

  • 第1题:

    Many parts of the world are losing important natural resources, such as forests, animals, or clean water. Choose one resource that is disappearing and explain why it needs to be saved. Write a composition of about 400 words on the topic.

    SAVING TREES ON OUR PLANET Many natural resources are being wasted on our planet every day. One of the most important resources we are abusing is our trees. Each year, hundreds of thousands of acres of trees disappear in countries all around the world. In some countries, trees are used for fuel. In other countries, trees are destroyed to build houses and shopping centers. Saving trees has become a major cultural and economical issue in many parts of the world.
    Trees are essential to our survival. They are a major part of the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, and oxygen is something all of us need. The fewer trees there are, the more this affects our ability to breathe.
    In rural areas, farmers have always known how important trees are to soil conservation. This is why you'll usually see trees lining a field. Tree roots help keep the soil in place, and are also a factor in water distribution deep beneath the ground. They help to prevent drought and floods. Unfortunately,in many parts of our country,people haven't realized the importance of trees. They cut them down at will. They are usually too lazy or too careless to plant and look after new trees. As a result, the forests continue to disappear. Where there are no trees the rain falls on the surface, causing floods, and carries away with the rich topsoil, in which crops grow so well. When all the topsoil is gone, nothing remains but worthless deserted.
    Trees are also important in the development of many medicines. The mainstream medical establishments did not recognize this for many years. However, those who use natural medicines have always known how important trees are. Many drugs come from the leaves of certain trees, along with other herds and plants.
    Finally, we should save trees from disappearing because they provide so much pleasure. I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree, wrote a poet. That is the truth. A tall, stately tree is beautiful to look at, and pleasing to the soul. It is also a great place to find shade on a hot summer's day.
    For practical and emotional reasons, we need to preserve our planet's trees.

  • 第2题:

    What makes funeral business a strange industry?

    Smaller funeral homes occupy a very large market share.


    Family operators or independents take a large proportion in funeral business.


    Funeral business has a lot in common with dry-cleaning shops.


    Big corporations are also involved in funeral business.

    正确答案: B

  • 第3题:


    正确答案: previously published
    此题涉及下定义和术语界定的内容。录音材料中具体提到,学术论文中使用的每一个术语必须是已出版的标准术语参考文献中明确定义过的。结合题干,可知答案为previously published。

  • 第4题:

    Failure to meet customer needs can lead to_____.

    overemphasis on the service format


    decreased corporate revenue


    misunderstanding of customer satisfaction


    customers’ complaints

    正确答案: D

  • 第5题:


    In children’s reading material and caricature, owl tends to be described as serious and clever. In dispute among birds and beasts, it is the owl that they regard as their judge and ask for advices in an emergency. Sometimes, people consider owl not practical and a little stupid, yet on the whole, it stands for the image of wisdom. But in Chinese, the figurative meaning of the word “owl” is quite different. Some people are quite superstitious: they are afraid of seeing an owl or hearing its sound; in their view, the mere sight of an owl or the sound of its hooting might cause people to be down on their luck. The phrase “Ye Maozi enter the house” in Chinese means the approach of bad luck. Ye Maozi actually refers to the owl.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第6题:

    Advances in technology and science have solved many problems. However,they have also created new problems,among which pollution has attracted much attention of the public. Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic,discussion the problems caused by pollution.ON POLLUTIONIn the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    ON POLLUTION Nowadays we have many conveniences in our society, which have been brought through technology and science. However, these same advancements in technology and science have caused some very dangerous problems. These problems will not go away easily because people do not want to give up the conveniences of a modem lifestyle. The most critical problems that should be dealt with immediately are those of pollution.
    Pollution caused by chemicals is a very serious problem because it causes the loss of the ozone layer. Without our ozone, not only we ourselves but also plant and animal life are exposed to dangerous rays from the sun. Aerosol cans emit chemicals that break down our ozone layer. Refrigeration and air-conditioning systems and ears also have dangerous emissions. A very serious threat to the planet—the warming of the earth's atmosphere—is primarily caused by carbon dioxide emissions. Many scientists think that the warming could be sufficient to melt the polar ice caps, thus raising the sea levels. This would mean that many parts of the world would be submerged below sea level.
    There are other problems caused by pollution. Factories that make our modem conveniences emit poisonous gases onto the air we breathe. The chemicals we use for cleaning and wastes from factories go into our water systems and pollute the water we drink and the fish we eat. They also kill much of the wildlife we depend on for food. Some of the pesticides we have sprayed on our crops have been found to be dangerous. This kind of pollution may stay in the ground for a very long period of time.
    Last but not the least, nuclear pollution will lead directly to nuclear damage. The explosions at Three Mile Island in the United States in 1979 and at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union in 1986 provided lessons to the global nuclear industry. The exposure to very high radiation levels released by nuclear plants within a short period of time may harm the environment many years, and usually will cause fatal injuries to human health.
    In conclusion, the problems created by pollution are growing daily. Because people do not want to change their lifestyles, we must invent a way to neutralize the pollutants we are putting into our environment. People need to be educated so that will stop damaging the planet. Furthermore, government must take action to prevent individuals and companies from harming their environment.
    本文讨论了人们一直关心的话题——污染问题。作者首先指出:随着科技 的发展,出现了许多问题,而污染问题则是最严峻的问题。然后作者用三段就污染问题进行了论述:臭氧层被破坏使全球气候变暖、空气与水污染严重以及核污染。在最后一段作者指出,为了避免环境污染进一步恶化,个人与政府都应采取相应措施。

  • 第7题:

    现在越来越盛行送十几岁的小孩子到国外留学,人数在急剧增加。他们的家长对国外的教育抱有不切实际的幻想。外国院校举办的教育展览把国外的学校说得天花乱坠,使他们听了介绍之后便心动变为行动。  可是把小孩子送到国外学习并不一定会带来好的结果,很多学生缺乏适应性和灵活性,他们很难溶入国外新的环境。由于在文化上难以适应,即缺乏在国外陌生环境下生存的能力,他们往往会受到所谓“文化震荡”的冲击。缺乏必要的观察能力,使他们难以理解东道主国家人民的行为表现,他们也就无法与当地人打成一片。缺乏适应性以及交流和交往能力必然会使自己感到孤立。

    However, sending children to study aboard doesn’t necessarily produce desirable results. Many students fall short of adaptability and flexibility, which means they can hardly integrate into the new environment abroad. Having difficulty in adapting to foreign cultures, or lacking the ability of living in a strange environment, they often suffer from the so-called “cultural shock”. Lack of the essential ability of observation makes the children hard to understand behaviors of the people in the host country, thus they can’t mix well with the local people. Lack of adaptability and the ability to communicate would certainly make them feel isolated.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:


    正确答案: lucky→luck

  • 第9题:

    Homeschooling is the practice that one or several families working together to get their kids educated at home by the parents. Nowadays, homeschooling is rapidly growing in popularity in the United States, with the numbers increasing by at least 7 percent every year. There are currently approximately two million children homeschooled throughout the USA. Similarly, homeschooling is becoming a hot topic of debate in China, with a great deal of pros and cons.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  First and foremost, homeschooling offers a great deal of freedom, especially educational freedom. While the basics are certainly covered for all homeschool students, the students have a great deal of freedom over what they specifically learn and when. Students can focus on the subject matter that gets them excited, whether that is history, biology or creative writing. Next, homeschooling offers a great deal of physical freedom. Without the strict schedule of school hours, homework and school trips, families have much more freedom to vacation at odd times, visit museums during the week and other such activities. Additionally, homeschooling offers emotional freedom. Students often experience troubles with bullies, peer pressure, boredom and competition. In a homeschool environment, these factors are eliminated. Students are able to think, dress and act the way that they want, making sure that self-esteem remains intact.  While homeschooling can do a great deal of good, there are also a number of disadvantages. First, there are the time restraints. Whether you work, are a single parent or simply choose a time-intensive schooling method, there is a great deal of factors limiting the time available for homeschooling. Financial restrains are another concern, as a source of income is often lost when the decision is made to homeschool. The closeness of homeschooling may prove too much for some families, as parents often must spend a larger amount of time with their children.  Other disadvantages come from limited social interactions. Firstly, team sports opportunities are limited for most homeschoolers, especially teenagers who want to participate in competitive sports. Secondly, homeschoolers may find themselves limited in outside connection. While family interaction is great, kids should interact with others outside of the family in order to live full and well-developed lives. Lastly, homeschooling is considered unusual, so you may experience negative comments and attitudes as a result of homeschooling.

    My View on Homeschooling Nowadays, homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. It has been a hot spot and arisen much attention in China. When it comes to this matter, different people have different views. Some people think that homeschooling offers a great deal of freedom. Students can decide what they specifically learn and when without strict schedule, get away from some school troubles and maintain their self-esteem. Nevertheless,others are concerned about time restraints, financial restrains, limited social interactions and negative comments and attitudes from others.
    Personally, I hold the view that homeschooling should not be advocated. First of all, parents cannot teach as well as traditional teachers can do. The teachers are good for children because they have learned how to educate children. Unlike traditional school, children who accept homeschooling may study at home with parents who tend not to have professional skills to teach them. Therefore, they cannot learn as much as they should learn. Second, homeschooling is lack of socialization. It is true that the child will have less communication with other peers than those who attend traditional school. As they are young, friends are important for them because they need the companions to share the joy and happiness, and their relationships may be pure. If they accept homeschooling, they have to face their parents every day. It seems to be hard for the children to make new friends in the same age. Thus, their childhoods perhaps would be boring, and it may cause some psychological problems with children.
    All in all, I think homeschooling may lead to plenty of serious problems. Education is a vital issue for people. Parents really care about it because it is related to children’s future. Therefore, parents should deliberately choose the most suitable one to teach their children.

  • 第10题:

    Globalization is the idea that people are now more connected across the globe than ever before. Goods and services are traded worldwide. Items from one part of the world are available in a large number of other nations. Travel between nations is also very frequent, leading to an increase in exchange of ideas and ideologies. Thus, ideas and culture are much more uniform worldwide than ever before, and many cultures have melded and meshed. The Internet has contributed largely to globalization, as instant communication with anyone in the world is now possible. Whether or not globalization is good for each individual economy is debatable, however.  The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. Summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. Give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  There is certainly a positive side to globalization. Those who support it say that it creates jobs by making companies more competitive. This results in lower prices for consumers. Others support globalization because it brings capital and technologies to underdeveloped nations and bring back products to international markets in return. Also globalization increases the number of decisions that are made on a worldwide level, resulting in a merging of politics and decisions that are made for the good of people all over the world. The cultural intermingling that occurs also promotes greater equality and acceptance of others, especially since different people can share the same financial interests. Speedy travel and worldwide communication has resulted in a more educated, more cultured public.  Those who are against globalization often cite the fact that this process tends to make tile rich richer and the poor poorer. It benefits investors and business owners, but results in a loss of jobs for those lower on the pay scale. Other criticisms of globalization are associated with social issues. Some believe that globalization makes it easier for a particular local culture to be wiped out due to the widespread of strong cultures. Additionally, some exports believe that globalization has led to the spreading of infectious diseases, such as AIDS, since travelers can bring disease with them when they go from nation to nation.

    Is Globalization Good? With the development of economy and technology, globalization comes not to be an unfamiliar word to all of us. More and more people come to realize that the contact between countries has become more and more closely frequent. Globalization has become a unstoppable trend. However, whether or not globalization is good for each individual economy is a controversial subject. Some heap praise on it because it creates jobs, brings capital and technologies to underdeveloped countries, helps make politics and decisions good for people all over the world, promotes cultural understanding and so on. Nevertheless, others think it tends to exacerbate the wealth gap, threatens some particular local cultures and leads to the spreading of infectious diseases, etc.
    As far as I am concerned, globalization is a double-edged sword. For one thing, globalization has so many advantages, such as it makes the world become a small village and let people touch each other more convenient and easy, it increase free trade between nations and give the developing countries a terrific opportunity to develop themselves in all aspects quickly. What’s more, it can reduce the cultural barriers and let varieties of culture get a better communication and development. For another, the disadvantages brought by globalization cannot be ignored. Because under globalization, every country’s economy can make a great influence of others, which makes the economy of the world more fragile. In order to possess the good chance and precious resources, disputes and conflicts may take place between nations, which destabilize the world.
    Simply put, globalization is an ongoing process which human beings cannot hold back. It is an opportunity as well as a challenge. We should look at both sides of it, make full use of such a vital chance and avoid disadvantages at the same time. Only when we seize the opportunity of development and meet the challenges can we gain the upper hand in the competition.

  • 第11题:


    正确答案: which→that

  • 第12题:

    Until the very latest moment of his existence, man has been bound to theplanet on which he originated and developed. Now he has the capability to       1._______leave that planet and move out into the universe to those worlds which he hasknown previously: only directly. Men have explored parts of the moon, put space    2._______ships in orbit around another planet and possibly within the decade will land into  3._______another planet and explore it.  Can we be too bold as to suggest that we may be able to colonize other       4._______planet within the not-too-distant future? Some have advocated such a procedure as  5._______a solution to the population problem: ship the excess people off to the moon. Butwe must keep in head the billions of dollars we might spend in carrying out the   6._______project. To maintain the earth’s population at its present level, we would haveto blast off into space 7 500 people every hour of every day of the year.  Why are we spending so little money on space exploration?               7._______Consider the great need for improving many aspects of the global environment, one   8._______is surely justified in his concern for the money and resources that they are poured 9._______into the space exploration efforts. But perhaps we should look at both sides ofthe coin before arriving hasty conclusions.                        10._______

    1.capability改为ability have the ability to do sth.和have the capability of doing sth.是固定搭配。
    2.directly改为indirectly 根据上下文可知这里要表达的是“间接手段”。
    3.into改为onto/on “在…着陆”,要使用land on(onto)表示。
    so...as to...如此…以致…。
    keep sth. in mind是固定搭配,意为“将某事记在心里”
    7.little改为much 根据上下文可以看出这里要表达“大量”之意。
    that引导的是定语从句,指代the money and resources,they在此多余。
    10.arriving改为reaching或在后面加at “arrive at a conclusion”,“reach a conclusion”是固定搭配,用来表示“得出结论”。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:


    正确答案: few→little

  • 第14题:

    What does the word “sprawl” in the first paragraph indicate?

    正确答案: It indicates parts of Orange County extend untidily in different directions.
    语义理解题。由题干定位到文章第一段,sprawl一词在该段出现了两次,第一次在“the Los Angeles sprawl”中作动名词,第二次在“sprawling Orange County”中作动词,根据meet一词可知,以上所涉及的两处为两个不同的地区,且是两个区域向外延伸的边缘地带;此外,该段首句还提到,沿着大道,三进三出Cerritos;且sprawl一词原意为“随意地摊开四肢”,由以上几点可以推测出sprawl在此处意为“凌乱地展开”。

  • 第15题:


    正确答案: arriving→reaching或before∧arriving→at
    arrive at a conclusion和reach a conclusion是固定搭配,用来表示“得出结论”。

  • 第16题:


    正确答案: suffer→afford

  • 第17题:

    Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Which view do you agree with and why?

    Most universities require the completion of a secondary, or high school education for admission. They also require proof of academic performance to guarantee that the student has the knowledge and skills needed to successfully complete their higher education. I believe that if a student has a poor academic record through their primary and secondary education,they should not be allowed to attend university.
    In the first place, a university education should be considered a privilege, not a right. A consistent effort must be made through the first two lower stages of a person’s education in order for them to earn the right to study in university. When I was in high school, I saw many students skip class regularly to shop, smoke drugs, or just because they “didn’t feel like” going to class. The obvious result was low grades. These students were all at least 17 or 18 years old, old enough to understand the value of their education. However, they did not value their secondary education and therefore,in my opinion, should not have the opportunity to study in university.
    In the second place, because education is cumulative, a student must work consistently through primary and secondary school to master facts and establish a foundation of knowledge in order to meet the demanding academic requirements of university courses. In primary and secondary school, students have the opportunity to develop their writing skills and analytical abilities, both essential to learn to cope with the challenges of higher learning. For students without the appropriate skills,success is unlikely. One university I attended published statistics showing a 50% dropout rate for first year students; the main reason listed was that the students were unprepared for the rigor of university life.
    In the third place, the limited educational resources at present in China make it almost impossible to provide every student with a college or university education. This means that students have to fight for their admission to the colleges and universities. As long as the present competition for higher education goes, it is not realistic to talk about letting every student have higher education. Competition for a successful walk through the single—plank bridge of college entrance examination is the most fair way to determine that privilege to higher education in China.
    Many people take their education for granted. In my high school, most people only needed to make a little effort to maintain an A or B average, but there were still many people who weren’t willing to make any effort at all. I am sure that these people without proven track records should not, have the privilege of attending university’ especially when higher education resources are not abundant.
    文章引文段作者用I believe that…明确表明了论点,即初等和中等教育阶段成绩差的学生不应被大学录取。正文部分作者从三方面论证自己的观点:高等教育应该是特权,而不是权利;上大学应该具有足够的知识积累;中国的现状不允许给每个人都提供高等教育。在论据方面用到了逻辑推理、举例、列数字等方法。文章结尾部分简洁明了,与首段形成了照应。

  • 第18题:


    正确答案: sharing your knowledge
    讲座在最后部分提到,广泛分享你的专业知识,让人们明白为何需要专家。研读题干,该部分的并列项均为名词形式,可知此空也应填入名词形式。故答案为sharing your knowledge。讲座分论点或分标题之处是常考点,笔记时需注意。
    How to be an Expert  Hi, everyone. I’ve been thinking lately, what makes someone an “expert” in his or her field, which is also the topic of today’s lecture. As far as I know, Lorelle has been thinking the same thing, because she recently wrote a post called What Gives You the Right to Tell Me? at the Blog Herald that explores the issue of expertise in some depth.
      For me, this question started to occur to me when I was invited to speak at an academic conference on anthropology recently. Apparently, I have become an expert on the topic, someone people look to when they want more information.
      How did that happen? This is not a topic I studied at school or the subject of my dissertation; in fact, it wasn’t even really a topic at all until the US Army released their new counterinsurgency field manual last year and started for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thinking about how I came to be a “go-to” person on this topic has gotten me thinking about how anyone becomes the person to call when you need help, about how people become experts in their field. In fact, anyone who thinks they have learned everything there is to know about a topic probably isn’t an expert—I’d call them something closer to “rank amateur”.
      Let’s start with this question: What’s an expert? While knowledge is obviously an important quality of expertise, it’s only one of several factors that make someone an expert in their field. I’ve come up with five characteristics of real experts: knowledge, experience, communication ability, connectedness and curiosity. Now let’s come to them respectively in detail.
      Clearly being an expert requires an immense working knowledge of your subject. Part of this is memorized information, and part of it is knowing where to find information you haven’t memorized.
      In addition to knowledge, an expert needs to have significant experience working with that knowledge. He or she needs to be able to apply it in creative ways, to be able to solve problems that have no pre-existing solutions they can look up—and to identify problems that nobody else has noticed yet.
      Expertise without the ability to communicate it is practically pointless. Being the only person in the world who can solve a problem, time after time after time, doesn’t make you an expert, it makes you a slave to the problem. It might make you a living, but it’s not going to give you much time to develop your expertise—meaning sooner or later, someone with knowledge and communication ability is going to figure out your secret, teach it to the world, and leave you to the dustbin of history.
      Expertise is ultimately social. Experts are embedded in a web of other experts who exchange new ideas and approaches to problems, and they are embedded in a wider social web that connects them to people who need their expertise.
      Experts are curious about their field and recognize the limitations of their own understanding of it. They are constantly seeking new answers, new approaches, and new ways of extending their field.
      Then, let’s move on to this topic: How to become an expert? Sometimes becoming an expert just kind of happens, which is how I became an expert in anthropology and counterinsurgency without really trying. But most of the time, we carefully pursue expertise, whether through schooling, self-education, on-the-job training or some other avenue. There’s no “quick and easy” path to expertise. That said, people do become experts every day, in all sorts of fields. You become an expert by focusing on these things:
      Firstly, that is perpetual learning. Being an expert means being aware, sometimes painfully aware, of the limitations of your current level of knowledge. There simply is no point as which you’re “done” learning your field. Invest yourself in a lifelong learning process. Constantly be on the lookout for ideas and views both within and from outside your own field that can extend your own understanding.
      Then, build strong connections with other people in your field. Seek out mentors—and make yourself available to the less experienced. Also, learn to promote yourself to the people who need your skills—the only way you’ll gain experience is by getting out and doing, which is what’s we called networking.
      Furthermore, not just in the “gain experience” sense but in your the “practice what you preach” sense. You wouldn’t trust a personal organizer who always forgot your appointments, or a search engine optimization expert whose site was listed on the 438th results page in Google, right? Your daily practice needs to reflect your expertise, or people will not trust you as an expert. So, practice is necessary.
      The fourth thing is presentation skills: Learn to use whatever technologies you need to present your expertise in the best possible way. And by “technologies” I don’t just mean web design and PowerPoint, I mean writing, drawing, public speaking—even the way you dress will determine whether you’re taken for an expert or a know-it-all schmuck.
      Lastly, remember to share: 10 years ago, nobody knew they needed expert bloggers on their staff to promote themselves. 5 years ago, nobody knew they needed SEO experts to get attention for their websites. A handful of early experts—experts that, in some cases, didn’t even know what they were experts in—shared enough of what they knew to make people understand why they needed experts. Share your knowledge widely, so that people understand why they need an expert, and you don’t become a one-trick pony who is the only person who can fix a particular problem.
      To sum up briefly, we’ve discussed what all expert is and how to become one. Hope all of you have enjoyed this lecture. Thank you.

  • 第19题:

    Which kind of ability did the author mainly focus on in his early years of writing practice?

    正确答案: Description.

  • 第20题:

    What lesson can be best learned from the stories of Chinese restaurant and the European car manufacturer?

    To retain customers, service should be improved.


    Good quality of product is the most important.


    Customer needs should be the primary concern.


    Good service and quality can make customers satisfied.

    正确答案: A

  • 第21题:

    The grammatical words which play so large a part in English grammarare for the most part sharply and obviously different from the lexical words. Arough and ready difference which may seem the most obvious is that grammatical    1._______words have “less meaning”, but in fact some grammarians have called them      2._______“empty” words as opposed in the “full” words of vocabulary. But this is a rather 3._______misled way of expressing the distinction. Although a word like theis not the name  4._______of something as man is, it is very far away from being meaningless; there is a    5._______sharp difference in meaning between “man is vile” and “the man is vile”, yet theis the single vehicle of this difference in meaning. Moreover, grammatical words   6._______differ considerably among themselves as the amount of meaning they have even in th  7._______lexical sense. Another name for the grammatical words has been “little words.”But size is by no mean a good criterion for distinguishing the grammatical words   8._______of English, when we consider that we have lexical words as go, man, say, car.    9._______Apart from this, however, there is a good deal of truth in what some people say:we certainly do create a great number of obscurity when we omit them. This     10._______is illustrated not only in the poetry of Robert Browning but in the prose of tele-grams and newspaper headlines.

    1.去掉the 最高级前不加定冠词时,相当于very(非常)。
    2.but改为and 根据上下文可知这里是递进关系。
    as opposed to为固定短语,“与…相反”。
    far away from为固定短语,表示“离……很遥远”。
    differ from…in…表示“在…(方面)与…不同”,
    by no means根本不…,是固定短语。
    such as是固定搭配,作“诸如”讲。
    a number of后面要跟复数名词。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:


    正确答案: presentation skills
    此题考查的是演讲的技巧。录音中提到,第四条就是演讲的技巧,要学会使用所需的任何技术用尽可能好的方法来展示你的专业知识,由此可知答案为presentation skills。

  • 第23题:

    We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1._______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience as people with comparable education in Western Europe.              2._______  There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and bow to write programs for games. So      3._______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   4._______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.               5._______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   6._______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   7._______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the8._______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      9._______  Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast 10._______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.

    1.which改为where或在which前加in 此处需要一个状语从句,而不是which引导的定语从句。
    2.as改为than 上文more必须与than搭配,构成比较状语从句。
    3.So改为But/However/Nevertheless 根据上下文可知这里是转折关系。
    5.you改为they 此处的先行词是the kids。
    such as是固定搭配。
    give rise to是固定搭配,表示“引起,导致”之意。
    the other和上文的one构成固定搭配,表示在两者中“一个……;另外一个……”。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第24题:

    In China people are required to retire at a fixed age, men at 60 and women at 55. People used to accept it without any doubts,but now with the diversification of employment,the policy of forced retirement is causing more and more debates. What is your opinion about this policy? Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic:My Opinion on Forced Retirement  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement,and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

    My Opinion on Forced Retirement Before the reform and opening up in 1980s, everything in China was planned by the government. People in towns and cities were assigned jobs after graduation, and would retire at a fixed age. Now about a quarter of century later, great changes have taken place in China, but the policy of forced retirement remains unchanged. This naturally causes much debate. In my opinion, forced retirement is not really suitable for the contemporary society.
    Firstly, forced retirement may lead to much waste of experience and expertise. At the age set for retirement, that is, 55 years old for women and 60 for men, most are still at the best state in terms of job performance. By this time, most of them may have worked for about 30 years, and this gives them valuable experience and expertise which do not exist among younger people. Besides, at the age of 50s or 60s, people usually have a better understanding of the society and life, so they can make more sensible decisions than younger people do. So forcing people to retire at 50s or 60s will necessarily lead to a great loss for the society.
    Secondly, forced retirement may also cause problems for the retired. The purpose of retirement is to give people a chance to rest and to enjoy their life. But in fact the opposite is usually true. The average span of life in China is above 70, so when people retire at 50s or 60s, they still have about one third of their life left. Most retired people find it difficult to adjust to the new life. Recently I read an article on problems troubling these senior citizens. The author has listed mental disorder and poor family relation as the most serious difficulties. The author also speculates that if people do not retire so early, maybe many of them can avoid such problems.
    Lastly, forced retirement cannot really offer more job opportunities. Many people who support the forced retirement policy believe that forced retirement can lead to many vacancies, which can help to ease the tension of employment in China. But this is not the case. As China's population has grown very quickly in the past decades, the jobs that the retired people can provide account for only a tiny amount of jobs required by the young. Besides, a society should try to create new job positions rather than rob jobs from the old.
    From the above discussion, we can see that forced retirement is exerting negative influence on the society since it wastes valuable experience and expertise, causes trouble to the old people and cannot really achieve the purpose of creating _more job opportunities. As the society is attaching more importance to freedom and personal values, people should be allowed to make their own decisions as to when to retire.