There is considerable evidence that small firms are reluctant to carry out strategic planning in their businesses.(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages for Gould and King Associates in creating and implementing astrategic plan? (8 marks)


There is considerable evidence that small firms are reluctant to carry out strategic planning in their businesses.

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages for Gould and King Associates in creating and implementing a

strategic plan? (8 marks)

更多“There is considerable evidence that small firms are reluctant to carry out strategic planning in their businesses.(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages for Gould and King Associates in creating and implementing astrategic plan? (8 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) Both divisions have recognised the need for a strategic alliance to help them achieve a successful entry into

    European markets.

    Critically evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the divisions using strategic alliances to develop their

    respective businesses in Europe. (15 marks)

    (b) Johnson, Scholes and Whittington define a strategic alliance as ‘where two or more organisations share resources and
    activities to pursue a strategy’. There are a number of types of alliance ranging from a formal joint venture through to networks
    where there is collaboration but no formal agreement. The type of strategic alliance will be affected by how quickly market
    conditions are changing – swift rates of change may require flexible less formal types of alliance and determine whether
    specific dedicated resources are required or whether the partners can use existing resources. Johnson, Scholes and
    Whittington argue that for an alliance to be successful there needs to be a clear strategic purpose and senior management
    support; compatibility between the partners at all levels – this may be complicated if it is a cross-border alliance; time spent
    defining and meeting performance expectations including clear goals, governance and organisational arrangements; and
    finally trust both in terms of respective competences and trustworthiness.

    Paper 3.5
    Paper 3.5
    The advantages that may be gained by a successful strategic alliance include creating a joint operation that has a ‘critical
    mass’ that may lead to lower costs or an improved offer to the customer. It may also allow each partner to specialise in areas
    where they have a particular advantage or competence. Interestingly, alliances are often entered into where a company is
    seeking to enter new geographical markets, as is the case with both divisions. The partner brings local knowledge and
    expertise in distribution, marketing and customer support. A good strategic alliance will also enable the partners to learn from
    one another and develop competences that may be used in other markets. Often firms looking to develop an e-business will
    use an alliance with a partner with experience in website development. Once its e-business is up and running a firm may
    eventually decide to bring the website design skills in-house and acquire the partner.
    Disadvantages of alliances range from over-dependence on the partner, not developing own core competences and a tendency
    for them not to have a defined end date. Clearly there is a real danger of the partner eventually becoming a competitor.
    In assessing the suitability for each division in using a strategic alliance to enter European markets one clearly has to analyse
    the very different positions of the divisions in terms of what they can offer a potential partner. The earlier analysis suggests
    that the Shirtmaster division may have the greater difficulty in attracting a partner. One may seriously question the feasibility
    of using the Shirtmaster brand in Europe and the competences the division has in terms of manufacturing and selling to large
    numbers of small independent UK clothing retailers would seem inappropriate to potential European partners. Ironically, if
    the management consultant recommends that the Shirtmaster division sources some or all of its shirts from low cost
    manufacturers in Europe this may provide a reason for setting up an alliance with such a manufacturer.
    The prospects of developing a strategic alliance in the Corporate Clothing division are much more favourable. The division
    has developed a value added service for its corporate customers, indeed its relationship with its customers can be seen as a
    relatively informal network or alliance and there seems every chance this could be replicated with large corporate customers
    in Europe. Equally, there may be European workwear companies looking to grow and develop who would welcome sharingthe Corporate Clothing division’s expertise.

  • 第2题:

    2 David Gould set up his accounting firm, providing accounting services to small businesses, in 2001. Within three

    years his fee income was in excess of £100K a year and he had nearly 100 clients most of whom had been gained

    through word of mouth. David recognised that these small or micro businesses, typically employing ten or fewer

    people, were receiving less than satisfactory service from their current accountants. These accounting firms typically

    had between five and ten partners and operated regionally and not nationally. Evidence of poor service included

    limited access to their particular accountant, poor response time to clients’ enquiries and failure to identify

    opportunities to save clients money. In addition bad advice, lack of interest in business development opportunities for

    the client and poor internal communication between the partners and their staff contributed to client dissatisfaction.

    David has deliberately kept the costs of the business down by employing three part-time accountants and relying on

    his wife to run the office.

    David had recently met Ian King who ran a similar sized accounting firm. The personal chemistry between the two

    and complementary skills led to a partnership being proposed. Gould and King Associates, subject to securing the

    necessary funding, is to be launched in September 2006. David is to focus on the business development side of the

    partnership and Ian on the core services provided. Indicative of their creative thinking is David’s conviction that

    accounting services are promoted very inadequately with little attempt to communicate with clients using the Internet.

    He is also convinced that there are real opportunities for the partnership to move into new areas such as providing

    accountancy services for property developers, both at home and abroad. Ian feels that the partnership should set up

    its own subsidiary in India, enjoying the benefits of much cheaper accountancy staff and avoiding the costs and

    complications of outsourcing their core accounting services. Ian sees fee income growing to £2 million in five years’


    David has been asked by his bank to provide it with a business plan setting out how the partnership intends to grow

    and develop.


    (a) Write a short report for David giving the key features that you consider to be important and that you would

    expect to see in the business plan for the Gould and King partnership that David has to present to his bank.

    (12 marks)

    (a) To: David Gould
    Writing a business plan is a critical stage in moving an idea for a business into a reality. The reality includes presenting a
    convincing case to potential financers of the business, be they banks or venture capitalists. The key ingredients include clearly
    saying what you plan to do and why people should want to buy your particular service. Experts warn of starting with a detailed
    cash flow and then working backwards to make the numbers fit. You should regard the business plan as a management tool
    and not simply a sales document. Again, the advice is to make credible and achievable projections; it is better to exceed low
    targets than fail to achieve over-ambitious ones. Many business plans are based on deeply flawed research. Key to your
    business success will be the size of your target market. There is much evidence to suggest that it is the make-up of the team
    presenting the plan and their commitment rather than the business idea itself that will determine whether the necessary
    financial support is made.
    Clearly, you need to say how much money you require and why. Again the advice is not to be afraid to ask for large amounts
    if your business requires it. Linked to how much you want is a clear statement of the return the investor or lender will get –
    how much of the equity are you willing to give or what security can you offer the lender? Figure are important and you need
    projected cash flows, profit and loss accounts and balance sheets for at least three years ahead. Potential investors and/or
    lenders are likely to be impressed by a plan which clearly indicates where the major risks are to be found and the strategies
    available to handle such risks.
    There needs to be a clear statement of the major steps and milestones on the way to achieving your goals. Where are you
    now, where do you intend to be and how are you going to get there. One expert argues there are three elements of the plan
    itself – an executive summary pulling together the key points in your proposal, secondly the plan itself and finally an ‘elevator
    pitch’, a one paragraph description that explains the business in the time it takes to go up in a lift.
    In summary, your business plan should contain an executive summary as explained above, the objectives of the business,
    including key financial targets and the philosophy of the business, the target market and relevant forecasts, the range of
    products/services, the marketing strategy linked to the target markets, resource availability, people and organisation involved,
    performance measurement to measure progress towards stated objectives and a summary of financial information.
    One final point is to remember that no business plan ever was carried out exactly! In many ways it is the quality of the thinking
    the plan includes and the actual process through which it is developed that will determine success.

  • 第3题:

    (c) Assess the advantages and disadvantages to Datum Paper Products taking the greenfield option as opposed

    to the acquisition of Papier Presse. (15 marks)

    (c) From the information given in the scenario, DPP will face significant problems if it chooses to develop a greenfield site. The
    bureaucratic planning procedures adopted by the host government can add considerable time to get an efficient plant up and
    running. In some ways, such governments are in a dilemma, anxious to secure foreign direct investment, but at the same
    time protect inefficient domestic manufacturers. Certainly, DPP in its own risk assessment would need to take political risk
    into account. In assessing the risks of a greenfield site, Ken could use Porter’s ‘diamond’ to good effect. Factor conditions
    might be seen as quite favourable, with an educated, trained, albeit low productivity, labour force. However, the lack of
    demanding tough global customers, a weak and inefficient domestic industry to supply the new venture and competitors who
    have been highly protected mean that DPP will have to battle to create a supportive and sustaining environment. Financial
    exposure may be increased through currency risk.
    Clearly, the fresh start will allow integrated information systems to be developed and the latest technology to be used.
    However, the new capacity will have a significant impact on DPP’s existing plants. The extent to which expatriate
    management is used is clearly an issue. The host government is likely to require some commitment to the training of local
    management and the degree of autonomy given to the new plant may well be an issue. Cultural issues and sensitivities will
    be significant – often shop floor workers and managers will be used to high levels of absenteeism being tolerated in
    government owned and controlled firms. Also the issue of involvement and participation could be an issue – there may be a
    marked reluctance on the shop floor to contribute ideas towards raising productivity and quality. DPP is part of a group that
    has experience of operating abroad and there is a real need to access information on key problems in greenfield operations.
    In many ways the move to a greenfield site links the macro environmental analysis generated by a SLEPT or PEST to five
    forces industry analysis with its focus on customers, competitors and suppliers. Certainly, creating an integrated value chain
    with DPP’s existing business will be a real challenge to the management. It also adds capacity to a European industry where
    there is already a problem. Choosing between the two options to achieve the strategic goal of a lower cost base can be doneusing the tests of suitability, acceptability and feasibility. The decision will not be an easy one.

  • 第4题:

    (b) Describe to the Beth Group the possible advantages of producing a separate environmental report.

    (8 marks)

    (b) An environmental report allows an organisation to communicate with different stakeholders. The benefits of an environmental
    report include:
    (i) evaluating environmental performance can highlight inefficiencies in operations and help to improve management
    systems. Beth could identify opportunities to reduce resource use, waste and operating costs.
    (ii) communicating the efforts being made to improve social and environmental performance can foster community support
    for a business and can also contribute towards its reputation as a good corporate citizen. At present Beth has a poor
    reputation in this regard.
    (iii) reporting efforts to improve the organisation’s environmental, social and economic performance can lead to increased
    consumer confidence in its products and services.
    (iv) commitment to reporting on current impacts and identifying ways to improve environmental performance can improve
    relationships with regulators, and could reduce the potential threat of litigation which is hanging over Beth.
    (v) investors, financial analysts and brokers increasingly ask about the sustainability aspects of operations. A high quality
    report shows the measures the organisation is taking to reduce risks, and will make Beth more attractive to investors.
    (vi) disclosing the organisation’s environmental, social and economic best practices can give a competitive market edge.
    Currently Beth’s corporate image is poor and this has partly contributed to its poor stock market performance.
    (vii) the international trend towards improved corporate sustainability is growing and access to international markets will
    require increasing transparency, and this will help Beth’s corporate image.
    (viii) large organisations are increasingly requiring material and service suppliers and contractors to submit performance
    information to satisfy the expectations of their own shareholders. Disclosing such information can make the company a
    more attractive supplier than their competitors, and increase Beth’s market share.
    It is important to ensure that the policies are robust and effective and not just compliance based.

  • 第5题:

    (c) Discuss TWO limitations of the Boston Consulting Group matrix as a strategic planning tool. (4 marks)

    (c) There are numerous criticisms that have been made regarding the BCG growth share matrix. Two such criticisms are as
    – It is a model and the weakness of any model is inherent in its assumptions. For example many strategists are of the
    opinion that the axes of the model are much too simplistic. The model implies that competitive strength is indicated by
    relative market share. However other factors such as strength of brands, perceived product/service quality and costs
    structures also contribute to competitive strength.
    Likewise the model implies that the attractiveness of the marketplace is indicated by the growth rate of the market. This
    is not necessarily the case as organisations that lack the necessary capital resources may find low-growth markets an
    attractive proposition especially as they tend to have a lower risk profile than high-growth markets.
    – There are problems with defining the market. The model requires management to define the marketplace within which
    a business is trading in order that its rate of growth and relative market share can be calculated. This can prove
    problematic in comparing competitors since if they supply different products and services then the absence of a
    consistent basis for comparison impairs the usefulness of the model.
    Other valid criticisms include the following:
    The application of the BCG matrix may prove costly and time-consuming since it necessitates the collection of a large
    amount of data. The use of the model may also lead to unfortunate consequences, such as:
    – Moving into areas where there is little experience
    – Over-milking of cash cows
    – Abandonment of potentially healthy businesses labelled as problem children
    – Neglect of interrelationships among businesses, and
    – Too many problem children within the business portfolio largely as a consequence of incorrect focus of
    management attention.

  • 第6题:

    (ii) Discuss TWO problems that may be faced in implementing quality control procedures in a small firm of

    Chartered Certified Accountants, and recommend how these problems may be overcome. (4 marks)

    (ii) Consultation – it may not be possible to hold extensive consultations on specialist issues within a small firm, due to a
    lack of specialist professionals. There may be a lack of suitably experienced peers to discuss issues arising on client
    engagements. Arrangements with other practices for consultation may be necessary.
    Training/Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – resources may not be available, and it is expensive to establish
    an in-house training function. External training consortia can be used to provide training/CPD for qualified staff, and
    training on non-exam related issues for non-qualified staff.
    Review procedures – it may not be possible to hold an independent review of an engagement within the firm due to the
    small number of senior and experienced auditors. In this case an external review service may be purchased.
    Lack of specialist experience – where special skills are needed within an engagement; the skills may be bought in, for
    example, by seconding staff from another practice. Alternatively if work is too specialised for the firm, the work could be
    sub-contracted to another practice.
    Working papers – the firm may lack resources to establish an in-house set of audit manuals or standard working papers.
    In this case documentation can be provided by external firms or professional bodies.

  • 第7题:


    What are the advantages and disadvantages of formal education? Make a list in the following chart.


    ●Embodies the principle of fairness and justice.

    ●Regularization of educational models and ease of operation.

    ●Train students to master super leaning and imitation ability.

    ●Deny the students' individuality, and classify them without teaching.

    ●The content of teaching is one sided and the pursuit of profit is blind.

    ● General attention is paid to Chinese, maths and English.

  • 第8题:

    ______you carry out this plan, you will benefit from it.

    A. If only

    B. Only if

    C. Were

    D. Unless


    20.答案为B  只要你实施这个计划,你就会受益。only if“只要……”,引导的从句用陈述语气;if only“但愿……就好了”,引导的从句要用虚拟语气;although“尽管”;unless“除非”。

  • 第9题:

    What are two advantages that the Cisco SA 520 all-in-one UTM security device has over implementing a typical router in a small business network?()

    • A、 Cisco Intrusion Prevention System
    • B、 higher bandwidth
    • C、 virtual private networks
    • D、 access control lists
    • E、 URL filtering


  • 第10题:

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of grammar-translation method?

    正确答案: The main advantages of this method are: first, comparison between two languages helps students to have a better understanding of the meaning of abstract words and complicated sentences. Second, systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering students' ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences. Understanding and manipulating the morphology and syntax will develop students' ability of analyzing and solving problems. Third, the focus on understanding literary texts provides the situation in which reading and writing abilities are well trained. Fourth, it makes few demands on teachers although it often creates frustration for students. It is relatively easy to apply.
    Disadvantages in this method are: First, overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on the first language. Second, knowing a large number of grammatical rules cannot ensure that students can use them appropriately in real communicative situation. Third, it puts too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking. Fourth, the texts are mostly taken from literary works. The language learned often doesn't meet the practical needs of the learners. Fifth, memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively communicate in the target language.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    ◆Topic 8:Living Alone  Questions for Reference:  1) More and more people are living by themselves today. Explain the reason.  2) What’s the advantages and disadvantages of living alone?  3) Which is the best way to have a happy life according to your understanding?

    正确答案: 【参考答案】
    You come home alone after a long day at work. You open the door to your home. No one is there. Is it blessed silence you hear or echoing emptiness?
    Millions of people who live alone today may have either experience. Some love living alone, yet others wish they didn’t have to.
    When they open that door at night, people who live alone do not have to put up with demands or listen to someone’ s noise or meet anyone’ s dinner deadlines. They do not have to debate about which TV program to watch or stay off the phone because someone else is expecting an important call. No one else messes up their kitchen.
    But when they are sick, no one else will bring them an aspirin or call the doctor. Preparing dinner for one can be difficult, and eating dinner for one night after night can be very lonely. Perhaps no one really cares what they did all day. If they are feeling sad, there may be no one to cheer them up. Some people who live alone say the worst times come when something very good happens because there is no one to share the joy.
    During the course of a lifetime, one may sometimes live with others and sometimes live alone.
    Each way of life has its advantages. Learning to take advantage of them is one key to contentment.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    What are two advantages that the Cisco SA 520 all-in-one UTM security device has over implementing a typical router in a small business network?()

    Cisco Intrusion Prevention System


    higher bandwidth


    virtual private networks


    access control lists


    URL filtering

    正确答案: A,E
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    (c) What changes to Churchill’s existing marketing mix will be needed to achieve the three strategic goals?

    (15 marks)

    (c) Each of the strategic goals will have a profound impact on the marketing mix as it currently exists. As each goal affects the
    market position of Churchill developing an appropriate marketing mix will be the key to successful implementation of the
    overall growth strategy. The product, the brand and the reputation it creates are at the heart of the company’s marketing
    strategy. Their focus on the premium segment of the market seems a sensible one and one which allows a small family-owned
    business to survive and grow slowly. Evidence suggests this is a luxury indulgence market reflecting changing consumer tastes
    and lifestyles. Managing the product range will be a major marketing activity. While the core products may develop an almost
    timeless quality there will be a need to respond to the product innovations introduced by its much larger competitors. The
    company’s emphasis on the quality of its products resulting from the quality of its ingredients is at the heart of its competitive
    advantage. Growing the product range will also bring the danger of under performing products and a consequent need to
    divest such products. Packaging is likely to be a key part of the products’ appeal and will be an area where constant innovation
    is important.
    Pricing raises a number of issues. Why is Churchill’s core product priced at £1 less than its immediate competition? What is
    the basis on which Churchill prices this product? Each of the methods of pricing has its advantages and disadvantages. Using
    cost plus may create an illusion of security in that all costs are covered, but at the same time raises issues as to whether
    relevant costs have been included and allocated. Should the company price in anticipation of cost reductions as volume
    increases? Should the basis for pricing be what your competitors are charging? As a luxury product one would assume that
    its demand is relatively price inelastic: a significant increase in price e.g. £1 would lead to only a small reduction in quantity
    demanded. Certainly, profit margins would be enhanced to help provide the financial resources the company needs if it is to
    grow. One interesting issue on pricing is the extent to which it is pursuing a price skimming or price penetration policy –
    evidence from the scenario suggests more of a price skimming policy in line with the luxury nature of the product.

    Place is an equally important issue – the vertical integration strategy of the company has led to company-owned shops being
    the main way customers can buy the product. At the same time, this distribution strategy has led to Churchill’s sales being
    largely confined to one region in the UK – although it is the most populous. If Churchill has a desire to grow, does it do this
    through expanding the number of company owned and franchised outlets or look for other channels of distribution in
    particular the increasingly dominant supermarket chains? Each distribution strategy will have significant implications for other
    elements in the marketing mix and for the resources and capabilities required in the company.
    Finally, promotion is an interesting issue for the company. The relatively recent appointment of a sales and marketing director
    perhaps reflects a need to balance the previous dominance of the manufacturing side of the business. Certainly there is
    evidence to suggest that John Churchill is not convinced of the need to advertise. There are some real concerns about how
    the brand is developed and promoted. Certainly sponsorship is now seen as a key part of the firm’s promotional strategy. The
    company has a good reputation but customer access to the product is fairly limited. Overall there is scope for the company
    to critically review its marketing mix and implement a very different mix if it wants to grow.
    The four Ps above are very much the ‘hard’ elements in the marketing mix and Churchill in its desire to grow will need toensure that the ‘softer’ elements of people, physical evidence and processes are aligned to its ambitious strategy.

  • 第14题:

    (b) What advantages and disadvantages might result from outsourcing Global Imaging’s HR function?

    (8 marks)

    (b) It is important to note that there is nothing in the nature of the activities carried out by HR staff and departments that prevents
    outsourcing being looked at as a serious option. Indeed, amongst larger companies the outsourcing of some parts of the HR
    function is already well under way, with one source estimating that HR outsourcing is growing by 27% each year. Paul,
    therefore, needs to look at the HR activities identified above and assess the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing a
    particular HR activity. Outsourcing certain parts of the recruitment process has long been accepted, with professional
    recruitment agencies and ‘head-hunters’ being heavily involved in the advertising and short listing of candidates for senior
    management positions. Some HR specialists argue that outsourcing much of the routine personnel work, including
    maintaining employees’ records, frees the HR specialist to make a real contribution to the strategic planning process. One
    study argues that ‘HR should become a partner with senior and line managers in strategy execution’.
    If Paul is able to outsource the routine HR activities this will free him to contribute to the development of the growth strategy
    and the critical people needs that strategy will require. In many ways the HR specialist is in a unique position to assess current
    skills and capabilities of existing staff and the extent to which these can be ‘leveraged’ to achieve the desired strategy. In
    Hamel and Prahalad’s terms this strategy is likely to ‘stretch’ the people resources of the company and require the recruitment
    of additional staff with the relevant capabilities. Paul needs to show how long it will take to develop the necessary staff
    resources as this will significantly influence the time needed to achieve the growth strategy.
    Outsourcing passes on to the provider the heavy investment needed if the company sets up its own internal HR services with
    much of this investment now going into web-based systems. The benefits are reduced costs and improved service quality.
    The downside is a perceived loss of control and a reduced ability to differentiate the HR function from that of competitors.
    Issues of employee confidentiality are also relevant in the decision to outsource.

  • 第15题:

    (b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using franchising to develop La Familia Amable budget hotel

    chain? (8 marks)

    (b) Franchising is typically seen as a quick and cost effective way of growing the business but Ramon should be aware of both
    the advantages and disadvantages of using it as the preferred method of growth. Franchised chains are argued to benefit from
    the sort of brand recognition and economies of scale not enjoyed by independent owner/managers. When combined with the
    high levels of motivation normally associated with owner/managed businesses, franchises can be argued to get the best of
    both worlds.
    Franchising is defined as ‘a contractual agreement between two legally independent companies whereby the franchisor grants
    the right to the franchisee to sell the franchisor’s product or do business under its trademarks in a given location for a specified
    period of time. In return, the franchisee agrees to pay the franchisor a combination of fees, usually including an up-front
    franchise fee, royalties calculated as a percentage of unit revenues, and an advertising conbribution that is also usually a
    percentage of unit sales.’
    Ramon is considering a type of franchising called ‘business-format franchising’, where the franchisor sells a way of doing
    business to its franchisees. Business-format franchising is a model frequently found in the fast food and restaurant industry,
    hotels and motels, construction and maintenance, and non-food retailing. Often these franchises are labour intensive and
    relatively small-scale operations.
    Franchising is seen as a safer alternative to growing the business organically, so while this may be true of well established
    global franchises, failure rates among franchised small businesses were greater than those of independent businesses (in one
    US study a 34·7% failure rate for franchises as opposed to 28·0% for independents over a six or seven year period). Often
    it is the failure of the franchisor that brings down its franchisees. Failure stems from the franchisee not only having to rely on
    their own skills and enthusiasm but also the capacity of the franchisor and other franchisees to make the overall operation
    The advantages to the franchisee are through gaining access to a well-regarded brand name that will generate a higher level
    of demand and use of a tried and tested business model that should reduce the franchisee’s operating costs. Both of these
    benefits stem from being a member of a well-established franchised system. Yet La Familia Amable along with many other
    franchises will be new and small. These smaller franchises tend to be regional in scope, and fairly unknown outside their
    regional market. This has a significant effect on what the franchisees can expect to gain from their franchisors and their
    prospects of success. Both parties need to carefully assess the strengths and weaknesses of the system. Companies growing
    via franchises need to take the time to understand their business model thoroughly and determine how franchising fits with
    their long-term strategy. Care must be taken with the franchise agreement that creates a genuine partnership with the rightbalance between freedom and control over the franchisees.

  • 第16题:

    (ii) Evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages of Chen’s risk management committee being

    non-executive rather than executive in nature. (7 marks)

    (ii) Advantages and disadvantages of being non-executive rather than executive
    The UK Combined Code, for example, allows for risk committees to be made up of either executive or non-executive
    Advantages of non-executive membership
    Separation and detachment from the content being discussed is more likely to bring independent scrutiny.
    Sensitive issues relating to one or more areas of executive oversight can be aired without vested interests being present.
    Non-executive directors often bring specific expertise that will be more relevant to a risk problem than more
    operationally-minded executive directors will have.
    Chen’s four members, being from different backgrounds, are likely to bring a range of perspectives and suggested
    strategies which may enrich the options open to the committee when considering specific risks.
    Disadvantages of non-executive membership (advantages of executive membership)
    Direct input and relevant information would be available from executives working directly with the products, systems
    and procedures being discussed if they were on the committee. Non-executives are less likely to have specialist
    knowledge of products, systems and procedures being discussed and will therefore be less likely to be able to comment
    intelligently during meetings.
    The membership, of four people, none of whom ‘had direct experience of Chen’s industry or products’ could produce
    decisions taken without relevant information that an executive member could provide.
    Non-executive directors will need to report their findings to the executive board. This reporting stage slows down the
    process, thus requiring more time before actions can be implemented, and introducing the possibility of some

  • 第17题:

    (c) Explain the extent to which you should plan to place reliance on analytical procedures as audit evidence.

    (6 marks)

    (c) Extent of reliance on analytical procedures as audit evidence
    Tutorial note: In the requirement ‘… reliance … as audit evidence’ is a direction to consider only substantive analytical
    procedures. Answer points concerning planning and review stages were not asked for and earn no marks.
    ■ Although there is likely to be less reliance on analytical procedures than if this had been an existing audit client, the fact
    that this is a new assignment does not preclude placing some reliance on such procedures.
    ■ Analytical procedures will not be relied on in respect of material items that require 100% testing. For example, additions
    to property is likely to represent a very small number of transactions.
    ■ Analytical procedures alone may provide sufficient audit evidence on line items that are not individually material. For
    example, inventory (less than 1/2% revenue and less than 1% total assets) may be shown to be materially correctly
    stated through analytical procedures on consumable stores (i.e. fuel, lubricants, materials for servicing vehicles etc).
    ■ Substantive analytical procedures are best suited to large volume transactions (e.g. revenue, materials expense, staff
    costs). If controls over the completeness, accuracy and validity of recording transactions in these areas are effective then
    substantive analytical procedures showing that there are no unexpected fluctuations should reduce the need for
    substantive detailed tests.
    ■ The extent of planned use will be dependent on the relationships expected between variables. (e.g. between items of
    financial information and between items of financial and non-financial information). For example, if material costs rise
    due to an increase in the level of business then a commensurate increase in revenue and staff costs might be expected
    ■ ‘Proofs in total’ (or reasonableness tests) provide substantive evidence that income statement items are not materially
    misstated. In the case of Yates these might be applied to staff costs (number of employees in each category ×
    wage/salary rates, grossed up for social security, etc) and finance expense (interest rate × average monthly overdraft
    ■ However, such tests may have limited application, if any, if the population is not homogenous and cannot be subdivided.
    For example, all the categories of non-current asset have a wide range of useful life. Therefore it would be
    difficult/meaningless to apply an ‘average’ depreciation rate to all assets in the class to substantiate the total depreciation
    expense for the year. (Although it might highlight a risk of potential over or understatement requiring further
    ■ Substantive analytical procedures are more likely to be used if there is relevant information available that is being used
    by Yates. For example, as fuel costs will be significant, Yates may monitor consumption (e.g. miles per gallon (MPG)).
    ■ Analytical procedures may supplement alternative procedures that provide evidence regarding the same assertion. For
    example, the review of after-date payments to confirm the completeness of trade payables may be supplemented by
    calculations of average payment period on a monthly basis.
    Tutorial note: Credit will be given for other relevant points drawn from the scenario. For example, the restructuring during
    the previous year is likely to have caused fluctuations that may result in less reliance being placed on analytical procedures.

  • 第18题:


    A、If we do not carry out reforms and adhere to the opening-up policy, the strategic goals we have determined can not be achieved.

    B、Without carrying out reforms and following the opening-up policy, our strategic goals can not be reached.

    C、We can not achieve our strategic goals unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the opening-up policy.

    D、Without carrying out reforms and following the opening-up policy, it is impossible for us to reach our strategic goals.


  • 第19题:

    There is no point to try to change his mind once he is determined to carry out the plan.()


  • 第20题:

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of grammar-translation method?
    The main advantages of this method are: first, comparison between two languages helps students to have a better understanding of the meaning of abstract words and complicated sentences. Second, systematic study of grammatical rules plays an important role in fostering students' ability of reading comprehension and producing grammatically correct sentences. Understanding and manipulating the morphology and syntax will develop students' ability of analyzing and solving problems. Third, the focus on understanding literary texts provides the situation in which reading and writing abilities are well trained. Fourth, it makes few demands on teachers although it often creates frustration for students. It is relatively easy to apply.
    Disadvantages in this method are: First, overemphasis on translation can never emancipate the learners from dependence on the first language. Second, knowing a large number of grammatical rules cannot ensure that students can use them appropriately in real communicative situation. Third, it puts too much emphasis on reading and writing and neglects listening and speaking. Fourth, the texts are mostly taken from literary works. The language learned often doesn't meet the practical needs of the learners. Fifth, memorizing grammar rules and bilingual word lists does not motivate students to actively communicate in the target language.

  • 第21题:

    You are planning a new VLAN-based network solution.  What is one item you should consider when creating your implementation plan as it concerns VLANs?()

    • A、generic router and switch configuration parameters
    • B、end-to-end test plan after all components have been installed and  configured
    • C、administrator assignments
    • D、rollback plan


  • 第22题:

    Topic 2:My View on College Students’ Use of Mobile Phones  Questions for reference:  1) What is the phenomenon of college students’ using mobile phones?  2) What might be the advantages and disadvantages of their using mobile phones?  3) What could be done to this problem?

    正确答案: 【参考答案】
    My name is... My registration number is... My topic is: My View on College Students’ Use of Mobile Phones.
    China is becoming a country with the biggest population of mobile phone subscribers and an increasing number of college students are joining the existing users. Statistics show that eight out of ten college students have got one. However, is it necessary for a college student to own a mobile phone?
    In my opinion, there is nothing wrong for a college student to have a cell phone, with is, students will be better connected with friends and parents. What’s more, mobile phones play an important role in graduates’ job-hunting. Therefore, instead of banning the use of mobile phones, schools should take measures to guide an appropriate use of them on campus, For example, students are required to switch off their phones in classrooms and under no circumstances should they use a mobile phone during exams. In some public places, like libraries, a poster can be placed at the entrance to alert library users to switch their phones to vibration mode before they enter the library.
    I believe mobile phones can bring benefits to our students as long as we can make good use of them.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Americans fully realized what Edison’s inventions meant when they _____.

    heard of his death


    heard of the plan to honor him


    first used electric power


    tried to carry out the plan

    正确答案: C
    根据文章内容“Perhaps this suggested plan made Americans realize fully what Edison and his invention meant to them. Electric power was too important to the country”可知,当断电计划提出的时候,美国人才真正的意识到爱迪生的发明对这个国家整个人类的重要性以及意义。结合选项,故选B。