填空题If the soil’s bacteria and other microorganisms are also eliminated, the rainforest is destroyed.____

If the soil’s bacteria and other microorganisms are also eliminated, the rainforest is destroyed.____


3.CFood sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things. A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious, but some types are deadly. The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food. Fever is one of the most common symptoms.Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs, meat, vegetables, and many other foods. After entering the body, these tiny living things release(释放)poisons that make people sick.Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepared. For example, many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects. Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops.Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people. These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms.When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning is very small. Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty places and in warm temperatures. This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces. Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing. Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it. Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild. Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans. In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous.Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.51. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Food when poisoned can make people sick.B. Food poisoning means death.C. Food poisoning comes in varieties.D. Food poisoning can be serious.

更多“If the soil’s bacteria and other microorganisms are also eli”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    ()your information, we are also interested in other kinds of Chinese nuts in larger quantities.






  • 第2题:

    It's Sunday morning. Eli and her mother (11) to do the shopping. Her mother wants to buy some food for lunch. Eli wants to buy a new T-shirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.

    "What does your shop sell? Eli asks. "A lot of things,"says (12) in the shop.

    "You can buy food,drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too.

    Eli and her mother go in. There are lots of people in the shop. Eli wants a T-shirt.

    " (13) do you want? ask the girl in the shop.

    " T-shirt. "

    "Have a look (14) this one. lt-s nice.

    "How much is the T-shirt?"

    " (15) eighty yuan.

    "That's too expensive. Can I find a cheap one?"

    "What about the green one? It (16) nice. And it's(17) thirty yuan.

    "OK, I’II take it.(18) a lot.

    " You ’re welcome.

    After that, Eli buys some school things, too.(19) mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish.(20) get home very late.

    ( )11.





    11.B【解析】go to do sth-表示“去做某事”,从后边可以看出,文章用的是一般现在时,主语是两个人,动词用原形.

  • 第3题:

    Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as“Ecosystem Engineers”
    Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators. The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.
    Firstly,through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they af-fect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.
    Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.
    Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Con-servation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They're al-so very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.”
    “In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the grassland food web,”Sanders said.
    The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both species which can be found across Europe,including in the UK.It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.
    Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:“What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering.”
    Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness. However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.

    Dirk Sanders'study centered on how ants______.
    A: can manage to thrive in huge numbers
    B: defend their resources and territory against other predators
    C: attack those invading animals for survival
    D: produce such a big impact on the environment

    题干意为“为什么蚂蚁被比喻为生态系统的工程师?”虽然题干中出现了细节信息词/短语ants , ecosystem engineers,但它们都是短文主题词(出现在短文标题中的名词及名词短语),因此不用它们作为定位线索。备选项中也出现了细节信息词/短语own nests, food , activity , environment , predators,利用它们作为定位线索,在短文中第一段和第二段中 找到相关句:(第一段)Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators.The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment. (第二段)Firstly, through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups, from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.定位线索词分散出现在两个段落中,因此这两个段落都需要关注。第一段提到“Exeter大学所做的研究表明,蚂蚁作为 ‘生态系统工程师’和食肉动物的活动对当地的环境影响很大。该研究发表在《动物生态学》杂志上,这项研究发现蚂蚁对当地的环境有着两个显著的影响”。第二段第一句中也出现了定位线索词,因此也关注这个句子。该句意为“第一,通过挪动土壤筑巢或采集食物,蚂蚁影响土壤的营养水平”。结合这两个句子的意思可以得出这样的结论:蚂蚁挪动土壤筑巢或采集食物这类活动影响着土壤的营养水平,以至于最终它们对当地环境产生巨大的影响,因此蚂蚁被称为“生态系统工程师”。因此答案为C项“因为蚂蚁的活动对环境产生了影响”。
    题干意为“作为食肉动物,蚂蚁……”。利用题干及备选项中的细节信息 词/短语predators,small as well as large animals,nutritious food,soil,food,decomposers, species,food chain作为定位线索,在第三段中找到相关句:Secondly, they prey on a wide range of other animals(与small as well as large animals呼应),including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.第三段是独立成段句,这样的段落常设置问题。该句提到“第二,它们捕食各种各样的动物,包括那些被大量工蚁吞吃的大猎物”。由此可知蚂蚁会捕食各种各样的动物,甚至包括体积比它们大的动物,因此答案为A项“捕食体积小的动物也捕食体积大的动物”。
    题干意为“Dirk Sanders以蚂蚁怎样……为研究中心”。利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词/短语Dirk Sanders' study, huge numbers, resources and territory, other predators,invading animals,survival,big impact on the environment作为定位线索,在第四段和第五段中找到相关句:(第四段)Dirk Sanders, an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.” (第五段)“In this research, we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment(与big impact on the environment呼应),having a big influence on the grassland food web,” Sanders said.定位线索词分散出现在第四段和第五段中,因此这两个段落都需要关注。第四段提到“Dirk Sanders是这项研究的发起人,就职于该大学的生态与保护中心,他说‘蚂蚁是高效的食肉动物,而且能大量繁殖。它们具有很强的领地意识,而且会竭尽全力对抗其他的食肉动物来保护自己的领地。所有这些都意味着蚂蚁对周围环境有很大的影响’”。接下来第五段提到“在这项研究中,我们(回指前一段中提到的包括Dirk Sanders在内的研究者们)第一次对蚂蚁带来的这种影响及微妙程度进行研究”。该句表明Dirk Sanders 以蚂蚁带来的这种影响为研究中心。“这种影响”回指上一段中提到的蚂蚁对周围环境的影响,因此该题答案为D项“(蚂蚁怎样)对环境产生如此巨大的影响”。

  • 第4题:

    U. S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars
    NASA scientists said that Mars was covered once by vast lakes,flowing rivers and a Va-riety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life.
    Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample;the lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that iden-tifies vapors produced by the heating of samples.
    “We have water,”said William Boynton of the University of Arizona,lead scientist for ,the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer,or TEGA.“This is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted.”
    The robotic arm is a critical part of the Phoenix Mars mission. It is needed to trench into the icy layers of northern polar Mars and deliver samples to instruments that will analyze what Mars is made of,what its water is like,and whether it is or has ever been a possible habitat for life.
    The soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep.When the robotic arm first reached that depth,it hit a hard layer of frozen soil.Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.Most of the material in Wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days,letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle.
    “Mars is giving us some surprises,”said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona.“We're excited because surprises are where discoveries come from. One surprise is how the soil is behaving. The ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck,different from what we expected,from all the Mars simulation tes-ting we've done so far.”
    Since landing on May 25,Phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab,TEGA, a microscope,a conductivity probe and cameras.The science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present.
    The mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. A Canadian instrument is using a laser beam to study dust and clouds overhead.
    “It's a 30-watt light bulb giving us a laser show on Mars,”said Victoria Hipkin of the Canadian Space Agency.
    A full-circle,color panorama of Phoenix's surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft.
    “The details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain as far as the eye can see,”said Mark Lemmon of Texas A & M University,lead scientist for
    Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager camera.“They help us plan measurements we're making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale.”

    Where are the scientists involved in the research from?
    A: They are from America.
    B: They are from Canada.
    C: They are from both America and Canada.
    D: They are from neither America nor Canada.

    .C 短文的第八和第九段提到了加拿大宇航局的科学家为凤凰号的火星探索提供了激光设备。

  • 第5题:

    U. S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars
    NASA scientists said that Mars was covered once by vast lakes,flowing rivers and a Va-riety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life.
    Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample;the lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that iden-tifies vapors produced by the heating of samples.
    “We have water,”said William Boynton of the University of Arizona,lead scientist for ,the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer,or TEGA.“This is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted.”
    The robotic arm is a critical part of the Phoenix Mars mission. It is needed to trench into the icy layers of northern polar Mars and deliver samples to instruments that will analyze what Mars is made of,what its water is like,and whether it is or has ever been a possible habitat for life.
    The soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep.When the robotic arm first reached that depth,it hit a hard layer of frozen soil.Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.Most of the material in Wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days,letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle.
    “Mars is giving us some surprises,”said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona.“We're excited because surprises are where discoveries come from. One surprise is how the soil is behaving. The ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck,different from what we expected,from all the Mars simulation tes-ting we've done so far.”
    Since landing on May 25,Phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab,TEGA, a microscope,a conductivity probe and cameras.The science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present.
    The mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. A Canadian instrument is using a laser beam to study dust and clouds overhead.
    “It's a 30-watt light bulb giving us a laser show on Mars,”said Victoria Hipkin of the Canadian Space Agency.
    A full-circle,color panorama of Phoenix's surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft.
    “The details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain as far as the eye can see,”said Mark Lemmon of Texas A & M University,lead scientist for
    Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager camera.“They help us plan measurements we're making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale.”

    Which one of the following statements is NOT meant by the writer?
    A: Scientists have been trying to break the ice-rich layers of soil on Mars.
    B: Scientists have been surprised by how the soil on Mars behaves.
    C: Scientists have been trying to find out if there is life supporting material on Mars.
    D: Scientists have been trying to know if water ice will melt.

    A 第六段的第三句所述内容说明B是作者想要表达的意思,第七段的最后一句所述内容说明C和D也是作者想要表达的意思。文章里没有A所表述的内容。

  • 第6题:


    Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"

    Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment
    as a result of their activity as"ecosystem engineers"and predators.The study,published in the Journal of
    Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.
    Firstly,through moving the soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of
    nutrients in the soil.This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers
    to species much higher up the food chain.
    Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by
    vast numbers of ant workers.
    Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said,
    "Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very
    aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong
    influence on their surrounding area."
    "In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we
    found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of
    other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the
    grassland food web,"Sanders said.
    The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and
    densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both of which can be found across Europe,including the
    UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the
    local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers.At higher densities ants had no or the
    opposite effect,the predation counteracting the positive influence.
    Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:"What we find is that the impact of ants on soil
    nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their
    predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering."
    Ants are important components of the ecosystem not only because they constitute a great part of the
    animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers.Ant biodiversity is incredibly high,and
    these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness.However,it is
    not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important
    in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their
    effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.

    Dirk Sanders' study centered on how ants_______________.
    A:can manage to thrive in huge numbers
    B:defend their resources and territory against other predators
    C:attack those invading animals for survival
    D:produce such a big impact on the environment

    答案能够从短文的第三段直接找到。该段告诉我们,蚂蚁的捕食范围很广,甚至包括 比它们体积大的动物。
    短文第五段中Dirk Sanders说:" In this research , we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.”所以,D是正确选项。句中“the subtleties of it”的意思是:(蚂 蚁对环境)影响的精妙之处。
    短文第六段第二句的大概意思是,蚂蚁数量小(a iow density of ants)的话,能使其他动 物的品种和数量增加(increased the diversity and density of other animals),从而给环境带来积极 影响;第三句说,如果蚂蚁的数量大(At higher densities),就会没有影响或者有相反的影响。
    最后一段的第二和第三句提供了答案。第二句告诉我们,蚂蚁极易受人类的影响 (these organisms are highly responsive to human impact),第三句告诉我们,科学家还不清楚人类 对蚂蚁的这种干扰如何破坏蚂蚁对生态系统的维护作用(it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem)。第三篇 本文的主要内容是气候变化导致的饥荒摧毁了古埃及文明,文章指出,如今类似的事情破坏 力会更大。

  • 第7题:


    Plant Gas

    Scientists have been studying natural sources of methane(甲烷,沼气)for decades but hadn't regarded plants as a producer, notes Frank Keppler, a geochemist(地球化学家)at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heldelberg,Germany. Now Keppler and his colleagues find that plants,from grasses to trees,may also be sources of the greenhouse gas.This is really surprising, because most scientists assumed that methane production requires an oxygen-free environment.
    Previously,researchers had thought that it was impossible for plants to make significant amounts of the gas. They had assumed that microbes(微生物)need to be in environments without oxygen to produce methane.Methane is a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide.Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming.
    In its experiments, Keppler's team used sealed chambers(室,房间;腔)that contained the same concentration of oxygen that Earth's atmosphere has.They measured the amounts of methane that were released by both living plants and dried plant material,such as fallen leaves.
    With the dried plants,the researchers took measurement at temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees C.At 30 degrees C.,they found,a gram of dried plant material released up to 3 nanograms(微克)of methane per hour(One nanogram is a millionth of a gram). With every 10-degree rise in temperature,the amount of methane released each hour roughly doubled.
    Living plants growing at their normal temperatures released as much as 370 nanograms of methane per gram of plant tissue per hour. Methane emissions tripled when living and dead plant was exposed to sunlight.
    Because there was plenty of oxygen available,it's unlikely that the types of bacteria(bacterium的复数,细菌)that normally make methane were involved. Experiments on plants that were grown in water rather than soil also resulted in methane emissions.That's another strong sign that the gas came from the plants and not soil microbes.
    The new finding is an"interesting observation,"says Jennifer Y. King,a biogeochemist(生物地球化学家)at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Because some types of soil microbes consume methane,they may prevent plant-produced methane from reaching the atmosphere.Field tests will be needed to assess the plant's influence,she notes.

    Which of the following about methane is not mentioned in the passage?
    A:Plants growing in soil release methane.
    B:Plants growing in water release methane.
    C:Soil microbes consume methane.
    D:Microbes in plants produce methane.

    短文的第一段和第二段都讲到,科学家过去曾经认为,沼气必须在无氧的环境中才能产生。注意作者用的是过去式:Most scientists assumed that … , They had assumed that.…

  • 第8题:


    Plant Gas

    Scientists have been studying natural sources of methane(甲烷,沼气)for decades but hadn't regarded plants as a producer, notes Frank Keppler, a geochemist(地球化学家)at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heldelberg,Germany. Now Keppler and his colleagues find that plants,from grasses to trees,may also be sources of the greenhouse gas.This is really surprising, because most scientists assumed that methane production requires an oxygen-free environment.
    Previously,researchers had thought that it was impossible for plants to make significant amounts of the gas. They had assumed that microbes(微生物)need to be in environments without oxygen to produce methane.Methane is a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide.Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming.
    In its experiments, Keppler's team used sealed chambers(室,房间;腔)that contained the same concentration of oxygen that Earth's atmosphere has.They measured the amounts of methane that were released by both living plants and dried plant material,such as fallen leaves.
    With the dried plants,the researchers took measurement at temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees C.At 30 degrees C.,they found,a gram of dried plant material released up to 3 nanograms(微克)of methane per hour(One nanogram is a millionth of a gram). With every 10-degree rise in temperature,the amount of methane released each hour roughly doubled.
    Living plants growing at their normal temperatures released as much as 370 nanograms of methane per gram of plant tissue per hour. Methane emissions tripled when living and dead plant was exposed to sunlight.
    Because there was plenty of oxygen available,it's unlikely that the types of bacteria(bacterium的复数,细菌)that normally make methane were involved. Experiments on plants that were grown in water rather than soil also resulted in methane emissions.That's another strong sign that the gas came from the plants and not soil microbes.
    The new finding is an"interesting observation,"says Jennifer Y. King,a biogeochemist(生物地球化学家)at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Because some types of soil microbes consume methane,they may prevent plant-produced methane from reaching the atmosphere.Field tests will be needed to assess the plant's influence,she notes.

    What was scientists' understanding of methane?
    A:It was produced from plants.
    B:It was not a greenhouse gas.
    C:It was produced in oxygen-free environments.
    D:It traps more heat than any other greenhouse gas.

    短文的第一段和第二段都讲到,科学家过去曾经认为,沼气必须在无氧的环境中才能产生。注意作者用的是过去式:Most scientists assumed that … , They had assumed that.…

  • 第9题:


    Food Poisoning

    Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things,A person who eats such food can get an illness called
    food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually not serious,but some types are deadly.The symptoms of food poi-
    soning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food.Fever is one of the most common symptoms.
    Certain microorganisms(微生物)cause most types of food poisoning. Bacteria and other microorganisms
    can poison eggs,meat,vegetables,and many other foods.After entering the body,these tiny living things re-
    lease(释放)poisons that make people sick.
    Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning. They are often added to food while it is being grown,pro-
    cessed,or prepared.For example,many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects.Some
    people may have a bad reaction to those chemical、when they eat the crops.
    Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.These includo certain kinds
    of seafood,grains,nuts,seeds,beans,and mushrooms.
    When people handle food properly,the risk of food poisoning is very small.Microorganisms multiply rapidly
    in dirty places and in warm temperatures.This means that people should never touch food with dirty hands or
    put food on unwashed surfaces.Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing,
    Meat needs to be cooked thoroughly to kill any dangerous microorganisms. People should also wash food covered
    with chemicals before eating it.Finally,people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the
    wild.Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans.In addition,some types
    of fish can be poisonous.
    Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water. If people
    eat natural poisons,they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied.

    A:are always accompanied by a fever
    B:are too common to be noted
    C:can be noticed within hours
    D:can he ignored

    该题目考查关于食物中毒的描述。通读全文,可知第一段对食物中毒做了一个简单的 介绍。由第一段第三句“食物中毒通常并不严重,但有些也是致命的”可知D选项表述与原文 一致,B选项“食物中毒就意味着死亡”太绝对,与原文表述不符。从该段第四、五句可知食物 中毒会有很多的症状,最常见的是发烧,由此可知A选项表述正确。从第二段第一句可知食物 中毒也有很多种类,因此C选项表述与原文一致。据此分析,表述错误的只有B选项,因此为正确答案。
    根据题目中关键词symptoms迅速定位至第一段最后两句话“食物中毒的症状往往在吃 完食物数小时内就会出现、发烧是最常见的一个症状。”由此可知,A选项表述与原文不一致, C选项表述与原文相符。B、D选项未提及。因此止确答案为C。
    该题目考查引起食物中毒的原因。通读全文可知第二段至第四段讨论了什么东西会 引起食物中毒——微生物、化学制品及一些含有天然毒素的植物和动物。C 、A、D兰个选项分 别与之对应。而由第五段“Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms from growing." 可知low temperature、不会导致food poisoning。因此正确答案为B。
    根据题目可迅速定位到第五段,由文中的“肉类需彻底烹调以杀灭有毒的微生物。覆 盖有化学物质的食物食用前要清洗:最后,人们不应该吃野生蘑菇或其他野生食物……”可以 推测出D选项表述正确。而A选项表述太绝对,B、C选项则无细节支持。
    通读全文可知该篇文章讨论了食物中毒的症状、原因及如何降低食物中毒的风险。由 第五段第一句和最后一段可推测出C选项表述与原文意思相符,D选项表述错误。由第四段 可知天然物质也会引起食物中毒,因此A选项与原文表述不一致。B选项文中未提及。据此 分析正确答案为C。第二篇 本文主要介绍了核辐射危害的严重性、潜伏性和长期性。

  • 第10题:


    正确答案: EH系统的基本功能是提供电液控制部分所需要的压力油,驱动伺服执行机构,同时保持油质完好。

  • 第11题:

    Which of the following can be concluded from the author’s statement “Any beneficial    substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically, so as to prevent the killing of turtles” in Paragraph 3 ?

    The author feels sorry for killing turtles massively.


    Turtles can be used to substitute many other medicines.


    Many other kinds of herbs can be as useful as turtles.


    International market feels happy for Chinese businessmen to buy.

    正确答案: D
    本题是语义题。第三段最后一句提到:Any beneficial substances from the turtles could also be synthesized chemically,so as to prevent the killing of turtles.,意思是:从乌龟身上提取的有益物质也能通过化学合成而得到,这样就可阻止对乌龟的杀害了。由此可知作者为大规模的屠杀乌龟而感到遗憾。因此答案为A。

  • 第12题:

    Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which people of different nations engage themselves in cultural exchange, while seeking common development in harmonious and respectful relationship. I think different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses. However, we also have to understand that cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign one, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures. Of course, the culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures, and make contributions to the development of human civilization.

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Eli ____ his chocolate with the other kids.

    A. had

    B. offered

    C. shared

    D. ate


  • 第14题:

    Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as“Ecosystem Engineers”
    Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators. The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.
    Firstly,through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they af-fect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.
    Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.
    Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Con-servation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They're al-so very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.”
    “In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the grassland food web,”Sanders said.
    The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both species which can be found across Europe,including in the UK.It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.
    Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:“What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering.”
    Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness. However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.

    As predators,ants______.
    A:prey on small as well as large animals
    B: collect nutritious food from the soil
    C: collect food as decomposers
    D: prey on species much higher up the food chain

    题干意为“为什么蚂蚁被比喻为生态系统的工程师?”虽然题干中出现了细节信息词/短语ants , ecosystem engineers,但它们都是短文主题词(出现在短文标题中的名词及名词短语),因此不用它们作为定位线索。备选项中也出现了细节信息词/短语own nests, food , activity , environment , predators,利用它们作为定位线索,在短文中第一段和第二段中 找到相关句:(第一段)Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators.The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment. (第二段)Firstly, through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups, from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.定位线索词分散出现在两个段落中,因此这两个段落都需要关注。第一段提到“Exeter大学所做的研究表明,蚂蚁作为 ‘生态系统工程师’和食肉动物的活动对当地的环境影响很大。该研究发表在《动物生态学》杂志上,这项研究发现蚂蚁对当地的环境有着两个显著的影响”。第二段第一句中也出现了定位线索词,因此也关注这个句子。该句意为“第一,通过挪动土壤筑巢或采集食物,蚂蚁影响土壤的营养水平”。结合这两个句子的意思可以得出这样的结论:蚂蚁挪动土壤筑巢或采集食物这类活动影响着土壤的营养水平,以至于最终它们对当地环境产生巨大的影响,因此蚂蚁被称为“生态系统工程师”。因此答案为C项“因为蚂蚁的活动对环境产生了影响”。
    题干意为“作为食肉动物,蚂蚁……”。利用题干及备选项中的细节信息 词/短语predators,small as well as large animals,nutritious food,soil,food,decomposers, species,food chain作为定位线索,在第三段中找到相关句:Secondly, they prey on a wide range of other animals(与small as well as large animals呼应),including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.第三段是独立成段句,这样的段落常设置问题。该句提到“第二,它们捕食各种各样的动物,包括那些被大量工蚁吞吃的大猎物”。由此可知蚂蚁会捕食各种各样的动物,甚至包括体积比它们大的动物,因此答案为A项“捕食体积小的动物也捕食体积大的动物”。
    题干意为“Dirk Sanders以蚂蚁怎样……为研究中心”。利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词/短语Dirk Sanders' study, huge numbers, resources and territory, other predators,invading animals,survival,big impact on the environment作为定位线索,在第四段和第五段中找到相关句:(第四段)Dirk Sanders, an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.” (第五段)“In this research, we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment(与big impact on the environment呼应),having a big influence on the grassland food web,” Sanders said.定位线索词分散出现在第四段和第五段中,因此这两个段落都需要关注。第四段提到“Dirk Sanders是这项研究的发起人,就职于该大学的生态与保护中心,他说‘蚂蚁是高效的食肉动物,而且能大量繁殖。它们具有很强的领地意识,而且会竭尽全力对抗其他的食肉动物来保护自己的领地。所有这些都意味着蚂蚁对周围环境有很大的影响’”。接下来第五段提到“在这项研究中,我们(回指前一段中提到的包括Dirk Sanders在内的研究者们)第一次对蚂蚁带来的这种影响及微妙程度进行研究”。该句表明Dirk Sanders 以蚂蚁带来的这种影响为研究中心。“这种影响”回指上一段中提到的蚂蚁对周围环境的影响,因此该题答案为D项“(蚂蚁怎样)对环境产生如此巨大的影响”。

  • 第15题:

    Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as“Ecosystem Engineers”
    Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators. The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.
    Firstly,through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they af-fect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.
    Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.
    Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Con-servation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers. They're al-so very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators. All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.”
    “In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it. What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups. They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the grassland food web,”Sanders said.
    The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both species which can be found across Europe,including in the UK.It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers. At higher densities ants had no or the opposite effect,showing that predation is counteracting the positive influence.
    Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:“What we find is that the impact of ants on soil nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering.”
    Ants are important components of ecosystems not only because they constitute a great part of the animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers. Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness. However,it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem. Ants are important in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.

    What does paragraph 6 tell us?
    A: Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.
    B: Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.
    C: Ants'predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.
    D: At higher density,ants produce a positive influence on an area.

    题干意为“为什么蚂蚁被比喻为生态系统的工程师?”虽然题干中出现了细节信息词/短语ants , ecosystem engineers,但它们都是短文主题词(出现在短文标题中的名词及名词短语),因此不用它们作为定位线索。备选项中也出现了细节信息词/短语own nests, food , activity , environment , predators,利用它们作为定位线索,在短文中第一段和第二段中 找到相关句:(第一段)Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment as a result of their activity as“ecosystem engineers”and predators.The study,published in the Journal of Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment. (第二段)Firstly, through moving of soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of nutrients in the soil. This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups, from decomposers to species much higher up the food chain.定位线索词分散出现在两个段落中,因此这两个段落都需要关注。第一段提到“Exeter大学所做的研究表明,蚂蚁作为 ‘生态系统工程师’和食肉动物的活动对当地的环境影响很大。该研究发表在《动物生态学》杂志上,这项研究发现蚂蚁对当地的环境有着两个显著的影响”。第二段第一句中也出现了定位线索词,因此也关注这个句子。该句意为“第一,通过挪动土壤筑巢或采集食物,蚂蚁影响土壤的营养水平”。结合这两个句子的意思可以得出这样的结论:蚂蚁挪动土壤筑巢或采集食物这类活动影响着土壤的营养水平,以至于最终它们对当地环境产生巨大的影响,因此蚂蚁被称为“生态系统工程师”。因此答案为C项“因为蚂蚁的活动对环境产生了影响”。
    题干意为“作为食肉动物,蚂蚁……”。利用题干及备选项中的细节信息 词/短语predators,small as well as large animals,nutritious food,soil,food,decomposers, species,food chain作为定位线索,在第三段中找到相关句:Secondly, they prey on a wide range of other animals(与small as well as large animals呼应),including larger prey which can be attacked by vast numbers of ant workers.第三段是独立成段句,这样的段落常设置问题。该句提到“第二,它们捕食各种各样的动物,包括那些被大量工蚁吞吃的大猎物”。由此可知蚂蚁会捕食各种各样的动物,甚至包括体积比它们大的动物,因此答案为A项“捕食体积小的动物也捕食体积大的动物”。
    题干意为“Dirk Sanders以蚂蚁怎样……为研究中心”。利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词/短语Dirk Sanders' study, huge numbers, resources and territory, other predators,invading animals,survival,big impact on the environment作为定位线索,在第四段和第五段中找到相关句:(第四段)Dirk Sanders, an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said:“Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong influence on their surrounding area.” (第五段)“In this research, we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment(与big impact on the environment呼应),having a big influence on the grassland food web,” Sanders said.定位线索词分散出现在第四段和第五段中,因此这两个段落都需要关注。第四段提到“Dirk Sanders是这项研究的发起人,就职于该大学的生态与保护中心,他说‘蚂蚁是高效的食肉动物,而且能大量繁殖。它们具有很强的领地意识,而且会竭尽全力对抗其他的食肉动物来保护自己的领地。所有这些都意味着蚂蚁对周围环境有很大的影响’”。接下来第五段提到“在这项研究中,我们(回指前一段中提到的包括Dirk Sanders在内的研究者们)第一次对蚂蚁带来的这种影响及微妙程度进行研究”。该句表明Dirk Sanders 以蚂蚁带来的这种影响为研究中心。“这种影响”回指上一段中提到的蚂蚁对周围环境的影响,因此该题答案为D项“(蚂蚁怎样)对环境产生如此巨大的影响”。

  • 第16题:

    U. S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars
    NASA scientists said that Mars was covered once by vast lakes,flowing rivers and a Va-riety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life.
    Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample;the lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that iden-tifies vapors produced by the heating of samples.
    “We have water,”said William Boynton of the University of Arizona,lead scientist for ,the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer,or TEGA.“This is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted.”
    The robotic arm is a critical part of the Phoenix Mars mission. It is needed to trench into the icy layers of northern polar Mars and deliver samples to instruments that will analyze what Mars is made of,what its water is like,and whether it is or has ever been a possible habitat for life.
    The soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep.When the robotic arm first reached that depth,it hit a hard layer of frozen soil.Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.Most of the material in Wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days,letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle.
    “Mars is giving us some surprises,”said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona.“We're excited because surprises are where discoveries come from. One surprise is how the soil is behaving. The ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck,different from what we expected,from all the Mars simulation tes-ting we've done so far.”
    Since landing on May 25,Phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab,TEGA, a microscope,a conductivity probe and cameras.The science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present.
    The mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. A Canadian instrument is using a laser beam to study dust and clouds overhead.
    “It's a 30-watt light bulb giving us a laser show on Mars,”said Victoria Hipkin of the Canadian Space Agency.
    A full-circle,color panorama of Phoenix's surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft.
    “The details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain as far as the eye can see,”said Mark Lemmon of Texas A & M University,lead scientist for
    Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager camera.“They help us plan measurements we're making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale.”

    Which of the following do you think is the best description of Phoenix's Surface Ster-eo Imager Camera,according to your understanding of the passage?
    A:.It imitates human vision and is able to capture three-dimensional images.
    B: It imitates human voice and is able to record slight sounds while taking photos.
    C: It takes clear photos that show every detail of the object.
    D: It is this particular type of camera that can take wide angle pictures.

     5. A短文最后一段的第一句:A full—circle,color panorama of Phoenix’S surroundings also has been completed…告诉我们,使用这种照相机可以拍摄全景照片。panorama:全景,全景摄影。













  • 第17题:


    Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"

    Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment
    as a result of their activity as"ecosystem engineers"and predators.The study,published in the Journal of
    Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment.
    Firstly,through moving the soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of
    nutrients in the soil.This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers
    to species much higher up the food chain.
    Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by
    vast numbers of ant workers.
    Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said,
    "Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very
    aggressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong
    influence on their surrounding area."
    "In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we
    found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of
    other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the
    grassland food web,"Sanders said.
    The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and
    densities of black garden ants and common red ants,both of which can be found across Europe,including the
    UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the
    local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers.At higher densities ants had no or the
    opposite effect,the predation counteracting the positive influence.
    Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:"What we find is that the impact of ants on soil
    nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their
    predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem engineering."
    Ants are important components of the ecosystem not only because they constitute a great part of the
    animal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers.Ant biodiversity is incredibly high,and
    these organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness.However,it is
    not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important
    in below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their
    effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.

    As predators,ants ________________.
    A:prey on small as well as large animals
    B:collect nutritious food from the soil
    C:collect food as decomposers
    D:prey on species much higher up the food chain

    答案能够从短文的第三段直接找到。该段告诉我们,蚂蚁的捕食范围很广,甚至包括 比它们体积大的动物。
    短文第五段中Dirk Sanders说:" In this research , we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.”所以,D是正确选项。句中“the subtleties of it”的意思是:(蚂 蚁对环境)影响的精妙之处。
    短文第六段第二句的大概意思是,蚂蚁数量小(a iow density of ants)的话,能使其他动 物的品种和数量增加(increased the diversity and density of other animals),从而给环境带来积极 影响;第三句说,如果蚂蚁的数量大(At higher densities),就会没有影响或者有相反的影响。
    最后一段的第二和第三句提供了答案。第二句告诉我们,蚂蚁极易受人类的影响 (these organisms are highly responsive to human impact),第三句告诉我们,科学家还不清楚人类 对蚂蚁的这种干扰如何破坏蚂蚁对生态系统的维护作用(it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem)。第三篇 本文的主要内容是气候变化导致的饥荒摧毁了古埃及文明,文章指出,如今类似的事情破坏 力会更大。

  • 第18题:

    A Country's Standard of Living

    The"standard of living" of any country means the average person's share of the goods and services the country produces.A country's standard of living,________(51),depends first and ________(52)on its capacity to produce wealth."Wealth"in this sense is not money,for we do not live on money________( 53)on things that money can buy:"goods"such as food and clothing, and"services"such as transport and entertainment.
    A country's capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors,most of_________(54) have an effect on one another. Wealth depends_________(55)a great extent upon a country's natural resources.Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals,and have fertile soil and a favorable climate;other regions possess none of them.
    Next to natural resources_________(56) the ability to turn them to use.Some countries are perhaps as well-off_________(57)the USA in natural resources,but suffered for many years from civil and external wars,and________(58)this and other reasons were________(59)to develop their resources.Sound and stable political conditions,and________(60)from foreign invasions, enable a country to develop its natural resources peacefully and steadily,and to produce more wealth than another country equally well favoured by nature but less well ordered.
    A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed_________(61)its own borders,but also upon what is directly produced through international trade.________(62),Britain's wealth in foodstuffs and other agricultural products would be much less if she had to depend only on________(63)grown at home.Trade makes it possible for her surplus manufactured goods to be traded abroad for the agricultural products that would________(64)be lacking.A country's wealth is,therefore,much influenced by its manufacturing capacity, ______(65)that other countries can be found ready to accept its manufactures.

    A:In short
    B:On the other hand
    C:As a result
    D:For example

    文章前一句给出了生活水平的定义,此处需要一个承上启下的词。however表示含义的转折。furthermore意为“此外、而且”,表示意义的递进。similarly意为“相似地”。 therefore意为“因此”,表示因果关系。这部分是说由于任何一个国家的“生活水平”是指平均每个人所得到的这个国家生产出的商品和服务量,因此,一个国家的生活水平首先并且最重要的是依靠其创造财富的能力。选择D项最合适。
    first and foremost是固定搭配,意思是“首要的、第一的”,因此选择C项。
    此空指代的是前面的many factors , these和that都指代不清,所以需要一个引导非限制性定语从句的关联词,只有which合适,因此选择D项。
    此处许多人可能会认为depend on是固定搭配,意思是“依靠”,但实际上介词upon出现后面,中间插入了短语to a great extent。因此此处只能选B。
    根据上下文我们知道这里说的是某些国家无法开采自己的资源。uneasy 意为“不稳定的、不舒服的”。incapable意为“无能力的”,固定搭配是be incapable of doing , im-possible意为“不可能的”。unable意为“不能的”,固定搭配是be unable to do。因为后面有不定式to,因此只能选择D项。
    本句意思是“完善的、稳定的政府以及从外国入侵中解放出来······”。先排除掉prevention。 freedom意为“自由”。 liberation意为“解放”,一般与介词from搭配。liberty“自由、释放”,常与介词of搭配。选项C是正确的。
    本句意思是“一个国家的生活水平不仅仅依赖本国生产和消费的财富”。表示“边界内”,我们常用短语within the border,其他几个介词都不合适。
    这里需要一个能连接上下文的短语,前一句讲的是国际贸易也是生活水平依赖的一部分,后面以英国为例进行说明因此只有选项D合适。in short意为“总之”; as a result意为“结果是”; on the other hand意为“另一方面”。
    此空后面是一个过去分词短语,前面是介词on,因此这里先排除which和 what,因为不需要引导句子的关联词。此外,这里需要指代的是前面的foodstuffs和agricultural products,因此只能选择表示复数的those。
    otherwise意思是“相反地”。 certainly意为“当然地”。 however意为“然而”。 therefore意为“因此”。此处是拿缺少的东西同前面提到的生产出的多余的东西对比,因此只有otherwise最合适。
    provided that…是固定搭配,意思是“假若······”。本句意思是“如果其他国家可以接受本国的产品······”。因此只有D项最合适。

  • 第19题:

    U. S. Scientists Confirm Water on Mars
    NASA scientists said that Mars was covered once by vast lakes,flowing rivers and a Va-riety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life.
    Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample;the lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that iden-tifies vapors produced by the heating of samples.
    “We have water,”said William Boynton of the University of Arizona,lead scientist for ,the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer,or TEGA.“This is the first time Martian water has been touched and tasted.”
    The robotic arm is a critical part of the Phoenix Mars mission. It is needed to trench into the icy layers of northern polar Mars and deliver samples to instruments that will analyze what Mars is made of,what its water is like,and whether it is or has ever been a possible habitat for life.
    The soil sample came from a trench approximately 2 inches deep.When the robotic arm first reached that depth,it hit a hard layer of frozen soil.Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.Most of the material in Wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days,letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle.
    “Mars is giving us some surprises,”said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona.“We're excited because surprises are where discoveries come from. One surprise is how the soil is behaving. The ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck,different from what we expected,from all the Mars simulation tes-ting we've done so far.”
    Since landing on May 25,Phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab,TEGA, a microscope,a conductivity probe and cameras.The science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life are present.
    The mission is examining the sky as well as the ground. A Canadian instrument is using a laser beam to study dust and clouds overhead.
    “It's a 30-watt light bulb giving us a laser show on Mars,”said Victoria Hipkin of the Canadian Space Agency.
    A full-circle,color panorama of Phoenix's surroundings also has been completed by the spacecraft.
    “The details and patterns we see in the ground show an ice-dominated terrain as far as the eye can see,”said Mark Lemmon of Texas A & M University,lead scientist for
    Phoenix's Surface Stereo Imager camera.“They help us plan measurements we're making within reach of the robotic arm and interpret those measurements on a wider scale.”

    What was discovered by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander on Mars?
    A: Vast lakes.
    B: Flowing rivers.
    C: Water in a soil sample.
    D: Living things.

    题干意为“美国国家航空航天局‘凤凰号’火星登陆器在火星上发现了什么?”利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词/短语NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, vast lakes, flowing rivers,water in a soil sample,living things作为定位线索,在第一段和第二段中找到 相关句:(第一段)NASA scientists said that Mars was covered once by vast lakes, flowing rivers and a variety of other wet environments that had the potential to support life.(第二段) Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample; the lander's robotic arm delivered the sample Wednesday to an instrument that identifies va- pors produced by the heating of samples.定位线索词集中出现在第一段和第二段中,因此重 点关注这两个段落。第一段提到“美国国家航空航天局的科学家们称火星曾被巨大的湖泊,流动的河流以及其他潮湿的自然环境所覆盖,而这些都使其有了维持生命的可能”。第二段提到“在美国国家航空航天局的‘凤凰’号火星登陆器的实验室所做的实验中,已经在一份土壤样本中鉴定到水”。结合这两个句子的意思可知美国国家航空航天局“凤凰号”火星登陆器在火星上发现土壤样本中有水,因此答案为C项“土壤样本中有水”。
    题干意为“为什么前两次递送样本的尝试失败了?”利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词/短语first two attempts , samples , fresh material , air , scoop , robotic arm , hard rock作为定位线索,在第五段中找到相关句;The soil sample came from a trench approxi mately 2 inches deep.When the robotic arm first reached that depth,it hit a hard layer of fro zen soil.Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop. Most of the material in Wednesday's sample had been exposed to the air for two days,letting some of the water in the sample vaporize away and making the soil easier to handle.定位线索词集中出现在第五段第三句中,因此首先重点关注这个句子。该句是一个复合句,句中出现了两个从句:when引导的定语从句和when引导的时间状语从句。该句意为“当新鲜的冻土暴露在空气中的时候,机器臂曾经两次尝试对冻土样本进行传送,但是样本同铲子粘在了一起,结果使得这两次尝试都以失败告终”。很明显,句中when引导的时间状语从句when the samples became stuck inside the scoop 陈述了原因。该题主要考查对复杂句子的理解。该题答案为C项“样本同铲子粘在了一起”。
    题干意为“下面哪个选项不是作者想要表达的意思?”利用备选项中的细节信息词/短语scientist , ice-rich layers of soil , life supporting material , water ice 作为定位线索,在第六段和第七段中找到相关句:(第六段)“Mars is giving us some surprises,” said Phoenix principal investigator Peter Smith of the University of Arizona.“We're excited be-cause surprises are where discoveries come from. One surprise is how the soil is behaving. The ice-rich layers stick to the scoop when poised in the sun above the deck,different from what we expected, from all the Mars simulation testing we've done so far.”(第七段)Since landing on May 25,Phoenix has been studying soil with a chemistry lab,TEGA,a micro-scope,a conductivity probe and cameras. The science team is trying to determine whether the water ice ever thaws enough to be available for biology and if carbon-containing chemicals and other raw materials for life (与life supporting material呼应)are present.定位线索词在 第六段的第四句和第七段的最后一句中出现了,因此首先重点关注这两个句子。第六段第四句提到“当富冰层被悬挂于甲板上方的太阳底下的时候,它会和铲子粘在一起,这是我们从未预期到的,也不同于我们迄今为止所做过的任何火星模拟试验”。从这个句子可以得出这样的结论:科学家们从未想到过富冰层会和铲子粘在一起,这也说明科学家们对火星上土壤的表现感到吃惊,这与B项“科学家们对火星上土壤的表现感到吃惊”意义一致。第七段最后一句提到“这支科学团队尝试确定火星上的水冰是否曾经大量融化,从而能支持生物存在,同时它还将寻找火星土壤中是否有以碳为基础的有机化合物,这些化合物是形成生命的‘原材料’”。依据这个句子可知科学家们一直要想知道火星上的水冰是否融化(与选项D意义一致),同时还可以得出这样的结论:科学家们想知道火星上是否有形成生命的原材料(这与选项C一致)。A项“科学家们试图打破火星土壤的富冰层”,这是文中没有涉及到的信息,因此 A项属于“无中生有”。所以答案为A.
    题干意为“参与研究的科学家们来自什么地方?”利用题干及备选项中的细节信息词scientists , research , America , Canada作为定位线索,结果发现短文的第八段和第九段提到加拿大宇航局的科学家为“凤凰号”的火星探索提供了激光设备。既然这项研究是美国国家航空航天局的科学家们做的,因此研究的参与者必然包括美国科学家,因此答案为C项 “他们来自美国和加拿大”。

  • 第20题:


    Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as " Ecosystem Engineers"

    Research by the University of Exeter has revealed that ants have a big impact on their local environment
    as a result of their activity as"ecosystem engineers"and predators.The study,published in the Journal of
    Animal Ecology,found that ants have two distinct effects on their local environment?
    Firstly.throuah moving the soil by nest building activity and by collecting food they affect the level of
    nutrients in the soil.This can indirectly impact the local populations of many animal groups,from decomposers
    to species much higher up the food chain.
    Secondly,they prey on a wide range of other animals,including larger prey which can be attacked by
    vast numbers of ant workers.
    Dirk Sanders,an author of the study from the university's Centre for Ecology and Conservation,said,
    "Ants are very effective predators which thrive in huge numbers.They're also very territorial and very ag-
    gressive,defending their resources and territory against other predators.All of this means they have a strong
    influence on their surrounding area."
    "In this research,we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.What we
    found is that despite being predators,their presence can also lead to an increase in density and diversity of
    other animal groups.They genuinely play a key role in the local environment,having a big influence on the
    grassland food web,"Sanders said.
    The study,carried out in Germany,studied the impact of the presence of different combinations and den-
    sities of black garden ants and common red ants,both of which can be found across Europe,including the
    UK. It found that a low density of ants in an area increased the diversity and density of other animals in the
    local area,particularly the density of herbivores and decomposers.At higher densities ants had no or the op-
    posite effect,the predation counteracting the positive influence.
    Dr Frank van Veen,another author on the study,said:"What we find is that the impact of ants on soil
    nutrient levels has a positive effect on animal groups at low levels,but as the number of ants increases,their
    predatory impacts have the bigger effect一thereby counteracting the positive influence via ecosystem
    Ants are important components of the ecosystem not only because they constitute a great part of the ani--
    mal biomass but also because they act as ecosystem engineers.Ant biodiversity is incredibly high and these
    organisms are highly responsive to human impact,which obviously reduces its richness.However,it is not
    clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem.Ants are important in
    below ground processes through the alteration of the physical and chemical environment and through their
    effects on plants,microorganisms,and other soil organisms.

    What does Paragraph 6 tell us?
    A:Ants bring about a negative influence to an area when their population is small.
    B:Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.
    C:Ants'predation counteracts the positive influence they may have on an area.
    D:At higher density,ants produce a positive influence on an area.

    短文第五段中Dirk Sanders说:" In this research , we studied for the first time how big this impact is and the subtleties of it.”所以,D是正确选项。句中“the subtleties of it”的意思是:(蚂 蚁对环境)影响的精妙之处。
    短文第六段第二句的大概意思是,蚂蚁数量小(a low density of ants)的话,能使其他动 物的品种和数量增加(increased the diversity and density of other animals),从而给环境带来积极 影响;第三句说,如果蚂蚁的数量大(At higher densities),就会没有影响或者有相反的影响。
    最后一段的第二和第三句提供了答案。第二句告诉我们,蚂蚁极易受人类的影响 ( these organisms are highly responsive to human impact),第三句告诉我们,科学家还不清楚人类 对蚂蚁的这种干扰如何破坏蚂蚁对生态系统的维护作用(it is not clear how such disturbance damages the maintenance of ant services to the ecosystem)。

  • 第21题:

    How do objects pass messages in Java?()   

    • A、They pass messages by modifying each other’s member variables
    • B、They pass messages by modifying the static member variables of each other’s classes
    • C、They pass messages by calling each other’s instance member methods
    • D、They pass messages by calling static member methods of each other’s classes.


  • 第22题:

    If the soil’s bacteria and other microorganisms are also eliminated, the rainforest is destroyed.____

    正确答案: D
    根据题干信息可以定位到D段“But if the soil’s bacteria and other microorganisms, which break down the nutrient-rich organic matter that tumbles to the dark forest floor, are also eliminated, the rainforest is destroyed.”,故匹配段落为D段。

  • 第23题:

    Many people are against the use of chemicals to preserve food because ______.

    chemicals are not necessary for preserving food


    a small quantity of bacteria in food is good to people


    those chemicals that kill bacteria may not be good to people


    there are other better ways to preserve food

    正确答案: A
    根据文章最后两句Some people oppose the use of chemicals in food. They say that these chemicals may harm people if the chemicals can harm bacteria.可知,人们反对使用化学物质来保存食物的原因是这些化学物质可能对人有害,C)是对这句话的同义转述。

  • 第24题:

    He’s very famous not only in Britain, but also in many other ______ in the world. He was born in 1812 and he lived in London.








    正确答案: D