queue and can experience congestion just like its main interface
    • B、Hardware queuing is only used if the software queues are experiencing congestion.
    • C、Hardware queues and software queues are not used concurrently.
    • D、The hardware queuing system always uses the FIFO queuing mechanism.


  • 第9题:

    Which statement is true about the components of a queuing mechanism?()

    Each subinterface has its own hardware queue and can experience congestion just like its main interface


    Hardware queuing is only used if the software queues are experiencing congestion.


    Hardware queues and software queues are not used concurrently.


    The hardware queuing system always uses the FIFO queuing mechanism.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    The EU has raised concerns about its influence on consumer privacy.____

    正确答案: B
    根据题干信息“The EU has raised concerns about”可以定位到B段“Already, the EU has raised concerns about its impact on consumer privacy”,故匹配段落为B。

  • 第11题:

    What can we learn about the company?

    It has the largest number of customers.


    It is grateful for its employees’ efforts.


    It is successful in the market place.


    It charges the least for its services.

    正确答案: D
    由文章的第一句话“The MDC Company was established in 2001 and in four short years has become…”可知,本公司自创立起就不断发展,现已成为市场上最有成就的公司之一了。这就说明了MDC公司在市场上是很成功的。正确的答案选C。

  • 第12题:

    Most tree frogs change colors from time to time to fit in with its environment.





    from time to time



    正确答案: D

  • 第13题:

    2 (a) Explain the term ‘backflush accounting’ and the circumstances in which its use would be appropriate.

    (6 marks)

    (a) Backflush accounting focuses upon output of an organisation and then works backwards when allocating costs between cost
    of goods sold and inventories. It can be argued that backflush accounting simplifies costing since it ignores both labour
    variances and work-in-progress. Whilst in a perfect just-in-time environment there would be no work-in-progress at all, there
    will in practice be a small amount of work-in-progress in the system at any point in time. This amount, however, is likely to
    be negligible in quantity and therefore not significant in terms of value. Thus, a backflush accounting system simplifies the
    accounting records by avoiding the need to follow the movement of materials and work-in-progress through the manufacturing
    process within the organisation.
    The backflush accounting system is likely to involve the maintenance of a raw materials and work-in–progress account
    together with a finished goods account. The use of standard costs and variances is likely to be incorporated into the
    accounting entries. Transfers from raw materials and work-in-progress account to finished goods (or cost of sales) will probably
    be made at standard cost. The difference between the actual inputs and the standard charges from the raw materials and
    work-in-progress account will be recorded as a residual variance, which will be recorded in the profit and loss account. Thus,
    it is essential that standard costs are a good surrogate for actual costs if large variances are to be avoided. Backflush
    accounting is ideally suited to a just-in-time philosophy and is employed where the overall cycle time is relatively short and
    inventory levels are low. Naturally, management will still be eager to ascertain the cause of any variances that arise from the
    inefficient usage of materials, labour and overhead. However investigations are far more likely to be undertaken using nonfinancial
    performance indicators as opposed to detailed cost variances.

  • 第14题:

    6 The explosive growth of investing and raising capital in the global markets has put new emphasis on the development

    of international accounting, auditing and ethical standards. The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has

    been at the forefront of the development of the worldwide accountancy profession through its activities in ethics,

    auditing and education.


    Explain the developments in each of the following areas and indicate how they affect Chartered Certified


    (a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’; (5 marks)

    Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
    be given suitable credit.
    (a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’
    Since its issue in 1996, IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’ (‘The Code’) has undergone several revisions
    (1996, 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2005). IFAC holds the view that due to national differences (of culture, language, legal and
    social systems) the task of preparing detailed ethical requirements is primarily that of the member bodies in each country
    concerned (and that they also have the responsibility to implement and enforce such requirements).
    In recognizing the responsibilities of the accountancy profession, IFAC considers its own role to be in providing guidance and
    promoting harmonization. IFAC has established ‘The Code’ to provide a basis on which the ethical requirements for
    professional accountants in each country should be founded.
    IFAC’s conceptual approach is principles-based. It provides a route to convergence that emphasises the profession’s integrity.
    This approach may be summarised as:
    ■ identifying and evaluating circumstances and relationships that create threats (e.g. to independence); and
    ■ taking appropriate action to:
    – eliminate these threats; or
    – reduce them to an acceptable level by the application of safeguards.
    If no safeguards are available to reduce a threat to an acceptable level an assurance engagement must be refused or
    This approach was first introduced to Section 8 of The Code, on independence, and is applicable to assurance engagements
    when the assurance report is dated on or after 31 December 2004.
    Further to the cases of Enron, Worldcom and Parmalat, IFAC issued a revised Code in July 2005 that applies to all professional
    accountants, whether in public practice, business, industry or government2.
    A member body of IFAC may not apply less stringent standards than those stated in the Code. The Code is effective from
    30 June 2006.
    Practicing accountants and members in business must maintain the high standards of professional ethics that are expected
    by their professional bodies (such as ACCA). These developments codify current best practice in the wake of the
    aforementioned recent corporate scandals.
    The developments in The Code have wider application in that it:
    ■ applies to all assurance services (not just audit);
    ■ considers the standpoints of the firm and of the assurance team.
    Since ACCA is a member-body of IFAC the elevation of The Code to a standard will affect all Chartered Certified Accountants.

  • 第15题:

    Living in a foreign country is fun and a great way to learn about its culture. (翻译)


  • 第16题:

    In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.

    C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in decision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will increase their use of the restaurants.

    According to Herzberg, what may be the factors of motivation

    A.The true motivators
    B.The true motivators and the hygiene factors
    C.Achievement recognition and job security
    D.All above

    【关键词】Herzberg,factors of motivation
    第1自然段In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation.
    His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors,
    in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate.1959年,弗雷德里克?赫茨伯格提出了双因素激励理论。他的研究显示有正面的因素是真实因素或激励因素。与之相对的是保健因素,当缺乏或不充足时会产生消极情绪。

  • 第17题:

    In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation. His research showed that certain factors were the true motivators or satisfiers. Hygiene factors, in contrast, created dissatisfaction if they were absent or inadequate. Dissatisfaction could be prevented by improvements in hygiene factors but these improvements would not alone provide motivation. Herzberg showed that to truly motivate an employee a business needs to create conditions that make him or her feel fulfilled in the workplace.

    C Company aims to motivate its employees both by paying attention to hygiene factors and by enabling satisfiers. For example, it motivates and empowers its employees by appropriate and timely communication, by delegating responsibility and involving staff in decision making. It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises. This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them. The staff can even influence what food goes onto its restaurant menus. Employees thus become motivated to make choices that will increase their use of the restaurants.

    What are the factors that make the employees feel motivated after they take part in the discussions on pay rises

    A.Work itself and responsibility
    B.Relationship with co-workers and promotion
    C.Recognition and achievement
    D.Job security and growth

    【关键词】factors; motivated; take part in the discussions on pay rises
    【主题句】It holds forums every year in which staff can be part of the discussions on pay rises.This shows recognition of the work people do and rewards them.每年都会举行员工可以参与讨论加薪的论坛。这展示了对员工工资的认同和回馈。。

  • 第18题:

    The relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a part to the whole.



  • 第19题:

    The cisco telepresence portfolio provides industry-leading video-conferencing solutions , how does the Cisco acquisition of tandberg strengthen its position?()

    • A、it will givecisco products A strategic advantage by providing privileged access to the TIP
    • B、it enablescisco to eliminate product redundancies and improve margins
    • C、it providescisco with its first high-end telepresence offering
    • D、it allowscisco to quickly broaden its product portfolio to better serve customer needs


  • 第20题:

    Which two statements about subqueries are true?()

    • A、A single row subquery can retrieve data from only one table.
    • B、A SQL query statement cannot display data from table B that is referred to in its subquery, unless table B is included in the main query's FROM clause.
    • C、A SQL query statement can display data from table B that is referred to in its subquery, without including table B in its own FROM clause.
    • D、A single row subquery can retrieve data from more than one table.
    • E、A single row subquery cannot be used in a condition where the LIKE operator is used for comparison.
    • F、A multiple-row subquery cannot be used in a condition where the LIKE operator is used for comparison.


  • 第21题:

    The relationship between the embedded clause and its matrix clause is one of a part to the whole.


    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    From the passage we can learn that MDC Company always _____.

    keeps its promise


    provides the same products


    sells its products at a low price


    delivers its products without delay

    正确答案: D
    判断推理题。题目询问:“文章中说道,MDC公司一向怎样?”从文章的第三段第一句“We are proud because we know we are...”可知,MDC公司骄傲的原因是他们一向遵守诺言。keep one’s word意为“遵守诺言”,选项中的A项即“遵守诺言”的意思。而其他选项在文中均未涉及,正确答案选A。

  • 第23题:

    There are robots all along, making our lives easier. Some of them, like the (1) _______pocket calculator, can work much more quickly as human beings can. And they    (2) _______rarely make mistakes.  In some ways robots are better than people.. They work quickly, but not tomake mistakes. They do not get boring doing the same job over and over      (3) _______again. And they never get tired.  So are robots very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many    (4) _______different jobs. First their electronic brains must show how the job is done. A  (5) _______person moves the robot’s “arms” and “hand” through each part of the job. Therobot’s brain remembers each move. When the robot is put to work on its itself, (6) _______its brain controls the rods, wheels and motors which move its arm.  When the robot needed for a new job, its electronic memory is “wiped     (7) _______clean”. Then it is taught how to do its new task.  If the robot’s hand stops to work, or if something gets in the way, it    (8) _______cannot do the next part of the job. So it starts and signals for help. Then a  (9) _______human engineer attends to the fault.  Robots are also used for doing jobs which are dangerous. They canmove objects which are too hot or too heavy to people to handle. They can    (10) _______work in places which are too hot or too cold.

    1.along改为around all around到处,随处。along表示“顺着,沿着”。
    2.as改成than 根据上面的more可知这里要使用连词than引导出比较对象。
    4.are与robots对调 so此处作“因此”讲,句子不用倒装。如果表示“…也如此”时,就要用倒装结构。
    5.show改为be shown 这里their electronic brains和show是逻辑动宾关系,因此要使用被动语态。
    on one’s own/by oneself“自己,独自”,是固定搭配。
    need和主语the robot是逻辑动宾关系,因此这里要使用被动语态。
    8.to work改为working
    stop doing sth.停止做某事。stop doing sth.停下来以便做某事。
    9.starts改为stops 这里要表达“停下来”的意思,而不是“开始,着手”。
    adj+for sb. to do sth.是固定说法。
    解析: 暂无解析