问答题Guitar  Today we tell about a very popular musical instrument. Listen and see if you can guess what it is.  If you guess it was a guitar, you are correct. The Museum of Fine Arts in the eastern city of Boston, Massachusetts, recently began showing a co

Guitar  Today we tell about a very popular musical instrument. Listen and see if you can guess what it is.  If you guess it was a guitar, you are correct. The Museum of Fine Arts in the eastern city of Boston, Massachusetts, recently began showing a collection of guitars. The exhibit is called Dangerous Curves: The Art of the Guitar. It shows how the instrument developed during the past four centuries.  Probably no other musical instrument is as poplar around the world as guitar. Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music. Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. The traditional Spanish folk music called Flamenco could not exist without a guitar. The second of American blues music would not be the same without the sad cry of the guitar. And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument.  Music exports do not agree about where the guitar first was played. Most agree it is ancient. Some experts say an instrument very much like a guitar was played in Egypt more than a thousand years ago. Some other experts say that the ancestor of the modern guitar was brought to Spain from Persia sometime in the twelfth century. The guitar continued to develop in Spain. In the seventeen hundreds it became similar to the instrument we know today.  Many famous musicians played the instrument. The famous Italian violinist Niccolo Paganinni played and wrote music for the guitar in the early eighteen hundreds. Franz Schubert used the guitar to write some of his famous works.  In modem times Spanish guitarist Andres Segovia helped make the instrument extremely popular. One kind of music for the guitar developed in the southern area of Spain called Adalusia. It will always be strongly linked with the Spanish guitar. It is called Flamenco.  One guitar in the Boston Fine Arts display was played by Les Paul. It is a very old electric guitar. Mister Paul began experimenting with ways to make an electric guitar in the nineteen thirties. The Gibson Guitar Company began producing its famous Les Paul Guitar in 1952. The instrument has the same shape and the same six strings as the traditional guitar, but it sounds very different. Listen to a Les Paul recording. It was the fifth most popular song in the United States in 1952.  The guitar has always been important to blues music. The electric guitar Mister Paul helped develop made modem blues music possible: There have been many great blues guitarists. Yet, music experts say all blues guitar players are measured against one man and his famous guitar. That man is B-B King. Every blues fan knows that years ago B-B King named his guitar Lucille. Here B-B King plays Lucille on his famous recording of The Thrill Is Gone B-B King’s guitar, Lucille, is so important to American music that the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC has asked for it. They want to display the large, beautiful black guitar in one of the museums because it is a part of American culture.  Another famous guitar in American music also has a name. It belongs to country music star Willie Nelson. His guitar is as famous in country music as Lucille is in blues music. Its name is Trigger. Trigger is really a very ugly guitar. It looks like an old, broken instrument someone threw away. Several famous people have written their names on it. A huge hole was tom in the front of it a long time ago. It looks severely damaged. But the huge hole, the names and other marks seem to add to its sound. Listen while Willie Nelson and Trigger play of, Angel Flying Too Close To the Ground.

正确答案: 【参考译文】
吉他 今天我们谈论的是非常流行的一种乐器。听听它的音质你能猜出来是什么乐器吗?
吉他对爵士乐一直都很重要。保罗先生的电子吉他使现代爵士音乐的发展成为了可能。同时也产生了很多伟大的爵士乐吉他演奏家。但是音乐家却认为所有的爵士乐的演奏家都是由一个人以及他著名的吉他来衡量的。这个人就是B—B金。所有爵士乐的歌迷都知道数年前 B—B金把他的吉他命名为露西蕾。B-B金用他的露西蕾演奏了他著名的唱片《颤栗消散》。 B—B金的露西蕾对美国音乐非常重要,以至于华盛顿的史密森学会想收藏它。他们想把这把体积大且美观的黑色吉他展列在一家博物馆里,因为这把吉他是美国文化的一部分。
解析: 暂无解析
更多“问答题Guitar  Today we tell about a very popular musical instrument. Listen and see if you can guess what it is.  If you guess it was a guitar, you are correct. The Museum of Fine Arts in the eastern city of Boston, Massachusetts, recently began showing a co”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Passage Two

    What is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an optimist (乐观者), a leader, an active person. Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined. At least this is what psychologists (心理学家) tell us. They have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference (爱好), and the effect that colors have on human beings. They tell us that we don't choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.

    A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one. On the other hand, black is depressing. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray.

    Remember that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike. And don't forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.

    36. According to this passage,______.

    A. one can choose his color preference

    B. one is born with his color preference

    C. one's color preference is changeable

    D. one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly


    36.答案为B  从第一段心理学家的研究和If you happen to love brownyou did so as soon as you opened your eyes推知人对颜色的喜欢是天生的。

  • 第2题:

    Tell me about a city you have visited.

    You should say:

    where the city is and when you went there

    what people can see and do in that city

    why that city is special and explain why your visit to that city was memorable.

    You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

    You will have one minute to think about what you're going to say.

    You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

    正确答案:The city that I visited most recently was Sydney. It's on the coast of South-East Australia and is one of the biggest cities in that country. It's most famous for it's opera house which I went to on a tour. Nearby there is a big bridge—I can't remember the name. It's shaped like an arch. I went there last month to visit a friend. There are many theatres galleries and other cultural things to do there but I spent most of my time just walking around. In the evenings I went out to a few of the bars with my friend. They were a little expensive but I enjoyed the atmosphere and we met some interesting people. There are still some old buildings from the colonial era and I took some photographs of them whenever I saw them on my walks. What makes the city special? I'd say that the people. Most people are friendly and cheerful. They seem very optimistic. They are also very out-going and so Sydney is quite lively in the evenings—at least in the city centre. I'm looking forward to going there again someday.
    The city that I visited most recently was Sydney. It's on the coast of South-East Australia and is one of the biggest cities in that country. It's most famous for it's opera house, which I went to on a tour. Nearby, there is a big bridge—I can't remember the name. It's shaped like an arch. I went there last month to visit a friend. There are many theatres, galleries and other cultural things to do there, but I spent most of my time just walking around. In the evenings, I went out to a few of the bars with my friend. They were a little expensive, but I enjoyed the atmosphere and we met some interesting people. There are still some old buildings from the colonial era and I took some photographs of them whenever I saw them on my walks. What makes the city special? I'd say that the people. Most people are friendly and cheerful. They seem very, optimistic. They are also very out-going and so Sydney is quite lively in the evenings—at least in the city centre. I'm looking forward to going there again someday.

  • 第3题:

    Anyone can guess a lot about your personality when you choose a pair of socks or cushion.()



  • 第4题:

    which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation? ()

    A. Did you finish the task on time?

    B. Can you use the strategies we have learned today?

    C. What did you do in your group work today?

    D. Did you get all the questions right in today


  • 第5题:

    Can you tell me ______ here today?

    A: what did you see

    B: what you saw

    C: when did you see it

    D: when you saw


  • 第6题:

    I guess we’ve already talked about this before but I’ll ask you again just .

    A.by nature

    B.in return

    C.in case

    D.by chance

    解析:本题考查介词短语。分析四个选项的意思:by nature 天生地;in return作为回报,作为交换;in case 万一,以防;by chance偶然地。根据句意:我想我之前已经跟你谈论过这件事,但是以防万一,我再问你一次。

  • 第7题:

    We can make mistakes at any age.Some mistakes we make are about money.But most mistakes?are about people."Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?When I got that great job,did Jim really feel good about it,as a friend?Or did he envy my luck?"When we look back,doubts?like these can make us feel bad.But when we look back,it′s too late.
    Why do we go wrong about our friends or our enemies?Sometimes what people say hides their?real meaning.And if we don′t really listen closely we miss the feeling behind the words.Suppose?someone tells you,"You′re a lucky dog."That′s being friendly.But"lucky dog"?There′s a bit?of envy in those words.Maybe he doesn′t see it himself.But bringing in the"dog"puts you down a?little.What he may be saying is that he doesn′t think you deserve your luck.
    "Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for"is another noise that says one thing and?means another.It could mean that the speaker is trying to get you to see your problem as part of your life as a whole.But is be?Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn′t important.It′s telling you to think of all the starving people in the world when you haven′t got a date for Saturday night.How can you tell the real meaning behind someone′s words?One way is to take a good look at?the person talking.Do his words fit the way he looks?Does what he says agree with the tone of?voice?His posture?The look in his eyes?Stop and think.The minute you spend thinking about the?real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

    According to the author′,the reason why we go wrong about our friends is that

    A.we fail to listen carefully when they talk
    B.people tend to be annoyed when we check what they say
    C.people usually state one thing but mean another
    D.we tend to doubt What.our friends say


  • 第8题:

    You are using VTP version 2 in your network to transport VLAN information between switches. When adding a switch to the network that has been used in the lab previously, you notice that a lot of the existingVLANs have been deleted or replaced with other names. What can you do to prevent this from happeningin the future, without losing all VTP features that you are using today?()

    • A、configure a hard-to-guess VTP domain name
    • B、use a hard-to-guess VTP password
    • C、use VTP transparent mode
    • D、implement VTP version 3


  • 第9题:

    ______ would happen if your mother knew you failed the final examination?

    Will you guess that


    What you suppose


    Do you suppose what    


    What do you suppose

    正确答案: B
    你认为你妈妈知道你考试不及格后会怎么样?这句中“你认为”是插入语,好像do you think一样,所以采用what do you think...的句型,故D项正确。

  • 第10题:

    —Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()

    No, I can’t.


    Yes, you’re right.


    I don’t know either.


    Sorry, I don’t know.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    We can't help you ____ you tell us what' s wrong.








    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    We can't help you_______ you tell us what's wrong.








    正确答案: A

  • 第13题:

    I guess we’ve already talked about this before but I’ll as you again just .

    A.by nature

    B.in return

    C.in case

    D.by chance


  • 第14题:

    —Shall we see a movie tonight?

    --- ____.

    A.Thank you very much

    B.Good you very much

    C.See you later


  • 第15题:

    - It’s nice to meet you in my office. -()

    A、I am here today to discuss the trademark transfer with you.

    B、I want to tell you it is fine today.

    C、I only meant to help you.


  • 第16题:

    —Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()

    A、No, I can’t.

    B、Yes, you’re right.

    C、I don’t know either.

    D、Sorry, I don’t know.


  • 第17题:

    Tell me what you think a job is.


  • 第18题:

    Which of the following questions can be used in the questionnaire for assessing participation?

    A.Did you get all the questions right in today’s class?
    B.Did you finish the task on time?
    C.Can you use the strategies we have learned today??
    D.What did you do in your group work today?


    A、B、C三项均为选择性问题,只需回答“是”或“不是”, 只有D项是开放性问题.能真正看出学生一天的学习情况。综上,D选项正确。


  • 第19题:

    —Excuse me, could you tell me which bus goes to the Fine Arts Museum? —()

    ANo, I can’t.

    BYes, you’re right.

    CI don’t know either.

    DSorry, I don’t know.


  • 第20题:

    Clerk: Can I help you?  John: Not right now, thanks. I’m just looking.  Clerk: Is there anything in particular I can do for you?  John: ______  Clerk: Oh, I’m afraid we’re out of digital watches, but we expect some in very soon. Is there anything else I can do for you?  John: I guess not. But thanks anyway.  Clerk: Well, please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.  John: Thanks very much.

    Maybe, yes.


    Well, I’d rather like a watch.


    Yes, thank you.


    Well, actually, I’m looking for a digital watch.

    正确答案: D

  • 第21题:

    Customer: I’d like to mail this box to California.  Clerk: ______  Customer: Gee, I don’t know about that. What do you have?  Clerk: Airmail and surface mail.  Customer: I guess surface mail is fine.

    Do you want to insure it?


    How do you want to mail it?


    What can I do for you?


    Where will you mail to?

    正确答案: D
    解析: 由顾客和营业员后面的回答可知B选项符合题意。

  • 第22题:

    【参考范例九】A MuseumPart 2Describe a museum you’ve visited. You should say:what museum it is when it was built what exhibitions are displayed hereand explain why you choose this museum to talk about.You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

    正确答案: I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art, an art museum ,last summer. It was founded in 1870 by a group of American citizens which included businessmen and financiers, as well as leading artists and thinkers of the day, because they wanted to set up a museum to bring art and art education to the American people. It is on the eastern edge of Central Park, along ‘Museum Mile’ in New York City, United States.  Its permanent collection contains more than two million works of art. The main building is one of the world’s largest art galleries which was often called ‘the Met’ which maintains extensive holdings of African, Asian, Oceanic, Byzantine, and Islamic art. For example, I came across an Islamic art exhibition when I was there. Besides, there is also a much smaller location, which features medieval art, at ‘The Cloisters’ in Upper Manhattan. Represented in the permanent collection are works of art from classical antiquity and Ancient Egypt, paintings and sculptures from nearly all the European masters.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Karen: Can you tell me if my proposal was accepted?  Mitchell: ______ But, you can come see me if you have any better ideas.

    That’s very good.


    It’s very kind of you.


    I’m glad you did that.


    It was turned down.

    正确答案: B