(b) Explain why Oliver might legitimately feel he has a grievance against his manager and identify which aspectsof the formal disciplinary procedure David Morgan did not follow or allow in this case. (9 marks)


(b) Explain why Oliver might legitimately feel he has a grievance against his manager and identify which aspects

of the formal disciplinary procedure David Morgan did not follow or allow in this case. (9 marks)

Part (b):
Oliver may feel he has a grievance as a consequence of treatment which he perceives as unfair. Proper disciplinary procedures are
essential for harmonious relationships between management and all staff. Oliver may feel that he has been singled out and that
David Morgan does not understand the need for equity in invoking disciplinary procedures.
David Morgan did not follow this procedure. No informal talk took place which might have resolved the problem, preferring to
deliver an oral warning, then moving to a written warning and dismissal. Oliver was not represented and his dismissal is likely to
lead to dissatisfaction with Oliver’s peers.
Oliver must now invoke the correct grievance procedure.
更多“(b) Explain why Oliver might legitimately feel he has a grievance against his manager and ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Write your essay on the Answer Sheet in 200-250 words.(30 points)

    An English person recently came to your school to give a talk(what was the talk


    He/She left a personal possession (what is it?)at the school(}cuhere exactly?). You

    want to return the possession(how will you return it?)but you have had difficulty

    contacting the person (howhave you tried to contact him/her?). You have a possible address for the person, but you're not sure if it's correct (why?).

    Write a letter to the person.

    .Thank them for coming to give the talk.

    .Explain the situation.

    .Ask them to contact you.


      Student Committee

      St Giles School


      Mr Brendan Collins
      ILP Industries Ltd
      Bristol BS3 20X
      Dear Mr Collins,
      I am writing to thank you for attending our school careers day last week and giving such
      an inspirational and interesting speech on career prospects in the financial services industry.
      I am also writing to inform. you that you left a CI}ROM in the computer which you used
      during your speech. Iwould like to return it to you as soon as possible but Iwas unsure
      whether to send it to your company or adifferent address.
      I contacted your office but,unfortunately, you were away on business and I spoke to a
      secretary. She said that the disc belonged to your own private consultancy business and that I should send it there. She provided me with an address but I am afraid that I may havewritten it down incorrectly. The address I have is as follows:Collinsi一Consultancies, Box 283A, Bristol. Could you please confirm that this is the correct address to which I shouldsend the disc?

      Thank you once again for your generosity in giving up your valuable time for the
      students at our school and Iam sorry I have been unable to return your CD-ROM morepromptly.

      Yours sincerely,
      John Smith
      John Smith
      Student Committee Chairperson

  • 第2题:

    You are signing on a deck officer,who will be designated as one of the GMDSS operators,before sailing foreign.Which statement is TRUE ________.

    A.He/she must have an STCW certificate endorsed as“Valid for Service on Vessels Operating in the GMDSS System”

    B.He/she must present either an FCC-issued license or a Coast Guard-issued license

    C.You must consult the“List of Qualifications”on the reverse of his/her FCC-issued license

    D.His/her Merchant Mariners Document must have an added endorsement as “Radio Electronics Officer”


  • 第3题:

    --Where do you think______he______the computer?---Sorry.I have no idea.



  • 第4题:

    He______________be hungry一he's just had lunch.

    A. can't

    B. must

    C. ought to

    D. might


  • 第5题:

    The working parent is not willing to listen to her (his) four-year-old child talking about hissandbox games because she (he) is___________.

    B.very tired

    通读第四段,注意短语“fartoo beaten down”,可知父母每天工作非常辛苦和疲惫。所以和孩子的交流沟通少了。正确答案为B。A、C、D都不符合题意。

  • 第6题:

    已知基类Employee只有一个构造函数,其定义如下: Employee::Employee(int n):id(n){ } Manager是Employee的派生类,则下列对Manager的构造函数的定义中,正确的是?

    A.Manager::Manager(int n):id(n){}

    B.Manager::Manager(int n){id=n;}

    C.Manager::Manager(int n):Employee(n){}

    D.Manager::Manager(int n){Employee(n);}

    Manger::manger(int n):Employee(n){}