问答题Directions: The students of your university are not quite satisfied with the service of the school canteen. You are the secretary general of the student union. Write a letter to the school president to show your concern of the canteen service, which in

Directions: The students of your university are not quite satisfied with the service of the school canteen. You are the secretary general of the student union. Write a letter to the school president to show your concern of the canteen service, which includes the quality and prices of the foods served, the environment and the service.  You should write no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet.

更多“Directions: The students of your university are not quite sa”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with _______ students.

    A、quite a few

    B、only a few


    D、a few quite


  • 第2题:

    Directions:Suppose you are a librarian in your university.Write a notice of about 100 words,providing the newly-enrolled international students with relevant information about the library.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the notice.Use“LI Ming”instead.Do not write the address.

    Notice For better serving the international students,a notice is released here to provide the necessary information about the library.The university library opens at 8 a.m.and closes at 10 p.m.from Monday to Friday,but from 9 a.m.to 9 p.m.on

  • 第3题:

    A University of California advisor said___________.

    A.all students could overcome the anxiety after taking a special test anxiety program
    B.almost all students felt less stress after taking a University of California advising course
    C.students found it difficult to improve even though they had taken a special test anxietycourse
    D.students found it easy to relax as soon as they entered a University of California advisingcourse

    由最后一段“With almost all students,relaxation and less stress are felt after taking ourDrogram."可知几乎所有的学生,在参加过我们的项目之后,会变得更轻松,压力感减少。因此答案为B。

  • 第4题:

    Suppose the career services center of your university is collecting suggestions from students.Write a letter to the person in charge to express your thanks for the services,and make suggestions.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET Do not use your own name.Use"Li Ming"instead.Do not write your address.

    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am writing to appreciate the career services you have been providing to us.They are so timely and efficient that we have benefited a lot.Thank you for your dedication.I am glad to know that you are collecting suggestions from students and would like to make some suggestions.Firstly,except for the employment information you have been offering all the time,wonder if you could offer more diverse vocational guidance,such as providing assistance with resume writing and the interview process.Secondly,I believe mock interviews would be of great help for students,during which employers or human resources directors could be invited to conduct interviews and give advice to those students who participate in.I hope you will find the above suggestions useful.Your attention to my suggestions would be highly appreciated.
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第5题:

    Directions: Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. What′s your view about what subject university students should study? You are required to write a composition within 180 words, but no less than 150 words.

    People have different views about what subject university students should study, whether the one they like or only the one that will be useful in the future. People who believe students should only study subjects that will be useful in the future list several reasons. First, university courses like medicine, engineering and information technology can provide more job opportunities, career progression, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life for students who take them. Second, those subjects play the major role in new inventions, economic growth, and the society' s greater future prosperity. As far as I am concerned, university students should be free to choose their preferred subjects. In my opinion, students can study well if the learning content caters to their interest. Besides, the creative thinking patterns behind some theoretical subjects have potential value. In this sense, more students of art, history and philosophy are needed. In conclusion, although it might seem sensible for students to focus only on the most useful subjects, I personally assert that they have the right to study whatever they like.

  • 第6题:

    Task Ⅱ  (20 points)  Instructions:  Nowadays some university students think they should study further after graduation and then find a job. Do you agree with this or not? State your opinion in 160-180 words, writing your answer on the Answer Sheet.

    Further Study after Graduation Nowadays the employment of undergraduate students is not so positive, which is partly a result of the world financial crisis. In order to relieve the pressure of employment after graduation, more and more university students think they should study further after graduation and then find a job. I agree with the idea of studying further after graduation for three reasons.
    First of all, postgraduate study satisfies the desire of studying a subject in more depth and taking the first step in becoming an academic. To be an academic is also an attractive career.
    Second, studying further after graduation for another two or three years may help us relieve the pressure of employment during the world financial crisis. In my opinion, two or three years later, the world financial crisis will be subsided down and the economy will begin to recover. Therefore seeking a job at that time will not be so hard as right now.
    What’s more, to do a master degree is to qualify ourselves for a specific career, and to help us stand out from the crowd when applying for jobs. Even if a postgraduate qualification isn’t required for the job we want to do, it can still be a way of standing out in a competitive job market.
    In all, if possible, to study further after graduation and then find a job will be a good decision for most university students right now.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第7题:

    Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 160 words and you should base your composition on the information given in English below:  Some people criticize the students who invited their friends to dinners when they got their scholarship. They say that students should save scholarships for future studies, not just invite friend to dinners.1. Do you agree with the people? 2. Give at least two reasons to support you idea.

    Scholarships Can Be Used for Fun I don't agree with the people, because I think spending scholarship having fun with friend is also a good choice.
    Firstly by going to dinner together you can enjoy some happy time with your friends. The enlarged enrollment of university students results in fierce stresses and competition. Every day we students are driven to struggle for a happy and bright future like industrious donkeys and consequently have little time to enjoy the gentle perfume of friendship. But we are all human beings. We need not only successes in study, but also emotional contacts. How to satisfy this need? A little get-together of friends will do. Communication and mutual understanding can originate from eating and drinking. So spending scholarships on dinner is not a bad idea.
    Secondly, having fun with your friends can reduce the stress that most college students encounter. College life is competitive and stressful, so many student suffer from sleeping or eating disorders. When you have dinner with your friends, you laugh, chat and add nutrients at the same time. It is good for both of your mental and physical health, so why not do it.
    In a word, friendship and health is more important than money. So I will choose the former.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    If a university is to be of any use, it should prepare the students for an intellectual career by ______.

    imparting knowledge and developing skills


    developing students’ independence in thinking


    disciplining the students in their subject fields


    promoting the imagination in connecting details with general principles

    正确答案: A

  • 第9题:

    Now many university teachers are troubled by students' cheating on exams. No matter how hard they try to persuade students and to prevent it from happening, this phenomenon seems to be on the increase. In the past, only students poor at study would try to cheat, but now those good students are joining this team. What's more, students who are caught seldom regret their behavior; they only complain about their bad luck. This is really hard to understand for teachers and administrators. The website of a university has started an online discussion about .why students cheat on exams, and you are expected to write an article of about 400 words to join this discussion. You can decide the title for your article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    What Has Turned Us Into Cheaters? The writing topic for this year's CET-6 was revealed again before the day of testing. A student has been expelled due to misbehavior in a final examination. This kind of titles has been very popular these days, and all these have revealed a public secret: cheating on exams. This behavior, which was denounced by almost all, is spreading at a high rate, and this has puzzles not only teachers but also the whole society. Then why do students cheat on exams? In my understanding, there are mainly three reasons, (namely unscientific testing, competition for scholarship, and pressure from future job hunting).
    Some students cheat on exams to protest against the improper testing format. The purpose of university education should be teaching students to use knowledge to solve problems, therefore, exams and tests should test students' ability to use certain knowledge to solve some problems. But most tests in China just test understanding instead of application, and some exams are even worse because they only test students' memory. Some students think it unnecessary to spend time and effort to prepare for such exams, so they just cheat in order to get a decent score, which in their mind, means nothing. Dr. Wang who specializes in education assessment supported this view in one paper, and he said that teachers should blame themselves because they forced students to cheat.
    More students cheat on exams in order to struggle for scholarship. As universities are collecting tuition from students, they also increase the amount of scholarship. This money of cause is very attractive to students, who have virtually no income. As scholarship is mostly decided by examination scores, students willing to get the money will try every means possible. In a recent survey, some good students admitted that they cheat on exams because if most students are cheating, it is unfair when you choose not to. This probably represents a breach of traditional ethics, and is a more important reason than conscientious protest against improper tests.
    The most important reason, in my mind, should be the pressure from job hunting. In the past few years the situation in the job market is deteriorating, and this forces students to prepare as early as possible. Due to its importance, students naturally want to make their reports more attractive, and one way to realize it is cheating. As a student said in a news report, students are aware of the cost of being caught, but the profit of not being caught is too much, so many of them just go ahead. Maybe it is not unreasonable to say that it is the society that makes students cheaters.
    To sum up, the desires to get a good job and a high scholarship, or simply to signal a protest in current education, have forced us students to copy in exams. It is undeniable that some suffer from weak moral principles, but it is wrong to blame them only. Only when the society and the university find the real source of the problem and deal with it can we restore the traditional criticism against cheating.
    这个题目实际上是要求写一篇说明文,来回答“学生为何要作弊”这个问题。例文用两个新闻标题开头,比较能吸引读者的注意力。然后又用问题引出文章的中心话题,显得简洁明了。引言段的thesis statement非常清楚,用括号的部分是说正文段中的要点可以在此说明,也可以选择不说。在正文段中,作者分别从考试形式、争夺奖学金以及就业压力三个方面分析了学生作弊的原因。三点由小到大,由弱到强,安排得很合理。

  • 第10题:

    Practice 8Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 150 words and you should base your composition on the information given in English below:  Some people criticize the students who invited their friends to dinners when they got their scholarship. They say that students should save scholarships for future studies, not just invite friend to dinners.  1. Do you agree with the people?  2. Give at least two reasons to support your idea.

    Scholarships Can Be Used for Fun I don’t agree with those who holds that the scholarships should be saved for future studies, since spending scholarship having fun with friend is also a good choice.
    Firstly by going to dinner together you can enjoy some happy time with your friends. The enlarged enrollment of university students results in fierce stresses and competition. Every day we students are driven to struggle for a happy and bright future like industrious donkeys and consequently have little time to enjoy the gentle perfume of friendship. But we are all human beings. We need not only successes in study, but also emotional contacts. How to satisfy this need? A little get-together of friends will do. Communication and mutual understanding can be derived from eating and drinking. So spending scholarships on dinner is not a bad idea.
    Secondly, having fun with your friends can reduce the stress that most college students encounter. College life is competitive and stressful, so many student suffer from sleeping or eating disorders. When you have dinner with your friends, you laugh, chat and get nutrients at the same time. It is good for both your mental and physical health, so why not do it?
    In a word, friendship and health are more important than money. So I will choose the former.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Directions:In this section you are required to write a letter in reply to a friend’s inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university. You should write at least 80 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:  1.建议报考的专业及理由;  2.报考该专业的基本条件;  3.应当如何备考。

    Dear Jane,
    It is both surprising and delightful to hear that you are going to apply for my university. Based on my knowledge about your interests and specialties, I suggest that you apply for the major of International Trade, since I still vividly recall your enthusiasm and passion when you were talking about being a foreign trade salesman in the future. Our Business School is renowned for learned professors and significant influence on business circle.
    Naturally, the requirements for applicants of Business School are strict even rigorous. You have to be one of the top ten students in your school, with a minimum score of 120 in English and 130 in mathematics in the university entrance exams. Any publication of academic papers or participation in social activities is preferable, while two recommendation letters from your teachers are compulsory. For the interview section, you must submit a detailed research proposal for your future study.
    As for the preparation work, you should review the basic knowledge first. Come to audit some relevant courses here if you have time. In addition, confidence is also very important. I wish you good luck.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Task II (20 marks)  Directions:Many nations’ serious school problems nowadays result from the students’ attitude. What causes these problems? What’s your opinion to deal with these problems? State your opinion in no less than about 160 words, and write it on the Answer Sheet.

    Nowadays in many nations there are serious school problems—absenteeism, disrespect for teachers, drug abuse, and tardiness. Serious school problems are positively associated with high-risk behaviors of teens: smoking, drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, and so.
    There might be many causes for these various school problems in different cases, but one reason is in common—the student’s attitude. Every single person is responsible for his or her own actions, so do the students. And if one’s attitude is upright, there would be no reason for him or her to misbehave. On the contrary, if a student is experiencing serious school problems, parents and teachers better take a close look into his or her attitude. There must be something wrong with it.
    Thus, in order to prevent serious school problems, it is necessary to cultivate a positive attitude in the students. Positive attitude will bring out the best in them and will become the key to their success at school.
    (Word Count: 158)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    It is said that() boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.

    A、very little

    B、quite a few

    C、quite a bit

    D、quite a little


  • 第14题:

    Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university,suggesting how to improve students’physical condition.You should include the details you think necessary.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use“Li Ming”instead.

    审题谋篇本篇应用文仍然属于书信类型中的建议信,从话题角度看属于健康类话题。该书信的收信人为大学校长,所以属于正式文体,文中不应出现过多缩写/省略/口语表达等非正式语言。称呼处可以直接尊称“Dear Mr.President,”,正文仍然按照三段模式展开。首段需要简单地自我介绍,交代写信目的。中间段具体对如何提高大学生身体素质给出2-3条可行的建议。建议信的尾段一般是提出希望,期待回信。落款使用常见的书信落款:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Yours truly,或Truly yours等,签名应写Li Ming,切勿出现自己真实姓名。二、参考范文Dear Mr.President,I am a student of our university.I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to our college students about how to improve their body health.Initially,exercising,though not a student’s first priority in his/her daily life,should be stressed by all of us as well as our university,because it is vital to not only our physical health but mental health as well.Furthermore,developing a regular and healthy diet,which provides vitamins and other nutrients to our body,would,to some extent,undoubtedly benefit our body.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful and propagandas be launched among the students.I am looking forward to your earlier response.Yours sincerely,Li Ming三、万能句型1.I am writing this letter to bring forward some effective suggestions to…about….2.…should be stressed by…,because it is vital to but…as well.3.I hope that you will find my suggestions useful.4.I am looking forward to your earlier response.

  • 第15题:

    Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students.Write a notice to briefly introduce the camp activities,and call for volunteers.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your name orthe name of your university.Do not write your address.

    To enrich high school students'life in summer holiday,the Students'Union of English Department is going to host a summer camp on the first weekend of the July in our campus.The camp will last for two weeks and aims to let high school students experience college life.A series of activities will be held during the camp,such as visiting the campus and holding parties,and so on.For the success of the activities,10volunteers are needed to offer services.Volunteers who are easygoing,warmhearted and be enthusiastic are welcome.Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the Students'Union before Thursday this week and the first 10 students will be selected.Hope to see you in our summer camp.The Students'Union Department of English

  • 第16题:

    Directions: Some people think that alluniversity students should study whatever they like. Others believe that theyshould only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, suchas those related to science and technology. What′s your view about what subjectuniversity students should study? You are required to write a compositionwithin 180 words, but no less than 150 words.

    People have different views about what subject university students should study, whether the one they like or only the one that will be useful in the future. People who believe students should only study subjects that will be useful in the future list several reasons. First, university courses like medicine, engineering and information technology can provide more job opportunities, career progression, better salaries, and therefore an improved quality of life for students who take them. Second, those subjects play the major role in new inventions, economic growth, and the society' s greater future prosperity. As far as I am concerned, university students should be free to choose their preferred subjects. In my opinion, students can study well if the learning content caters to their interest. Besides, the creative thinking patterns behind some theoretical subjects have potential value. In this sense, more students of art, history and philosophy are needed. In conclusion, although it might seem sensible for students to focus only on the most useful subjects, I personally assert that they have the right to study whatever they like.

  • 第17题:

    ◆Topic 9: Primary Functions of University Education  Questions for Reference:  1. Most people think that teachers should teach students how to judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Please discuss this view.  2. Why do you think lots of teachers pay much more attention to teaching students academic subjects than other aspects?  3. What’s your opinion of the primary functions of university education? Why do you think so?

    正确答案: 【参考答案】
    There is no doubt that helping students find a job is one of the primary functions of university education, but universities do exist for other purposes such as improving students’ analytical skills and raising students’ moral standards.
    A university education can be seen as a process of improving students’ analytical thinking. The variety of courses offered at university inspires students in various ways, therefore improving their analytical ability. For example, science courses such as math and biology help students develop a rational way of thinking whereas arts courses such as literature let students ponder over issues from a logical, multi-dimensional perspective; and courses in social sciences force students to recognize the ideas that have been traditionally assumed to be acceptable and unproblematic. With the development of these types of analytical thinking, graduates can face future challenges with more confidence and enthusiasm.
    Also, university education is expected to improve students’ moral standards. This is rooted in universities? Belief that students’ awareness of responsibility towards their community and their country is of high importance. In this ever-degrading society and civilization, students are encouraged actively participate in improving the local community. A university that provides care and facilities for physically disadvantaged students may inspire the graduates to better handle situations in the future where they may have to interact with the disabled community. A successful university education is supposed to produce morally sound graduates, therefore increasing their employability.
    In conclusion, university education not only helps students locate a decent job but will also develop other qualities such as enhancing their analytical skills and cultivating their hunger and spirit for life.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第18题:

    Practice 1Directions: You are asked to write in no less than 150 words about the title of Is It a Good Idea for Poor Students to Live Separately? And you should base your composition on the information given in English below:  At the beginning of this new semester, a university in Jiangsu Province has found a visible way to help some of its poorer students: It has built some special dormitories for poor students. More than 100 of the school’s relatively poor students are now housed in these buildings. Besides simple facilities, the major difference between these and other dormitories is that the housing costs 500 yuan a year, but in other residence halls students have to pay 1200 yuan.  1. Do you think this is a good idea to help the poorer students?  2. Give at least two reasons to support you argument.  3. Give some suggestions as to how to solve the problem.

    It Is a Good Idea for Poor Students to Live Separately Housing expense is a financial burden for poor students, and reducing the housing cost does help those who are poor. However, I don’t think letting poor students live separately in specially built houses is a good solution to the problem.
    Being poor doesn’t mean being inferior, nor does it mean they should be treated differently. Poor students also need respect and equality. Living separately in specially built houses can save them 700 yuan a year, but may add to their depression because an inferior label is placed on them. They may feel that they are different from other schoolmates and they may withdraw themselves into a circle of poor students. Even more seriously, they may develop a feeling of being discriminated against by their schoolmates, their university and the society, and may develop psychological problems.
    To solve the problem I think poor students should live together with other students. They can pay the housing fee with the money they earn from their part-time jobs. Student loan is another way to solve the problem. Universities can help poor students get loans from banks to aid the students in a respectful way.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第19题:

    Directions:  You will graduate from university and are hunting for a job. After reading a job ads, write a letter to the Personnel Resources Department to  (1)state your reason to write the application,  (2)describe your relevant education background,  (3)introduce your English level, and  (4)state your way of contact.  You should write about 100 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.

    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am responding to your ad in the June 20th, 2012,issue of the Sunday Talent Journal for the position of production coordinator. ②I feel that my background in electronics and manufacturing will fit in well.
    I will graduate from college in June with a Bachelor of Science degree in Manufacturing Engineering. ④I have had extensive training on computers and  I am well-trained while at school. ⑤In my Production Class, I have learned about computerized production and material scheduling.
    ⑥I can also express myself effectively in both spoken and written English.⑦Besides you will find me hard-working, cooperative and innovative. ⑧I am looking forward to hearing from you. ⑨I can be reached at my resume address or by phoning (010) 23577980.
    Sincerely Yours,
    Li Ming

  • 第20题:

    Although more and more students are enrolled in university every year, there are also more and more students who fail in their studies and drop out of school. This has caused much concern in the society, and a local newspaper is inviting contributions from university students to discuss the reasons. Write a composition as a contribution to this newspaper to voice your opinion. Remember to supply a title for your own article.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement, with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a toss of marks.

    Why Students Fail in Universities Traditionally Chinese believed that university education was the guarantee of a happy life, so every fall we can find many freshmen happily and hopefully enter the campus. But what is unknown is that many students fail in their tests and have to take make-up exams or even drop out. To solve the problem, we have to find the reasons. In my opinion, there are mainly three reasons to account for this tragedy.
    Most students' failures can be attributed to their poor study ability due to problems in high school. High school should prepare students for university education, but currently it is doing everything but that. High school education is known to be test oriented, for students are engaged in memorizing texts and working at sample test papers. Because of this, students admitted to university come to school only with mechanical study habits, which cannot help students cope with university study. For example, many students in my class may be good in courses that rely on memory, but in courses that require personal judgment or group activity, they will invariably fail.
    Even with good study ability, some students may still fail because of the negative influence from their families. The first kind of such influence is lack of money. Now most universities collect quite high tuition from students, so students from poor families are constantly worried by money problem. Another influence is family misfortune, the most common examples of which are illness and accident. If students are troubled by family problem, they won't be able to focus their mind on study, and naturally they will not survive in university.
    There are also a small number of students who fail because of personal weakness. Some students have trouble in sustaining positive relationship with their classmates, and bad relation prevents them from enjoying university study. Some other students cannot resist various temptations in their life, such as movies, TV programs, computer games, and campus romance, and these may also prevent them from studying well.
    From what are said above, we can conclude that different students fail for different reasons. Some fail because they lack proper study methods, some fail because they are distracted by family issues, and still some other students fail because they suffer from shortcomings in their personality. Therefore if we want to prevent academic failures, we should first identify the reasons why they are experiencing trouble in their study, and then help them in the most effective way. It can be hoped that we will all pull through the four years in university and make our dreams and happiness come true.
    本题要回答的问题是why do some university students drop out of school,属于因果关系题。例文先后列举了三个原因:不良的学习方法、家庭问题以及个人问题。关于每一种原因作者都做了一定阐述,除了逻辑推理外,还用了很多的例子。例文引言段采用了对比的方式开始,作者先说大学新生入学的欣喜,然后引出学生的失败。Thesis statement中的表达非常明确清晰。在正文段中,作者按照涉及学生数量多少为顺序列出三个原因,确保了内容的通顺。在结论段中,作者使用了两句话充分总结了自己的观点,然后用提出解决方法的方式写出了最终评论。

  • 第21题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will show how well you can write a response to an e-mail. Your response will be scored on the quality and variety of your sentences, vocabulary, and organization.Practice 1Directions: Read the e-mail below.Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Ms. Chilton. In your e-mail, make THREE suggestions for lunch menu options.

    正确答案: (1)
    Yes, I agree with you. It is important to try and oblige Mr. Sanders.
    My first advice is to have Taj Mahal catere the banquet. The reason is that they can provide a wide selection of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian choices. But they are a bit expensive.
    The second option is Willie’s Dell. They deliver dell and delicious sandwiches, which can be customized according to buyer’s order. Their menu is both quite extensive and cheap.
    Finally, you might try The Soup Pot. They have really tasty soups. which are amazingly filling, and they get a wide variety of flavors.
    If you need the contact information of any of these, please let me know.
    解 析:该答案完整地回答了提示(Directions)中要求的事项(三种午餐菜单建议)。文中使用了My first advice is… →The second… →Finally…句型依次写下了三种建议,使整篇文章连贯、有条不紊。
    I think we can help Mr. Sanders with his vegetarian preferences, in respect that he is a very important client.
    First of all, a new restaurant called All Natural just opened for business. I recommend it because it has a strictly vegetarian menu. They offer appetizers, entrees and dessert. It is worth noting they have wonderful sandwiches. It might be limiting though, to offer only a vegetarian option.
    And secondly, a Mexican restaurant might actually be good. I know it is not a typical dish considered for vegetarian fare, but you can order some maigre salads, tacos or burritos.
    Finally, if you think the choice above is too casual, maybe we could also try Mabel’s. They provide a variety of vegetable dishes and their food is delicious as well. But the problem is that I am not sure if they would deliver.
    I hope the suggestions would help.
    解 析:解答本题时,要把自己假定成回信的当事人,根据提出的要求有条理地进行写作,这一点十分重要。该答案的特点是在各项建议之间加上了It might be limiting…,If it is too casual…等句子作为过渡,使得文章整体流畅自然。
    There are several vegetarian options you can choose from. The Golden Ladle on Pike Street offers vegetarian meals, such as baked eggplant lasagna and squash casserole. I was told that they accept take-out orders, because they do not deliver.
    You can get a couple of options from the Vietnamese restaurant, too. They have some meatless food, like fried noodle dishes, and also some other delicious soups and exquisite side dishes.
    My another suggestion is to order from the good caterer or restaurant which you employed before, ask them to make a meatless meal. You can just request a vegetable dish take the place of a meat meal. And this might be the simplest way if you have already arranged a caterer.
    Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Directions: The students of your university are not quite satisfied with the service of the school canteen. You are the secretary general of the student union. Write a letter to the school president to show your concern of the canteen service, which includes the quality and prices of the foods served, the environment and the service.  You should write no less than 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the Answer Sheet.

    Dear Mr. President,
    As Secretary General of University Student Union, I am writing to you to express our concern about the canteen service on our campus.
    We think the foods served in the canteen are too highly priced for full-time students, and they need to be cheaper, and of more varieties and better quality. We also find the dining environment less than satisfactory with the noise from outside the dining hall and the stink from the kitchen sewage. Also, urgent measures need to be taken about the flies in the dining hall. We also believe that the canteen staff should be given a workshop on how to perfect their professionalism.
    Your kind consideration to this letter will be highly appreciated, and I will feel greatly obliged if you could possibly privilege me with your kind feedback.
    Li Ming
    (Word count: 139)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Directions:  You are a professor in a department. One of your graduates asks you to write a letter of recommendation to a company which she wants to work for. Your letter should include:  (1)an brief introduction of yourself;  (2)the student’s performance and main strengths;  (3)the main accomplishments at university.  You should write about l00 words ,Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You don’t need to write the address.

    June 26,2006
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am aprofessor in the department of International Finance inBeijing University. ②I am very glad to have this opportunity to giveWang Fang, mystudent, a wholehearted recommendation.
    ③Wang Fang has been excellent in her academic performance from2003 to2005, and always gotscholarships in the two years. ④She has aim accumulated abundant experiencein management。becauseshe has been working as an intern manager for the sales department in a foreign investment corporation last year. ⑤Sheis good at communicating with others and has esprit de corps asthe Chairman of the Students’ Unionin our department.
    This July, she will accomplishher postgraduate’s courses. ⑦I recommend her without reservation, as I know you will find her most helpful and responsible for thejob.
    Sincerely yours,
    Li Ming
    ①主动介绍自己, 是对对方的尊重

  • 第24题:

    Directions: English Club at your university intends to extend and take in new members, encouraging individuals to join in with their own fresh ideas. Write a letter, introduce yourself first and then explain what your ideas are, what kind of job you plan to do and how you will practice your ideas if you are lucky enough to be taken in.  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. Now write the letter on the AnswerSheet.

    Dear President of the English Club,
    I got the new that the English Club intends t extend and take in new members. I am extremely excited about this chance. I am a twenty-year old freshman, majoring in Fine Arts. I had been fascinated by English ever since I was in my primary school. My hobbies include watching musical dramas, traveling and photographing.
    I also come with my fresh ideas. As the Olympic Games are coming around, I plan to put on a music play with the theme related to the Olympics. In order to achieve this goal, we need lots of volunteers. And I have learned how to decorate the stage from my courses and from the dramas that I have watched. I am confident enough to fulfill this job well.
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Yours sincerely,
    Li Ming
    解析: 暂无解析