更多“单选题Smaller enterprises have difficulty using foreign talent because of ______.A the costly recruiting process.B the expensive legal counsel.C the competition from big companies.D the inability to provide sponsorship.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Although this village isn’t big, all the other villages I _________ so far are smaller.

    A、have visited

    B、would visit




  • 第2题:

    In C language, functions are important because they provide a way to ______ code so that a large complex program can be written by combining many smaller parts.






  • 第3题:

    Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural areas to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years.
    In many countries, the main reason why people come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential area nearby, where the factory workers can live. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals and shops, so more people come to live in the area to provide these services and a city grows.
    In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their main offices. In the United States, this area is usually in the city centre. It is here that you can see the huge skyscraper office blocks. The people who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them live in the suburbs of the city, far away from the industrial area and the city centre. Some suburbs are very pleasant, with nice houses and big gardens. There are usually parks for children to play in and large department stores where you can buy all you need.
    But what is the future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger? Perhaps not. Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day we will see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages.
    Why do people move to live in cities or towns?

    A.Because they can live more comfortably there.
    B.Because they prefer a noisy life to a peaceful life.
    C.Because they want to find work.
    D.Because they are sure of having a better life there.

    细节题。由第二段第一句话“In many countries,the main reason why people come to live in towns and cities is work”可知答案为C。

  • 第4题:

    FDA : Human , Animal Waste Threatens Produce
    The biggest food safety risk for fresh fruits and vegetables as they are grown,picked or processed comes from human and animal waste,the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA)said Friday.
    More than 9,000 Americans die each year from food-borne diseases and some scientists believe fresh produce is the biggest carrier of contamination.
    The FDA issued a set of draft guidelines for US and foreign growers to carefully monitor worker hygiene, water quality,manure management and transportation.
    These 34-page draft guidelines urged growers to give workers lessons on basic hygiene such as using soap to wash their hands,covering wounds that could come into contact with produce,and using only clean toilets.
    The FDA guidelines identified"the major source of contamination"for fresh produce as human or animal feces.
    "We think just proper controls and proper attention to detail would make a big difference in food safety,"said an FDA official."It is our belief that these guidelines would not be very costly."
    But grower groups disagreed with the FDA's assessment."Most food-borne disease outbreaks that happen further down the distribution line are due to contamination because people preparing food are not properly washing their hands,"said Stacey Zawal,an official with United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association."That is not necessarily true for growers and packers."
    Some US grower organizations have expressed concern that the agency is interfering with on-farm practices.Others object to the FDA's proposal to have growers formally document the picking,handling and transportation of produce so that health officials could quickly recall foods if necessary.
    Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines as of little use because they will not carry the force of law.But stricter regulations could evolve as researchers find new technology or methods to kill harmful bacteria or parasites,the FDA said.
    The FDA recommendations are due to be made final by the FDA later this year for use by US and foreign growers.The matter of encouraging foreign growers to adopt the guidelines remains somewhat tricky but FDA officials say it is vital because of the huge amount of imported produce.

    Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines because they didn't think that these.guidelines______.
    A:had won enough support from the growers
    B:had been written with strict regulations
    C:would surely be carried out
    D:included new technology


  • 第5题:

    资料:Business,academic and civic leaders in Cambridge have warned that one of Britain’s major economic growth cities is under threat unless the government acts quickly to restore trust post-Brexit.
    Company executives and educationists report some highly skilled foreign nationals quitting or refusing to commit to new jobs in Britain because of uncertainty over their future legal status here.It has in the past boasted of creating employment faster than China,amid a boom in the technology and bioscience sectors,which led to the city being labelled”Sillicon fen”,but now there are fears of a big slowdown.
    “This is a unique economic asset for Europe,”said Lord Lansley,the former Conservation MP for South Cambridgeshire, after a specially convened meeting to discuss the problems with local politicians and others.”There is a [ political]vacuum out there and there does not seem to be a [ post Brexit] plan.There are things we need and if we get them we can continue to prosper and be more successful”,Lansley added.
    He has drawn up a Cambridge declaration with his colleagues meant to reassure existing academic and business staff from abroad that their presence will be protected .”We are committed to international collaboration in research,science and the exploitation of innovative,knowledge-intensive enterprises,”says the document.
    Lansley says he will be pushing the British government to give acquired rights to the 9,000 European citizens living in the East Anglian city out of a total population of 124,000.He also wants to see a continuation of free labour movement to allow Europeans to come to work and study in Cambridge and says”We need free movement for them to come to work and to study here.”

    Why do these skilled foreign nationals choose not to work in Britain?

    A.Because of the uncertainty
    B.Because the economic slowdown after Britian leaving the EU
    C.Because the increasing,difficulty of finding of finding a job in Britain
    D.Because they may lose legal status after Brexit

    【关键词】why;skilled foreign nationals; not to work in Britain
    【主题句】第2自然段Company executives and educationists report some highly skilled foreign nationals quitting or refusing to commit to new jobs in Britain because of uncertainty over their future legal status here.公司高管和教育工作者报告说,一些高技能的外籍人士因其在英国的未来法律地位不确定而辞职或拒绝在英国从事新工作。

  • 第6题:

    Which LPP status signifies the inability to return to a previous version of a fileset because the saved files have been removed?()



  • 第7题:

    Forwarding agent services are valuable in foreign trade because of the complicated()that have to be made.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    The passage warns of which of the following dangers?

    Companies in the United States may receive no protection from imports unless they actively seek protection from import competition.


    Companies that seek legal protection from import competition may incur legal costs that far exceed any possible gain.


    Companies that are United States owned but operate internationally may not be eligible for protection from import competition under the laws of the countries in which their plants operate.


    Companies that are not United States owned may seek legal protection from import competition under United States import relief laws.

    正确答案: C
    从第二段第一句话以及“Internationalization increases the danger that foreign companies will use import relief laws against the very companies the laws were designed to protect.”可知,D为正确选项。

  • 第9题:

    According to the passage, people have difficulty getting to sleep because ______.

    they work more than sixty hours a week


    they have too many enemies


    they do not sleep happily


    they are not tired enough

    正确答案: C
    文章首段指出据爱丁堡大学的Dr. Ian Oswald称世界上十分之一的人都入睡困难,原因很简单,大多数人睡不着觉是因为自身问题:他们睡得太早了。也就是说身体还不累就睡觉了,故D项符合题意。

  • 第10题:

    Li-Ning has two key advantages in reaching the all-important youth market: its products are about half as expensive as those of its foreign rivals, and its network of stores dwarfs that of any other player. To date, though, Li-Ning has been most successful in smaller cities and towns. To really take on the foreign brands, it needs to make a renewed push into the likes of Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. “Li-Ning is using the Mao Zedong strategy to build expertise in second and third-tier cities,” says an industry veteran, “now they have to gain footholds in China’s biggest cities.”

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Autistics are less susceptible to contagious yawning because they have difficulty feeling empathy.____

    正确答案: G
    根据题干信息“autistics”和“susceptible to contagious yawning”可定位到G段“Since autistics have difficulty feeling empathy, then they shouldn’t be susceptible to contagious yawning.”,孤独症患者在移情方面有困难,所以他们不容易被打哈欠传染。故匹配段落为G。

  • 第12题:

    According to the article, what was the cause of the state’s high unemployment rate?

    The policies of Governor Arnold Turner


    The difficulty of doing business in the state


    Low tax rates that kept businesses from reinvesting profits


    The inability of businesses to turn a profit

    正确答案: D

  • 第13题:

    Which LPP status signifies the inability to return to a previous version of a fileset because the saved files have been removed?()






  • 第14题:

    Why do you think they had not a backup computer?

    A. Because it was easy down.

    B. Because it was very expensive.

    C. Because it was not advanced enough.

    D. Because it was not as big as the main computer.


    38.答案为B  根据各选项的比较及逻辑推断,没有备用电脑可能是经费问题,得出此题的答案为B

  • 第15题:

    FDA : Human , Animal Waste Threatens Produce
    The biggest food safety risk for fresh fruits and vegetables as they are grown,picked or processed comes from human and animal waste,the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA)said Friday.
    More than 9,000 Americans die each year from food-borne diseases and some scientists believe fresh produce is the biggest carrier of contamination.
    The FDA issued a set of draft guidelines for US and foreign growers to carefully monitor worker hygiene, water quality,manure management and transportation.
    These 34-page draft guidelines urged growers to give workers lessons on basic hygiene such as using soap to wash their hands,covering wounds that could come into contact with produce,and using only clean toilets.
    The FDA guidelines identified"the major source of contamination"for fresh produce as human or animal feces.
    "We think just proper controls and proper attention to detail would make a big difference in food safety,"said an FDA official."It is our belief that these guidelines would not be very costly."
    But grower groups disagreed with the FDA's assessment."Most food-borne disease outbreaks that happen further down the distribution line are due to contamination because people preparing food are not properly washing their hands,"said Stacey Zawal,an official with United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association."That is not necessarily true for growers and packers."
    Some US grower organizations have expressed concern that the agency is interfering with on-farm practices.Others object to the FDA's proposal to have growers formally document the picking,handling and transportation of produce so that health officials could quickly recall foods if necessary.
    Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines as of little use because they will not carry the force of law.But stricter regulations could evolve as researchers find new technology or methods to kill harmful bacteria or parasites,the FDA said.
    The FDA recommendations are due to be made final by the FDA later this year for use by US and foreign growers.The matter of encouraging foreign growers to adopt the guidelines remains somewhat tricky but FDA officials say it is vital because of the huge amount of imported produce.

    An FDA official said that putting the guidelines into practice_.
    A:would be too costly to be effective
    B:would not cost any money
    C:would not be very expensive
    D:would need lots of money


  • 第16题:

    FDA : Human , Animal Waste Threatens Produce
    The biggest food safety risk for fresh fruits and vegetables as they are grown,picked or processed comes from human and animal waste,the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA)said Friday.
    More than 9,000 Americans die each year from food-borne diseases and some scientists believe fresh produce is the biggest carrier of contamination.
    The FDA issued a set of draft guidelines for US and foreign growers to carefully monitor worker hygiene, water quality,manure management and transportation.
    These 34-page draft guidelines urged growers to give workers lessons on basic hygiene such as using soap to wash their hands,covering wounds that could come into contact with produce,and using only clean toilets.
    The FDA guidelines identified"the major source of contamination"for fresh produce as human or animal feces.
    "We think just proper controls and proper attention to detail would make a big difference in food safety,"said an FDA official."It is our belief that these guidelines would not be very costly."
    But grower groups disagreed with the FDA's assessment."Most food-borne disease outbreaks that happen further down the distribution line are due to contamination because people preparing food are not properly washing their hands,"said Stacey Zawal,an official with United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association."That is not necessarily true for growers and packers."
    Some US grower organizations have expressed concern that the agency is interfering with on-farm practices.Others object to the FDA's proposal to have growers formally document the picking,handling and transportation of produce so that health officials could quickly recall foods if necessary.
    Consumer groups criticized the FDA guidelines as of little use because they will not carry the force of law.But stricter regulations could evolve as researchers find new technology or methods to kill harmful bacteria or parasites,the FDA said.
    The FDA recommendations are due to be made final by the FDA later this year for use by US and foreign growers.The matter of encouraging foreign growers to adopt the guidelines remains somewhat tricky but FDA officials say it is vital because of the huge amount of imported produce.

    The last paragraph suggests that_.
    A:some tricks need to be adopted to encourage foreign growers to follow the FDA guidelines
    B:a good way should be found to encourage foreign growers to follow the FDA guidelines
    C:foreign growers consider the guidelines to be of great importance to them
    D:it is almost impossible to ask foreign growers to follow the guidelines


  • 第17题:

    Natural Medicines
    Since earliest days,humans have used some kinds of medicines.We know this because humans have survived.Ancient treatments for injury and disease were successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely.
    They were successful long before the time of modern medicine. Before the time of doctors with white coats and shiny(发亮的)instruments. Before the time of big hospitals with strange and wonderful equipment.
    Many parts of the world still do not have university-educated doctors. Nor do they have expensive hospitals.Yet injuries are treated.And diseases are often cured.How?By ancient methods. By medicines that might seem mysterious , even magical(有魔力的).Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical,however.
    Through the centuries , tribal(部落的)medicine men experimented with plants. They found
    many useful chemicals in the plants.And scientists believe many of these traditional medicines
    may provide the cure for some of today's most serious diseases.
    Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care.These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used because people trust them. In developed areas,few people think about the source of the medicines they buy in a store .Yet many widely-used medicines are from ancient sources,especially plants.
    Some experts say more than 25%of modem medicines come,in one way or another,from nature.
    Scientists have long known that nature is really a chemical factory. All living things contain chemicals that help them survive .So scientists' interest in traditional medicine is not new.But it has become an urgent concern.This is because the earth's supply of natural medicines may be dropping rapidly.

    Which of the following statements is NOT true?
    A: Modern medicines are now available all over the world.
    B: Many big and modern hospitals are expensive.
    C: Traditional medicines are neither mysterious nor magical.
    D: Humans have used some kinds of medicines since earliest days.

    第一段中“...successful enough to keep humans from dying out completely"(有效地使人类免于完全消亡)与选项B" successful enough for humans to survive"(有效地使人类生存下来)意思一样。短文中并没有对选项A的内容做比较,实际上也不可能笼统地做这种比较。选项C和D凭常识也能做出判断,绝时肯定和绝对否定都是错误的。

    第三段第一句和第二句对选项A中的“all over the world”作了否定,而其他三个选项的内容在短文中都直接或间接谈到:选项B的内容在第二段最后一句和第三段第一句、第二句都间接提到,我们自然会想到,大医院有现代化的医疗设备,有经过高等教育的医生,有现代化的药品,看病的价格当然昂贵;第三段最后一句的内容与选项C的文字完全相同;第一段第一句的内容与选项D的内容也相同。




  • 第18题:

    Jim, ______ two of his colleagues, ______ for the annual garden competition.

    together with; have joined


    along with; has entered


    except for; has taken part


    apart from; have participated

    正确答案: C
    句意:Jim和他的两个同事报名参加每年举行的园艺大赛。“together with”与“along with”都是“与…一起,连同”的意思,在句中做插入语,句子真正的主语只有Jim,所以谓语动词要用单数形式。“except for”与“apart from”都是“除…之外”的意思。enter for是固定搭配,意为“报名参加(比赛)”。join,take part和participate都可以与in搭配表示“参加(活动)”。

  • 第19题:

    Because the castings of smaller engines are not so big and heavy, () and cylinder block may be made in one piece.

    the column


    the jacket


    cylinder cover


    cylinder liner

    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    His inability to learn foreign languages was a(n()to his career.








    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    You have to read the manual carefully first, otherwise you ______ have difficulty using the cell phone.








    正确答案: A
    should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示有较大可能实现的猜测、推论,通常译为“可能”、“总该…吧”,相当于 be expected to。

  • 第22题:

    Which LPP status signifies the inability to return to a previous version of a fileset because the saved files have been removed?()








    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Countries sometimes spoil their beauty spots because ______.

    they are too poor to build beautiful hotels on them


    they have to cut down trees to build hotels on them


    they have to sell them to borrow money from foreign banks


    they are lacking experience in building hotels

    正确答案: A
    录音中提到“What they spend on building has to be borrowed produces only chains of ugly hotels wherever there are beauty spots supposed to attract tourists”,意思是:他们(指前面提到的一些贫穷的国家)需要借钱来盖旅馆,可结果却是丑陋的旅馆横亘在风景优美的景区,而这些景区本应该吸引游客前来赏景的。由此可以推断出,这些国家毁了他们的风景区只是因为他们太穷不能建造美丽的旅馆,所以A项为正确答案。