根据SQL标准,要查询表student中平均年龄age小于21的所在系dept及其平均年龄值,下面哪条语句适用?()A select dept,avg(age) from student where avg(age)B select dept,avg(age) from student group by dept having avg(age)C select dept,avg(age) from student having avg(age)D select dept,avg(age) from stu



A select dept,avg(age) from student where avg(age)<21

B select dept,avg(age) from student group by dept having avg(age)<21

C select dept,avg(age) from student having avg(age)<21

D select dept,avg(age) from student group by dept where avg(age)<21

更多“根据SQL标准,要查询表student中平均年龄age小于21的所在系dept及其平均年龄值,下面哪条语句适 ”相关问题
  • 第1题:


    A create view abc as select * from student where dept=’IS’

    B create view abc as select * from student where dept=’IS’ with check option

    C create view abc as student where dept=’IS’

    D create view abc as select dept=’IS’ from student

    参考答案B 单选题

  • 第2题:


    A select sno,count(cno) from SC

    B select sno,count(cno) from student

    C select a.sno,count(cno) from student a left outer join SC

    D select a.sno,count(cno) from SC left outer join student a


  • 第3题:

    现有雇员表,结构为:雇员表(雇员号,姓名,所在部门,年龄) 现要统计每个部门的雇员的平均年龄,希望查询结果是按平均年龄从高到低的顺序排列,并且只取平均年龄最高的前3个部门。完成此功能的查询语句为()

    A.SELECT TOP 3 WITH TIES 所在部门,AVG(年龄) 平均年龄 FROM 雇员表 ORDER BY 平均年龄 desc

    B.SELECT TOP 3 WITH TIES 所在部门,AVG(年龄) 平均年龄 FROM 雇员表 GROUP BY 所在部门

    C.SELECT TOP 3 WITH TIES 所在部门,AVG(年龄) 平均年龄 FROM 雇员表 GROUP BY 所在部门 ORDER BY 平均年龄

    D.SELECT TOP 3 WITH TIES 所在部门,AVG(年龄) 平均年龄 FROM 雇员表 GROUP BY 所在部门 ORDER BY 平均年龄 DESC

    C 解析:所谓外键是指关系中的某个属性或属性组虽不是该关系的主码或只是主码的一部分,但却是另一个关系的主码。在雇员信息表中部门号是部门信息表的主码,所以部门号是外键。

  • 第4题:


    A select max(age) from student

    B select sno from student where age = max(age)

    C select sno from student having age = max(age)

    D select sno from student a where a.age<= (select min(b.age) from student b)


  • 第5题:


    A select * from student where age< avg(age)

    B select * from student having age< avg(age)

    C select * from student a where a.age< (select avg(b.age) from student b)

    D select * from student a where (select avg(b.age) from student b ) >= a.age
