更多“The police took fingerprints and identified the body.A:discovered B:touched C:recognized D:missed”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    ( )is not accepted by all.

    A. America was discovered by Columbus

    B. America discovered by Columbus

    C. That America was discovered by Columbus

    D. With America discovered by Columbus


  • 第2题:

    Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

    A. Searching through the files of Chevies owners was impossibly difficult.

    B. The suspect lived within a fifteen-mile radius of the suburb.

    C. The suspect had received a number of traffic tickets before.

    D. It took the police hours to find the suspect.

    本题为细节题。根据作者在Ordinarilysearching through the files for owners of elderly Chevies would have been an impossibly difficult task...句中所用的虚拟语气就可肯定A正确。

  • 第3题:

    His stupid remarks ____ a fight.

    A、touched down

    B、touched on

    C、touched off

    D、touched up


  • 第4题:

    Missed connections are missed opportunities for business(翻译)


  • 第5题:

    在Oracle中,用ALTER将scott的口令改为hello,下列哪个是正确的?( )






  • 第6题:

    Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects.


    本句意思:警方已经确认了近10名谋杀嫌疑犯。identify意思是“认出,鉴定”,与 distinguish(区分,辨认出)意思相近。target瞄准;capture捕获,占领;separate使分开。

  • 第7题:

    The police crept up from behind and took the gangsters by surprise.

    A:violent criminals

    本句意思:警察悄悄从后面绕过去,出其不意地将歹徒逮捕。gangster匪徒,歹徒,土匪。violent criminal暴力罪犯;politician政治家,政客;musician音乐家;industrialist工业家,实业家。

  • 第8题:

    Jewel Thief Captured

    At 1:30 this morning,local police finally caught the jewel thief whom they had been trying to trap (诱捕)for the past two months.________(51)the man they arrested,James Smith,_________(52)that he was the thief,he was captured with several diamond rings in his_________(53).Police saw Smith leaving a jewe场store on Main Street at 1:16 A. M.________(54)seeing the police,Smith jumped ________(55)his auto,and a high-speed chase followed for the next fourteen minutes. The police finally_______(56)Smith off the road and his_______(57)hit a tree.
    When the police searched Smith's________(58),they found the diamond rings hidden in an inside pocket of his jacket. Although Smith claimed that the diamonds were fake(假的),the owner of the jewelry store_________(59)the most recent robbery incident happened identified them __________(60)his missing jewels.
    Smith is now awaiting his first visit to court in a cell in the town jail. if he does not_________(61), a jury(陪审团)will have to decide his guilt or innocence.________ (62),a representative of the police stated today that they have no_______(63)that he will be found to be_________(64).This spokesman also stated that they hoped that the alarm________(65)in the community by all the recent robberies would be calmed by Smith's arrest.


    deny是“否定”的意思,与“承认”相对。accept意为“接受”;ignore意为 “忽视”; reject意为“拒绝,抵制”。
    in one's possession是“拥有,持有”的意思,相当于in possession of,因此选B。
    truck意为“卡车”; motorbike意为“摩托车”; bicycle意为“自行车”,前文提到他跳进“auto"(汽车),与car同义。
    sb.have no doubt that…的意思是“某人对······毫不怀疑”。
    caused by的意思是“由······引起的”,原文的意思是:“发言人还表示,希望由最近发生的抢劫案在社区中引起的恐慌会因为史密斯的被捕而平息。”

  • 第9题:

    Relief workers were shocked by what they saw.



  • 第10题:


    • A、The pilot shall immediately exercise the appropriate missed approach procedure.
    • B、The pilot shall immediately exercise the approximate missed approach procedure.
    • C、The pilot shall immediately execute the approximate missed approach procedure.
    • D、The pilot shall immediately execute the appropriate missed approach procedure.


  • 第11题:

    Passage 1Rapid Police Response  A  Police departments in the United States and Canada see it as central to their role that they respond to calls for help as quickly as possible. This ability to react fast has been greatly improved with the aid of technology. The telephone and police radio, already long in use, assist greatly in the reduction of police response time. In more recent times there has been the introduction of the “911” emergency system, which allows the public easier and faster contact with police, and the use of police computer systems, which assist police in planning patrols and assigning emergency requests to the police officers nearest to the scene of the emergency.  B  An important part of police strategy, rapid police response is seen by police officers and the public alike as offering tremendous benefits. The more obvious ones are the ability of police to apply first-aid lifesaving techniques quickly and the greater likelihood of arresting people who may have participated in a crime. It aids in identifying those who witnessed an emergency or crime, as well as in collecting evidence. The overall reputation of a police department, too, is enhanced if rapid response is consistent, and this in itself promotes the prevention of crime. Needless to say, rapid response offers the public some degree of satisfaction in its police force.  C  While these may be the desired consequences of rapid police response, actual research has not shown it to be so beneficial. For example, it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of arrest only if responses are in the order of 1-2 minutes after a call is received by the police. When response times increase to 3-4 minutes-still quite a rapid response-the likelihood of an arrest is substantially reduced. Similarly, in identifying witnesses to emergencies or crimes, police are far more likely to be successful if they arrive at the scene no more than four minutes on average, after receiving a call for help. Yet both police officers and the public define “rapid response” as responding up to 10-12 minutes after calling the police for help.  D  Should police assume all the responsibility for ensuring a rapid response? Studies have shown that people tend to delay after an incident occurs before contacting the police. A crime victim may be injured and thus unable to call for help, for example, or no telephone may be available at the scene of the incident. Often, however, there is no such physical barrier to calling the police. Indeed, it is very common for crime victims to call their parents, their minister, or even their insurance company first. When the police are finally called in such cases the effectiveness of even the most rapid of responses is greatly diminished.  E  The effectiveness of rapid response also needs to be seen in light of the nature of the crime. For example, when someone rings the police after discovering their television set has been stolen from their home, there is little point, in terms of identifying those responsible for the crime, in ensuring a very rapid response. It is common in such burglary or theft cases that the victim discovers the crime hours, days, even weeks after it has occurred. When the victim is directly involved in the crime, however, as in the case of a robbery, rapid response, provided the victim was quickly able to contact the police, is more likely to be advantageous. Based on statistics comparing crimes that are discovered and those in which the victim is directly involved, Spelman and Brown (1981) suggest that three in four calls to police need not be met with rapid response.  F  It becomes clear that the importance of response time in collecting evidence or catching criminals after a crime must be weighed against a variety of factors. Yet because police department officials assume the public strongly demands rapid response, they believe that every call to the police should be met with it. Studies have shown, however, that while the public wants quick response, more important is the information given by the police to the person asking for help. If a caller is told the police will arrive in five minutes but in fact it takes ten minutes or more. Waiting the extra time can be extremely frustrating. But if a caller is told he or she will have to wait 10 minutes and the police indeed arrive within that time, the caller is normally satisfied. Thus, rather than emphasizing rapid response, the focus of energies should be on establishing realistic expectations in the caller and making every attempt to meet them.List of Headings  i    The presumptions of policy makers  ii    Need for more equitable parenting policies  iii    The impact of dual employment  iv    Comparison of employed and non-employed mothers  v    The benefits of balanced responsibility  vi    The unchanged role of the female parent  vii   The effect of stress on the female parent  viii   Disadvantages of parental equality  ix    The experts’ view of the male parent’s role  x    Commitment of mothers to their paid jobs  xi    Origins of anxiety in working mothers  Example      Answer  Section A.      …ii…  1. Section B  2. Section C  3. Section D  4. Section E  5. Section F

    正确答案: 1. vi
    (该段的主题句是第一句“Despite the significant increase…Australian research studies over the last l5 years are consistent in showing that divisions of labor for family work are very rigid indeed (Watson l991)”,其中rigid一词就暗含了这么多年澳大利亚家庭中的劳务分配没有发生多大的变化,再结合下文就可知道女性在家庭中的角色没有发生多少变化,所以本段大意概括准确的是选项vi。)
    2. iii
    (本段的主题句是第一句“Divisions of labor for family work are particularly problematic in families in which both parents are employed outside the home(dual-worker families)”, 意思是“对于那些父母都在外工作的家庭(双职工家庭)来说,家务劳力的分配就尤其成问题”,可知本段主要讲双职工家庭存在的问题,只有选项iii的表述与此相似,故选项iii。)
    3. xi
    (本段的主题句是第一句“The parental role is central to the stress, related anxiety reported by employed mothers, and a major contributor to such stress is their taking a greater role in child care (VandenHeuvel l993)”, 可知本段主要讲的是女性产生压力的原因是女性在家庭生活中承担更多的责任。所以应该选择xi。)
    4. ix
    (本段的主题句是第一句“Family therapists and social work researchers are increasingly defining family problems in terms of a lack of involvement and support from fathers and are concerned with difficulties involved in having fathers take responsibility for the solution of family and child behavior problems (Edgar and Glezer l986)”,可以看出前半句说明这段话是专家的观点,后半句说明这段话是关于男性在家庭中的作用的观点,因此,本段的大意就是专家们对于父亲角色的观点,因此,选项ix的说法是正确的。)
    5. v
    (本段主题句是首句“there are benefits for families considering a change to a fairer or more equitable division of the pleasures and pains of family life”,其中fairer和more equitable division与选项v中的balance表达一致,benefits一次也属于原词再现,因此,答案可以确定为v。)
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    67.A missed     B acquired    C received  D forgot








    正确答案: A

  • 第13题:

    25. The sick boy _________to hospital by the police yesterday.

    A.is taken

    B.was taken

    C. takes

    D. took

    25.B【解析】句意,那个生病的男孩昨天被警察送到了医院。根据yesterday,可排除A和C项;boy和 take是被动关系,故D也被排除.

  • 第14题:

    POLICE INVESTIGATING CHILD LURING CASE Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school. It happened on Tuesday afternoon, during the lunch hour. Mary, a student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black van. She refused and ran away. When she arrived at school, she reported it to the school staff. The schools and the police took it seriously. The schools wrote a letter to parents immediately, informing them of the case and making safety suggestions. Police are looking into the matter. Police responded to the case as soon as they received the report. "It's a matter of public safety," said the police spokesperson. "We want to make sure everybody, including kids, adults and people out and about are safe.So, we take this very seriously." Police were making some safety suggestions for the students. Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school.Kids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk in the daylight where it's well lit. One of the police officer said, "… Students should try to walk where there are people around, and always let somebody, your family or friends, know where you are going."

    1. The two men in the black van ().

    A. knew Mary

    B. was the school staff

    C. probably wanted to lure Mary

    2. Mary is probably a() school student.

    A. kindergarten(幼儿园)

    B. primary

    C. middle

    3.() too the case seriously.

    A. The schools

    B. The police

    C. Both of the above

    4. In order to be safe when going to school, kids should()

    A. go to school on their own

    B. take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)

    C. not tell anyone where they’re going

    5. This case indicated that() should pay attention to the safety problems.

    A. the public

    B. the parents

    C. only school kids

    参考答案:1:C; 2:B; 3:C; 4:B; 5:A

  • 第15题:

    The police got to know about the murder because _____.( Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police)

    A. the man called the police

    B. the man’s friend called the police

    C. the police discovered the body of Miss Genovese on the street

    D. two women who were at the scene reported the murder


  • 第16题:

    Sank police were investigating a possible child luring case near a primary school.

    It happened on Tuesday afternoon, during the lunch hour. Mary, a student of John Lake School was approached by two men in a black van. They tried to lure her into the van. She refused and ran away. When she arrived at school, she reported it to the school staff.

    The school and the police took it seriously. The schools wrote a letter to parents immediately, informing them of the case and making safety suggestions. Police are looking into the matter.

    Police responded to the case as soon as they received the report. "It's a matter of public safety," said the police spokesperson. "We want to make sure everybody, including kids, adults and people out and about are safe. So, we take this very seriously."

    Police were making some safety suggestions for the students. Police asked students to always be on their guard when walking to school. Kids were encouraged to walk in pairs and walk where it's well lit. One of the police officer said, "…Students should try to walk where there are people around, and always let somebody, your family or friends, know where you are going."

    1.The two men in the black van _______.

    A.knew Mary

    B.was the school staff

    C.probably wanted to lure Mary

    2.Mary is probably a__________ student.


    B.primary school

    C.middle school

    3._____ took the case seriously.

    A.The schools

    B.The police

    C.Both of the above

    4.In order to be safe when going to school, kids should _____.

    A.go to school on their own

    B.take self-defense sprayers(自卫喷雾器)

    C.not tell anyone where they’re going

    5.This case indicated that ______ should pay attention to the safety problems.

    A.the public

    B.the parents

    C.only school kids


  • 第17题:

    alexandertriedtogethiswork_______inthe medical circles .






  • 第18题:

    Police have already identified around 10 murder suspects.


    本句意思:警察已经确认了近10名杀人嫌疑犯。target作动词的意思为“瞄准”;distin- guish的意思为“区分,辨认出”;capture的意思为“捕获,占领”;separate的意思为“使分开”。 identify的意思为“认出,鉴定”,和distinguish的意思接近。

  • 第19题:

    The police took fingerprints and identified the body.


    本句意思:警察提取了指纹,确认了尸体的身份。句中identify和recognize都有“认出”的意思。identify sb./sth.(as sb./sth.)“确认,认出”。

  • 第20题:

    The police took fingerprints and identifiend the body.


    警察取得指纹,确认了尸体的身份。recognize:确认,认出,同identify (确认)意思相近; miss:错过:discover:发现;touch:触摸。

  • 第21题:

    He()two weeks in September.

    • A、took off
    • B、took on
    • C、took in
    • D、took away


  • 第22题:

    The way in which the mighty blue whale and the other baleen whales—the finback, gray, humpback, and right whales—eats was discovered by careful observation by biologlogists.

    eats was discovered by


    eat was discovered through


    eats were discovered by means of


    eat were discovered by


    eat was discovered resulting from

    正确答案: E
    分析句子成分可知,they为主语,“was discovered”为谓语,eat是“the other baleen whales”的谓语,故B项是正确的。

  • 第23题:

    You’ve already missed too many classes this term. You _____ two classes just last week.



    would miss


    had missed


    have missed

    正确答案: D
    句意:这个学期你已经错过了太多的课程。你上星期没上两节课。last week是表示过去的时间状语,应该用一般过去时,故为A。