
their children’s school performance, daily activities and attitudes toward life

更多“What information can parents probably get about their children at family dinner? (no m ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    —_______. —About 25℃.

    A.The temperature may be higher.

    B.How is the weather today?

    C.What’s the temperature today?

    D.What is the weather forecast say?


  • 第2题:

    A:What’s the extent of the delay? B: ( )



    C.About 2 hours



  • 第3题:

    资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather.
    A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week, according to the National Weather Service.
    According to the NWS, a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week.
    Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s—a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and Washington.
    The cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around, but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air?
    Temperatures in cities including Chicago, Cleveland, New York, and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we're sure you remember.

    What’s the temperature when the report was written?

    A.About 60s and 70s.
    B.Between 60s and 90s.
    C.Below 60s.
    D.About 80s and 90s.

    【关键词】temperature;when the report was written
    【主题句】Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s—a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. 中西部地区的气温将下降到60-70华氏度,与最近几周的80-90华氏度的温度有很大的不同。
    【解析】本题的问题是“写这篇报道时气温是多少?”。选项A意为“约为60-70华氏度”;选项B意为“为60和90华氏度之间”;选项C意为“华氏60度以下”;选项D 意为“约为80和90华氏度”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,结合主题句故选D。

  • 第4题:

    – What’s the temperature today –( ) .

    A.Nice and cool

    B.The weather forecast says it’s fine

    C.About 18 degrees

    D. Sure, it’s sunny


  • 第5题:

    The Family
    The structure of a family takes different forms around the world and even in the same society. The family's form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences. Until recently,the most common form in North America was the nuclear family,consisting of a married couple with their minor children. The nuclear family is an independent unit. It must be prepared to fend for itself. Individual family members strongly depend on one anoth-er. There is little help from outside the family in emergencies. Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so. In North America,the elderly often do not live with the family;they live in retirement communities and nursing homes.
    There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies,such as North America,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits,who live in harsh environments. The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility. In harsh condi-tions,mobility allows the family to hunt for food. For North Americans,the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.
    The nuclear family was not always the North American standard. In a more agrarian time,the small nuclear family was usually part of a larger extended family. This might have included grandparents,mother and father,brothers and sisters,uncles,aunts,and cousins. In North America today,there is a dramatic rise in the number of single-parent households. Twice as many households in the United States are headed by divorced,separated,or never-married individuals as are comprised of nuclear families. The structure of the family,not just in North America,but throughout the world,continues to change as it adapts to changing conditions.

    A nuclear family is defined as______.
    A: a married couple with their minor children
    B: a single father with minor children
    C: parents,grandparents,and children
    D: parents,children,and aunts and uncles

    题干意为“核心家庭的定义是什么?”该题为细节题,第一段的第三句话对核心家庭进行了定义:Until recently,the most common form in North America was the nu-clear family, consisting of a married couple with their minor children.该句意为“在此以前,北美洲最普遍的家庭形式为核心家庭,由一对夫妇和他们未成年的孩子构成”。由此可知A项 “由一对夫妇和他们未成年的孩子构成的家庭”是答案。
    题干意为“mobility的词意是什么?”mobility是mobile“可移动的,机动的” 的名词形式。首先在短文中找到mobility存在的语境:(第二段)There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies, such as North America,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits,who live inharsh environments. The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility. In harsh conditions ,mobility allows the family to hunt for food. For North Americans, the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.mobility所在的上下文提到“核心家庭结构良好地适应于……的生活。在恶劣的条件下,……能让一个家庭吃饱饭,对北美洲人来说,找工作和提高社会地位同样需要……。”四个选项中,A项“金钱”,B项“随时准备迁居”,C项“组织,机构”,D项“技能,技巧”,显然B项“随时准备迁居”填入mobility所在的语境中合适,因此答案为B。

  • 第6题:

    The Family
    The structure of a family takes different forms around the world and even in the same society.The family's form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences.
    Until recently,the most common form in North America was the nuclear family,consisting of a married couple with their minor children.The nuclear family is an independent unit,It must be prepared to fend for itself.Individual family members strongly depend on one another.There is little help from outside the family in emergencies.Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so.In North America,the elderly often do not live with the family;they live in retirement communities and nursing homes.
    There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies,such as
    North America,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits,who live in harsh environments.The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility.In harsh conditions,mobility allows the family to hunt for food.For North Americans,the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.
    The nuclear family was not always the North American standard.In a more agrarian time,the small nuclear family was usually part of a larger extended family.This might have included grandparents,mother and father,brothers and sisters,uncles,aunts,and cousins.
    In North America today,there is a dramatic rise in the number of single-parent households.
    Twice as many households in the United States are headed by divorced,separated,or nevermarried individuals as are comprised of nuclear families.The structure of the family,not just in North America,but throughout the world,continues to change as it adapts to changing conditions.

    A nuclear family is defined as______.
    A:a married couple with their minor children
    B:a single father with minor children
    C:parents,grandparents,and children
    D:parents,children,and aunts and uncles

    题干意为“核心家庭的定义是什么?”该题为细节题,第一段的第三句话对核心家庭进行了定义Until recently,the most common form in North America was the nudle-ar family, consisting of a married couple with their minor children.该句意为“直到最近,北美洲最普遍的家庭形式为核心家庭,由一对夫妇和他们未成年的孩子构成”。由此可知A“由一对夫妇和他们未成年的孩子构成的家庭”是答案。
    题干意为“mobility是什么意思?”mobility是mobile“可移动的,机动的”的名词形式。首先在短文中找到mobihty存在的语境: (第二段)There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies, such as North America,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits,who live in harsh environments.The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility.In harsh conditions,mobility allows the family to hunt for food.For North Americans,the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.mobility所在的上下文意为“核心家庭结构良好地适应于……的生活。在恶劣的条件下,……能让一个家庭吃饱饭,对北美洲人来说,找工作和提高社会地位同样需要……。”四个选项中,A“钱”,B“随时准备迁居”,C“组织,机构”,D“技能,技巧”,显然B“随时准备迁居”填入mobility所在的语境中合适,因此答案为B。