Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beijing Hotel said it had received nearly 100 telephone inq


Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beijing Hotel said it had received nearly 100 telephone inquiries from people wanting to book rooms during the Games since Beijing won its bid to host the event. "Out of these people, foreigners make up 30 to 40 per cent, including people calling from the United States and Europe," a hotel sales manager surnamed Song said.

Minutes before the decision by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was announced in Moscow, the hotel had already received 50 to 60 such phone calls from would be game-goers gambling on the result. Domestic callers have mainly come from the southern provinces of Guangdong and Fujian. Song said the hotel was not taking reservations, but only noting down names of callers, because seven years was too far in advance. The hotel also may be used by the IOC and would then need to set aside rooms for IOC members, he said.

Beijing will have more than 800 hotels with star ratings before the Olympic Games in 2008. The city currently has 20 five-star hotels, 34 four-star hotels and 338 other hotels with lower ratings. About 70 hotels will be designated to accommodate athletes and Olympic officials during the Games.

In the first paragraph, which of the following is the most possible reason for many people to book rooms in top hotels in Beijing?

A.The 2008 Olympic Games will be hold there.

B.More foreigners want to come to China.

C.People from the United States and Europe are eager to visit China.

D.Those hotels can offer good service.

更多“Beijing's top hotels are fielding scores of calls from foreigners and Chinese people eager to book rooms during the 2008 Olympic Games in the Chinese capital. The luxurious and recently-renovated Beijing Hotel said it had received nearly 100 telephone inq”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    ( ) Chinese people are proud to host the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.






  • 第2题:

    Shangri-La Hotel, ______ I stayed in during her visit to Beijing, is located on Songzangling Street.







    空格中有表示地点的先行词,可知此句是由where引导的定语从句,where是关系副词, 在从句中作地点状语,答案选C。

  • 第3题:

    The 2008 summer Olympic Games ______ in Beijing.

    A、were held


    C、was held



  • 第4题:


    Sino-Japan Animosity(敌意)Lessens

    Chinese and Japanese people view each other slightly more positively than last year,according to a
    survey released on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing.
    The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily and Genron NPO(非营利性的组织),a Japanese think
    tank similar to the American Council on Foreign Relations.It also found an overwhelming agreement in both
    countries that Sino-Japanese relations were important.
    The survey is a part of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum,an annual gathering of senior government officials and
    representatives from Chinese and Japanese NGOs(非政府组织)designed to improve communication and
    understanding between the Iwo countries.
    Conducted every year for five years now,the survey focused on two different groups of people:ordinary
    citizens,and intellectuals.In China,the intellectual group was comprised mainly of university students from
    well-known schools like Peking University.In Japan,the intellectual group was mainly made up of previous
    members of Genron NPO.
    Among ordinary Chinese polled,35.7 percent said they have"very good"or"relatively good"
    impressions of Japan,a 5.5-percentage-point increase compared with last year. 45.2 percent of Chinese
    students had a positive impression of Japan,two percentage points more than last year. Only 26.6 percent of
    Japanese have a positive impression of China,however.
    Still,an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country said Sino-Japanese relations were
    "important"and wanted their leaders to deepen talks and cooperation with each other.
    But 51.9 percent of ordinary people and 42.4 percent of students in China said they saw no change in
    relations between the two countries over the last year. In Japan,64.8 percent of those ordinary people and
    53.4 percent of intellectuals surveyed shared the view that there was no improvement in bilateral ties this
    Historical issues and territorial disputes remain two major obstacles to improving bilateral relations,the
    survey found.What concerns the Chinese most are historical issues:visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni
    Shrine(靖国神社),and the Nanjing Massacre(大屠杀).
    Perceptions on economic and trade relations have improved,though.About 47 percent of ordinary
    Japanese said China had been"helpful"this year in fighting the global economic crisis,compared with just
    30 percent last year. The percent of Japanese intellectuals who said Chinese economic growth was good for
    Japan increased from 65.8 percent to 81.4 percent this year.
    Cooperation in East Asia issues,trade and investment,energy,the environment and climate change top
    the list of common concerns that people in China and Japan want their leaders to talk about in bilateral
    meetings,the survey found.
    Civil exchanges were regarded by most people from both countries as an important way to improve
    relations.90. 7 percent of the students and 85.7 percent of the ordinary people in China and 95.8% of
    intellectuals and 74.8% of the ordinary people in Japan viewed civil exchanges as"important"or"relatively
    Chinese and Japanese both learn about each other's country mostly through television news and
    newspapers,the survey found.

    Which of the following statements about the survey is true?
    A:The survey was conducted on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing.
    B:The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily,Genron NPO and the American Council on Foreign Relations.
    C:The survey found that people in both China and Japan generally agree that the relationship between the two countries is important.
    D:The survey mainly focused on two different groups of people:ordinary citizens,and the university students.

    第五段中说本年度普通中国人和大学生中对日本印象较好的人所占比例分别为 35.7%和45.2%,分别比上一年度增长5.5个百分点和2个百分点,因此可以计算出去年的普 通中国人和大学生对日本持积极态度的百分比分别为30.2%和43.2%。
    第八段列出了阻碍中日关系正常发展的主要障碍,分别是领土争端和历史问题,后者 包括南京大屠杀和日本领导人参拜靖国神社的行为,贸易摩擦则没有被提及。
    从倒数第二段提供的数据可知,中日两国大多数人认为民间交往是促进两国关系发展 的重要途径。

  • 第5题:


    Sino-Japan Animosity(敌意)Lessens

    Chinese and Japanese people view each other slightly more positively than last year,according to a
    survey released on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing.
    The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily and Genron NPO(非营利性的组织),a Japanese think
    tank similar to the American Council on Foreign Relations.It also found an overwhelming agreement in both
    countries that Sino-Japanese relations were important.
    The survey is a part of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum,an annual gathering of senior government officials and
    representatives from Chinese and Japanese NGOs(非政府组织)designed to improve communication and
    understanding between the Iwo countries.
    Conducted every year for five years now,the survey focused on two different groups of people:ordinary
    citizens,and intellectuals.In China,the intellectual group was comprised mainly of university students from
    well-known schools like Peking University.In Japan,the intellectual group was mainly made up of previous
    members of Genron NPO.
    Among ordinary Chinese polled,35.7 percent said they have"very good"or"relatively good"
    impressions of Japan,a 5.5-percentage-point increase compared with last year. 45.2 percent of Chinese
    students had a positive impression of Japan,two percentage points more than last year. Only 26.6 percent of
    Japanese have a positive impression of China,however.
    Still,an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country said Sino-Japanese relations were
    "important"and wanted their leaders to deepen talks and cooperation with each other.
    But 51.9 percent of ordinary people and 42.4 percent of students in China said they saw no change in
    relations between the two countries over the last year. In Japan,64.8 percent of those ordinary people and
    53.4 percent of intellectuals surveyed shared the view that there was no improvement in bilateral ties this
    Historical issues and territorial disputes remain two major obstacles to improving bilateral relations,the
    survey found.What concerns the Chinese most are historical issues:visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni
    Shrine(靖国神社),and the Nanjing Massacre(大屠杀).
    Perceptions on economic and trade relations have improved,though.About 47 percent of ordinary
    Japanese said China had been"helpful"this year in fighting the global economic crisis,compared with just
    30 percent last year. The percent of Japanese intellectuals who said Chinese economic growth was good for
    Japan increased from 65.8 percent to 81.4 percent this year.
    Cooperation in East Asia issues,trade and investment,energy,the environment and climate change top
    the list of common concerns that people in China and Japan want their leaders to talk about in bilateral
    meetings,the survey found.
    Civil exchanges were regarded by most people from both countries as an important way to improve
    relations.90. 7 percent of the students and 85.7 percent of the ordinary people in China and 95.8% of
    intellectuals and 74.8% of the ordinary people in Japan viewed civil exchanges as"important"or"relatively
    Chinese and Japanese both learn about each other's country mostly through television news and
    newspapers,the survey found.

    According to the passage,the Beijing-Tokyo Forum________.
    A:is held every year in Beijing
    B:aims at promoting communication between the two countries
    C:mainly attracts representatives from the governments of the two countries
    D:releases a survey on Sino-Japanese relations every five years

    第五段中说本年度普通中国人和大学生中对日本印象较好的人所占比例分别为 35.7%和45.2%,分别比上一年度增长5.5个百分点和2个百分点,因此可以计算出去年的普 通中国人和大学生对日本持积极态度的百分比分别为30.2%和43.2%。
    第八段列出了阻碍中日关系正常发展的主要障碍,分别是领土争端和历史问题,后者 包括南京大屠杀和日本领导人参拜靖国神社的行为,贸易摩擦则没有被提及。
    从倒数第二段提供的数据可知,中日两国大多数人认为民间交往是促进两国关系发展 的重要途径。

  • 第6题:


    Sino-Japan Animosity(敌意)Lessens

    Chinese and Japanese people view each other slightly more positively than last year,according to a
    survey released on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing.
    The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily and Genron NPO(非营利性的组织),a Japanese think
    tank similar to the American Council on Foreign Relations.It also found an overwhelming agreement in both
    countries that Sino-Japanese relations were important.
    The survey is a part of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum,an annual gathering of senior government officials and
    representatives from Chinese and Japanese NGOs(非政府组织)designed to improve communication and
    understanding between the Iwo countries.
    Conducted every year for five years now,the survey focused on two different groups of people:ordinary
    citizens,and intellectuals.In China,the intellectual group was comprised mainly of university students from
    well-known schools like Peking University.In Japan,the intellectual group was mainly made up of previous
    members of Genron NPO.
    Among ordinary Chinese polled,35.7 percent said they have"very good"or"relatively good"
    impressions of Japan,a 5.5-percentage-point increase compared with last year. 45.2 percent of Chinese
    students had a positive impression of Japan,two percentage points more than last year. Only 26.6 percent of
    Japanese have a positive impression of China,however.
    Still,an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country said Sino-Japanese relations were
    "important"and wanted their leaders to deepen talks and cooperation with each other.
    But 51.9 percent of ordinary people and 42.4 percent of students in China said they saw no change in
    relations between the two countries over the last year. In Japan,64.8 percent of those ordinary people and
    53.4 percent of intellectuals surveyed shared the view that there was no improvement in bilateral ties this
    Historical issues and territorial disputes remain two major obstacles to improving bilateral relations,the
    survey found.What concerns the Chinese most are historical issues:visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni
    Shrine(靖国神社),and the Nanjing Massacre(大屠杀).
    Perceptions on economic and trade relations have improved,though.About 47 percent of ordinary
    Japanese said China had been"helpful"this year in fighting the global economic crisis,compared with just
    30 percent last year. The percent of Japanese intellectuals who said Chinese economic growth was good for
    Japan increased from 65.8 percent to 81.4 percent this year.
    Cooperation in East Asia issues,trade and investment,energy,the environment and climate change top
    the list of common concerns that people in China and Japan want their leaders to talk about in bilateral
    meetings,the survey found.
    Civil exchanges were regarded by most people from both countries as an important way to improve
    relations.90. 7 percent of the students and 85.7 percent of the ordinary people in China and 95.8% of
    intellectuals and 74.8% of the ordinary people in Japan viewed civil exchanges as"important"or"relatively
    Chinese and Japanese both learn about each other's country mostly through television news and
    newspapers,the survey found.

    In the last year,_______% of ordinary Chinese and_________% of Chinese students had a positive impression of Japan.

    第五段中说本年度普通中国人和大学生中对日本印象较好的人所占比例分别为 35.7%和45.2%,分别比上一年度增长5.5个百分点和2个百分点,因此可以计算出去年的普 通中国人和大学生对日本持积极态度的百分比分别为30.2%和43.2%。
    第八段列出了阻碍中日关系正常发展的主要障碍,分别是领土争端和历史问题,后者 包括南京大屠杀和日本领导人参拜靖国神社的行为,贸易摩擦则没有被提及。
    从倒数第二段提供的数据可知,中日两国大多数人认为民间交往是促进两国关系发展 的重要途径。

  • 第7题:

    Food and Cancer

    Medical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and
    cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person's chance of
    developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study.They are from American
    National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing.
    The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study. About thirty thousand people
    between the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study.They were from the northern central Chinese area of
    Linxian.Most of them took vitamins and minerals everyday for five years.
    Linxian was chosen because the people there have an extremely high rate of cancer of stomach and
    esophagus.Researchers believe that fungus and molds in local foods may be partly responsible for the high
    cancer rate.Researchers divided those people into eight groups.Seven of the groups received different
    mixtures of vitamins and minerals daily.The amounts of the vitamins and minerals were 1 to 2 times greater
    than what American health officials say is needed.The eighth group received sugar pills that had no effect.
    Those who seemed to gain the most received a mixture of a form of vitamin A called β-carotene,vitamin E
    and the mineral selenium(硒).The vitamin and mineral are believed to prevent damage to cells caused by
    cancer-causing substances.Researchers reported a 1 3 percent drop in cancer rates in those who took
    β-carotene,vitamin E and selenium.They also found a 10 percent drop in the number of deaths caused by
    strokes from bursting blood vessels.
    Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other
    countries.They note that the people in Linxian eat foods that lack necessary vitamins and minerals.Chinese
    officials will continue to record the health records of the people in Linxian for many years.For now officials
    reportedly are considering using the results of the study.They want to find a way to improve the health of
    people in Linxian and other small towns in China.

    The results of the study are of great significance to people everywhere.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一段第一句“Medical Experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer.They say a new study provides the first evidence that vi- tamins could reduce a person ' s chance of developing cancer.”意思是“医学专家很多年来一直怀 疑人们的饮食和癌症之间有直接的联系,他们(医学专家)一项新的研究提供了第一个证 据······”,因此可见新的研究结果不是意料之外,而是意料之中的。
    文中说来自中美两家研究所的科学家们共同进行了此项研究,并没有提及具体人数。 故C为正确答案。
    由文章第一段最后一句“Most of them took vitamins and minerals everyday for five years." 可知,大多数实验对象连续5年每天服用各种维生素及矿物质,因此可推知,实验大约持续了5 年。故A为正确答案。
    文章第二段的开头说林县人胃癌及食道癌发病率极高,但并没有说在国内是最高的。 故C为正确答案。
    文章第二段中提到,研究者认为,此地食物中的真菌和霉菌是癌症发病率高的一个原 因。故A为正确答案。
    文章第二段中提到,研究者把实验对象分成8组,其中的7组每天服用不同的维生素和 矿物质混合物,第8组服用毫无作用的糖丸。故B为正确答案。
    文章最后一段第一句“Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other countries.",意思说“目前太早了还不能知道是否这个影响对其他 国家的人们是一样”;最后一句“They want to find a way to improved the health of people in Linx- ian and other small towns in China.",在最后一句中提到仍然是宁夏和中国的其他小城市的问 题。因此判断问题干句的说法不正确。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第8题:

    Food and Cancer

    Medical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and
    cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person's chance of
    developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study.They are from American
    National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing.
    The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study. About thirty thousand people
    between the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study.They were from the northern central Chinese area of
    Linxian.Most of them took vitamins and minerals everyday for five years.
    Linxian was chosen because the people there have an extremely high rate of cancer of stomach and
    esophagus.Researchers believe that fungus and molds in local foods may be partly responsible for the high
    cancer rate.Researchers divided those people into eight groups.Seven of the groups received different
    mixtures of vitamins and minerals daily.The amounts of the vitamins and minerals were 1 to 2 times greater
    than what American health officials say is needed.The eighth group received sugar pills that had no effect.
    Those who seemed to gain the most received a mixture of a form of vitamin A called β-carotene,vitamin E
    and the mineral selenium(硒).The vitamin and mineral are believed to prevent damage to cells caused by
    cancer-causing substances.Researchers reported a 1 3 percent drop in cancer rates in those who took
    β-carotene,vitamin E and selenium.They also found a 10 percent drop in the number of deaths caused by
    strokes from bursting blood vessels.
    Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other
    countries.They note that the people in Linxian eat foods that lack necessary vitamins and minerals.Chinese
    officials will continue to record the health records of the people in Linxian for many years.For now officials
    reportedly are considering using the results of the study.They want to find a way to improve the health of
    people in Linxian and other small towns in China.

    Among the scientists that did the study,there are more Chinese than Americans.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一段第一句“Medical Experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer.They say a new study provides the first evidence that vi- tamins could reduce a person ' s chance of developing cancer.”意思是“医学专家很多年来一直怀 疑人们的饮食和癌症之间有直接的联系,他们(医学专家)一项新的研究提供了第一个证 据······”,因此可见新的研究结果不是意料之外,而是意料之中的。
    文中说来自中美两家研究所的科学家们共同进行了此项研究,并没有提及具体人数。 故C为正确答案。
    由文章第一段最后一句“Most of them took vitamins and minerals everyday for five years." 可知,大多数实验对象连续5年每天服用各种维生素及矿物质,因此可推知,实验大约持续了5 年。故A为正确答案。
    文章第二段的开头说林县人胃癌及食道癌发病率极高,但并没有说在国内是最高的。 故C为正确答案。
    文章第二段中提到,研究者认为,此地食物中的真菌和霉菌是癌症发病率高的一个原 因。故A为正确答案。
    文章第二段中提到,研究者把实验对象分成8组,其中的7组每天服用不同的维生素和 矿物质混合物,第8组服用毫无作用的糖丸。故B为正确答案。
    文章最后一段第一句“Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other countries.",意思说“目前太早了还不能知道是否这个影响对其他 国家的人们是一样”;最后一句“They want to find a way to improved the health of people in Linx- ian and other small towns in China.",在最后一句中提到仍然是宁夏和中国的其他小城市的问 题。因此判断问题干句的说法不正确。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第9题:

    A New Educational Feature

    1.There is a distinctive and comparatively new feature of the Taiwanese Education. In recent years,more students from Taiwan are seeking education in the mainland.
    2.The number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate programs in the mainland,according to official Chinese figures,totaled 1,264 in 2000,2,470 in 2002 and approximately 3,700 in 2004.The latest official numbers indicated that by 2013,7,349 Taiwanese received high education on the said this number had risen between 40 to 50 percent annually in the last decade with well over 1,500 entering mainland campuses last year.
    3.Based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou,the Internet site provides education service and information on Chinese mainland colleges and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland,and it will increase their chances in Chinese job market," president Mark Ling said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the media of the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Maria Wang,an 18-year-old student majoring in communications at Nanjing University. Wang has a plan to continue her education and get a master's degree in mass media in Beijing,where she believes provides the best environment for such studies and opportunities for future development.
    4.Li,a postgraduate student at Taiwan Furen University said he was inclined to study business administration in the Chinese mainland,because there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there.
    5.A large number of business executives would like to send their children to study in the Chinese mainland too."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations."said Yuqin Ma,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.

    Receiving an education in the mainland could help Taiwanese students in the business field because they can get_______.
    A:practical experience
    B:business operations
    C:good quality education
    D:culture and people there
    E:a good chance
    F: the favorable circumstance

    依第一段第一句“more students from Taiwan are seeking education on the mainland”可知,选项D正确。
    第三段谈到台湾同胞认为大陆的教育“will increase their chances in Chinese job market",还谈到了可以为学习和未来发展提供很好的环境。所以C正确。
    第四段谈到“there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there",即随着越来越多的台湾公司入驻大陆,给在大陆上学的台湾同胞提供了很好的事业前景,所以选A。
    依第三段第二句“Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland",可知答案为D。
    第三段的第三句提到在大陆接受教育可以得到“hands-on experience in the media" , hand-on experience指“实践经验”,意思和practical experience一样,由此可以得知 A正确。
    第三段最后一句提到在北京学大众传媒可以“provides the best environment",所以选F,选项中的favorable意思为“有利的”,与原文中的句意相符。
    第五段第二句提到企业高管希望他们的孩子在大陆接受教育以此建立关系,而这些关系“could later become useful in their business operations",因此选B。

  • 第10题:

    _____ the 2008 Olympic Games, the air quality in Beijing would not be so good these days.

    Except for


    But for


    As for


    For all

    正确答案: A
    句意:如果不是因为2008年的北京奥运会,北京的空气质量不会这么好。except for除……之外。but for如果不是……的缘故,如果不是因为……。as for至于。for all尽管;虽然。

  • 第11题:

    The atmosphere created in the Beijing Olympic Games was much stronger than ______ of any previous Olympic Games.







    the one

    正确答案: D

  • 第12题:

    What is the main purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest?To invite ____ to participate in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

    正确答案: interested parties
    细节题。本题考查启示的目的。从文章的第二句“Interested parties are invited to participate in the procedure”可知,这里邀请的是对合作项目感兴趣的人。此处应填interested parties。

  • 第13题:

    She is said ________ a new book about Chinese history.

    A、to write

    B、to have written




  • 第14题:

    The teahouse is very popular in China.It is a place for the Chinese people to have tea.There are many other names for it, such as Chalou and Chating.Although the names are different, they have similar forms and contents.

    Small teahouses existed long before in China.During the Song Dynasty, Chasi and Chafang were places where tea was sold.During the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu people from high society often spent their time in teahouses.As a result, teahouses became important meeting places for people from all walks of life.

    To the Chinese people, teahouses are similar to the cafés in western countries.They are social places.People gather and spread all kinds of social information; customers taste tea and talk about news and daily things there.In order to attract customers, some teahouses build stages for shows like Chinese drumming, Storytelling and Beijing Opera.

    The rise of teahouses is closely related with Chinese tea culture.After several thousand years of development, the teahouse has become a part of life for the Chinese people.Now, those who come to Beijing will be attracted to the famous teahouses to experience Chinese tea culture.

    Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each statement based on Passage A.

    21.The teahouse is a place for the Chinese people to ______ tea.




    22.______ was a place to sell tea.





    23.Finally, teahouses became important meeting places for ______.

    A.all kinds of people

    B.important people

    C.upper class

    D.the Manchu people

    24.The word “similar to” means ______.

    A.different from

    B.the same as

    C.close to

    D.related to

    25.People come to teahouses not to ________.

    A.share social information

    B.taste tea


  • 第15题:

    Chinese authorities said Tuesday trace amounts of atmospheric()from Japan have been detected in Beijing and many areas other than Heilongjiang in the northeast but stressed(强调)they pose no threat to public health.

    A. radial


    C. radiator



  • 第16题:


    Sino-Japan Animosity(敌意)Lessens

    Chinese and Japanese people view each other slightly more positively than last year,according to a
    survey released on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing.
    The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily and Genron NPO(非营利性的组织),a Japanese think
    tank similar to the American Council on Foreign Relations.It also found an overwhelming agreement in both
    countries that Sino-Japanese relations were important.
    The survey is a part of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum,an annual gathering of senior government officials and
    representatives from Chinese and Japanese NGOs(非政府组织)designed to improve communication and
    understanding between the Iwo countries.
    Conducted every year for five years now,the survey focused on two different groups of people:ordinary
    citizens,and intellectuals.In China,the intellectual group was comprised mainly of university students from
    well-known schools like Peking University.In Japan,the intellectual group was mainly made up of previous
    members of Genron NPO.
    Among ordinary Chinese polled,35.7 percent said they have"very good"or"relatively good"
    impressions of Japan,a 5.5-percentage-point increase compared with last year. 45.2 percent of Chinese
    students had a positive impression of Japan,two percentage points more than last year. Only 26.6 percent of
    Japanese have a positive impression of China,however.
    Still,an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country said Sino-Japanese relations were
    "important"and wanted their leaders to deepen talks and cooperation with each other.
    But 51.9 percent of ordinary people and 42.4 percent of students in China said they saw no change in
    relations between the two countries over the last year. In Japan,64.8 percent of those ordinary people and
    53.4 percent of intellectuals surveyed shared the view that there was no improvement in bilateral ties this
    Historical issues and territorial disputes remain two major obstacles to improving bilateral relations,the
    survey found.What concerns the Chinese most are historical issues:visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni
    Shrine(靖国神社),and the Nanjing Massacre(大屠杀).
    Perceptions on economic and trade relations have improved,though.About 47 percent of ordinary
    Japanese said China had been"helpful"this year in fighting the global economic crisis,compared with just
    30 percent last year. The percent of Japanese intellectuals who said Chinese economic growth was good for
    Japan increased from 65.8 percent to 81.4 percent this year.
    Cooperation in East Asia issues,trade and investment,energy,the environment and climate change top
    the list of common concerns that people in China and Japan want their leaders to talk about in bilateral
    meetings,the survey found.
    Civil exchanges were regarded by most people from both countries as an important way to improve
    relations.90. 7 percent of the students and 85.7 percent of the ordinary people in China and 95.8% of
    intellectuals and 74.8% of the ordinary people in Japan viewed civil exchanges as"important"or"relatively
    Chinese and Japanese both learn about each other's country mostly through television news and
    newspapers,the survey found.

    Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a major obstacle to improving bilateral ties?
    A:Territorial disputes.
    B:Trade frictions.
    C:Visits by Japanese omcials to Yasukuni Shrine.
    D:The Nanjing Massacre.

    第五段中说本年度普通中国人和大学生中对日本印象较好的人所占比例分别为 35.7%和45.2%,分别比上一年度增长5.5个百分点和2个百分点,因此可以计算出去年的普 通中国人和大学生对日本持积极态度的百分比分别为30.2%和43.2%。
    第八段列出了阻碍中日关系正常发展的主要障碍,分别是领土争端和历史问题,后者 包括南京大屠杀和日本领导人参拜靖国神社的行为,贸易摩擦则没有被提及。
    从倒数第二段提供的数据可知,中日两国大多数人认为民间交往是促进两国关系发展 的重要途径。

  • 第17题:


    Sino-Japan Animosity(敌意)Lessens

    Chinese and Japanese people view each other slightly more positively than last year,according to a
    survey released on Wednesday at a press conference in Beijing.
    The survey is jointly sponsored by China Daily and Genron NPO(非营利性的组织),a Japanese think
    tank similar to the American Council on Foreign Relations.It also found an overwhelming agreement in both
    countries that Sino-Japanese relations were important.
    The survey is a part of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum,an annual gathering of senior government officials and
    representatives from Chinese and Japanese NGOs(非政府组织)designed to improve communication and
    understanding between the Iwo countries.
    Conducted every year for five years now,the survey focused on two different groups of people:ordinary
    citizens,and intellectuals.In China,the intellectual group was comprised mainly of university students from
    well-known schools like Peking University.In Japan,the intellectual group was mainly made up of previous
    members of Genron NPO.
    Among ordinary Chinese polled,35.7 percent said they have"very good"or"relatively good"
    impressions of Japan,a 5.5-percentage-point increase compared with last year. 45.2 percent of Chinese
    students had a positive impression of Japan,two percentage points more than last year. Only 26.6 percent of
    Japanese have a positive impression of China,however.
    Still,an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country said Sino-Japanese relations were
    "important"and wanted their leaders to deepen talks and cooperation with each other.
    But 51.9 percent of ordinary people and 42.4 percent of students in China said they saw no change in
    relations between the two countries over the last year. In Japan,64.8 percent of those ordinary people and
    53.4 percent of intellectuals surveyed shared the view that there was no improvement in bilateral ties this
    Historical issues and territorial disputes remain two major obstacles to improving bilateral relations,the
    survey found.What concerns the Chinese most are historical issues:visits by Japanese officials to Yasukuni
    Shrine(靖国神社),and the Nanjing Massacre(大屠杀).
    Perceptions on economic and trade relations have improved,though.About 47 percent of ordinary
    Japanese said China had been"helpful"this year in fighting the global economic crisis,compared with just
    30 percent last year. The percent of Japanese intellectuals who said Chinese economic growth was good for
    Japan increased from 65.8 percent to 81.4 percent this year.
    Cooperation in East Asia issues,trade and investment,energy,the environment and climate change top
    the list of common concerns that people in China and Japan want their leaders to talk about in bilateral
    meetings,the survey found.
    Civil exchanges were regarded by most people from both countries as an important way to improve
    relations.90. 7 percent of the students and 85.7 percent of the ordinary people in China and 95.8% of
    intellectuals and 74.8% of the ordinary people in Japan viewed civil exchanges as"important"or"relatively
    Chinese and Japanese both learn about each other's country mostly through television news and
    newspapers,the survey found.

    The survey found that________.
    A:most Japanese had good or relatively good impressions of China
    B:the bilateral relationship was perceived as being improved over last year by the majority of respondentsfrom both countries
    C:an overwhelming majority of the respondents from each country believed that the civil exchanges werean important way to improve relations
    D:the territorial issue ranked among the top list of common concerns that people in both countries want their leaders to talk about in bilateral meetings

    第五段中说本年度普通中国人和大学生中对日本印象较好的人所占比例分别为 35.7%和45.2%,分别比上一年度增长5.5个百分点和2个百分点,因此可以计算出去年的普 通中国人和大学生对日本持积极态度的百分比分别为30.2%和43.2%。
    第八段列出了阻碍中日关系正常发展的主要障碍,分别是领土争端和历史问题,后者 包括南京大屠杀和日本领导人参拜靖国神社的行为,贸易摩擦则没有被提及。
    从倒数第二段提供的数据可知,中日两国大多数人认为民间交往是促进两国关系发展 的重要途径。

  • 第18题:

    __________ the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing is quite clear to the people all over the world.



  • 第19题:

    Food and Cancer

    Medical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and
    cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person's chance of
    developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study.They are from American
    National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing.
    The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study. About thirty thousand people
    between the ages of 40 to 69 took part in the study.They were from the northern central Chinese area of
    Linxian.Most of them took vitamins and minerals everyday for five years.
    Linxian was chosen because the people there have an extremely high rate of cancer of stomach and
    esophagus.Researchers believe that fungus and molds in local foods may be partly responsible for the high
    cancer rate.Researchers divided those people into eight groups.Seven of the groups received different
    mixtures of vitamins and minerals daily.The amounts of the vitamins and minerals were 1 to 2 times greater
    than what American health officials say is needed.The eighth group received sugar pills that had no effect.
    Those who seemed to gain the most received a mixture of a form of vitamin A called β-carotene,vitamin E
    and the mineral selenium(硒).The vitamin and mineral are believed to prevent damage to cells caused by
    cancer-causing substances.Researchers reported a 1 3 percent drop in cancer rates in those who took
    β-carotene,vitamin E and selenium.They also found a 10 percent drop in the number of deaths caused by
    strokes from bursting blood vessels.
    Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other
    countries.They note that the people in Linxian eat foods that lack necessary vitamins and minerals.Chinese
    officials will continue to record the health records of the people in Linxian for many years.For now officials
    reportedly are considering using the results of the study.They want to find a way to improve the health of
    people in Linxian and other small towns in China.

    All those people who took part in the study received vitamins and minerals.
    C:Not mentioned

    文章第一段第一句“Medical Experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer.They say a new study provides the first evidence that vi- tamins could reduce a person ' s chance of developing cancer.”意思是“医学专家很多年来一直怀 疑人们的饮食和癌症之间有直接的联系,他们(医学专家)一项新的研究提供了第一个证 据······”,因此可见新的研究结果不是意料之外,而是意料之中的。
    文中说来自中美两家研究所的科学家们共同进行了此项研究,并没有提及具体人数。 故C为正确答案。
    由文章第一段最后一句“Most of them took vitamins and minerals everyday for five years." 可知,大多数实验对象连续5年每天服用各种维生素及矿物质,因此可推知,实验大约持续了5 年。故A为正确答案。
    文章第二段的开头说林县人胃癌及食道癌发病率极高,但并没有说在国内是最高的。 故C为正确答案。
    文章第二段中提到,研究者认为,此地食物中的真菌和霉菌是癌症发病率高的一个原 因。故A为正确答案。
    文章第二段中提到,研究者把实验对象分成8组,其中的7组每天服用不同的维生素和 矿物质混合物,第8组服用毫无作用的糖丸。故B为正确答案。
    文章最后一段第一句“Scientists warn that it is too soon to know if the effect would be the same among people in other countries.",意思说“目前太早了还不能知道是否这个影响对其他 国家的人们是一样”;最后一句“They want to find a way to improved the health of people in Linx- ian and other small towns in China.",在最后一句中提到仍然是宁夏和中国的其他小城市的问 题。因此判断问题干句的说法不正确。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子

  • 第20题:

    A New Educational Feature

    1.There is a distinctive and comparatively new feature of the Taiwanese Education. In recent years,more students from Taiwan are seeking education in the mainland.
    2.The number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate programs in the mainland,according to official Chinese figures,totaled 1,264 in 2000,2,470 in 2002 and approximately 3,700 in 2004.The latest official numbers indicated that by 2013,7,349 Taiwanese received high education on the said this number had risen between 40 to 50 percent annually in the last decade with well over 1,500 entering mainland campuses last year.
    3.Based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou,the Internet site provides education service and information on Chinese mainland colleges and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland,and it will increase their chances in Chinese job market," president Mark Ling said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the media of the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Maria Wang,an 18-year-old student majoring in communications at Nanjing University. Wang has a plan to continue her education and get a master's degree in mass media in Beijing,where she believes provides the best environment for such studies and opportunities for future development.
    4.Li,a postgraduate student at Taiwan Furen University said he was inclined to study business administration in the Chinese mainland,because there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there.
    5.A large number of business executives would like to send their children to study in the Chinese mainland too."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations."said Yuqin Ma,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.

    Beijing is a good place to study mass media,since the city provides_______.
    A:practical experience
    B:business operations
    C:good quality education
    D:culture and people there
    E:a good chance
    F: the favorable circumstance

    依第一段第一句“more students from Taiwan are seeking education on the mainland”可知,选项D正确。
    第三段谈到台湾同胞认为大陆的教育“will increase their chances in Chinese job market",还谈到了可以为学习和未来发展提供很好的环境。所以C正确。
    第四段谈到“there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there",即随着越来越多的台湾公司入驻大陆,给在大陆上学的台湾同胞提供了很好的事业前景,所以选A。
    依第三段第二句“Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland",可知答案为D。
    第三段的第三句提到在大陆接受教育可以得到“hands-on experience in the media" , hand-on experience指“实践经验”,意思和practical experience一样,由此可以得知 A正确。
    第三段最后一句提到在北京学大众传媒可以“provides the best environment",所以选F,选项中的favorable意思为“有利的”,与原文中的句意相符。
    第五段第二句提到企业高管希望他们的孩子在大陆接受教育以此建立关系,而这些关系“could later become useful in their business operations",因此选B。

  • 第21题:

    A New Educational Feature

    1.There is a distinctive and comparatively new feature of the Taiwanese Education. In recent years,more students from Taiwan are seeking education in the mainland.
    2.The number of Taiwanese students admitted into college and postgraduate programs in the mainland,according to official Chinese figures,totaled 1,264 in 2000,2,470 in 2002 and approximately 3,700 in 2004.The latest official numbers indicated that by 2013,7,349 Taiwanese received high education on the said this number had risen between 40 to 50 percent annually in the last decade with well over 1,500 entering mainland campuses last year.
    3.Based in the Chinese city of Guangzhou,the Internet site provides education service and information on Chinese mainland colleges and universities."Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland,and it will increase their chances in Chinese job market," president Mark Ling said."I believe it will give me hands-on experience in the media of the Chinese mainland and a better understanding of the Chinese mainland people,"said Maria Wang,an 18-year-old student majoring in communications at Nanjing University. Wang has a plan to continue her education and get a master's degree in mass media in Beijing,where she believes provides the best environment for such studies and opportunities for future development.
    4.Li,a postgraduate student at Taiwan Furen University said he was inclined to study business administration in the Chinese mainland,because there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there.
    5.A large number of business executives would like to send their children to study in the Chinese mainland too."They hope the children could build up connections which could later become useful in their business operations."said Yuqin Ma,professor of the Chinese mainland studies.

    Paragraph 3___________
    A:Good career prospects brought by Taiwanese companies
    B:The educational exchange between the mainland and Taiwan
    C:What have learned in the mainland will bring a bright future
    D:More Taiwanese students study in the Chinese mainland
    E:The number of Taiwanese students is increasing dramatically
    F: Education in the mainland is more attractive

    依第一段第一句“more students from Taiwan are seeking education on the mainland”可知,选项D正确。
    第三段谈到台湾同胞认为大陆的教育“will increase their chances in Chinese job market",还谈到了可以为学习和未来发展提供很好的环境。所以C正确。
    第四段谈到“there will be better prospects for careers now that more Taiwanese companies are going there",即随着越来越多的台湾公司入驻大陆,给在大陆上学的台湾同胞提供了很好的事业前景,所以选A。
    依第三段第二句“Many Taiwanese believe a Chinese mainland education helping them to learn more about the people and culture in the mainland",可知答案为D。
    第三段的第三句提到在大陆接受教育可以得到“hands-on experience in the media" , hand-on experience指“实践经验”,意思和practical experience一样,由此可以得知 A正确。
    第三段最后一句提到在北京学大众传媒可以“provides the best environment",所以选F,选项中的favorable意思为“有利的”,与原文中的句意相符。
    第五段第二句提到企业高管希望他们的孩子在大陆接受教育以此建立关系,而这些关系“could later become useful in their business operations",因此选B。

  • 第22题:

    Although Jim has lived in Beijing for five years, but he doesn't speak Chinese well.

    has lived







    正确答案: B

  • 第23题:

    Never before _____ won gold medals in the Olympic Games.

    such many Chinese athletes have


    have so many Chinese athletes


    have such many Chinese athletes


    so many Chinese athletes have

    正确答案: A