更多“Before I came to America, I __________as an executive secretary with a trading company for one year in Britain. ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    –– Secretary: Hello.______ May I help you?

    –– Caller: Yes, this is Albert Cordell. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?

    A: Ultimate Computers.

    B: Who are you?

    C: Who is speaking?

    D: I ’m the secretar y.


  • 第2题:

    Secretary: Hello,_______ May I help you?

    Caller: Yes, this is Albert Kordell. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please.

    A、Ultimate Computers.

    B、Who are you?

    C、Who is speaking?

    D、I'm the secretary.


  • 第3题:


    If you want to teach your children how to say sorry,you must be good at saying it yourself,especially to your own children.But how you say it can be quite tricky.
    If you say to your children"I'm sorry I got angry with you,but…”what follows that"but"can render the apology ineffective:"I had a bad day"or"your noise was giving me a headache"leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior in expecting an apology.
    Another method by which people appear to apologize without actually doing so is to say"I'm sorry you're upset";this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.
    Then there is the general,all-covering apology,which avoids the necessity of identifying a specific act that was particularly hurtful or insulting,and which the person who is apologizing should promise never to do again.Saying"I'm useless as a parent"does not commit a person to any specific improvement.
    These pseudo-apologies are used by people who believe saying sorry shows weakness.Parents who wish to teach their children to apologize should see it as a sign of strength,and therefore not resort to these pseudo-apologies.
    But even when presented with examples of genuine contrition,children still need help to become aware of the complexities of saying sorry. A three-year-old might need help in understanding that other children feel pain just as he does,and that hitting a playmate over the head with a heavy toy requires an apology.A six-year-old might need reminding that spoiling other children's expectations can require an apology. A 12-year-old might need to be shown that raiding the biscuit tin without asking permission is acceptable,but that borrowing a parent's clothes without permission is not.

    According to the author,saying"I'm sorry you're upset"most probably means"_________".
    A:You have good reason to get upset
    B:I apologize for hurting your feelings
    C:I'm aware you're upset,but I'm not to blame
    D:I'm at fault for making you upset

    细节题。根据第二段中提到的:what follows that "but" can render the apology ineffective:"I had a bad day"or"your noise was giving me a headache"leaves the person who has been injured feeling that he should be apologizing for his bad behavior...“但是”后面的内容会让你的道歉打折扣,“我今天度过了糟糕的一天”或者“你吵得我头疼”这样的话会让已经受伤害的人觉到他应该为自己恶劣的行为道歉······
    推断题。根据第三段后半部分:this suggests that you are somehow at fault for allowing yourself to get upset by what the other person has done.这等于在暗示你放任自己对别人的所作所为感到生气,对于这一点你是负有责任的。既然是由于放任自己生气,那么当然不怪我了。
    推断题。根据第四段中的提到的specific act(具体的行为)和specific improvement(具体的改善)可以推断出这种笼统的道歉过于模糊,也没有什么效果。
    推断题。根据最后一段中提到的complexities of saying sorry(道歉的复杂性)以及分别列举3岁、6岁和12岁孩子的具体例子,可以推断出教孩子道歉的时候需要考虑到他们的年龄。
    推断题。根据前几段中对于几种道歉时的误区以及最后一段中提到的 complexities of saying sorry(道歉的复杂性)可以推断出:道歉并不像看上去的那么简单。

  • 第4题:

    I'll go to one of these schools, but I don't know _______ one.

    A. what

    B. any

    C. which

    D. that


  • 第5题:

    执行下列程序,显示的结果是【 】。





    DO WHILE i>=l

    two=two+SUBSTR(one,i, 1)




    DO WHILE条件>
    执行该语句时,先判断DO WHILE处的循环条件是否成立,如果条件为真,则执行DO WHILE与ENDDO之间的命令序列(循环体)。当执行到ENDDO时,返回到DO WHILE,再次判断循环条件是否为真,以确定是否再次执行循环体。若条件为假,则结束该循环语句,执行ENDDO后面的语句。

  • 第6题:

    —The sea is very rough today.
    —Yes,I‘ve never seen_______before.

    A.such rough sea
    B.such a rough sea
    C.so rough sea
    D.that rough sea
