问答题Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pu

Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pursuits extend into the summer.  Students choose their classes a few weeks prior to the start of each term. Universities offer a great many classes in the students’ main area of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, mathematics, computer, history and English. Other classes may be just for fun, like dance, theater or sports. Tests usually are given in the middle of the term and at the end3. The final examinations are extremely important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test.  Classes usually are organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend 2 or 3 lectures a week by the professor. As many as several hundred students sit at each lecture. Sometimes they also attend a smaller class to ask questions and discuss what the professor says4. These small classes are taught by professor’s assistants. In science classes, students also have a long laboratory class each week.  What do American students study at college? The US Department of Education says the most popular area of study is sciences and management. Next is social science, which encompasses history, sociology, literature, public relations and political science. English is another popular field of study. Then comes computer science and health and life sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. Education is popular, too. Foreign languages are not popular as a main area of study among American college students. However, students at many colleges must study a language other than English before they can graduate. The most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and German.


1.How much will international students have misconceptions about the U.S.? In an effort to quash some myths, here are the four most common stereotypes regarding college education in the United States.Myth 1: American students are not as academically driven in comparison to other nations.There are more than 3,000 universities in the United States. Some are highly selective, some not at all. The less selective colleges may consist of students who have little concern for their academic well-being, but in the more selective colleges you will find very committed students who will spend countless hours at night on their homework. This is a phrase in the United States called an―all nighter which is used when a student stays up all night to perfect an assignment. In truth, it is an issue of pride.Myth 2: American students party all night and day.While American students do enjoy the freedom to explore a full lifestyle, they are also expected to keep up with very high standards of social behavior. and academic excellence. International students often join clubs or organizations where they can become involved in exciting programs both on and off campus.Myth 3: American students are all rich and can afford a college education.Although a certain percentage of American college students do come from wealthy families and have large expendable incomes, most American college students come from moderate-income families. Most American students enter college knowing they must apply for loans, work part-time, and earn scholarships in order to meet their financial obligations.Myth 4: Most Americans (and college students) live in large cities which are crime-ridden with drugs and drive-by shootings.Of all industrialized nations, the United States has one of the lowest crimerates. College campuses are no exception. Safety is of primary importance to all students, parents, and staff at universities.Universities centered in major cities have endless services to ensure the safety of all students, from campus transportation services to on-campus police officers. Most of universities located outside of the city are very safe, and various precautions are made based on their demographic situation.(1) According to the passage, the word-myth means ().A、taleB、misunderstandingC、mistakeD、story(2) In selective colleges, you will find students ().A、are not as academically driven in comparison to other nationsB、have little concern for their academic well-beingC、spend countless hours on their homeworkD、party all night and day(3) Which of the following is NOT the way most American students pay for their college education?A、Work part-timeB、Apply for loansC、Earn scholarshipsD、Borrow money from their parents(4) College campuses in the United States ().A、are very safeB、are crime-riddenC、have high crime ratesD、are too safe to make precautions(5) According to the passage, what can we learn about American college students?A、Students are tired of staying up all night to perfect an assignment.B、Some students have little concern for their academic well-being.C、They come from wealthy families and can afford a college education.D、International students will not join clubs or organizations.

2.Now read the passageand decide if the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). HELPING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAKE FRIENDS One study in the United States found that thirty-eight percent of foreign students said they had no close American friends. Elisabeth Gareis teaches in the Department of Communication Studies at Baruch College in New York. She says efforts on how to improve relationships between foreign and American students have yet to be studied in detail. But she says these efforts should begin with the college or university, and that these institutions have been working harder. Ms. Gareis suggests that students should be encouraged to take part in different activities, such as taking walks, going on bike rides, field or camping trips, and attending parties, sporting events or film festivals. She says such activities should be held repeatedly throughout the school term to bring students together. She also suggests that foreign students share housing with American students. She says if the new students make friends as they begin school, they will come to feel part of the life and traditions of the university, as well as create long lasting friendships throughout their university career.1. A study showed that 38% foreign students had many close American friends.()2. Universities have been working on improving the relationships between foreign and American students.()3.Ms. Gareis thinks taking part in some activities is a good way to improve the relationship.()4.Ms. Gareis says the activities shouldn’t be held repeatedly throughout the term.()5.Making friends when they begin school is helpful for the students to create long lasting friendships.()

3.Passage FourStudents all over the world have to work for their education. A college education in the United States isexpensive. The costs are so high that most families begin to save for their children's education when their children are babies. Even so, many young people cannot afford to pay the expenses of full-time college work. They do not have enough money to pay for school costs. Tuition for attending the university, books for classes, and living expenses are high. There are other expenses such as chemistry and biology lab fees and special student activity fees for such things as parking permits and football tic, kets. The cost of college education increases every year. However, classrooms are still crowded with students. Some American students have scholarships or other support, but many do not.Students from other countries have money problems to overcome, too. Because students in most international programs need to have a sponsor, they work hard to earn scholarships or special loans. International students understand the value of going to school in another country. They also know that it is difficult. Yet just as Americans choose to attend American universities in spite of the difficulty, however, it is usually possible for students from abroad to work on university campuses to pay for some of the costs of their education. Some people believe that students value their education more if they work for it.48. Tuition for attending the university in the United States is ______.A. inexpensiveB. highC. free from chargeD. costless

更多“问答题Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pu”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Section C

    Directions: Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for each paragraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.

    80. __________________________________________________________________________

    You’re probably most familiar with college dictionaries, often called abridged dictionaries. Although abridged means “shortened”, these dictionaries contain more than 150,000 entries and provide detailed definitions that are sufficient for most college students and general users. College dictionaries also contain separate lists of abbreviations, biographical and geographical names, foreign words and phrases, and tables of measures. Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language are college dictionaries.

    A. Varieties of college dictionaries

    B. Accessing dictionaries electronically

    C. Elements under a word item

    D. Complete editions of dictionaries

    E. Using dictionaries for particular fields

    F. Features of college dictionaries


  • 第2题:

    Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
    One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
    The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
    Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
    The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

    __at the college are required to take the alcohol information course.



  • 第3题:

    Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
    One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
    The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
    Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
    The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

    How do officials know that alcohol is a problem at the school?

    A.Students are getting bad grade
    B.There are too many bars on the campu
    C.Only a few students drin
    D.Several students have died and one is in a com


  • 第4题:

    Text 3 Today,widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.After all,if everyone you know is going to college in the fall,it seems silly to stay back a year,doesn't it?And after going to school for 12 years,it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.But while this may be true,it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated“race to the finish line,”whether that be toward graduate school,medical school or lucrative career.But despite common misconceptions,a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact,it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not.Rather than pulling students back,a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence,new responsibilities and environmental changes-all things that first-year students often struggle with the most.Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment,making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests,then consider its financial impact on future academic choices.According to the National Center for Education Statistics,nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once.This isn’t surprising,considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications,but switching to another after taking college classes.It’s not necessarily a bad thing,but depending on the school,it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game.At Boston College,for example,you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department.Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.
    The word“acclimation”(Line 8,Para.3)is closest in meaning to_____


    根据题干关键词“acclimation”(Line 6,Para.3)定位到第三段最后一句。定位句指出,空档年的经历可以减轻适应大学生活和突然进入全新环境时的各种冲击,使他们更容易将精力集中在学术和活动上,并且在acclimation之后是名词blunders“失误”。定位句主要在强调适应全新环境的问题,由此可知,可能出现的失误或者障碍都应该是与适应环境有关的,故正确答案为A。

  • 第5题:

    Text 3 Today,widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.After all,if everyone you know is going to college in the fall,it seems silly to stay back a year,doesn't it?And after going to school for 12 years,it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.But while this may be true,it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated“race to the finish line,”whether that be toward graduate school,medical school or lucrative career.But despite common misconceptions,a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact,it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not.Rather than pulling students back,a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence,new responsibilities and environmental changes-all things that first-year students often struggle with the most.Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment,making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests,then consider its financial impact on future academic choices.According to the National Center for Education Statistics,nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once.This isn’t surprising,considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications,but switching to another after taking college classes.It’s not necessarily a bad thing,but depending on the school,it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game.At Boston College,for example,you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department.Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.
    The most suitable title for this text would be_____

    A.In Favor of the Gap Year
    B.The ABCs of the Gap Year
    C.The Gap Year Comes Back
    D.The Gap Year:A Dilemma

    根据题干关键词title for this text可知,解答本题需概括全文主旨。文章开篇就提出了学生们在高中毕业后是否应该先度过一个空档年再去上大学的问题,作者分析了高中毕业生不做此选择的种种原因,随后作者明确提出自己的观点:空档年其实是由好处的。第三段和第四段分别从心理准备和经济影响着两个角度分析了空档年可能带来的好处,用于支持第二段的观点,由此可知,作者是赞成空档年的,正确答案为A。

  • 第6题:


    Medical Education

    In 18th-century colonial America,those who wanted to become physicians either
    learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the
    traditional schools of London,Paris, and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formally by
    specialists at the University of Pennsylvania,beginning in 1765,and in 1767 at King's
    College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of
    doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,the Columbia medical faculty
    (formerly of King's College)was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
    chartered in 1809,which survives as a division of Columbia University.
    In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college
    degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an
    attached teaching hospita'.The growth of medical schools attached with established
    institutions of earning went together with the development of proprietary(私营的)schools of
    medicine run for personal profit,most of which had low standards and poor facilities.In
    1910 Abraham Rexner,the American education reformer,wrote Medical Education in the
    United States and Canada,exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools.
    Subsequently,the American Medical Association(AMA)and the Association of American
    Medical Coleges(AAMC) laid down standards for course content,qualifications of
    teachers,laboratory facilities,connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical
    practitioners(开业医师)that survive to this day.
    By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 142 4-year medical colleges recognized by
    the Liaison(联络)Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. a degree ; during the
    1987-88 academic year,47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an
    estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated.Graduates,after a year of
    internship(实习期),receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by
    a state board or by the Nafional Board of Medical Examiners.

    After a year of internship medical graduates can start to practice
    A:if they have worked in a aboratory.
    B:if they have studied abroad for some time.
    C:if they have obtained an M.D.degree.
    D:if they have passed an examination.


  • 第7题:


    Medical Education

    In 18th-century colonial America,those who wanted to become physicians either
    learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the
    traditional schools of London,Paris, and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formally by
    specialists at the University of Pennsylvania,beginning in 1765,and in 1767 at King's
    College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of
    doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,the Columbia medical faculty
    (formerly of King's College)was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
    chartered in 1809,which survives as a division of Columbia University.
    In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college
    degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an
    attached teaching hospita'.The growth of medical schools attached with established
    institutions of earning went together with the development of proprietary(私营的)schools of
    medicine run for personal profit,most of which had low standards and poor facilities.In
    1910 Abraham Rexner,the American education reformer,wrote Medical Education in the
    United States and Canada,exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools.
    Subsequently,the American Medical Association(AMA)and the Association of American
    Medical Coleges(AAMC) laid down standards for course content,qualifications of
    teachers,laboratory facilities,connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical
    practitioners(开业医师)that survive to this day.
    By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 142 4-year medical colleges recognized by
    the Liaison(联络)Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. a degree ; during the
    1987-88 academic year,47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an
    estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated.Graduates,after a year of
    internship(实习期),receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by
    a state board or by the Nafional Board of Medical Examiners.

    Initially most proprietary schools of medicine in America
    A:had estabiished professionals.
    B:had good facilities.
    C:had hgh standards
    D:were in poor conditions.


  • 第8题:

    About 35%of all high school graduates in America continue their education in an institution of higher learning.The word college is used to refer to either a college or a university.These institutions offer four-year programs that lead to a Bachelor of Arts(B.A.)or Bachelor Science(B.S.)degree.Some students attend a junior college(providing only a two-year program)for one to two years before entering a four-year college as a sophomore(二年级生)or junior(三年级生).
    It is generally easier to be accepted at a state university than at a private one.Most private schools require strict entrance examinations and a high grade point average(GPA),as well as specific college prep classes in high school.Private schools cost considerably more than state colleges and famous private schools are very expensive.Poorer students can sometimes attend,however,by earning scholarships.Some college graduates go on to earn advanced masters or doctoral degrees in grad(graduate)school.Occupations in certain fields such as law or medicine require such advanced studies.
    Since college costs are very high,most students work at part-time jobs.Some have full-time jobs and go to school part-time.Often some will take five or more years to complete a four-year program because of money/job demands on their time.
    While the college and work demands take up the great part of a student’s time,most still enjoy social activities.Sports,dances,clubs,movies,and plays are all very popular.However,gathering together for long,philosophical talks at a favorite meeting place on or near the university is probably the most popular activity.
    College education is_______in America.

    A.quite common
    B.very rare
    C.something difficult
    D.almost impossible


  • 第9题:

    Read the passage carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. Answer each question in a maximum of 10 words. Remember to write the answers on the Answer Sheet.  In the United States today, many people want a college education. However, almost half of the people who go to college now do not attend a four-year college. Instead, they go to a community college.  The community college offers a two-year course of study in a wide range of subjects. It prepares some young people to go on to a four-year college. It trains others for jobs in business, government, or industry.  Some people choose a community college because of cost. The tuition for a semester at a community college can be less than half the cost of a semester at a four-year college. Also, since these colleges are located in large communities, their students can save money by living at home.  Community colleges are also useful for people who have jobs and who do not have time for a traditional four-year college. Some of these people take night courses at community colleges. Others complete long-distance courses, in which they stay at home and use video-tapes, audiotapes, and the Internet.  Community colleges also serve high school graduates who only achieved low grades. Many of these students would not be admitted to a four-year college. If they do well, they may go on to a four-year college.  Today, the country’s 1,500 community colleges have more than 10 million students. These colleges are making it possible for more and more people to continue their education.  Questions:  1.What is the passage mainly about?  2.What does theyin paragraph 1 refer to?  3.In which fields does a community college provide job training?  4.Why do people often prefer to go to a community college?  5.What does the word tuitionin paragraph 3 mean?

    1.(the advantages of)community college 本文主要介绍了与普通高校相比,社区学院的各项优点,如:开设课程广泛、学费低以及适合各类学生进修等。
    2.half of the people who go to college now ”instead”表意思转折,前后共享一个主语。
    3.business, government, or industry 第二段最后一句提到社区学院在商务,政府和工业领域为学生提供职能培训。
    4.low cost 第三段提到许多人出于费用考虑选择社区学院,因为它的学费低于四年制高校的一半,并且因为离家近很多学生可以直接住在家里从而节省住宿费。这是community college区别于其他院校最大的地方。
    5.cost 本段提到许多人出于cost考虑选择社区学院,并且由第二句话可推断tuition与cost是近义词。tuition学费。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?

    The college students have trouble separating good plants from wild grass.


    Craftsman’s experience is usually unscientific.


    The contemptuous (傲慢的) college students will receive nothing from craftsmen.


    Traditional practices are as important as experience for the college student.

    正确答案: A
    事实细节题。题干的意思是“下面哪个说法是正确的”。由第一段第二句another large reservoir which may be called experience和第二段首句Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional practices可知D项 “传统实践与经验对于大学生来说是一样重要的”。A项“大学生难以区分好坏”,B项“工匠们的经验都是不科学的”,C项 “傲慢的大学生无法从工匠那学到任何东西”,均与原文不符。

  • 第11题:

    There is an ever-widening gap between black male college enrollees and their female and white counterparts, says the American Council on Education (ACE).  Twenty years ago, according to ACE’s “Annual Status Report on Minorities in Higher Education,” 30 percent of African American male high school graduates (ages 18 to 24) were enrolled in college, compared with 28 percent of same-age black females and 41 percent of white males. Now, some 37 percent of black men are enrolled, compared with 42 percent of African American women and 44.5 percent of white males. So while there are more black males enrolling in college today than 20 years ago, other groups have outstripped them in enrolling and, even more importantly, in retention rates.  The graduation rate of black men is lower than that of any group. Only 35 percent of black males enrollees graduated within six years from colleges in 1996, compared with 59 percent of white males,46 percent of Hispanic men,41 percent of American Indian males and 45 percent of the black women who entered the same year.  Surveys and reports are hinting that the country’s educational apparatus is stacked against the black male. Fewer than one in five students of color have graduated from high school, have a set of college-prep courses on their high school transcripts and “demonstrate basic literacy” — the necessities for being “college ready.”  Another glaring problem is that black males are disproportionately labeled as discipline and behavioral problems and fast tracked out of high schools through expulsions and suspensions. As if that’s not enough, says ACE’s William Harvey, there’s a virtual drying up of federal aid-to-education grant money coupled with jacked-up tuitions, which make it necessary for low-income students to assume an average $ 20,000 debt to finish a four-year curriculum.  “For those in the lower economic category, the availability of financial aid determines who gets to go to college and who doesn’t,” observes Harvey.  Harvey points out that, over the years, federal funding has undergone a “complete reversal,” from “a 70 percent to 30 percent grant-to-loan ratio 20 years ago” to the exact opposite today..”An 18-year-old male will be more inclined to say, I want money in my pocket now’ and attempt to get a job,” adds Harvey. “But many take on the debt, become part-time students, work 20-plus hours a week and become five-year students at a four-year college.”  The inequity of that educational apparatus is especially clear when you look at the black males who persevere — those who go on to finish high school, earn a bachelor’s degree and even finish grad school.  A recently released Census report shows that, whether they have a high school diploma or a master’s degree, black men will earn roughly 25 percent less than Whites.

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that______.

    society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates


    high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education


    toe many students have to earn their own living


    college administrators encourage students to drop out

    正确答案: B
    大学教育出现种种问题的原因:一是年轻人自己的原因(他们被宠坏了、期望值太高)(见第三段),二是社会原因,即末句“... disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds”,故选项A正确。

  • 第13题:

    Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
    One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
    The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
    Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
    The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

    What has the college become known for?

    A.It's known for its lack of heavy drinking by student
    B.It's known for heavy alcohol used by student
    C.It's known for its great teacher
    D.It's known for its great classe


  • 第14题:

    Some college students drink too much alcohol at school.Many of them live on the campus.Heavy drinking has caused many problems.It can cause students to make bad choices and do dangerous things.
    One college has decided to ban alcohol.It has gotten a reputation as a party school.Five students at the college have died from drinking too much alcohol.Recently,one student drank too much vodka.He slipped into a coma.The college hopes the new rule will prevent any more tragedies.
    The new rule prohibits students from drinking alcohol in the dorms.The first time a student breaks the rule they will receive a warning.If they break the rule again,they will be evicted from the dorm.However,they will still have to pay for the dorm.Some students do not live on the campus.They live in houses near the campus.Those students are also banned from drinking alcohol,even if they are of legal age.
    Freshmen at the college are now required to take a special course.The course is called AlcoholEdu,and lasts for two and a half hours.The students learn about the dangers of alcohol.They also take a survey to find out how much they know about alcohol.All first-year students must pass the course.
    The college hopes that more information will help students make better choices.

    Why does the college want all freshmen to take the alcohol course?

    A.Only freshmen drink alcoho
    B.The other students already know about alcohol danger
    C.They want to reach students as soon as they enter colleg
    D.Freshmen do not know muc


  • 第15题:

    Text 3 Today,widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.After all,if everyone you know is going to college in the fall,it seems silly to stay back a year,doesn't it?And after going to school for 12 years,it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.But while this may be true,it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated“race to the finish line,”whether that be toward graduate school,medical school or lucrative career.But despite common misconceptions,a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact,it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not.Rather than pulling students back,a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence,new responsibilities and environmental changes-all things that first-year students often struggle with the most.Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment,making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests,then consider its financial impact on future academic choices.According to the National Center for Education Statistics,nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once.This isn’t surprising,considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications,but switching to another after taking college classes.It’s not necessarily a bad thing,but depending on the school,it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game.At Boston College,for example,you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department.Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.
    A gap year may save money for students by helping them____

    A.avoid academic failures
    B.establish long-term goals
    C.switch to another college
    D.decide on the right major

    根据题干关键词save money和by helping可以定位到第四段第一句,定位句指出,“如果度过一个空档年去发现兴趣点的内在价值还不足以令你信服的话,那么考虑一下它对未来学业选择的经济影响吧。”在随后的分析中,作者指出,高校新生换专业十分频繁,因为他们多半在入学前不了解自己的真正需求和大学学业特点,空档年有助于他们想清楚自己的实际兴趣和需要,避免换专业带来的经济等方面压力,由此可知,正确答案为D。

  • 第16题:

    Text 3 Today,widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.After all,if everyone you know is going to college in the fall,it seems silly to stay back a year,doesn't it?And after going to school for 12 years,it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.But while this may be true,it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated“race to the finish line,”whether that be toward graduate school,medical school or lucrative career.But despite common misconceptions,a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact,it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not.Rather than pulling students back,a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence,new responsibilities and environmental changes-all things that first-year students often struggle with the most.Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment,making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests,then consider its financial impact on future academic choices.According to the National Center for Education Statistics,nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once.This isn’t surprising,considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications,but switching to another after taking college classes.It’s not necessarily a bad thing,but depending on the school,it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game.At Boston College,for example,you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department.Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.
    Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year helps_____

    A.keep students from being unrealistic
    B.lower risks in choosing careers
    C.ease freshmen’s financial burdens
    D.relieve freshmen of pressures

    根据题干关键词the US and Australia可以定位到第三段第一、二句。定位句指出,来自美国和澳大利亚的研究显示,度过空档年的学生整体上比没有度过空档年的学生准备更加充分,在大学中表现得也更好。空档年有助于他们在独立性、承担新责任和应对环境变化等方面做好准备,也就是说可以缓解他们的压力,由此可见,正确答案为D。

  • 第17题:


    Medical Education

    In 18th-century colonial America,those who wanted to become physicians either
    learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the
    traditional schools of London,Paris, and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formally by
    specialists at the University of Pennsylvania,beginning in 1765,and in 1767 at King's
    College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of
    doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,the Columbia medical faculty
    (formerly of King's College)was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
    chartered in 1809,which survives as a division of Columbia University.
    In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college
    degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an
    attached teaching hospita'.The growth of medical schools attached with established
    institutions of earning went together with the development of proprietary(私营的)schools of
    medicine run for personal profit,most of which had low standards and poor facilities.In
    1910 Abraham Rexner,the American education reformer,wrote Medical Education in the
    United States and Canada,exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools.
    Subsequently,the American Medical Association(AMA)and the Association of American
    Medical Coleges(AAMC) laid down standards for course content,qualifications of
    teachers,laboratory facilities,connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical
    practitioners(开业医师)that survive to this day.
    By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 142 4-year medical colleges recognized by
    the Liaison(联络)Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. a degree ; during the
    1987-88 academic year,47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an
    estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated.Graduates,after a year of
    internship(实习期),receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by
    a state board or by the Nafional Board of Medical Examiners.

    The AMA and AAMC established standards so as to
    A:recruit more students.
    B:set up more schools of rnedicine.
    C:ensure the quality of medical teaching and practice.
    D:prevent medical schools from making huge profits.


  • 第18题:


    Medical Education

    In 18th-century colonial America,those who wanted to become physicians either
    learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the
    traditional schools of London,Paris, and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formally by
    specialists at the University of Pennsylvania,beginning in 1765,and in 1767 at King's
    College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of
    doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,the Columbia medical faculty
    (formerly of King's College)was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
    chartered in 1809,which survives as a division of Columbia University.
    In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college
    degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an
    attached teaching hospita'.The growth of medical schools attached with established
    institutions of earning went together with the development of proprietary(私营的)schools of
    medicine run for personal profit,most of which had low standards and poor facilities.In
    1910 Abraham Rexner,the American education reformer,wrote Medical Education in the
    United States and Canada,exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools.
    Subsequently,the American Medical Association(AMA)and the Association of American
    Medical Coleges(AAMC) laid down standards for course content,qualifications of
    teachers,laboratory facilities,connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical
    practitioners(开业医师)that survive to this day.
    By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 142 4-year medical colleges recognized by
    the Liaison(联络)Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. a degree ; during the
    1987-88 academic year,47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an
    estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated.Graduates,after a year of
    internship(实习期),receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by
    a state board or by the Nafional Board of Medical Examiners.

    In l8th-century America,higher institutions of learning that taught medicine
    A:did not exist.
    B:were few in number.
    C:were better than those in Europe.
    D:were known for thei:teaching hospitals.


  • 第19题:


    Medical Education

    In 18th-century colonial America,those who wanted to become physicians either
    learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the
    traditional schools of London,Paris, and Edinburgh.Medicine was first taught formally by
    specialists at the University of Pennsylvania,beginning in 1765,and in 1767 at King's
    College(now Columbia University),the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of
    doctor of medicine.Following the American Revolution,the Columbia medical faculty
    (formerly of King's College)was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons,
    chartered in 1809,which survives as a division of Columbia University.
    In 1893 the Johns Hopkins Medical School required all applicants to have a college
    degree and was the first to afford its students the opportunity to further their training in an
    attached teaching hospita'.The growth of medical schools attached with established
    institutions of earning went together with the development of proprietary(私营的)schools of
    medicine run for personal profit,most of which had low standards and poor facilities.In
    1910 Abraham Rexner,the American education reformer,wrote Medical Education in the
    United States and Canada,exposing the poor conditions of most proprietary schools.
    Subsequently,the American Medical Association(AMA)and the Association of American
    Medical Coleges(AAMC) laid down standards for course content,qualifications of
    teachers,laboratory facilities,connection with teaching hospitals,and licensing of medical
    practitioners(开业医师)that survive to this day.
    By the late 1980s the U.S. and Canada had 142 4-year medical colleges recognized by
    the Liaison(联络)Committee on Medical Education to offer the M. a degree ; during the
    1987-88 academic year,47,262 men and 25,686 women entered these colleges and an
    estimated 11,752 men and 5,958 women were graduated.Graduates,after a year of
    internship(实习期),receive licenses to practice if they pass an examination given either by
    a state board or by the Nafional Board of Medical Examiners.

    This passage is mainly about
    A:how medicine is taught in America.
    B:how medical education has developed in America.
    C:how the American educational system works.
    D:how one can become a good doctor.


  • 第20题:

    The American college students like to_______most of all.

    A.discuss problems on philosophy
    B.play balls
    C.earn enough money
    D.go to the cinemas or theatres


  • 第21题:

    According to the third paragraph, which of the following is true?

    Five percent of American college students learnt Latin texts,


    Students in New England learnt Latin texts in official organizations.


    Students were compelled to learn modern European languages.


    American college students had to learn Latin grammar by heart.

    正确答案: A
    细节题。由该段第三句可知,近至上个世纪,当美国上大学的人总共还不到5%时,新英格兰教育机构里的学生却在被迫着主要记忆和背诵各种拉丁文本,那些顽固的教授愤怒地反对引进任何新的科学发现或现代欧洲语言。B项中的official organizations是该句中establishments的改写,与原文相符,为正确答案。

  • 第22题:

    Covington College has four full-time Classics professors, but only 12 Classics majors. This three-to-one student-to-professor ratio is the lowest in the college. Since the college is facing financial difficulties, and since the tuition fees from just 12 students is not sufficient to pay the salaries of 4 full-time professors, the college should cancel the Classics program to reduce expenses.  Which of the following, if true, most weakens the conclusion above?

    Professors in the Classics department teach popular language and literature classes that are attended by hundreds of students who are not Classics majors.


    Students at Covington College pay, on average, $22,500 per year in tuition and fees, while the average professor of humanities receives a salary of $61,500 per year.


    A well-regarded Classics program adds prestige to a college or university.


    The Classics department has already decreased in size from six full-time professors 10 years ago.


    The study of classical literature and languages is increasingly irrelevant to the high-tech workplace of today.

    正确答案: A
    因为学校认为Classic Major的12名学生的学费不足以支付4名全职教授的工资,所以要将Classic Major取消,所以A项(4名Classic Major的教授的基础语言和文学课程有几百名非本专业的学生参加)可以削弱这个结论,故本题选A项。

  • 第23题:

    According to the passage the problems of college education partly arise from the fact that _____.

    society cannot provide enough jobs for properly trained college graduates


    high school graduates do not fit the pattern of college education


    toe many students have to earn their own living


    college administrators encourage students to drop out

    正确答案: C
    大学教育出现种种问题的原因:一是年轻人自己的原因:他们被宠坏了、期望值太高(见第三段);二是社会原因,即末句“... disappointed graduates are learning that it can no longer absorb an army of trained twenty-two-year-olds”;故选项A正确。

  • 第24题:

    Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pursuits extend into the summer.  Students choose their classes a few weeks prior to the start of each term. Universities offer a great many classes in the students’ main area of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, mathematics, computer, history and English. Other classes may be just for fun, like dance, theater or sports. Tests usually are given in the middle of the term and at the end3. The final examinations are extremely important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test.  Classes usually are organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend 2 or 3 lectures a week by the professor. As many as several hundred students sit at each lecture. Sometimes they also attend a smaller class to ask questions and discuss what the professor says4. These small classes are taught by professor’s assistants. In science classes, students also have a long laboratory class each week.  What do American students study at college? The US Department of Education says the most popular area of study is sciences and management. Next is social science, which encompasses history, sociology, literature, public relations and political science. English is another popular field of study. Then comes computer science and health and life sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. Education is popular, too. Foreign languages are not popular as a main area of study among American college students. However, students at many colleges must study a language other than English before they can graduate. The most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and German.

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    美国大学的课程 在美国大学里,一学年常分为两个学期或三个学季。每学期为15周,而每学季为10周。美国大学生上课时间通常从九月份到第二年的五月份。有时在夏季他们也继续在校学习。
    解析: 暂无解析