单选题Why was this notice posted?A There is an increased risk of getting an illness.B More health care workers are traveling abroad.C A new vaccination has been developed.D Influenza season is approaching.

Why was this notice posted?

There is an increased risk of getting an illness.


More health care workers are traveling abroad.


A new vaccination has been developed.


Influenza season is approaching.


2.共用题干 Health Promotion1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning, implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement will not just happen.2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care, and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must be based on what the people themselves want and need.4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and communities become self-dependent.5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health manaqers for such traininq. Paragraph 3________A:Acceptance of New RolesB: Lack of Health TechnologiesC: Urgent Need to Improve the Current SituationD: Importance of Taking a New OutlookE: Support of the PeopleF: Demand for Necessary Skills

3.共用题干 Health Promotion1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning, implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement will not just happen.2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care, and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must be based on what the people themselves want and need.4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and communities become self-dependent.5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health manaqers for such traininq. The concept of primary health care involves new roles for__________.A: some stumbling-blocksB: dependent on othersC: the necessary skillsD: self-dependentE: developing plansF: health workers

更多“单选题Why was this notice posted?A There is an increased risk of getting an illness.B More health care workers are traveling abroad.C A new vaccination has been developed.D Influenza season is approaching.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Health Promotion

    1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning,
    implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement
    will not just happen.
    2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we
    prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from
    them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage
    and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on
    developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and
    key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome
    these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.
    3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves
    new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with
    disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care,
    and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must
    be based on what the people themselves want and need.
    4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to
    try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合
    作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and
    communities become self-dependent.
    5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to
    perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This
    calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind
    and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health
    manaqers for such traininq.

    Health workers cannot perform their new roles effectively without_________.
    A: some stumbling-blocks
    B: dependent on others
    C: the necessary skills
    D: self-dependent
    E: developing plans
    F: health workers


  • 第2题:


    Exercise Lowers Employers' Health Costs

    Companies can save millions in health-care costs simply by encouraging their
    employees to exercise a little bit,researchers reported on Friday.
    They said obese(肥胖的)employees had higher health-care costs , but lowered those
    expenses by exercising just a couple of times a week-without even losing any weight.
    Feifei Wang and colleagues at the University of Michigan studied 23,500 workers at
    General Motors.
    They estimated that getting the most sedentary(惯于久坐的)obese workers to
    exercise would have saved about$790,000 a year,or about 1.5 percent of health-care
    costs for the whole group.
    Company-wide,the potential savings could reach$7.l million per year,they reported
    in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
    Of the whole group of workers,about 30 percent were of normal weight,45 percent
    were overweight(超重的),and 25 percent were obese. Annual health-care costs averaged
    $2, 200 for normal weight,$2, 400 for the overweight,and$2, 700 for obese employees.
    But among workers who did no exercise,health-care costs went up by at least$100 a
    year,and were$3,000 a year for obese employees who were sedentary.
    But adding two or more days of light exercise一at least 20 minutes of exercise or work
    hard enough to increase heart rate and breathing一lowered costs by on average$500 per
    employee a year,the researchers found.
    "This indicates that physical activity behavior could reduce at least some of the harmful
    effects of excess body fat,and in consequence,help lower the health-care costs,"Wang
    and colleagues wrote.

    How often should the employees exercise to help lower the health-care costs?
    A:At least seven days a week.
    B:At least twenty minutes a week.
    C:At least twice a week.
    D:At least once a week.


  • 第3题:

    Questions 95-98 refer to the following advertisement.
    As the number of new infections and deaths rise in the Ebola outbreak, fear and suspicion in rising, too, making a more difficult for health care workers to get the sick into hospitals, even as increasingly angry crowds are calling for more government action.
    The growing chaos caused by this current Ebola outbreak, which is already the worst on record with more than 1,300 infected and 700 dead in three countries in West Africa, was witnessed in a low income community in the Bushrod Island area of Monrovia.
    The community members had called the Health
    Ministry to come pick up the body of a man who had been dead in his home since Thursday. Late Friday or early Saturday, a woman had died in the same neighborhood, and she was also still in her home. Both were suspected Ebola deaths, and the protesters were saying that the government should remove them.
    A man in the crowd said that since they called the government on Thursday, workers had come to examine the scene, but they had not returned. He said that if the government did not respond to the request of community members to remove the bodies, there would be serious consequences.

    What’s the writing background of the passage?

    A. Active response of the government.
    B. Inadequate health care.
    C. More and more recovery cases
    D. Ebola outbreak.

    推断题。通读全文,发现反复提及Ebola outbreak/death 这样的高频词,所以可知这篇文章就是围绕埃博拉病毒这一情况展开说明的。故选D。

  • 第4题:


    Shift Work Link to Increased Risk of Heart Problems

    Shift workers are slightly more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke than day workers,research suggests.
    An analysis of studies involving more than 2 million workers in the British Medical Journal said shift
    work can disrupt the body clock and have a negative effect on lifestyle.It has previously been linked to an
    increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
    Limiting night shifts would help workers cope,experts said.
    The team of researchers from Canada and Norway analyzed 34 studies.In total,there were 17,359
    coronary events of some kind,including cardiac arrests,6,598 heart attacks and 1,854 strokes caused by
    lack of blood to the brain.These events were more common in shift workers than in other people.
    The BMJ study calculated that shift work was linked to a 23%increased risk of heart attack,24%
    increased risk of coronary event and 5%increased risk of stroke.But they also said shift work was not linked
    to increased mortality rates from heart problems and that the relative risks associated with heart problems
    Dan Hackam,associate professor at Western University,London, Ontario in Canada,said shift workers
    were more prone to sleeping and eating badly."Night shift workers are up all the time and they don't have
    a defined rest period.They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like
    obesity and cholesterol,"he said.
    The authors say that screening programs could help identify and treat risk factors for shift workers,such
    as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.They add that shift workers could also be educated about what
    symptoms to look out for,which might indicate early heart problems.
    Jane White,research and information services manager at the Institution of Occupational Safety and
    Health,said there were complex issues surrounding shift work."It can result in disturbed appetite and
    digestion,reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants,as well as social and domestic problems."These can
    affect performance,increase the likelihood of errors and accidents at work,and even have a negative effect
    on health.She said the effects of shift work needed to be well managed.
    "Avoiding permanent night shifts,limiting shifts to a maximum of 12 hours and ensuring workers have a
    minimum of two full nights'sleep between day and night shifts are simple,practical solutions that can help
    people to cope with shift work."

    From Paragraph Six it can be inferred that_________.
    A:shift workers have no good food to eat
    B:shift workers don't know how to define rest period
    C:a worker of high cholesterol level is likely to suffer more from shift work
    D:shift workers have no place to sleep comfortably

    prevent的意思为“防止,阻止······的发生”;control的意思为“控制”;cut off的意思为 “中断,终止”;throw into disorder的意思为“扰乱······,使不正常”。disrupt的意思为“扰乱”, 和throw into disorder的意思接近。故D为正确答案。
    由文章第八段的第二句“It can result in disturbed appetite and digestion, reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants, as well as social and domestic problems.”可知,A、B、C三项都是进行 轮班工作的坏处,故选D。
    由第六段的最后一句中“They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like obesity and cholesterol”可知,夜班工作对肥胖和胆固醇疾病不利,也就是说, 有此两种疾病的人不适合进行轮班工作。其余各项都没能正确理解原文的意思。
    通读文章可知,本篇文章主要是针对轮班工作者的健康问题进行了专门的探讨,这篇 文章最可能出现在健康杂志上,故B为正确答案。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了大量发展中国家的艾滋病患者由于没有得治疗而死去的事情。文章指 出应加强对艾滋病患者的救治,并提出了三种具体的救治办法。

  • 第5题:


    Shift Work Link to Increased Risk of Heart Problems

    Shift workers are slightly more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke than day workers,research suggests.
    An analysis of studies involving more than 2 million workers in the British Medical Journal said shift
    work can disrupt the body clock and have a negative effect on lifestyle.It has previously been linked to an
    increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
    Limiting night shifts would help workers cope,experts said.
    The team of researchers from Canada and Norway analyzed 34 studies.In total,there were 17,359
    coronary events of some kind,including cardiac arrests,6,598 heart attacks and 1,854 strokes caused by
    lack of blood to the brain.These events were more common in shift workers than in other people.
    The BMJ study calculated that shift work was linked to a 23%increased risk of heart attack,24%
    increased risk of coronary event and 5%increased risk of stroke.But they also said shift work was not linked
    to increased mortality rates from heart problems and that the relative risks associated with heart problems
    Dan Hackam,associate professor at Western University,London, Ontario in Canada,said shift workers
    were more prone to sleeping and eating badly."Night shift workers are up all the time and they don't have
    a defined rest period.They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like
    obesity and cholesterol,"he said.
    The authors say that screening programs could help identify and treat risk factors for shift workers,such
    as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.They add that shift workers could also be educated about what
    symptoms to look out for,which might indicate early heart problems.
    Jane White,research and information services manager at the Institution of Occupational Safety and
    Health,said there were complex issues surrounding shift work."It can result in disturbed appetite and
    digestion,reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants,as well as social and domestic problems."These can
    affect performance,increase the likelihood of errors and accidents at work,and even have a negative effect
    on health.She said the effects of shift work needed to be well managed.
    "Avoiding permanent night shifts,limiting shifts to a maximum of 12 hours and ensuring workers have a
    minimum of two full nights'sleep between day and night shifts are simple,practical solutions that can help
    people to cope with shift work."

    Where can we probably see this article?
    A:On an issue of newspaper.
    B:On a magazine on health.
    C:On a textbook.
    D:On a sports magazine.

    prevent的意思为“防止,阻止······的发生”;control的意思为“控制”;cut off的意思为 “中断,终止”;throw into disorder的意思为“扰乱······,使不正常”。disrupt的意思为“扰乱”, 和throw into disorder的意思接近。故D为正确答案。
    由文章第八段的第二句“It can result in disturbed appetite and digestion, reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants, as well as social and domestic problems.”可知,A、B、C三项都是进行 轮班工作的坏处,故选D。
    由第六段的最后一句中“They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like obesity and cholesterol”可知,夜班工作对肥胖和胆固醇疾病不利,也就是说, 有此两种疾病的人不适合进行轮班工作。其余各项都没能正确理解原文的意思。
    通读文章可知,本篇文章主要是针对轮班工作者的健康问题进行了专门的探讨,这篇 文章最可能出现在健康杂志上,故B为正确答案。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了大量发展中国家的艾滋病患者由于没有得治疗而死去的事情。文章指 出应加强对艾滋病患者的救治,并提出了三种具体的救治办法。

  • 第6题:


    Shift Work Link to Increased Risk of Heart Problems

    Shift workers are slightly more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke than day workers,research suggests.
    An analysis of studies involving more than 2 million workers in the British Medical Journal said shift
    work can disrupt the body clock and have a negative effect on lifestyle.It has previously been linked to an
    increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
    Limiting night shifts would help workers cope,experts said.
    The team of researchers from Canada and Norway analyzed 34 studies.In total,there were 17,359
    coronary events of some kind,including cardiac arrests,6,598 heart attacks and 1,854 strokes caused by
    lack of blood to the brain.These events were more common in shift workers than in other people.
    The BMJ study calculated that shift work was linked to a 23%increased risk of heart attack,24%
    increased risk of coronary event and 5%increased risk of stroke.But they also said shift work was not linked
    to increased mortality rates from heart problems and that the relative risks associated with heart problems
    Dan Hackam,associate professor at Western University,London, Ontario in Canada,said shift workers
    were more prone to sleeping and eating badly."Night shift workers are up all the time and they don't have
    a defined rest period.They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like
    obesity and cholesterol,"he said.
    The authors say that screening programs could help identify and treat risk factors for shift workers,such
    as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.They add that shift workers could also be educated about what
    symptoms to look out for,which might indicate early heart problems.
    Jane White,research and information services manager at the Institution of Occupational Safety and
    Health,said there were complex issues surrounding shift work."It can result in disturbed appetite and
    digestion,reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants,as well as social and domestic problems."These can
    affect performance,increase the likelihood of errors and accidents at work,and even have a negative effect
    on health.She said the effects of shift work needed to be well managed.
    "Avoiding permanent night shifts,limiting shifts to a maximum of 12 hours and ensuring workers have a
    minimum of two full nights'sleep between day and night shifts are simple,practical solutions that can help
    people to cope with shift work."

    According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true?
    A:Shift workers are in great danger of having a heart attack than day workers.
    B:Shift workers with obesity and cholesterol should not work on too many night shifts.
    C:It's good for workers if they can limit shifts to a maximum of 1 2 hours.
    D:Shift work can in some ways change the way people live their normal life.

    prevent的意思为“防止,阻止······的发生”;control的意思为“控制”;cut off的意思为 “中断,终止”;throw into disorder的意思为“扰乱······,使不正常”。disrupt的意思为“扰乱”, 和throw into disorder的意思接近。故D为正确答案。
    由文章第八段的第二句“It can result in disturbed appetite and digestion, reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants, as well as social and domestic problems.”可知,A、B、C三项都是进行 轮班工作的坏处,故选D。
    由第六段的最后一句中“They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like obesity and cholesterol”可知,夜班工作对肥胖和胆固醇疾病不利,也就是说, 有此两种疾病的人不适合进行轮班工作。其余各项都没能正确理解原文的意思。
    通读文章可知,本篇文章主要是针对轮班工作者的健康问题进行了专门的探讨,这篇 文章最可能出现在健康杂志上,故B为正确答案。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了大量发展中国家的艾滋病患者由于没有得治疗而死去的事情。文章指 出应加强对艾滋病患者的救治,并提出了三种具体的救治办法。

  • 第7题:


    Shift Work Link to Increased Risk of Heart Problems

    Shift workers are slightly more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke than day workers,research suggests.
    An analysis of studies involving more than 2 million workers in the British Medical Journal said shift
    work can disrupt the body clock and have a negative effect on lifestyle.It has previously been linked to an
    increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
    Limiting night shifts would help workers cope,experts said.
    The team of researchers from Canada and Norway analyzed 34 studies.In total,there were 17,359
    coronary events of some kind,including cardiac arrests,6,598 heart attacks and 1,854 strokes caused by
    lack of blood to the brain.These events were more common in shift workers than in other people.
    The BMJ study calculated that shift work was linked to a 23%increased risk of heart attack,24%
    increased risk of coronary event and 5%increased risk of stroke.But they also said shift work was not linked
    to increased mortality rates from heart problems and that the relative risks associated with heart problems
    Dan Hackam,associate professor at Western University,London, Ontario in Canada,said shift workers
    were more prone to sleeping and eating badly."Night shift workers are up all the time and they don't have
    a defined rest period.They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like
    obesity and cholesterol,"he said.
    The authors say that screening programs could help identify and treat risk factors for shift workers,such
    as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.They add that shift workers could also be educated about what
    symptoms to look out for,which might indicate early heart problems.
    Jane White,research and information services manager at the Institution of Occupational Safety and
    Health,said there were complex issues surrounding shift work."It can result in disturbed appetite and
    digestion,reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants,as well as social and domestic problems."These can
    affect performance,increase the likelihood of errors and accidents at work,and even have a negative effect
    on health.She said the effects of shift work needed to be well managed.
    "Avoiding permanent night shifts,limiting shifts to a maximum of 12 hours and ensuring workers have a
    minimum of two full nights'sleep between day and night shifts are simple,practical solutions that can help
    people to cope with shift work."

    The following are complex issues resulting from shift work except__________.
    A:disturbed appetite and digestion
    B:dependence on sedatives and/or stimulants
    C:problems related to social and family communication
    D:stomach cancer

    prevent的意思为“防止,阻止······的发生”;control的意思为“控制”;cut off的意思为 “中断,终止”;throw into disorder的意思为“扰乱······,使不正常”。disrupt的意思为“扰乱”, 和throw into disorder的意思接近。故D为正确答案。
    由文章第八段的第二句“It can result in disturbed appetite and digestion, reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants, as well as social and domestic problems.”可知,A、B、C三项都是进行 轮班工作的坏处,故选D。
    由第六段的最后一句中“They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like obesity and cholesterol”可知,夜班工作对肥胖和胆固醇疾病不利,也就是说, 有此两种疾病的人不适合进行轮班工作。其余各项都没能正确理解原文的意思。
    通读文章可知,本篇文章主要是针对轮班工作者的健康问题进行了专门的探讨,这篇 文章最可能出现在健康杂志上,故B为正确答案。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了大量发展中国家的艾滋病患者由于没有得治疗而死去的事情。文章指 出应加强对艾滋病患者的救治,并提出了三种具体的救治办法。

  • 第8题:

    NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.

    Aworking class





  • 第9题:

    Why is it important to have a final meeting on a project that has been cancelled?()

    • A、Document lessons learned
    • B、Assign responsibility
    • C、Close budget
    • D、Begin new project


  • 第10题:

    Why is it important to have a final meeting on a project that has been cancelled?()

    Document lessons learned


    Assign responsibility


    Close budget


    Begin new project

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Form_A invokes Form_B in Post-Only mode. Which statement must be true?()

    Form_A has updates or deletes that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN_FORM built-in. 


    Form_A has updates or deletes that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the CALL_FORM built-in. 


    Form_A has inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the OPEN_FORM built-in. 


    Form_A has inserts that have not been posted or committed, and Form_A invokes Form_B with the CALL_FORM built in.

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Which of the following statements is NOT true? _____

    There are both advantages and disadvantages in using a word professor.


    The British companies care much for the health of the people using word processors.


    The technology in the field of computers has been greatly advanced over the last ten years.


    Using world processors, secretaries can get more time to do more interesting work for their bosses.

    正确答案: A
    根据第三段最后一句“Safety screens to put over a VDU have been invented but few companies in England bother to buy them.”可知,安全的屏幕已经发明出来,但是只有很少公司购买,说明很多公司为节省成本不舍投入,不关心员工的健康。

  • 第13题:

    Health Promotion

    1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning,
    implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement
    will not just happen.
    2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we
    prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from
    them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage
    and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on
    developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and
    key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome
    these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.
    3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves
    new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with
    disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care,
    and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must
    be based on what the people themselves want and need.
    4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to
    try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合
    作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and
    communities become self-dependent.
    5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to
    perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This
    calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind
    and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health
    manaqers for such traininq.

    It is important for health workers to find ways of helping the people become___________.
    A: some stumbling-blocks
    B: dependent on others
    C: the necessary skills
    D: self-dependent
    E: developing plans
    F: health workers


  • 第14题:

    Health Promotion

    1 World health will improve only if the people themselves become involved in planning,
    implementing,and having a say about their own health and health care.But involvement
    will not just happen.
    2 How serious are we about involving individuals,families,and communities?Are we
    prepared一mentally and professionally(专业上)一to listen to their concerns,to learn from
    them what they feel is important,to share with them appropriate information,to encourage
    and support them?In many cases,so far,the answer is"No".We can go on and on
    developing plans:nothing will happen unless all health workers,all health managers,and
    key professionals(专业人员)in other areas come to realize what is at stake. To overcome
    these particular stumbling一blocks(障碍物),I see three major requirements.
    3 First,health workers must understand that the concept of primary health care involves
    new roles for them , and a new outlook(观点).Not only should we be concerned with
    disease prevention and control,we must also be concerned with health promotion and care,
    and not least with development in general一and with people.Our health technologies must
    be based on what the people themselves want and need.
    4 Second,health workers must accept their new roles.More yet:they must be keen to
    try them out,to broaden their scope and to innovate(创新)in the partnership(合伙人、合
    作关系)approach. Their main concern must be to find ways of helping individuals and
    communities become self-dependent.
    5 This brings me to my third point:health workers must have the necessary skills to
    perform these new roles effectively and to make efficient use of existing knowledge.This
    calls for a training force fully familiar with previous experience and keen to provide the kind
    and quality of professional preparation needed.It also calls for full support from health
    manaqers for such traininq.

    Without the involvement of the people,there is no point in endlessly________.
    A: some stumbling-blocks
    B: dependent on others
    C: the necessary skills
    D: self-dependent
    E: developing plans
    F: health workers


  • 第15题:

    Text 1 Foreign cashiers and carers are now a fact oflife in Japan,especially in urban areas.The number of foreign workers has risen fast recently,t0 1.3m-some 2%of the workforce.Although visas that allow foreigners to settle in Japan are in theory mainly for highly skilled workers,in practice those with fewer skills may be admitted as students or trainees or as immigrants of Japanese extraction.In June the govemment announced that it would create a"designated-skills"visa in order to bring in 500,000 new workers by 2025,in agriculture,construction,hotels,nursing and shipbuilding.Japan has historically been cautious of admitting foreigners.It is one of the rich world's most homogenous countries:just 2%of residents are foreigners,compared with 4%in South Korea and 16%in France.The reasons for this attitude range from fears that outsiders will bring crime and damage societal practices,to concerns that Japanese residents will not be able to communicate properly with them.But Japan's population is old and getting smaller.To fill shortages in the labour force caused by the shrinking working-age population,govemment policy has focused on getting more women and old people into work,and using artificial intelligence.It has become apparent though that this is not enough;and businesses also want foreigners to help them remain competitive and to become more global.Indeed pressure from business is a big reason behind the change of tack.Over the past 20 years the number of workers under 30 has shrunk by a quarter.Another result of the greying population is the creation of ever more jobs,most notably as carers,that few Japanese want to do at the wages on offer.There are 60%more job vacancies than there are people looking for work.Industries such as agriculture and construction,as well as nursing,are increasingly dependent on foreigners.More exposure to foreigners,through a boom in tourism,has reassured Japanese,especially the young,that they can get along with them,too.Attracting the foreign workers Japan needs will not necessarily be easy.Language is a big barrier.Japanese-language abilities are not necessary for highly skilled workers wanting visas,but only a handful of companies work in English.Lowlier workers,who must pass a Japanese exam,are currallowed to bring their families and will not be able to under the"designated-skills"visa.Firms in which promotion is based on seniority rather than merit and in which long hours are the norm will find it hard to attract workers,too.Japan also needs to do more to help integrate foreigners.By accepting,for the most part,a small number of highly skilled workers,Japan has been able to get away without any inteUation policy.But as the number ofimmigrants rises,and especially as more low-skilled workers are admitted,this omission threatens to bring about some of the very concems that prompted the govemment to restrict immigration in the first place,such as ghettoisation and poverty.
    The most suitable title for the text may be_____

    A.Requirements to Get the"Designated-skills"Visa
    B.What Japan Have Done to Attract Work Forces
    C.Why Japan Is Going to Accept More Foreign Workers
    D.Problems Japan Faced While Attracting Foreigners


  • 第16题:


    Exercise Lowers Employers' Health Costs

    Companies can save millions in health-care costs simply by encouraging their employees to exercise a little bit,researchers reported on Friday.
    They said obese(肥胖的)employees had higher health-care costs , but lowered those expenses by exercising just a couple of times a week一without even losing any weight.
    Feifei Wang and colleagues at the University of Michigan studied 23,500 workers at General Motors.
    They estimated that getting the most sedentary (惯于久坐的)obese workers to
    exercise would have saved about$790,000 a year,or about 1.5 percent of health-care
    costs for the whole group.
    Company-wide,the potential savings could reach$7.1million per year,they reported
    in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
    Of the whole group of workers,about 30 percent were of normal weight,45 percent
    were overweight(超重的),and 25 percent were obese. Annual health-care costs
    averaged$2,200 for normal weight,$2,400 for the overweight,and$2,700 for obese
    But among workers who did no exercise,health-care costs went up by at least $100 a
    year,and were $3,000 a year for obese employees who were sedentary.
    But adding two or more days of light exercise一at least 20 minutes of exercise or work
    hard enough to increase heart rate and breathing一lowered costs by on average$500 per
    employee a year,the researchers found.
    "This indicates that physical activity behavior could reduce at least some of the harmful
    effects of excess body fat,and in consequence,help lower the health-care costs,"Wang
    and colleagues wrote.

    For which group of the workers were the health-care costs the highest?
    A:The employees of normal weight.
    B:The overweight employees.
    C:The obese employees.
    D:The sedentary obese employees.


  • 第17题:


    Exercise Lowers Employers' Health Costs

    Companies can save millions in health-care costs simply by encouraging their employees to exercise a little bit,researchers reported on Friday.
    They said obese(肥胖的)employees had higher health-care costs , but lowered those expenses by exercising just a couple of times a week一without even losing any weight.
    Feifei Wang and colleagues at the University of Michigan studied 23,500 workers at General Motors.
    They estimated that getting the most sedentary (惯于久坐的)obese workers to
    exercise would have saved about$790,000 a year,or about 1.5 percent of health-care
    costs for the whole group.
    Company-wide,the potential savings could reach$7.1million per year,they reported
    in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
    Of the whole group of workers,about 30 percent were of normal weight,45 percent
    were overweight(超重的),and 25 percent were obese. Annual health-care costs
    averaged$2,200 for normal weight,$2,400 for the overweight,and$2,700 for obese
    But among workers who did no exercise,health-care costs went up by at least $100 a
    year,and were $3,000 a year for obese employees who were sedentary.
    But adding two or more days of light exercise一at least 20 minutes of exercise or work
    hard enough to increase heart rate and breathing一lowered costs by on average$500 per
    employee a year,the researchers found.
    "This indicates that physical activity behavior could reduce at least some of the harmful
    effects of excess body fat,and in consequence,help lower the health-care costs,"Wang
    and colleagues wrote.

    How can employees help lower the health-care costs?
    A:By taking more rest.
    B:By eating less.
    C:By exercising a little bit.
    D:By saving more money.


  • 第18题:


    Exercise Lowers Employers' Health Costs

    Companies can save millions in health-care costs simply by encouraging their employees to exercise a little bit,researchers reported on Friday.
    They said obese(肥胖的)employees had higher health-care costs , but lowered those expenses by exercising just a couple of times a week一without even losing any weight.
    Feifei Wang and colleagues at the University of Michigan studied 23,500 workers at General Motors.
    They estimated that getting the most sedentary (惯于久坐的)obese workers to
    exercise would have saved about$790,000 a year,or about 1.5 percent of health-care
    costs for the whole group.
    Company-wide,the potential savings could reach$7.1million per year,they reported
    in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
    Of the whole group of workers,about 30 percent were of normal weight,45 percent
    were overweight(超重的),and 25 percent were obese. Annual health-care costs
    averaged$2,200 for normal weight,$2,400 for the overweight,and$2,700 for obese
    But among workers who did no exercise,health-care costs went up by at least $100 a
    year,and were $3,000 a year for obese employees who were sedentary.
    But adding two or more days of light exercise一at least 20 minutes of exercise or work
    hard enough to increase heart rate and breathing一lowered costs by on average$500 per
    employee a year,the researchers found.
    "This indicates that physical activity behavior could reduce at least some of the harmful
    effects of excess body fat,and in consequence,help lower the health-care costs,"Wang
    and colleagues wrote.

    How many workers in General Motors were NOT of normal weight?
    A:Seventy percent'
    B:Thirty percent.
    C:Forty-five percent.
    D:Twenty-five percent.


  • 第19题:


    Shift Work Link to Increased Risk of Heart Problems

    Shift workers are slightly more at risk of having a heart attack or stroke than day workers,research suggests.
    An analysis of studies involving more than 2 million workers in the British Medical Journal said shift
    work can disrupt the body clock and have a negative effect on lifestyle.It has previously been linked to an
    increased risk of high blood pressure and diabetes.
    Limiting night shifts would help workers cope,experts said.
    The team of researchers from Canada and Norway analyzed 34 studies.In total,there were 17,359
    coronary events of some kind,including cardiac arrests,6,598 heart attacks and 1,854 strokes caused by
    lack of blood to the brain.These events were more common in shift workers than in other people.
    The BMJ study calculated that shift work was linked to a 23%increased risk of heart attack,24%
    increased risk of coronary event and 5%increased risk of stroke.But they also said shift work was not linked
    to increased mortality rates from heart problems and that the relative risks associated with heart problems
    Dan Hackam,associate professor at Western University,London, Ontario in Canada,said shift workers
    were more prone to sleeping and eating badly."Night shift workers are up all the time and they don't have
    a defined rest period.They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like
    obesity and cholesterol,"he said.
    The authors say that screening programs could help identify and treat risk factors for shift workers,such
    as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.They add that shift workers could also be educated about what
    symptoms to look out for,which might indicate early heart problems.
    Jane White,research and information services manager at the Institution of Occupational Safety and
    Health,said there were complex issues surrounding shift work."It can result in disturbed appetite and
    digestion,reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants,as well as social and domestic problems."These can
    affect performance,increase the likelihood of errors and accidents at work,and even have a negative effect
    on health.She said the effects of shift work needed to be well managed.
    "Avoiding permanent night shifts,limiting shifts to a maximum of 12 hours and ensuring workers have a
    minimum of two full nights'sleep between day and night shifts are simple,practical solutions that can help
    people to cope with shift work."

    The underlined word"disrupt"in Paragraph Two can be replaced by_______.
    C:cut off
    D:throw into disorder

    prevent的意思为“防止,阻止······的发生”;control的意思为“控制”;cut off的意思为 “中断,终止”;throw into disorder的意思为“扰乱······,使不正常”。disrupt的意思为“扰乱”, 和throw into disorder的意思接近。故D为正确答案。
    由文章第八段的第二句“It can result in disturbed appetite and digestion, reliance on sedatives and/or stimulants, as well as social and domestic problems.”可知,A、B、C三项都是进行 轮班工作的坏处,故选D。
    由第六段的最后一句中“They are in a state of perpetual nervous system activation which is bad for things like obesity and cholesterol”可知,夜班工作对肥胖和胆固醇疾病不利,也就是说, 有此两种疾病的人不适合进行轮班工作。其余各项都没能正确理解原文的意思。
    通读文章可知,本篇文章主要是针对轮班工作者的健康问题进行了专门的探讨,这篇 文章最可能出现在健康杂志上,故B为正确答案。第二篇 本篇文章主要讲述了大量发展中国家的艾滋病患者由于没有得治疗而死去的事情。文章指 出应加强对艾滋病患者的救治,并提出了三种具体的救治办法。

  • 第20题:

    NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.

    • A、working class
    • B、elderly
    • C、educated
    • D、better-off


  • 第21题:

    Which of the following is NOT a reason why health care investment fails to bring a longer life?

    Drug reaction due to improper use of drugs.


    Imbalanced distribution of health care money.


    Soaring prices of both drugs and new therapies.


    Failure of many highly-evaluated medical treatments.

    正确答案: D

  • 第22题:

    NHS has suffered from under-funding in recent decades,as a result of which many()people have been turning to private medical health care.

    working class







    正确答案: B
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    On notification by Admiralty Notice to Mariners that a new edition of one of the books,or a new supplement to one,has been published,it should be obtained().

    as soon as possible


    prior to its publication


    in advance of any possible accident


    by means of other than airmails

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析