单选题We can infer from the text that ______.A parents are strongly opposed to children watching TVB a cartoon program is not harmful if it is not realC children may imitate what they have seen on televisionD the quality of children’s programs is not the par

We can infer from the text that ______.

parents are strongly opposed to children watching TV


a cartoon program is not harmful if it is not real


children may imitate what they have seen on television


the quality of children’s programs is not the parents’ main concern


3.Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school.Parents are concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they may become aggressive or insecure.Parents are also concerned about the commercials (商业广告) that their children see on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have any commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.Educational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of. The most famous of these is Sesame Street, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet (字母) and numbers. It also tries to teach children useful things about the world in which they live.Even though most parents and educators give Sesame Street and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television every day turns children into bored and passive (被动的) consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it1). Which of the following statements is not based on the passage?A. Parents are worried about the influence from television on their children.B. Television has much influence on children.C. Both parents and their children like watching educational television.D. Some critics think that television is no good for children.2). In what ways do children suffer from television?A. They become the victims of social violence.B. They spend hours watching television instead of doing school work.C. The programs make the children lose interest in the world.D. The programs make the children spend too much of their parents’ money.3). Parents would not like their children to see commercials because ______A. they think that their children are not old enough to handle advertisingB. commercials teach children alphabet and numbersC. commercials help to sell productsD. they don’t like commercials4). Educational television is widely appreciated because _____A. it does have the same commercials as othersB. it offers programs for both children and their parentsC. many parents like the programs it offers for their childrenD. children can learn some school subjects before they go to school5). Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A. Watching Too Much Television Is Harmful to Young Minds.B. Television Is More Harmful than Educational.C. Television’s Influence on Children.D. More Education Television.

更多“单选题We can infer from the text that ______.A parents are strongly opposed to children watching TVB a cartoon program is not harmful if it is not realC children may imitate what they have seen on televisionD the quality of children’s programs is not the par”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    We can infer from the passage that().

    A、most parents believe reading to be beneficial to children B、efforts to get kids interested in reading have been fruitful

    C、most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched off

    D、extracurricular activities promote children's intelligence

    正确答案: B

  • 第2题:

    What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

    A.More time should be spent on computers.

    B.Children should be forbidden from watching TV.

    C.'IV sets shouldn't be allowed in children's bedrooms,

    D. Further studies on high-achieving students should be done


  • 第3题:


    About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alcohol,tobacco,and drugs.Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.
    Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths.One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods.
    After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relationships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults,as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth.
    After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations.
    Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older cililciren and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.F'arents may ieei uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the traditional child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    What can we infer from the passage?
    A:Teenagers tend to stay at their friends' houses for a long time.
    B:Relationships with adults may cause unhealthy development in youths.
    C:The after-school programs can be used for many different kids.
    D:Teenagers do not like the after-school programs.

    依据是第二段:Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths.One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods.A选项中的“avoid(避免)”用在这里不准确,根据第二段内容,课后活动只能减少并没有说彻底避免危险行为及暴力行为的产生,因此不选A。根据第三段第一句话,很多活动会安排学生们在课后参加,所以他们并不是on their own(独自一人的),因此不选B。根据第三段第二句:...develop caring relationships with adults,可知并不是和同学之间,而是和成年人之间形成良好关系,因此不选C。
    依据是最后一段的前两句话:...there are many reasons why some parents do not use them.Programs may be too expensive , of poor quality , or hard to join.根据最后一段第三句话:Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.可以判断出只是某些学生认为这样的活动类似于child care programs,因此不喜欢,但并不是家长们拒绝课后活动项目的原因。因此不选A。根据最后一段第四句话可知,这些活动并不是不给孩子们任何自由,故不选B项。C选项和前面第二段所讲的after-school pro-grams resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods矛盾,本身就不正确,更不是家长们拒绝课后活动的原因。
    根据第四段第一句话可以得知,除了适合那种放学之后父母都不在家的孩子外,课后活动项目也同样适用于课后在朋友家闲混或打篮球,而家里会有一位父母或是其他成年人在场的情况,因此可以推断C是正确答案。文章中只说学生会在朋友家hang out,并没有说stay for a long time,因此不选A。根据第三段最后一句话:...high-quality relationships with parents and other adults...are very important for healthy development in youth.可以推断和父母亲以及成年人之间的良好关系对于年轻人的健康发展很重要,如果他们之间的关系不好,那么可能会对年轻人的健康发展不利,因此不选B。根据最后一段第三句话可以得知,只是某些学生不喜欢这样的课后活动,并非D选项中所说得那么绝对,因此不选D。
    根据最后一段倒数第二句话可知,父母亲不确定到底可以给年龄较大已经过了托管年龄的孩子多大自由,可以判断父母亲并没打算让孩子们随心所欲,给他们彻底的自由,因此B选项的内容是不正确的。A选项的依据是第一段最后一句:...research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.C选项的依据是第三段第二句:In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours ,...D选项的依据是第三段第一句:After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence...
    贯穿全文都在讲述after-school programs的必要性、作用、适合群体以及来自家长和学生的反应,因此最佳标题应该是After-school Programs。

  • 第4题:

    Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother

    In general,I think Western parenting gives children too much freedom at too young an age.The average American child spends almost 70 percent more time watching television than attending school.In the recent PISA international tests,the US came out an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math一with Shanghai children ranked No 1.Western children have alarming rates of alcohol and drug abuse and teenage pregnancy,too.On the other hand,American universities continue to be the envy of the world,and the US excels at teaching creativity,innovation and leadership.
    What are the lessons for China then?Here are a few things China may be able to learn from the West.
    First,while children in the West have too much choice,their counterparts in China may have too little.In between school,tutoring and lessons,many Chinese children work nonstop,getting little opportunity to have fun with friends,explore on their own and discover what they truly enjoy.What I learned is that as children grow up,parents should listen to their choices more carefully and gradually
    give them more freedom to pursue their own passions.
    Second,Chinese parents should pay more attention to their children's individual personalities. Every child is different. So depending on children's natural predispositions(秉性),different career paths will make them happy. Some people may find it more fulfilling to become a photographer or fashion designer instead of a doctor. If Chinese parents become more open-minded in what they consider"success",it may help lessen the intense competition and pressure that many Chinese children feel.
    Finally,Chinese parents are good at getting their children to memorize,practice and drill一skills I believe the West needs more of一but they should also find ways to encourage creativity and initiative.My daughters were lucky because my husband taught them the value of independent thinking. He always asked"why".Just because someone told you so,how do you know it's right?
    Parenting is the hardest job I've ever had.When Lulu rebelled and I began questioning everything I'd done.I feel very lucky that I adjusted in time一today my daughters and I are close friends一and I wanted to share my story with other mothers,because we are all struggling with the same problem:how can we raise happy,strong,self-reliant children?

    While considering success,Chinese parents are less open-minded.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第四段,作者提到“…different career paths will make them happy" ,只要考虑到孩子迥异的天性,不管什么样的职业都会使他们获得幸福,所以该判断正确。
    从第一章中间看到美国孩子在测试中处于“an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math",即科学和数学的排名都靠后,相反,上海孩子在两者均名列第一。所以,该判断不正确。
    文第五段指出西方孩子需要更多的记忆和操练,但是,后面的“they (他们)”指的是中国孩子,即中国孩子需要“find ways to encourage creativity and initiative",鼓励他们的创造力。
    第四段的条件句“If Chinese parents become more open-minded ...”表明,中国家长思想还不够开明,所以,该判断正确。
    第一段的最后一句指出,美国大学“continue to be the envy of the world", 依然广受世人羡慕。
    倒数第二段中间用了“my daughters",这说明作者不只是一个孩子的母亲。
    尽管第三段开头说美国孩子“have too much choice",但是并没有具体说到他们可以自主选择是否上大学,所以选C。

  • 第5题:

    Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother

    In general,I think Western parenting gives children too much freedom at too young an age.The average American child spends almost 70 percent more time watching television than attending school.In the recent PISA international tests,the US came out an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math一with Shanghai children ranked No 1.Western children have alarming rates of alcohol and drug abuse and teenage pregnancy,too.On the other hand,American universities continue to be the envy of the world,and the US excels at teaching creativity,innovation and leadership.
    What are the lessons for China then?Here are a few things China may be able to learn from the West.
    First,while children in the West have too much choice,their counterparts in China may have too little.In between school,tutoring and lessons,many Chinese children work nonstop,getting little opportunity to have fun with friends,explore on their own and discover what they truly enjoy.What I learned is that as children grow up,parents should listen to their choices more carefully and gradually
    give them more freedom to pursue their own passions.
    Second,Chinese parents should pay more attention to their children's individual personalities. Every child is different. So depending on children's natural predispositions(秉性),different career paths will make them happy. Some people may find it more fulfilling to become a photographer or fashion designer instead of a doctor. If Chinese parents become more open-minded in what they consider"success",it may help lessen the intense competition and pressure that many Chinese children feel.
    Finally,Chinese parents are good at getting their children to memorize,practice and drill一skills I believe the West needs more of一but they should also find ways to encourage creativity and initiative.My daughters were lucky because my husband taught them the value of independent thinking. He always asked"why".Just because someone told you so,how do you know it's right?
    Parenting is the hardest job I've ever had.When Lulu rebelled and I began questioning everything I'd done.I feel very lucky that I adjusted in time一today my daughters and I are close friends一and I wanted to share my story with other mothers,because we are all struggling with the same problem:how can we raise happy,strong,self-reliant children?

    Western parents needs to get their children memorize and practice and drill to encourage their initiative.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第四段,作者提到“…different career paths will make them happy" ,只要考虑到孩子迥异的天性,不管什么样的职业都会使他们获得幸福,所以该判断正确。
    从第一章中间看到美国孩子在测试中处于“an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math",即科学和数学的排名都靠后,相反,上海孩子在两者均名列第一。所以,该判断不正确。
    文第五段指出西方孩子需要更多的记忆和操练,但是,后面的“they (他们)”指的是中国孩子,即中国孩子需要“find ways to encourage creativity and initiative",鼓励他们的创造力。
    第四段的条件句“If Chinese parents become more open-minded ...”表明,中国家长思想还不够开明,所以,该判断正确。
    第一段的最后一句指出,美国大学“continue to be the envy of the world", 依然广受世人羡慕。
    倒数第二段中间用了“my daughters",这说明作者不只是一个孩子的母亲。
    尽管第三段开头说美国孩子“have too much choice",但是并没有具体说到他们可以自主选择是否上大学,所以选C。

  • 第6题:

    About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alco- hol,tobacco,and drugs. Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.
    Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths .One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less vio- lence even in poor neighborhoods.
    After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of af-ter-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relation-ships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults, as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth.
    After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations.
    Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.Parents may feel uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the tradition-al child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
    A: Youth Crimes
    B: After-school Programs
    C: Problem Children
    D: Extracurricular Activities

    依据是第二段“Studies have been done to find out...resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods"。 A选项中的“avoid(避免)”用在这里不准确,根据第二段内容课后活动只能减少并没有说彻底避免危险行为及暴力行为的产生,因此不选A。根据第三段第一句话“很多活动会安排给学生们在课后参加”,所以他们并不是on their own (独自一人的),因此不选B。根据第三段第二句“...develop caring relationships with a-dults.”可知,并不是和同学之间,而是和成年人之间形成良好关系,因此不选C。

    依据是最后一段的前两句话“...there are many reasons why some parents...or hard to join",根据最后一段第三句“Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.”可以判断出,只是某些学生认为这样的活动类似于child care programs因此不喜欢,但并不是家长们拒绝课后活动项目的原因。因此不选A。根据最后一段第四句话可知,这些活动并不是不给孩子们任何自由,故不选B项。C选项和前面第二段所讲的“after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods”矛盾,本身就不正确,更不是家长们拒绝课后活动的原因。

    根据第四段的第一句话可以得知,除了适合那种放学之后父母都不在家的孩子外,课后活动项目也同样适用于课后在朋友家打篮球,而家里会有一位父母或是其他成年人在场的情况,因此可以推断C是正确选项。文章中只说了学生会在朋友家“hang out”,并没有说“stay for a long time”,因此不选A。根据第三段最后-句话“...high-quality relationships with parents and other adults... are very important for healthy develop-ment in youth.”可以推断和父母亲以及成年人之间的高质量的关系对于年轻人的健康发展很重要,如果这种关系质量不高,那么可能会造成年轻人的不健康发展,因此不选 B。根据最后一段的第三句话可以得知,只是某些学生不喜欢这样的课后活动,并非D 选项中所说的那么绝对,因此不选D。

    根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,父母亲不确定到底可以给年龄较长已经过了托管年龄的孩子多大自由,可以判断父母亲并没打算让孩子们随心所欲,给他们彻底的自由,因此B选项的内容是不正确的。A选项的依据是第一段最后一句“...research sug-gests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors" ,C选项的依据是第三段第二句“In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours...", D选项的依据是第三段第一句“After-school programs can help to reduce crime and vio- lence...”。

    全文都在讲述after-school programs出现的必要性、作用、适合群体以及来自家长和学生的反应,因此最佳标题应该是After-school Programs。

  • 第7题:

    About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alco- hol,tobacco,and drugs. Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.
    Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths .One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less vio- lence even in poor neighborhoods.
    After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of af-ter-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relation-ships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults, as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth.
    After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations.
    Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.Parents may feel uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the tradition-al child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
    A: The grades of those children who are home alone after school are more likely to suffer.
    B: Parents want to give their children as much as possible freedom.
    C: The after-school programs help the students to make use of the time after school.
    D: The after-school programs are effective in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    依据是第二段“Studies have been done to find out...resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods"。 A选项中的“avoid(避免)”用在这里不准确,根据第二段内容课后活动只能减少并没有说彻底避免危险行为及暴力行为的产生,因此不选A。根据第三段第一句话“很多活动会安排给学生们在课后参加”,所以他们并不是on their own (独自一人的),因此不选B。根据第三段第二句“...develop caring relationships with a-dults.”可知,并不是和同学之间,而是和成年人之间形成良好关系,因此不选C。

    依据是最后一段的前两句话“...there are many reasons why some parents...or hard to join",根据最后一段第三句“Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.”可以判断出,只是某些学生认为这样的活动类似于child care programs因此不喜欢,但并不是家长们拒绝课后活动项目的原因。因此不选A。根据最后一段第四句话可知,这些活动并不是不给孩子们任何自由,故不选B项。C选项和前面第二段所讲的“after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods”矛盾,本身就不正确,更不是家长们拒绝课后活动的原因。

    根据第四段的第一句话可以得知,除了适合那种放学之后父母都不在家的孩子外,课后活动项目也同样适用于课后在朋友家打篮球,而家里会有一位父母或是其他成年人在场的情况,因此可以推断C是正确选项。文章中只说了学生会在朋友家“hang out”,并没有说“stay for a long time”,因此不选A。根据第三段最后-句话“...high-quality relationships with parents and other adults... are very important for healthy develop-ment in youth.”可以推断和父母亲以及成年人之间的高质量的关系对于年轻人的健康发展很重要,如果这种关系质量不高,那么可能会造成年轻人的不健康发展,因此不选 B。根据最后一段的第三句话可以得知,只是某些学生不喜欢这样的课后活动,并非D 选项中所说的那么绝对,因此不选D。

    根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,父母亲不确定到底可以给年龄较长已经过了托管年龄的孩子多大自由,可以判断父母亲并没打算让孩子们随心所欲,给他们彻底的自由,因此B选项的内容是不正确的。A选项的依据是第一段最后一句“...research sug-gests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors" ,C选项的依据是第三段第二句“In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours...", D选项的依据是第三段第一句“After-school programs can help to reduce crime and vio- lence...”。

    全文都在讲述after-school programs出现的必要性、作用、适合群体以及来自家长和学生的反应,因此最佳标题应该是After-school Programs。

  • 第8题:

    "SeasameStreet"has been called"the longest street in the world".
    This is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts ofthe world.
    The program,which went on the air in New York in 1969,uses songs,jokes,andpictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers,letters and humanrelationships.More than 6 million children in the United States watch itregularly.The viewers(观众)include more than half the nation′s children before school age.
    Manyteacher consider the program a great help,though some teachers find that problems happen when the first-year pupils who have learned from"SeasameStreet"are in the same class with those who have not watched the program.Tests have shown that children who watch it five times a week learn more than those who seldom watch it.In the United States the program is shown at differenthours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watchit regularly.
    Why has"Seasame Street"been so much more successful than other children′sshows?Many reasons have been suggested.Perhaps one reason is that motherswatch"Seasame Street"along with their children.But the best reasonfor the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching itfeel able to learn.The child finds himself learning,and he wants to learnmore.

    When the first-year pupils who have watched the program are in the same class with those who haven′t,

    A.teaching will becomes a bit difficult
    B.they will not get on well with one another
    C.it is impossible to begin class at the fixed time
    D.they don't want to learn anything more


  • 第9题:

    "SeasameStreet"has been called"the longest street in the world".
    This is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts ofthe world.
    The program,which went on the air in New York in 1969,uses songs,jokes,andpictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers,letters and humanrelationships.More than 6 million children in the United States watch itregularly.The viewers(观众)include more than half the nation′s children before school age.
    Manyteacher consider the program a great help,though some teachers find that problems happen when the first-year pupils who have learned from"SeasameStreet"are in the same class with those who have not watched the program.Tests have shown that children who watch it five times a week learn more than those who seldom watch it.In the United States the program is shown at differenthours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watchit regularly.
    Why has"Seasame Street"been so much more successful than other children′sshows?Many reasons have been suggested.Perhaps one reason is that motherswatch"Seasame Street"along with their children.But the best reasonfor the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching itfeel able to learn.The child finds himself learning,and he wants to learnmore.

    People call"Seasame Street"the longest street in the world because

    A.it isthe longest TV program ever produced
    B.it took much more time to put on this program than any other one
    C.it is shown almost throughout the world
    D.it has been on the air since 1969


  • 第10题:

    What can we learn from the passage?

    Both festivals are in May.


    Hand-made gifts are more valuable.


    Not all the children love their parents.

    正确答案: C
    考 点:细节题。由文章中第一段可知母亲节是在五月,而父亲节是在六月,选项A是错误的。再来看B项,文章中第三段提到“These ale mole valued(宝贵的)than those bought in shops. ”因此是正确的。选项C文章在文中未提及。

  • 第11题:

    From the text, we can infer that the author ______.

    favors the idea of putting children on a waiting list


    agrees to test preschooler’s cognitive potentials


    thinks children should be better prepared academically


    disapproves of the undue pressure on preschoolers

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:

    Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text about some parents’ attitudes to ward commercials?

    Children should never watch commercials on TV.


    Advertisers are not always telling truth in commercials.


    Children can benefit from some commercials.


    There shouldn’t be too many commercials in children’s programs.

    正确答案: D

  • 第13题:

    We can infer from the passage that______.

    A. the write want his children to be very rich

    B. life in the dirty street is not shameful

    C. the writer believes money means happiness

    D. a good person may not necessarily be rich


    44.答案为D  从短文第三段可得知ABC选项都不符合作者的观点。Miss Jackson虽然不富有,却善解人意,令人尊重。

  • 第14题:

    The author is worried about the fact that__________.

    A.children may imitate what they have seen or read about crime
    B.the more prosperous the United States is,the higher the crime rate becomes
    C.citizens carrying guns will be punished
    D.all the state laws will be punished

    根据“even children know how to duplicate what they have seen or read.”可知作者最担心的是孩子们可能会模仿他们看到或读到的有关犯罪的行为。所以答案选A。

  • 第15题:


    About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alcohol,tobacco,and drugs.Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.
    Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths.One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods.
    After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relationships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults,as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth.
    After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations.
    Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older cililciren and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.F'arents may ieei uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the traditional child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    Why do many parents refuse to use after-school programs?
    A:The programs are just like child care programs.
    B:The programs offer no freedom to their children.
    C:The programs bring little benefit to parents and children.
    D:The programs can be expensive or poor in quality.

    依据是第二段:Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths.One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods.A选项中的“avoid(避免)”用在这里不准确,根据第二段内容,课后活动只能减少并没有说彻底避免危险行为及暴力行为的产生,因此不选A。根据第三段第一句话,很多活动会安排学生们在课后参加,所以他们并不是on their own(独自一人的),因此不选B。根据第三段第二句:...develop caring relationships with adults,可知并不是和同学之间,而是和成年人之间形成良好关系,因此不选C。
    依据是最后一段的前两句话:...there are many reasons why some parents do not use them.Programs may be too expensive , of poor quality , or hard to join.根据最后一段第三句话:Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.可以判断出只是某些学生认为这样的活动类似于child care programs,因此不喜欢,但并不是家长们拒绝课后活动项目的原因。因此不选A。根据最后一段第四句话可知,这些活动并不是不给孩子们任何自由,故不选B项。C选项和前面第二段所讲的after-school pro-grams resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods矛盾,本身就不正确,更不是家长们拒绝课后活动的原因。
    根据第四段第一句话可以得知,除了适合那种放学之后父母都不在家的孩子外,课后活动项目也同样适用于课后在朋友家闲混或打篮球,而家里会有一位父母或是其他成年人在场的情况,因此可以推断C是正确答案。文章中只说学生会在朋友家hang out,并没有说stay for a long time,因此不选A。根据第三段最后一句话:...high-quality relationships with parents and other adults...are very important for healthy development in youth.可以推断和父母亲以及成年人之间的良好关系对于年轻人的健康发展很重要,如果他们之间的关系不好,那么可能会对年轻人的健康发展不利,因此不选B。根据最后一段第三句话可以得知,只是某些学生不喜欢这样的课后活动,并非D选项中所说得那么绝对,因此不选D。
    根据最后一段倒数第二句话可知,父母亲不确定到底可以给年龄较大已经过了托管年龄的孩子多大自由,可以判断父母亲并没打算让孩子们随心所欲,给他们彻底的自由,因此B选项的内容是不正确的。A选项的依据是第一段最后一句:...research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.C选项的依据是第三段第二句:In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours ,...D选项的依据是第三段第一句:After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence...
    贯穿全文都在讲述after-school programs的必要性、作用、适合群体以及来自家长和学生的反应,因此最佳标题应该是After-school Programs。

  • 第16题:

    Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother

    In general,I think Western parenting gives children too much freedom at too young an age.The average American child spends almost 70 percent more time watching television than attending school.In the recent PISA international tests,the US came out an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math一with Shanghai children ranked No 1.Western children have alarming rates of alcohol and drug abuse and teenage pregnancy,too.On the other hand,American universities continue to be the envy of the world,and the US excels at teaching creativity,innovation and leadership.
    What are the lessons for China then?Here are a few things China may be able to learn from the West.
    First,while children in the West have too much choice,their counterparts in China may have too little.In between school,tutoring and lessons,many Chinese children work nonstop,getting little opportunity to have fun with friends,explore on their own and discover what they truly enjoy.What I learned is that as children grow up,parents should listen to their choices more carefully and gradually
    give them more freedom to pursue their own passions.
    Second,Chinese parents should pay more attention to their children's individual personalities. Every child is different. So depending on children's natural predispositions(秉性),different career paths will make them happy. Some people may find it more fulfilling to become a photographer or fashion designer instead of a doctor. If Chinese parents become more open-minded in what they consider"success",it may help lessen the intense competition and pressure that many Chinese children feel.
    Finally,Chinese parents are good at getting their children to memorize,practice and drill一skills I believe the West needs more of一but they should also find ways to encourage creativity and initiative.My daughters were lucky because my husband taught them the value of independent thinking. He always asked"why".Just because someone told you so,how do you know it's right?
    Parenting is the hardest job I've ever had.When Lulu rebelled and I began questioning everything I'd done.I feel very lucky that I adjusted in time一today my daughters and I are close friends一and I wanted to share my story with other mothers,because we are all struggling with the same problem:how can we raise happy,strong,self-reliant children?

    The author has more than one children.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第四段,作者提到“…different career paths will make them happy" ,只要考虑到孩子迥异的天性,不管什么样的职业都会使他们获得幸福,所以该判断正确。
    从第一章中间看到美国孩子在测试中处于“an embarrassing 23rd in science and 34th in math",即科学和数学的排名都靠后,相反,上海孩子在两者均名列第一。所以,该判断不正确。
    文第五段指出西方孩子需要更多的记忆和操练,但是,后面的“they (他们)”指的是中国孩子,即中国孩子需要“find ways to encourage creativity and initiative",鼓励他们的创造力。
    第四段的条件句“If Chinese parents become more open-minded ...”表明,中国家长思想还不够开明,所以,该判断正确。
    第一段的最后一句指出,美国大学“continue to be the envy of the world", 依然广受世人羡慕。
    倒数第二段中间用了“my daughters",这说明作者不只是一个孩子的母亲。
    尽管第三段开头说美国孩子“have too much choice",但是并没有具体说到他们可以自主选择是否上大学,所以选C。

  • 第17题:

    About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alco- hol,tobacco,and drugs. Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.
    Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths .One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less vio- lence even in poor neighborhoods.
    After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of af-ter-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relation-ships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults, as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth.
    After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations.
    Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.Parents may feel uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the tradition-al child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    What can we infer from the passage?
    A: Teenagers tend to stay at their friends' houses for a long time.
    B: Relationships with adults may cause unhealthy development in youths.
    C: The after-school programs can be used for many different kids.
    D: Teenagers do not like the after-school programs.

    依据是第二段“Studies have been done to find out...resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods"。 A选项中的“avoid(避免)”用在这里不准确,根据第二段内容课后活动只能减少并没有说彻底避免危险行为及暴力行为的产生,因此不选A。根据第三段第一句话“很多活动会安排给学生们在课后参加”,所以他们并不是on their own (独自一人的),因此不选B。根据第三段第二句“...develop caring relationships with a-dults.”可知,并不是和同学之间,而是和成年人之间形成良好关系,因此不选C。

    依据是最后一段的前两句话“...there are many reasons why some parents...or hard to join",根据最后一段第三句“Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.”可以判断出,只是某些学生认为这样的活动类似于child care programs因此不喜欢,但并不是家长们拒绝课后活动项目的原因。因此不选A。根据最后一段第四句话可知,这些活动并不是不给孩子们任何自由,故不选B项。C选项和前面第二段所讲的“after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods”矛盾,本身就不正确,更不是家长们拒绝课后活动的原因。

    根据第四段的第一句话可以得知,除了适合那种放学之后父母都不在家的孩子外,课后活动项目也同样适用于课后在朋友家打篮球,而家里会有一位父母或是其他成年人在场的情况,因此可以推断C是正确选项。文章中只说了学生会在朋友家“hang out”,并没有说“stay for a long time”,因此不选A。根据第三段最后-句话“...high-quality relationships with parents and other adults... are very important for healthy develop-ment in youth.”可以推断和父母亲以及成年人之间的高质量的关系对于年轻人的健康发展很重要,如果这种关系质量不高,那么可能会造成年轻人的不健康发展,因此不选 B。根据最后一段的第三句话可以得知,只是某些学生不喜欢这样的课后活动,并非D 选项中所说的那么绝对,因此不选D。

    根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,父母亲不确定到底可以给年龄较长已经过了托管年龄的孩子多大自由,可以判断父母亲并没打算让孩子们随心所欲,给他们彻底的自由,因此B选项的内容是不正确的。A选项的依据是第一段最后一句“...research sug-gests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors" ,C选项的依据是第三段第二句“In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours...", D选项的依据是第三段第一句“After-school programs can help to reduce crime and vio- lence...”。

    全文都在讲述after-school programs出现的必要性、作用、适合群体以及来自家长和学生的反应,因此最佳标题应该是After-school Programs。

  • 第18题:

    About eight million school-age children are home alone after school.These are the hours when the number of violent crimes peaks and when youths are most likely to experiment with alco- hol,tobacco,and drugs. Many older children take care of themselves after school for an hour or two until a parent comes home,and research suggests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors.
    Studies have been done to find out what helps to reduce these kinds of risky behaviors among youths .One study of Chicago neighborhoods showed that after-school programs resulted in less vio- lence even in poor neighborhoods.
    After-school programs can help to reduce crime and violence because they offer activities to children and youths during their out-of-school time.In addition to helping youths make use of af-ter-school hours,after-school programs provide teens with opportunities to develop caring relation-ships with adults.Studies have found that high-quality relationships with parents and other adults, as well as good use of time,are very important for healthy development in youth.
    After-school programs can also be used for teens who hang out at friends' houses and play basketball when a parent or other responsible adult is at home.The programs can also be helpful for formal after-school activities,including"drop-in"programs that are provided by organizations.
    Despite the benefits of after-school programs,there are many reasons why some parents do not use them. Programs may be too expensive,of poor quality,or hard to join.Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.Parents may feel uncertain about how much freedom is proper for children and youths who are beyond the tradition-al child care years.However,research supports the effectiveness of these programs in protecting middle school and high school youths from risk and harm.

    Why do many parents refuse to use after-school programs?
    A: The programs are just like child care programs.
    B: The programs offer no freedom to their children.
    C: The programs bring little benefit to parents and children.
    D: The programs can be expensive or poor in quality.

    依据是第二段“Studies have been done to find out...resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods"。 A选项中的“avoid(避免)”用在这里不准确,根据第二段内容课后活动只能减少并没有说彻底避免危险行为及暴力行为的产生,因此不选A。根据第三段第一句话“很多活动会安排给学生们在课后参加”,所以他们并不是on their own (独自一人的),因此不选B。根据第三段第二句“...develop caring relationships with a-dults.”可知,并不是和同学之间,而是和成年人之间形成良好关系,因此不选C。

    依据是最后一段的前两句话“...there are many reasons why some parents...or hard to join",根据最后一段第三句“Some older children and young teens may refuse to attend programs that seem like they are just child care.”可以判断出,只是某些学生认为这样的活动类似于child care programs因此不喜欢,但并不是家长们拒绝课后活动项目的原因。因此不选A。根据最后一段第四句话可知,这些活动并不是不给孩子们任何自由,故不选B项。C选项和前面第二段所讲的“after-school programs resulted in less violence even in poor neighborhoods”矛盾,本身就不正确,更不是家长们拒绝课后活动的原因。

    根据第四段的第一句话可以得知,除了适合那种放学之后父母都不在家的孩子外,课后活动项目也同样适用于课后在朋友家打篮球,而家里会有一位父母或是其他成年人在场的情况,因此可以推断C是正确选项。文章中只说了学生会在朋友家“hang out”,并没有说“stay for a long time”,因此不选A。根据第三段最后-句话“...high-quality relationships with parents and other adults... are very important for healthy develop-ment in youth.”可以推断和父母亲以及成年人之间的高质量的关系对于年轻人的健康发展很重要,如果这种关系质量不高,那么可能会造成年轻人的不健康发展,因此不选 B。根据最后一段的第三句话可以得知,只是某些学生不喜欢这样的课后活动,并非D 选项中所说的那么绝对,因此不选D。

    根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,父母亲不确定到底可以给年龄较长已经过了托管年龄的孩子多大自由,可以判断父母亲并没打算让孩子们随心所欲,给他们彻底的自由,因此B选项的内容是不正确的。A选项的依据是第一段最后一句“...research sug-gests that some of these children are more at risk of poor grades and risky behaviors" ,C选项的依据是第三段第二句“In addition to helping youths make use of after-school hours...", D选项的依据是第三段第一句“After-school programs can help to reduce crime and vio- lence...”。

    全文都在讲述after-school programs出现的必要性、作用、适合群体以及来自家长和学生的反应,因此最佳标题应该是After-school Programs。

  • 第19题:

    "SeasameStreet"has been called"the longest street in the world".
    This is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts ofthe world.
    The program,which went on the air in New York in 1969,uses songs,jokes,andpictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers,letters and humanrelationships.More than 6 million children in the United States watch itregularly.The viewers(观众)include more than half the nation′s children before school age.
    Manyteacher consider the program a great help,though some teachers find that problems happen when the first-year pupils who have learned from"SeasameStreet"are in the same class with those who have not watched the program.Tests have shown that children who watch it five times a week learn more than those who seldom watch it.In the United States the program is shown at differenthours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watchit regularly.
    Why has"Seasame Street"been so much more successful than other children′sshows?Many reasons have been suggested.Perhaps one reason is that motherswatch"Seasame Street"along with their children.But the best reasonfor the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching itfeel able to learn.The child finds himself learning,and he wants to learnmore.

    "Seasame Street"is a TV program produced mainly for

    B.children of school age
    C.primary school teachers and pupils
    D.mothers and their children


  • 第20题:

    "SeasameStreet"has been called"the longest street in the world".
    This is because the television program by that name can now be seen in so many parts ofthe world.
    The program,which went on the air in New York in 1969,uses songs,jokes,andpictures to give children a basic understanding of numbers,letters and humanrelationships.More than 6 million children in the United States watch itregularly.The viewers(观众)include more than half the nation′s children before school age.
    Manyteacher consider the program a great help,though some teachers find that problems happen when the first-year pupils who have learned from"SeasameStreet"are in the same class with those who have not watched the program.Tests have shown that children who watch it five times a week learn more than those who seldom watch it.In the United States the program is shown at differenthours during the week in order to increase the number of children who can watchit regularly.
    Why has"Seasame Street"been so much more successful than other children′sshows?Many reasons have been suggested.Perhaps one reason is that motherswatch"Seasame Street"along with their children.But the best reasonfor the success of the program may be that it makes every child watching itfeel able to learn.The child finds himself learning,and he wants to learnmore.

    "Seasame Street"is so successful mainly because

    A.mother watch it with their children
    B.it contains songs,stories and jokes
    C.it is shown at different hours during the week
    D.children are willing and able to learn when watching it


  • 第21题:

    Which of the following is the author’s opinion?

    We should limit the children’s time in watching TV.


    We should improve educational programs for children.


    No commercials should be shown in children’s programs.


    TV programs may prevent children from developing their minds.

    正确答案: B
    从全文作者的写作意图和最后一段中作者说‘Caution:Watching Too Much Television May Be Harmful to Your Child’s Developing Mind. ’可以看出作者认为应该控制看电视的时间。

  • 第22题:

    From the last paragraph, we can see that __________.

    a teacher’s influence on children is always positive


    children should be encouraged to reach their own decisions by ignoring objective facts


    if improperly handled, a teacher’s influence can be very harmful to the children


    children may develop prejudices if the teacher’s attitude is wrong

    正确答案: C

  • 第23题:

    What can a culture camp help to do according to Peter Kassen?

    It helps the adopted kids form a correct attitude to their complex heritage.


    It helps the Chinese children have fun with their American parents.


    It helps the Americans increase the adoption from Russia and China.


    It helps the American parents adopt children from other countries.

    正确答案: C