问答题Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided.Practice 1Imagine that an Irish marketing firm is doing research in your count

Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided.Practice 1Imagine that an Irish marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about vegetables in your diet.Question: Do you regularly eat vegetables?

正确答案: (1)Yes, I like different kinds of vegetables, and try to eat lots of vegetables every day.
解 析:该回答用everyday有针对性地回答了问题中的regularly。
(2)No, I don’t really like the taste of most of them.,but consider its nutritive value,I will try and eat more.
解 析:做了否定回答并给出相应理由。
(3)Yeah, it’s good for us, so I eat them.
解 析:该回答给出了简洁又自然的回答。
解析: 暂无解析
更多“Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Part A

    51. Directions:

    You have just received a letter from a company, which replied your application for a job and asked you to go to the interview on August 30. Please write a reply which is about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points)

    Dear Mr.Wang,
        Thank you for your reply of August 20 about my application for a position.It came to hand this morning as a pleasant surprise. I am glad to tell you that I will attend the interview at the time you set for the morning of August 30.I will bring along full details of my testimonials as you suggested,
        I Would like to introduce myself to the company and hope to be a member of it.I would certainly spare no effort to acquit myself to your satisfaction.
                                      Yours respectfully,
                                                  X X X

  • 第2题:



    Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

    Section A

    Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

    16. By the end of this year Mr. Smith ________in our company for exactly three years.

    A) is working

    B) has worked

    C) will work

    D) will have worked



  • 第3题:

    Part A

    51. Directions:

    You are a senior of computer science. You'd like to be an intern for an IT company. Write a letter to present your willings including:

    1) your education background;

    2) your purpose of being an intern.

    You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ. Do not sign your own name at the letter. You do not need to write the address.

    Dear sirs,
        I am a senior of computer science in Wuhan University of Technology. I would like to work as an intern in your company. As I have a wide interest in computer, I will do whatever job assigned to me, in software development or in technical support. One of my ad vantages is that I am able to work conscientiously under pressure. The more challenging my task is, the better it will be done.
        My main purpose is just to put into practice what I have learned from the classroom in the past few years and to learn about my own ability in practical work. Remuneration is not yet taken into consideration:
        I am enclosing a resume and looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours respectfully,

  • 第4题:

    Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
    1. It is on October 1,2009 that the People's Republic of China ______ its 60th birthday.

    A. congratulated
    B. kept
    C. remained
    D. celebrated

    这句话的意思是:2009年10月1日,中华人民共和国(人民)庆祝祖国建立60周年。congratulate表示"向某人祝 贺";keep表示"保持,遵守";remain表示"逗留,继续存在";celebrate表示"庆祝,庆贺,赞美,歌颂"。故D项符合题意。

  • 第5题:

    Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
    Actress Lisa Ross--Ellis filed a lawsuit against The Entertainment Files magazine over false ______ made in their November issue.

    A. accuse
    B. accusative
    C. accusations
    D. accusatory

    accuse是动词,表示"谴责,控告";accusative表示"宾格(的)";accusation是名词,表示"指控,罪 名";accusatory是形容词,表示"责难的,指责的,控诉的"。根据上下文,这里应该填入一个名词,作为定语从句的先行词。故本题正确答案为C。

  • 第6题:

    Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing you should interpret the chart,and give your comments You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The pie chart above evidently ilustrates various target elements in terms of consumers'choosing restaurants in a certain city in 2017.To be specific.distinguishing feature took a lion's share,accounting for approximately 36.3%.While service and surr

  • 第7题:

    Directions: For this part you are towrite a composition with Dishonesty in Tourism as its title. Your compositionshould have a length of 120 words or so.

    Dishonesty in Tourism Since the economy ofChina has developed greatly, with more money in their pockets, people arespending more on travelling, which has brought prosperity to tourism.Nevertheless, many travel agencies or agents are reported to cheat theircustomers and make money in a dishonest way.
    The reason fordishonesty in tourism is various. First and for most, money is the spur. Sometravel agencies use all means to cheat their customers in order to get moremoney. Secondly, to survive in the fierce competition, travel agencies have tomake enough profits. To realize profit maximization, they cheat. Last but notleast, their victims seem to have little sense of defending their fights.
    To regulate travelagencies and protect the fights of tourists, the government has issued variouslaws. However, I think tourists can take the following tips to avoid travelseams. First, choose a trustworthy travel agency for your trip. Secondly, useyour common sense and keep alert while travelling. Finally, defend yourself ifyour fights are violated.

  • 第8题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 30 seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45 seconds to speak about the picture.Practice 1

    正确答案: (1)Two men are sitting in the park,although one of them looks quite young. The older man is sitting on top of the bench to play a musical instrument,a trumpet. He is wearing blue jeans and put his feet on the bench.The younger person seems to be a teenager. He’s playing a guitar. I think they might be playing the same melody together. They enjoy themselves in the music.
    解 析:该回答对图片的一些关键点描述的很全面,如场所(park)、人物(two men),更具体些就是younger, older。而且对人物的动作细节掌握不错,如playing,sitting等词。整体逻辑清晰,有顺序的进行了描述。时态掌握很好,在描述现在看到的动作和行为时,使用了现在进行,而在描述现在的状况时,就使用了一般现在时。ex. He put his feet on the bench.
    (2)There are two men in the park who are playing instruments. One of them is playing the trumpet, while the other is playing the guitar. Behind them in the park, there are many people. They are wearing jackets, so it looks a little cold outside there. A woman is sitting on the edge of the park with her bag next to her, maybe she is sitting on a bench. She is doing something.
    (3)There are many people in a park. Two people are playing music on a trumpet and a guitar on the bench. There are many trees in the park and some people are resting in it. The boy on the bench is in light pants, and he is looking at something—maybe music book. The other person, a elderly man, is playing a horn, sitting on top of the bench. There are some people sitting near them, but they are so concentrate on the music that they pay no attention to those people.
    解 析:该回答主要描述了人物的行为和情境。描述时用了现在进行时和一般现在时,尤其一般现在时的There be…句型大量出现,并且现在进行时(be +现在分词,如are playing,looking,wearing,sitting)也用了很多。
    (4)There are two benches in the park. The two benches have some rings on each end. A boy is on one bench. He is playing the guitar. He looks quite young. A man is playing trombone or something sitting on the top of the benches. I think the boy is playing together with the man, A woman is sitting in the back, closer to the park. There are grass and many trees in the park.
    (5)There are lots of trees and grass, and two men playing musical instruments in a park in sight. They are sitting on the benches, and there are some people resting in the back. The boy is playing a guitar, and he is looking at something. I do not think people are listening to them. It is sunny but cold outside because the two men and the benches have big shadows, and people are wearing jackets.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will write ONE sentence that is based on a picture. With each picture, you will be given TWO words or phrases that you must use in your sentence. You can change the forms of the words and you can use the words in any order. Your sentences will be scored on:•the appropriate use of grammar and•the relevance of the sentence to the pictureYou will have 8 minutes to complete this part of the test.Practice 1Directions: Write ONE sentence based on the picture, using the TWO words or phrases beneath it. You may change the forms of the words and you may use them, in any order.

    正确答案: (1) In the picture, two airplanes are by the field.
    (2) The airplane is by another plane.
    (3) I see a field by the airplane.
    (4) Many trees are by the airplanes and the buildings.
    (5) There are two airplanes parked by the field
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No preparation time is provided.Practice 1Imagine that an Irish marketing firm is doing research in your country. You have agreed to participate in a telephone interview about vegetables in your diet.Question: Do you regularly eat vegetables?

    正确答案: (1)Yes, I like different kinds of vegetables, and try to eat lots of vegetables every day.
    解 析:该回答用everyday有针对性地回答了问题中的regularly。
    (2)No, I don’t really like the taste of most of them.,but consider its nutritive value,I will try and eat more.
    解 析:做了否定回答并给出相应理由。
    (3)Yeah, it’s good for us, so I eat them.
    解 析:该回答给出了简洁又自然的回答。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Test 13  We are now living in a society of severe competition. Students need to compete for better school; companies compete for better products and more customers. Many people neglect the role of cooperation. What do you think of the relationship between competition and cooperation?  Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:COMPETITION AND COOPERATION  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    It is often believed that competition and cooperation are in opposition to each other. We are now living in a society of severe competition. Students need to compete for better schools; companies have to compete for better products and more customers. And there is constant competition for jobs, fame, and wealth and so on. Cooperation is often neglected by many people. Here I would like to say that both competition and cooperation play an important role in social progress.
    Competition is the impetus of the constant development of the human society. The pressure of competition can force people to try their best and give people a sense of the pursuit of excellence. Without competition people would be satisfied with their present condition and society would not advance. A strong desire to succeed and do better than others inspires us to work harder. However, we also need to know the importance of cooperating with others. It’s unimaginable for an individual to live without society. In many cases, people need to cooperate with each other to overcome difficulties. Mere competition may lead to failure.
    To succeed in life, we must learn that both com- petition and cooperation are indispensable. Competition will make us always be active to create while cooperation gives us the possibility of working together to overcome obstacles.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Directions: For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:Reading Selectively Or Extensively? You should write 140 words.

    Reading Selectively or Extensively? Some think that when we read we should read selectively. That is to say, we should select some books we are interested in and ignore others. Reading selectively can help us concentrate our limited time and attention on those selected books.
    Some others think when we read we should read extensively. That is to say, no matter what kind of book it is, we should read it through. Reading extensively can help us enlarge our view and grasp the general knowledge from different fields.
    In my opinion, the two reading methods have their roles respectively in our reading. However, their own disadvantages are easy to see. If we only read selectively, the framework of our knowledge may not be complete. If we read extensively, we may not have so much time and energy to specialize in one particular field. Therefore, the combination of the two methods is more reasonable.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Part A


    Your friend Steven and Jenny have just had a new baby boy. Please write a letter to congratulate them. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points )

    Dear Jenny:
        How happy you must be to have a beautiful new baby boy. The happiness in my heart is just the same with you, Now you' ye experienced the joy that only a new mother knows as her baby is put into her arms for the first time.
        I am sure that the little stranger must look like his father and some years later he will be a smart fellow.
        May the years ahead he filled with good health and good for tune for you and Steven and your little what’s his name. Best wishes to all of you!
                                                Very sincerely yours,
                                                               x x x

  • 第14题:

    Part A

    51. Directions:

    You are preparing to ask for some help from your teacher, write a letter that:

    1) detail what you want him or she does for you,

    2) express your thanks to your teacher,

    You should write about i00 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Ms Wang,
        I make bold to write this letter to ask you to do me a favor. I have tried to translate several short Chinese stories into English for a part-time job. As it is the first time for me to do a translation work, I think there must be many errors and awkward expressions of Chinese English for my lack of experiences. I sincerely hope that you would read over my manuscripts and correct my mistakes and socialisms. Also could you please give me some other suggestions on my translation work.
        Thank you for your help with great respect!
    Your faithful student,

  • 第15题:

    Part B

    52. Directions:

    Suppose your name is Wudong, write a letter to your local English-language newspaper giving your views on a discussion inspired by an article they published entitled "Why do We Need English?"

    Your letter must be written in at least 200 words, excluding the addresses, etc. You should write dearly on ANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.


                                                                                                    No. 23, Donghu Road
    Wuchang District,
    Wuhan, Hubei, 430000
    Feb. 20, 2003
     Dear Sir:
        I am very interested in the discussion inspired by the article "Why do We Need English?" published in the Local English Daily of 20th Jan, 2003.
        The one aspect of the English language that most of your correspondents seem to be unaware of its wide spread use as the international language of diplomacy, commerce and technology. It is the language of the United Nations and its agencies as well as of many other international bodies. We would be foolish to confine in our vision to our national borders only. We are still, after all, dependent on other countries for technical and industrial assistance. How can we hope to be economically and technologically independent if we are not able to communicate in these areas outside our own country?
        English must be taught in all our schools, not only for the above reasons but also so that our students can go abroad to learn the techniques our nation so urgently needs. We also need representatives who can command respect at the international conference tables of the world. And if English is the common language of communications for world diplomacy, economics and defence, then let us be as fluent and proficient in it as possible, for the sake of our own country's advancement and prestige.
    Best wishes.
    Your sincerely,


  • 第16题:

    Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
    Mr. Voorhies planned to send the dresser and bed that ______ purchased in Bali to the Netherlands.

    A. he
    B. his
    C. him
    D. himself


  • 第17题:

    Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The line graph shows audience rating at different time.From the graph,it can be seen clearly that the number of TV audiences is on the rise from 6 a.m.At noon the number of audiences accounts for about 20%of the total population.At 6 p.m.,audience balloons to the peak of the day,reaching approximately 59%,and then the number ofTV audiences drops dramatically.There are several reasons leading to the trend of the audience rating.In the first place,traditional Chinese families would like to get together after dinner,watching news report or other entertainment programmes,therefore 6 p.m.witnesses the highest point of the whole day.Second,the drop of audience rating after 6 p.m.is partly due to the prevalence of Internet.There is a trend that more people resort to virtual space and computer games for entertainment at night.Third,since working people and students are occupied by theirjob sand study at daytime,only retired people and housewives are potential audience.Therefore,audience rating is in accordance with people's pace oflife.Internet has impacted TV audience to some extent.

  • 第18题:

    Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The bar chart shows the general trend of university students whotake parttime jobs at different stages during their college life.Seeing from the chart,more than half of the college students,about 66.77%take a parttime job at their first year.And the proportion increases slightly year by year,til the last year,the proportion reaches the maximal number,surging to 88.24%.There are basically three reasons behind this trend.To begin with,most students are eager to take a parttime job in the purpose of earning some money,which can ease their parents'burden.Besides,they can acquire more experience before officially entering the society.And with more experience,they can easily get a job compared to those who do not have any experience.Finally,they can not only turn what they have learnt into the application,but also learn more which they cannot obtain from their books.In my view,getting a parttime job is a good practice.However,the major task of students is still the study.They should make a balance between their academic life and their working life.

  • 第19题:

    Test 14  People from different cultures keep different value systems and have different ways of looking at things. Failing to recognize these cultural differences will lead to misunderstanding.  Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:WAYS OF DEALING WITH CULTURAL DIFFERENCES  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state the necessity of dealing with the cultural differences.  In the second part, state specifically what your suggested ways are.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    Different cultures have their own rules of behavior. People from different cultural backgrounds may have very different beliefs, religions, customs and habits. Ignorance of cultural differences often causes misunderstanding, offense, or embarrassment in cross-cultural communication. In order to avoid misunderstanding or giving unnecessary offense, we need to develop a cross-cultural perspective. Here are two basic ways to help deal with cultural differences:
    First of all, we must bear in mind that all cultures are equal, however different some cultures may seem from our own. Having a respect for other cultures is an effective way to promote international communication, since understanding can only be reached if we are willing to treat people from other cultures as equals. Second, we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures. It is a good policy to ask your foreign friends or business associates about their everyday customs and let them know your customs as well.
    As China opens to the outside world, more and more people are involved in international business transactions or cultural exchanges in various areas. It is important that we improve our awareness of cultural differences so as to prepare ourselves for successful cross-cultural communication.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    Practice 1Directions: In this part of the test, you will answer three questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding immediately after you hear a beep. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to Questions 1 and 2 and 30 seconds to respond to Question 3.Practice 1  Question 1: How much are tickets?  Question 2: I heard Time Against Time was coming out. Is it playing there yet?  Question 3: I might not be able to go to the theater until 7:30. Which movies are playing at around that time?

    正确答案: 1: It’s eight dollars and ninety-five cents for adult tickets. And for kids, it’s five dollars and ninety-five cents.
    或:An adult ticket is eight ninety-five and a ticket for a child is five ninety-five.
    解 析:解答本类题型最重要的是从屏幕显示的文件或日程表中快速找到问题对应的部分从而作答。本题问How much…询问的是价格,所以在日程表下面找到票价作答。记住dollar和cent后面要加复数-s,dollar和cent之间要用and连接。
    2:Yes, it is playing in the theater, and it plays at several different times.
    或:Yes, it is being shown at the theater at present.
    解 析:本部分的问题通过录音形式播放,不会显示在屏幕上,所以更要集中注意力听好。这道题用不含疑问词的疑问句提问,所以首先要回答Yes或No,再做进一步必要的说明。虽然可以直接使用提问中的is playing表示“上映”,但此处使用is being shown更体现多样的表达能力。
    3:Well, you have many choices. At seven forty, Geneva is playing and five minutes later, Whispers in the Silence is playing. And a little bit later, at ten to eight, Rabbit Stew is going to start.
    或:At seven forty we’re showing Geneva, and Whispers in the Silence will start five minutes later. You could also see Rabbit Stew at seven fifty.
    解 析:本题要求考生综合所给的事件或信息进行说明。以上问题询问某个特定时间段有些什么电影,所以要恰当使用时间状语从句回答。说时间时,除了答案中所用的方法外,还可使用以下这种方法。7:40 twenty to eight;7:45 quarter to eight;7:50 ten to eight。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an e-mail. Your response will be scored on the quality and variety of your sentences, vocabulary, and organization.Practice 1Directions: Read the e-mail below.Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Ms. Chilton. In your e-mail, make THREE suggestions for lunch menu options.

    正确答案: (1)
    Yes, I agree with you. It is important to try and oblige Mr. Sanders.
    My first advice is to have Taj Mahal catere the banquet. The reason is that they can provide a wide selection of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian choices. But they are a bit expensive.
    The second option is Willie’s Dell. They deliver dell and delicious sandwiches, which can be customized according to buyer’s order. Their menu is both quite extensive and cheap.
    Finally, you might try The Soup Pot. They have really tasty soups. which are amazingly filling, and they get a wide variety of flavors.
    If you need the contact information of any of these, please let me know.
    解 析:该答案完整地回答了提示(Directions)中要求的事项(三种午餐菜单建议)。文中使用了My first advice is… →The second… →Finally…句型依次写下了三种建议,使整篇文章连贯、有条不紊。
    I think we can help Mr. Sanders with his vegetarian preferences, in respect that he is a very important client.
    First of all, a new restaurant called All Natural just opened for business. I recommend it because it has a strictly vegetarian menu. They offer appetizers, entrees and dessert. It is worth noting they have wonderful sandwiches. It might be limiting though, to offer only a vegetarian option.
    And secondly, a Mexican restaurant might actually be good. I know it is not a typical dish considered for vegetarian fare, but you can order some maigre salads, tacos or burritos.
    Finally, if you think the choice above is too casual, maybe we could also try Mabel’s. They provide a variety of vegetable dishes and their food is delicious as well. But the problem is that I am not sure if they would deliver.
    I hope the suggestions would help.
    解 析:解答本题时,要把自己假定成回信的当事人,根据提出的要求有条理地进行写作,这一点十分重要。该答案的特点是在各项建议之间加上了It might be limiting…,If it is too casual…等句子作为过渡,使得文章整体流畅自然。
    There are several vegetarian options you can choose from. The Golden Ladle on Pike Street offers vegetarian meals, such as baked eggplant lasagna and squash casserole. I was told that they accept take-out orders, because they do not deliver.
    You can get a couple of options from the Vietnamese restaurant, too. They have some meatless food, like fried noodle dishes, and also some other delicious soups and exquisite side dishes.
    My another suggestion is to order from the good caterer or restaurant which you employed before, ask them to make a meatless meal. You can just request a vegetable dish take the place of a meat meal. And this might be the simplest way if you have already arranged a caterer.
    Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Test 11  People produce waste every day they live. Some waste can be degraded while others cannot. Therefore, waste sorting is a must.  Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:THE IMPORTANCE OF WASTE SORTING  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state what the topic actually means to you.  In the second part, give one or two examples to illustrate your ideas.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    People produce waste every day they live, which worsens the increasingly serious environmental pollution around the world. Among those waste, some can be degraded, while others cannot. Therefore, waste sorting, which can help a lot to save our planet, is very important for us.
    Waste sorting is a must. Firstly, it helps to do less harm to our earth. Nowadays, the most commonly used method to treat the waste is burying. However, some waste such as discarded batteries and chemical waste, if buried, will pose a great threat to the environment and public health. To sort them out and treat them in an appropriate way can reduce the pollution to the lowest level. Secondly, some waste is recyclable. They can be sorted out and sent to factories to be reprocessed. For example, we can manufacture useful products by recycling the old glass, metal, plastic and paper, etc. Without sorting out, the valuable waste will be thrown away, which leads to a big waste of useful resources.
    In conclusion, waste sorting is very important and helpful. In daily life, everyone should nurture the habit of sorting out the household garbage, so that the garbage can be recycled and treated more easily.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Test 12  Friendship is forever a topic for human beings. How do you view “friendship”?  Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:FRIENDSHIP  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your idea is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    Friends are indispensable in our daily life. When we feel happy, we can share the pleasure with them; when we feel gloomy, friends will comfort us; when we have some secrets, we just want to share them with friends; and when we have difficulties, friends are always ready to help us.
    Life is a bouquet, friendship is flower. We cannot live without friendship just as we cannot survive without air or water. Friendship gives us a feeling of security and warmth; friendship encourages us to go ahead when we encounter difficulty.
    Building friendship takes time. True friendship requires equality and loyalty. It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, understanding, empathy and intimacy. True friendship should be able to stand all kinds of tests. Just as an old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
    In conclusion, we must treasure our friends and friendship. A good friend can be a good companion in our lives. The more friends we have, the more help we can get from them and the more pleasure we can share with them. If we have true friends, we will feel happy in the world.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第24题:

    Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: Harmfulness of Fake Commodities. You should write 140 words.

    Harmfulness of Fake Commodities Nowadays there are growing concern among general public about the issue of enormous fake commodities. When you go to the supermarket, you may buy some fake food commodities. When you go to the pharmacist’s, you may buy some fake medicine. So fake commodities have disturbed our everyday life.
    The deep root of this phenomenon lies in someone’s greed for money. In order to get a large amount of money in a short time, they try every means to produce fake commodities, without any regard for other people’s benefit and health.
    Fake commodities can do great harm to both consumers and society. For example, when a person bought fake medicine, it was useless in curing, his disease and really a waste of money. Sometimes fake medicine can even cause death. Fake commodities are usually sold at a lower price. It causes unfair competition in the market economy and puts the whole society in disorder.
    解析: 暂无解析