



1.Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.38.According to the text,there is no doubt about the infiuenza vaccines thatA.low efficacy vaccines can also help with vaccination accepted. B.those who get vaccinated would not be infected. C.the idea of herd immunity is a common sense. D.many Americans are willing to get vaccinated.

2.Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.40.Which ofthe following would be the best title for the text?A.Take Flu Vaccination More Seriously B.Develop Higher Efficacy Flu Vaccines C.Receive More Vaccines D.Tackle the Flu Outbreak

4.Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.36.We can infer from the first paragraph is not difficult to control the influenza. B.the second wave of cases may be impending. C.the influenza reached its peak in February. D.50 thousand people died from the flu.

  • 第1题:


    Liver Disease

    The liver is the second largest organ in your body. The liver performs many jobs in your body. It filters harmful substances from the blood,makes substances that digest food,and changes food into energy.
    One out of every 10 Americans is affected by liver disease.Liver disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States.There are more than 100 liver diseases.Viruses cause some of them,like hepatitis A,hepatitis B and hepatitis C.Others can be the result of drugs,poisons or drinking too much alcohol. If the liver forms scar tissue because of an illness,it's called cirrhosis. Cancer can affect the liver. You could also inherit a liver disease such as hemochromatosis.
    Liver disease can manifest in many different ways. Characteristic manifestations include jaundice,liver enlargement,portal hypertensionand etc.Sometimes the manifestations of liver disease are not obvious.For example,symptoms may include fatigue,a general feeling of illness,loss of appetite,and mild weight loss. However,people may not notice these symptoms,and these symptoms are also typical of many other diseases.Thus,liver disease can easily be overlooked,particularly in its early stages.
    Hepatitis A vaccination is the best way to prevent HAV (hepatitis A virus).Hepatitis B vaccination is the best way to prevent HBV.Other ways to stop the spread of HBV are:not sharing needles;practicing safe sex;not sharing razors,toothbrushes,or other personal items;using only clean needles for tattoos and body piercings.There is no vaccine to prevent HCV.The only way to prevent HCV is to avoid direct contact with infected blood.
    Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly help the liver to work well. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.When medicines are taken incorrectly,the liver can be harmed.So follow dosing instructions and talk to a doctor or pharmacist about the medicines you are taking. Mixing alcohol and medicines can harm your liver,even if they are not taken at the same time.Toxins can injure liver cells.So limit direct contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products,insecticides, chemicals,and additives in cigarettes.Do not smoke.

    Unobvious symptoms of liver diseases may include the following signs EXCEPT________.
    A:loss of appetite
    C:nauseous feeling
    D:slight weight loss

    细节题。第二段第二句:肝病是美国前10大死亡原因之一。这并不说明 10%的美国人死于肝病。A、C、D第二段中都有提到。因此B选项是错误的。

  • 第2题:


    Liver Disease

    The liver is the second largest organ in your body. The liver performs many jobs in your body. It filters harmful substances from the blood,makes substances that digest food,and changes food into energy.
    One out of every 10 Americans is affected by liver disease.Liver disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States.There are more than 100 liver diseases.Viruses cause some of them,like hepatitis A,hepatitis B and hepatitis C.Others can be the result of drugs,poisons or drinking too much alcohol. If the liver forms scar tissue because of an illness,it's called cirrhosis. Cancer can affect the liver. You could also inherit a liver disease such as hemochromatosis.
    Liver disease can manifest in many different ways. Characteristic manifestations include jaundice,liver enlargement,portal hypertensionand etc.Sometimes the manifestations of liver disease are not obvious.For example,symptoms may include fatigue,a general feeling of illness,loss of appetite,and mild weight loss. However,people may not notice these symptoms,and these symptoms are also typical of many other diseases.Thus,liver disease can easily be overlooked,particularly in its early stages.
    Hepatitis A vaccination is the best way to prevent HAV (hepatitis A virus).Hepatitis B vaccination is the best way to prevent HBV.Other ways to stop the spread of HBV are:not sharing needles;practicing safe sex;not sharing razors,toothbrushes,or other personal items;using only clean needles for tattoos and body piercings.There is no vaccine to prevent HCV.The only way to prevent HCV is to avoid direct contact with infected blood.
    Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly help the liver to work well. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.When medicines are taken incorrectly,the liver can be harmed.So follow dosing instructions and talk to a doctor or pharmacist about the medicines you are taking. Mixing alcohol and medicines can harm your liver,even if they are not taken at the same time.Toxins can injure liver cells.So limit direct contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products,insecticides, chemicals,and additives in cigarettes.Do not smoke.

    Which following statement is NOT true according to the passage?
    A:Top ten causes of death in the US include liver disease.
    B:10%of Americans die of liver disease.
    C:Over 100 liver diseases exist.
    D:10%of Americans suffer from liver disease.

    细节题。第二段第二句:肝病是美国前10大死亡原因之一。这并不说明 10%的美国人死于肝病。A、C、D第二段中都有提到。因此B选项是错误的。

  • 第3题:

    With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities,people need to know the facts about rabies(狂犬病),a fatal disease caused by animal bites.Despite vaccination(接種疫苗)programs,rabies is still very prevalent,and will continue to be a serious public health problem for many years to come.
    Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking,convulsions(抽搐)and inability to swallow liquids.It can even cause death.If you or anyone in your family is bitten by dog,cat or other animal,you should not panic,but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment.If you own the animal which did the biting,you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.
    Rabies is a kind of disease which________.

    A.causes heart attack
    B.hurt one‘s legs
    C.causes nerve-centre problem and breathing problem
    D.strikes one‘s brain


  • 第4题:


    正确答案: 预防接种,是将生物制品(抗原或抗体)接种到机体,使机体获得对传染病的特异性免疫力,从而保护易感人群,预防传染病的发生。

  • 第5题:


    正确答案: 预防接种,是将生物制品(抗原或抗体)接种到机体,使机体获得对传染病的特异性免疫力,从而保护易感人群,预防传染病的发生。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第6题:


    Liver Disease

    The liver is the second largest organ in your body. The liver performs many jobs in your body. It filters harmful substances from the blood,makes substances that digest food,and changes food into energy.
    One out of every 10 Americans is affected by liver disease.Liver disease is one of the top 10 causes of death in the United States.There are more than 100 liver diseases.Viruses cause some of them,like hepatitis A,hepatitis B and hepatitis C.Others can be the result of drugs,poisons or drinking too much alcohol. If the liver forms scar tissue because of an illness,it's called cirrhosis. Cancer can affect the liver. You could also inherit a liver disease such as hemochromatosis.
    Liver disease can manifest in many different ways. Characteristic manifestations include jaundice,liver enlargement,portal hypertensionand etc.Sometimes the manifestations of liver disease are not obvious.For example,symptoms may include fatigue,a general feeling of illness,loss of appetite,and mild weight loss. However,people may not notice these symptoms,and these symptoms are also typical of many other diseases.Thus,liver disease can easily be overlooked,particularly in its early stages.
    Hepatitis A vaccination is the best way to prevent HAV (hepatitis A virus).Hepatitis B vaccination is the best way to prevent HBV.Other ways to stop the spread of HBV are:not sharing needles;practicing safe sex;not sharing razors,toothbrushes,or other personal items;using only clean needles for tattoos and body piercings.There is no vaccine to prevent HCV.The only way to prevent HCV is to avoid direct contact with infected blood.
    Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly help the liver to work well. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.When medicines are taken incorrectly,the liver can be harmed.So follow dosing instructions and talk to a doctor or pharmacist about the medicines you are taking. Mixing alcohol and medicines can harm your liver,even if they are not taken at the same time.Toxins can injure liver cells.So limit direct contact with toxins from cleaning and aerosol products,insecticides, chemicals,and additives in cigarettes.Do not smoke.

    Which following statement is true according to the passage?
    A:Hepatitis C vaccination is the best way to prevent HCV.
    B:It is wise not to share personal items so as to stop the spread of HBV.
    C:It is not harmful when alcohol and medicines are not taken at the same time.
    D:We cannot use products with toxins like insecticides.

    细节题。第二段第二句:肝病是美国前10大死亡原因之一。这并不说明 10%的美国人死于肝病。A、C、D第二段中都有提到。因此B选项是错误的。

  • 第7题:

    With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities,people need to know the facts about rabies(狂犬病),a fatal disease caused by animal bites.Despite vaccination(接種疫苗)programs,rabies is still very prevalent,and will continue to be a serious public health problem for many years to come.
    Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking,convulsions(抽搐)and inability to swallow liquids.It can even cause death.If you or anyone in your family is bitten by dog,cat or other animal,you should not panic,but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment.If you own the animal which did the biting,you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.
    ()Rabies is a kind of disease which________.

    Which is the best title of the passage

    A.What a Rabies
    B.The Horrible Rabies
    C.What Are Animal Bites
    D.How to Control Rabies


  • 第8题:

    With the large number of dogs roaring through our communities,people need to know the facts about rabies(狂犬病),a fatal disease caused by animal bites.Despite vaccination(接種疫苗)programs,rabies is still very prevalent,and will continue to be a serious public health problem for many years to come.
    Rabies strikes the central nervous system and brings on choking,convulsions(抽搐)and inability to swallow liquids.It can even cause death.If you or anyone in your family is bitten by dog,cat or other animal,you should not panic,but thoroughly wash the wound with plenty of soap and water and rush to nearby hospital for immediate treatment.If you own the animal which did the biting,you should immediately call a veterinarian for advice and make sure the public health authorities know when and where the biting took place and who was bitten.
    ()Rabies is a kind of disease which________.

    f a person is bitten by some kind of animal,you________.

    A.should be panic
    B.should take him(her)to a big hospital right away
    C.should help to clean the wound and ask the patient to have a good rest at home
    D.should help to clean the wound and then take him(her)to a nearby hospital quickly as possibl


  • 第9题:

    Why was this notice posted?

    There is an increased risk of getting an illness.


    More health care workers are traveling abroad.


    A new vaccination has been developed.


    Influenza season is approaching.

    正确答案: A