Banks are usually prepared to make long-term loans to investors.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say


Banks are usually prepared to make long-term loans to investors.



C.Doesn't say

更多“Banks are usually prepared to make long-term loans to investors.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    听力原文:Commercial banks are mainly to provide short-term loans for the capital market with the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.


    A.Commercial banks mainly provide short-term loans for the capital market.

    B.The capital market mainly depends on the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.

    C.Short-term loans are mainly from the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.

    D.Commercial banks mainly depend on the capital market for deposits and the funds.


  • 第2题:

    A sound bank will not suffer from the bankruptcy of other unrelated banks.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:段落最后指出problems in one institution may have wider,systemic repercussions on others,or on the integrity of the payments system,并没有明确指出运营良好的银行不受其他无关银行破产的影响。

  • 第3题:

    Banks will usually grant unsecured loans to ______.

    A.individuals with steady job held for years

    B.individuals with a good credit record

    C.large commercial companies with a strong financial condition

    D.all of the above

    解析:文章最后一段提到Business firms are not the only ones...on an unsecured basis. 银行发放的信用贷款的对象一般可以分为个人和公司,作为个人必须具有固定的职业、较好的信用记录等,而公司客户则需要有良好的财务状况。

  • 第4题:

    In the UK commercial banks often raise funds by issuing bonds and stocks.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:文中最后一句仅说The main market place for lending and borrowing medium and long-term capital in the UK is the Stock Exchange in London.,并没有提及英国商业银行常常通过发行股票和债券进行融资(raise funds)。

  • 第5题:

    听力原文: Some banks offer other types of loans repayable by monthly installments, such as business development loans, house improvement loans, and farm development loans. These may be either secured or unsecured. Secured loans attract a slightly lower rate of interest than unsecured loans. Some banks offer revolving credit schemes. These normally involve loans repayable by regular monthly installments, but they differ from other loans repayable by installments in two respects. First, the borrower need not take up the full amount of the loan at the outset. Secondly, as his repayments reduce his indebtedness, he can "top up" his loan by borrowing more, provided that the total debt outstanding does not exceed his agreed credit limit. In 1967 some banks introduced a new form. of account called a "budget account". The object is to allow personal customers to spread the incidence of normal personal and household expenditure.

    24. Which of the following loans is not repaid by installments?

    25.Which of the following loans would attract a lower rate of interest?

    26.How does a borrower "top up" his loan?

    27.What is the objective of introduction of the budget account?


    A.Business development loans.

    B.House improvement loans.

    C.Farm development loans.


    解析:录音原文一开始提到Some banks offer...and farm development loans. 一些银行推出其他种类按月分期还款的贷款,例如商业发展贷款、住房改善贷款和农业发展贷款。

  • 第6题:

    Banks face losses from three sources : their own position ; dealing positions taken by employees, and defaults by counter parties to forward exchange contracts and covering transactions.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从文中第一句话Banks face losses from three sources…可以直接找到。

  • 第7题:

    听力原文:M: Most banks tend to decline loan proposals which are highly speculative.

    W: I think because the banks expect the loan to generate sufficient profit and positive cash-flow for themselves and for the clients.

    Q: What will the banks usually do to the highly speculative loan proposals?


    A.The banks will disapprove them.

    B.The banks will approve them.

    C.The Bank will benefit from the loans.

    D.The bank will make profit from lending.


  • 第8题:

    If we make loans to governments, we may suffer "sovereign risk".



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从文中第三句话Even loans to governments may be unsafe, however, because of what is called "sovereign risk"可以看出。

  • 第9题:

    The amount of checks debited against New York banks in October 1982 was 39.27 trillion, which was 42% of the aggregate amount of checks of all the insured banks that month.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从文中倒数第二句The total amount of cheeks debited against all insured banks in October 1982 was$93.5 trillion, of which 42 percent was from New York banks. 可推导出,因为 93.5×42%=39.27。

  • 第10题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    According to the article, which of the following statements is true?( d )

    A. The mechanics of leveraged loans are different from that of housing crisis.
    B. regulators admit that the financial crisis in 2008 might repeat.
    C. shadow lenders will be regulated.
    D. banks are not immune from the risks of corporate debt.


  • 第11题:

    The Volcker Rule basically says that banks can’t gamble with risky Wall Street bets because they might make bad______and collapse。


    本题考查近义词辨析。题目意为“沃尔克规则基本来说是,银行不能用高风险的华尔街赌注赌博,因为它们可能会产生坏账和崩盘。”A选项“移位,改变”,B选项“负债,债务”,C选项“错误,误解”,D选项“打赌,赌注”。固定搭配,bad debt,坏账(应收而又无法收回的款项。多为因债务人破产、死亡等而无法追回的应收账款)。B选项正确。

  • 第12题:

    CleanGreens! will make food healthier.





    Doesn’t say

    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:

    Supervisors usually pay more attention to the individual bank.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从文章第二句话And while supervision naturally focuses on the individual bank…可以看出。

  • 第14题:

    As some treasury bills do not actually pay interest, they are not attractive to investors.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:第二段开始明确提及Treasury bills are attractive to investors…。

  • 第15题:

    Which of the following statements is true?

    A.Loans for buying houses are always secured in order to reduce the risk of nonpayment.

    B.Companies are more likely to borrow on all unsecured basis than individuals.

    C.The largest loans advanced by banks are always secured loans.

    D.Borrowers are more willing to repay the money if the loans are made on an unsecured basis.


  • 第16题:

    听力原文:Banks make money in the foreign exchange dealings not on profit margin but on volume.


    A.Banks make money in foreign exchange business because of profit margin.

    B.Banks make money from the price spread in the foreign exchange market.

    C.Banks make money in foreign exchange business on profit as well as on volume.

    D.Banks make money in foreign exchange business because of the great volume.


  • 第17题:

    Banks in international lending face the risks common to all banks: liquidity risk, interest rate risk, credit (asset) risk, and contingent liabilities risk.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:文章通篇提及银行面临的三类风险,并加以举例,并没有提及Banks in international lending。

  • 第18题:

    Normally, banks will set different credit limits on different customers' credit card ac counts.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从第二段第二句Normally, banks will set different credit lines to the different groups of cardholders.可推出。

  • 第19题:

    Usually, a loan to government is safer than a loan to a private-sector borrower.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:从文中第三句话In any case, a loan to the foreign nation's government or its agencies is generally safer than a loan to a private-sector borrower.可以看出。

  • 第20题:

    The correspondent bank can only make money for its services to other banks from deposit balances maintained by bank customers.



    C.Doesn't say

    解析:文中第一句话The correspondent banks are paid indirectly, well as by direct money payments.可以看出。

  • 第21题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    What does the undcrlined word "'myopie" mean in the last paragraph?( )

    A. optimistic
    B. pessimistic
    C. short-sighted
    D. sarcastic


  • 第22题:

    There's been a steady drumbeat of warmings about a surge in risky corporate borrowing-but not much clarity serious the threat is. At issue is the more than S1 million market in leveraged loans. That's Wall Street jargon for loans to business with less than rook-solid finances, Federal Reserve and European Central Hank officials have drawn to the rise in corporate debt and the deterioration or lending standards. The loans are often bundled into securities ollateralized loan obligations (CLOs).
    Most of the watchdogs are carceful to say a repeat of the 2007-2008 crisis is unlikely because most of the debt banks. But that creates another problem Regulators focused on banks are largely in the dark when it comes to where the risks he and how they might ripple through the financial system when the economy turns down. A big over-indebted businesses could face severe stress and, in some cases, insolvency, threatening jobs and deepen downturn.
    The mechanics of the leveraged loan market will be familiar to students of the housing crisis.
    With interesting investors are willing to take greater risks to get higher yields. That makes lots of money available for lending. we makes it easier for less creditworthy companies to borrow .Rather than keep the risky loans on their books, lender them to asset managers that package them into securities -C1Ds-that are sold to investors such as insurers and hedge funds.
    Yields on the riskicst portions of CLOs can approach 9% a year. And the growth of leveraged lending has been post crisis bank regulations that helped the rise or shadow lenders financial companics that aren't regulated like market for levcraged loans has more than doubled since 2012.
    The risk taking could get worse: With demand by borrowers for levcraged loans declining this year, those still financing have been able to extract looser learns.
    About 85% of leveraged loans are held by nonbanks, according to Wells Fargo rescarch.
    But banks may play a larger robe than may assumc, according to Gaurav V asisht, drector for financial regulation at the Volcker Alliance, a good-governance group, Banks are involved in all stages of the process. They underwrite loans, sell them to the CLOs, invest in those securities, and then hedge those risks in the market.“One common narrative is that banks don't have much risk or aren't exposed 1o it. Vasisht said at the hearing, "Banks are exposed to it."
    Just beeause banks are safer doesn't necessarily mean the financial system is, says Karen Petron, managing partner at Federal Financial Analytics, a regulatory- analysis firm. Debt investors might not be as resilient in a crisis, and their problems could create shock waves. "Banking regulators are being a htte myopic when they 're looking only at the banking system for systemic risk," she says.- Sally Bakewell and Thomas Beardsworth.
    12. Which one is false about the leveraged loans?(。)

    A. they are loans provided to companies already holding a considenble amount of debt.
    B. It is easier for companies to get leveraged loans.
    C. most of the leveraged loans are held by nonbanks.
    D. the Federal Reserve is quite sure about the risks of leveraged loans.


  • 第23题:

    The IT department is usually the first department to move.





    Doesn’t say.

    正确答案: A