单选题Shadow chancellor George Osborne holds that ______.A London is not capable of hosting the summitB Lord Myners should not have signed off Sir Fred Goodwin’s pensionC there was no “common ground” on the G20D the UK government’s entire economic strategy h

Shadow chancellor George Osborne holds that ______.

London is not capable of hosting the summit


Lord Myners should not have signed off Sir Fred Goodwin’s pension


there was no “common ground” on the G20


the UK government’s entire economic strategy has fallen apart


3.When George Osbome,Chancellor of the Exchequer,is spotted outside Westminster,he is very often making an appearance on a building site,wearing a fluorescent safety jacket.It was no surprise to hear him claim once again,in his budget speech on March 19th,that"We're getting Britain building".Sadly,given the huge exlenl of Britain's housing shortage,the chancellor's proposed interventions do not add up to much.The biggest announcement was that the government will extend Help to Buy,a scheme that guarantees mortgages for people purchasing newly built homes.Mr Osbome also hopes to build a new town at Ebbsfleet,a patch of post-industrial land in the Thames estuary,and promises to speed up the redevelopment of several rotting 1960s and 1970s social housing estates in London.By making it easier for house builders to shift their stock,Help to Buy has probably helped boost building slightly,especially in northern cities where construction had all but ceased.Extending the programme will boost Britain's housing stock by 120,000 by 2020,the Treasury cltums,though it will also expose taxpayers to any future house-price crash.Mr Osborne also announced a new fund to support lending io smaU house builders-who have sLruggled to get financing in recent years which ought to have a similar effect.The new town is more advencurous.Ebbsfleei.where a high-speed rail link to London opened in 2007,has had plans for new homes for almost 20 years.Few have been built,mosdy because the site is a partially flooded quarry with little in the way of shops.public transport or infrastructure.The government's new idea is to create a development corporation with control over planning and the ability to borrow to clean up and prepare the site.That was how post-war new towns such as Milton Keynes and Stevenage were built.A sinular interventionism is visible in the plan to rebuild 1960s estates.Many of these,such as the Aylesbury Estate in SouLhwark and Robin Hood Gardens in Tower Hamlets,are crummbling.By increasing the density on the sites,and using the proceeds of selling the extra houses built,it ought to be possible to cover the cost of reconstniclion.Bui counciLs have been short of money to do much themselves,and private developers extract high retums in exchange for putting up capital.With central-govemment money,those projects ought to move quicker and councils ought to get more for their land. Ebbsfleet is mentioned in the text to show____A.the necessary Dart of urbanization B.the boldness of building new towns C.the urgency of housing construction D.the importance of building infrastructure

正确答案: C
题目问的是:影子大臣乔治·奥斯本持有什么观点?文章第14段提到“He said the UK government would have ‘more credibility’... if the prime minister had sacked Lord Myners accused of signing off RBS bank boss Sir Fred Goodwin’s £703,000 pension.”,表述了如果首相解雇麦纳斯勋爵,指控他签收苏格兰皇家银行老大弗雷德·古德温703,000英镑的津贴,英国政府就应该在银行家的奖金和离岸避税上更具公信力。由此可得乔治·奥斯本认为麦纳斯不应该签署弗雷德·古德温的退休金。故选B。
更多“单选题Shadow chancellor George Osborne holds that ______.A London is not capable of hosting the summitB Lord Myners should not have signed off Sir Fred Goodwin’s pensionC there was no “common ground” on the G20D the UK government’s entire economic strategy h”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Text 4 Will the European Union make it?The question would have sounded strange not long ago.Now even the project's greatest cheerleaders talk of a continent facing a“Bermuda triangle”of debt,population decline and lower growth.As well as those chronic problems,the EU faces an acute crisis in its economic core,the 16 countries that use the single currency.Markets have lost faith that the euro zone's economies,weaker or stronger,will one day converge thanks to the discipline of sharing a single currency,which denies uncompetitive members the quick fix of devaluation.Yet the debate about how to save Europe's single currency from disintegration is stuck.It is stuck because the euro zone's dominant powers,France and Germany,agree on the need for greater harmonization within the euro zone,but disagree about what to harmonies.Germany thinks the euro must be saved by stricter rules on borrow,spending and competitiveness,backed by quasiautomatic sanctions for governments that do not obey.These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU megaprojects and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.It insists that economic coordination should involve all 27 members of the EU club,among whom there is a small majority for freemarket liberalism and economic rigour;in the inner core alone,Germany fears,a small majority favour French interference.A“southern”camp headed by French wants something different:“European economic government”within an inner core of eurozone members.Translated,that means politicians intervening in monetary policy and a system of redistribution from richer to poorer members,via cheaper borrowing for governments through common Eurobonds or complete fiscal transfers.Finally,figures close to the France government have murmured,eurozone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization:e.g.,curbing competition in corporatetax rates or labour costs.It is too soon to write off the EU.It remains the world's largest trading block.At its best,the European project is remarkably liberal:built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries,its internal borders are far more open to goods,capital and labour than any comparable trading area.It is an ambitious attempt to blunt the sharpest edges of globalization,and make capitalism benign.
    Regarding the future of the EU,the author seems to feel____


    态度题【命题思路】这是一道态度题。态度有正向答案,也有负向答案,需要对文章最后一段的信息进行锁定,从而推理判断得出答案。【直击答案】根据题干信息定位到最后一段首句“It is too soon to write off the EU.”其中动词短语“write off”的意思是“取消;认定……失败”。因此这句话的意思是“认定欧盟失败还为时过早”。由此判断得出作者对欧盟的态度很乐观,根据答案给出的备选选项,只有D项“有希望的”与作者的态度一致,故D项正确。

  • 第2题:

    When George Osbome,Chancellor of the Exchequer,is spotted outside Westminster,he is very often making an appearance on a building site,wearing a fluorescent safety jacket.It was no surprise to hear him claim once again,in his budget speech on March 19th,that"We're getting Britain building".Sadly,given the huge exlenl of Britain's housing shortage,the chancellor's proposed interventions do not add up to much.The biggest announcement was that the government will extend Help to Buy,a scheme that guarantees mortgages for people purchasing newly built homes.Mr Osbome also hopes to build a new town at Ebbsfleet,a patch of post-industrial land in the Thames estuary,and promises to speed up the redevelopment of several rotting 1960s and 1970s social housing estates in London.By making it easier for house builders to shift their stock,Help to Buy has probably helped boost building slightly,especially in northern cities where construction had all but ceased.Extending the programme will boost Britain's housing stock by 120,000 by 2020,the Treasury cltums,though it will also expose taxpayers to any future house-price crash.Mr Osborne also announced a new fund to support lending io smaU house builders-who have sLruggled to get financing in recent years which ought to have a similar effect.The new town is more advencurous.Ebbsfleei.where a high-speed rail link to London opened in 2007,has had plans for new homes for almost 20 years.Few have been built,mosdy because the site is a partially flooded quarry with little in the way of shops.public transport or infrastructure.The government's new idea is to create a development corporation with control over planning and the ability to borrow to clean up and prepare the site.That was how post-war new towns such as Milton Keynes and Stevenage were built.A sinular interventionism is visible in the plan to rebuild 1960s estates.Many of these,such as the Aylesbury Estate in SouLhwark and Robin Hood Gardens in Tower Hamlets,are crummbling.By increasing the density on the sites,and using the proceeds of selling the extra houses built,it ought to be possible to cover the cost of reconstniclion.Bui counciLs have been short of money to do much themselves,and private developers extract high retums in exchange for putting up capital.With central-govemment money,those projects ought to move quicker and councils ought to get more for their land.
    Ceorge Osbome's housing proposal seems to be ineffective because of_____

    A.the lack of support from local govemment
    B.the enormous gap of the real estate market
    C.the financial difficulties of the government
    D.the huge expansion of housing construction

    细节题。根据George Osbome和housing proposaLs定位到第一段最后一句,其中George Osborne=chancellor;housing proposals=proposed interventions;ineffective“无效的”=do not add up to much“加起来没有多少,收效甚微”;because of=given“考虑到,由于”。故答案来自上半句:given the huge extent of Britain's housing shortage“由于英国巨大的楼市缺口”。与该句同义替换的选项为[B]enormous gap of Lhe real estate market。其中,enormous“巨大的”=huge“巨大的”;gap“缺口”=shorlage“缺乏”;real estate market“房地产市场,楼市”=housing“住房”。故[B]为正确答案。选项[A]the lack of support from local government“缺乏地方政府的支持”;[C]the financial difficulties of the govemment“政府财务困难”;[D]the huge expansion of housing construction“住房建设的过度扩张”;这三项均无法与答案句同义替换,故都非正确答案。

  • 第3题:

    Text 4 When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads,railways,broadband and energy.Housing is seldom mentioned.Why is that?To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame.We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth.Then there is the scale of the typical housing project.It is hard to shove for attention among multibillionpound infrastructure project,so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.Nevertheless,the affordable housing situation is desperate.Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that.The communities minister,Don Foster,has hinted that George Osborne,Chancellor of the Exchequer,may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt.Evidence shows that 60,000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted,increasing GDP by 0.6%.Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment,which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.But it is not just down to the government.While these measures would be welcome in the short term,we must face up to the fact that the existing£4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing,set to expire in 2015,is unlikely to be extended beyond then.The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition's spending plans if returns to power.The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of largescale public grants.We need to adjust to this changing climate.While the government’s commitment to long-term funding may have changed,the very pressing need for more affordable housing is real and is not going away.
    According to Paragraph 5,George Osborne may____

    A.allow greater government debt for housing
    B.stop local authorities from building homes
    C.prepare to reduce housing stock debt
    D.release a lifted GDP growth forecast

    细节题【命题思路】这是一道细节题,需要考生理解文中引用的人物观点。【直击答案】根据题干中的人名可以回文定位到第五段第二句话。这句话指出乔治?奥斯本将会让当地政府用来偿还建房借贷的限额变得更加宽松,并且在借贷限额放宽的情况下,将会另有六万套新房在未来的五年中建造。因而A项“允许更多的政府建房借贷”是正确选项,其中“greater government debt”是原文中“more flexibility to the current cap”的同义替换。【干扰排除】第五段最后一句话指出未来的五年政府将会建造六万套新房,B项的意思是阻止当地政府建房,这与原文信息正好相反,故排除。C项,减少住房贷款也与原文信息相反,故排除。文中提到随着建房借贷限额的提高,GDP也会随之增长,并未提到乔治会发布对GDP增长的预测,因而D项属于无中生有,故排除。

  • 第4题:

    Should UK depositors lose money, the government would have to decide whether to____for it directly.



  • 第5题:

    According to paragraph 3,which of the following describes the Whig Party’s view of the role of government?( )

    A.To regulate the continuing conflict between farmers and business people.
    B.To restrict the changes brought about by the market.
    C.To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit.
    D.To reduce the emphasis on economic development.


  • 第6题:

    You are the Exchange administrator for the Xxx Corporation’s Exchange 2010 organization.People from outside your organization make inquiries to the Xxx’s Tax department.You create a Tax distribution group that contains all members of the Tax department so people can send questions to the members of the department.You have a number of additional requirements:  (1)Only authorized questions should be sent to the Tax department.You must determine what an authorized question is.  (2)All users in the Tax department, except the department supervisor named George, must receive authorized questions.  (3)George must be able to send feedback to the Tax department.  What should you do?()

    • A、Check Messages sent to this group have to be approved by a moderator on the properties page of the Tax distribution group
    • B、Add George’s account as group moderator of the Tax distribution group Leading the way in IT testing and certification tools,
    • C、Remove George’s account from the Tax distribution group, add him to another distribution group, and add that group as a member of the Tax distribution group
    • D、Add George’s account as a sender that does not require message approval
    • E、Check Notify senders in your organization only when their messages aren’t approved


  • 第7题:

    Which of the following is true about the leaders’ position?

    Obama holds that markets need morals.


    Shadow chancellor George Osborne opposes the summit being held in London.


    Brown insists the main goal of the summit is to deliver unity in face of crisis.


    French President demands for a worldwide financial regulator.

    正确答案: D
    题目问的是:下列关于领导人的位置哪一项是正确的?文章第5段提到“... his demands for a worldwide financial regulator.”,可知法国总统要求一个全球金融监管机构,D项正确。

  • 第8题:

    The word “this” in “I have taken this for granted” (para. 1) refers to which of the following?

    Sixty percent of all ethnic minorities in UK live in London.


    Minorities only constitute a small part of UK’s population.


    There are more minority people in Britain than it appears.


    It is unwise for many more to come to London.

    正确答案: C
    文章首段作者指出英国60%的少数民族住在伦敦,并且只占英国总人口很小的一部分,但来到伦敦人们很容易就会误认为伦敦的少数民族人数比看起来要多得多,接着作者提到“I have taken this for granted...”,可见this指的就是前文的内容,因此C项正确。

  • 第9题:

    China’s economic reform is aimed at separating enterprises from the government. It has been implemented for almost 20 years, but breakthroughs ______ .

    have been made yet


    have yet to make


    have yet to be made


    to have yet made

    正确答案: B

  • 第10题:

    The example of Aristotle is used to make the point that _____.

    universities in the UK have produced too many good-for-nothing graduates


    such abstract subjects as philosophy is no longer useful


    education should serve the social needs


    it is advisable for today’s philosophers to know computer science

    正确答案: B
    推理题。亚里士多德的例子是为了论证上一句“to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercial use”。现在大学开的课程主要是为经济服务的,而哲学这样的抽象课程是没有用的。

  • 第11题:

    Why is the US not getting on well with the Czech?

    The (former) Czech Prime Minister criticized the Obama economic strategy as a “road to hell”.


    They were at war during the World War II.


    The government backs former President Bush’s missile defence shield.


    The US is using the Czech as a bargaining chip as the White House ponders its relations with Russia.

    正确答案: D
    题目问的是:美国为什么和捷克相处不好?文章倒数第8段提到“The Czech government has been left hanging in the wind—a bargaining chip as the White House ponders its relations with Russia.”说明捷克只是美国用来处理和俄罗斯关系的筹码,故选D。

  • 第12题:

    What odes George say about his part of London?

    It is a place well worth visiting.


    It has problems as well as advantages.


    It is the city’s center.

    正确答案: A
    男士指出自己多年住在east London,提到”This part of the city has problems, but there are also many good things about it”,可见在作者看来他所居住的地方既有问题也有优势。

  • 第13题:

    When George Osbome,Chancellor of the Exchequer,is spotted outside Westminster,he is very often making an appearance on a building site,wearing a fluorescent safety jacket.It was no surprise to hear him claim once again,in his budget speech on March 19th,that"We're getting Britain building".Sadly,given the huge exlenl of Britain's housing shortage,the chancellor's proposed interventions do not add up to much.The biggest announcement was that the government will extend Help to Buy,a scheme that guarantees mortgages for people purchasing newly built homes.Mr Osbome also hopes to build a new town at Ebbsfleet,a patch of post-industrial land in the Thames estuary,and promises to speed up the redevelopment of several rotting 1960s and 1970s social housing estates in London.By making it easier for house builders to shift their stock,Help to Buy has probably helped boost building slightly,especially in northern cities where construction had all but ceased.Extending the programme will boost Britain's housing stock by 120,000 by 2020,the Treasury cltums,though it will also expose taxpayers to any future house-price crash.Mr Osborne also announced a new fund to support lending io smaU house builders-who have sLruggled to get financing in recent years which ought to have a similar effect.The new town is more advencurous.Ebbsfleei.where a high-speed rail link to London opened in 2007,has had plans for new homes for almost 20 years.Few have been built,mosdy because the site is a partially flooded quarry with little in the way of shops.public transport or infrastructure.The government's new idea is to create a development corporation with control over planning and the ability to borrow to clean up and prepare the site.That was how post-war new towns such as Milton Keynes and Stevenage were built.A sinular interventionism is visible in the plan to rebuild 1960s estates.Many of these,such as the Aylesbury Estate in SouLhwark and Robin Hood Gardens in Tower Hamlets,are crummbling.By increasing the density on the sites,and using the proceeds of selling the extra houses built,it ought to be possible to cover the cost of reconstniclion.Bui counciLs have been short of money to do much themselves,and private developers extract high retums in exchange for putting up capital.With central-govemment money,those projects ought to move quicker and councils ought to get more for their land.
    We can learn from Paragraph 3 that extending Help to Buy_____

    A.will bring numerous benefits
    B.may gready boost the stock market
    C.will do more harm than good
    D.may be both constructive and risky

    推理题。根据extending Help to Buy定位到第三段第二、三行Extending the programme,其中the programme指代Help to Buy。故答案句为:Extending the programme will boost Britain's housing stock by 120,000 by 2020,the Treasury claims,though it will also expose taxpayers Lo any future house-price crash,该句大意为“财政部表示,到2020年,延长购房支持计划预计能为英国新增12万套新房供给,虽然纳税人会有承担未来房价崩盘的风险。”通过这句话得出结论:延长购房支持计划有利有弊。(最好加上一句具体的解释:提供新房供给是“利”,房价崩盘的风险是“弊”)其中,boost为正面词汇,crash为负面词汇。[A]will bring numerous benefits“将会带来许多好处”;原文说的是有利有弊,该项表述过于片面,故排除。[B]may gready boost the stock market“可能大大推动股市”;原文说的是boost housing stock“提高住房存量”而非boost siock market“推动股市”,该项属于偷换概念。[C]will do more harm than good“将弊大于利”;原文提到有利有弊,但是没有说哪方面更严重,故该项也非答案。[D]may be both constructive and risky“可能既具有建设性,又具有风险性”;该项即原文提到的“有利有弊”,故[D]为正确答案。

  • 第14题:

    Text 2 The UK government's decision to shutter plans to build the world's first tidal lagoon off Swansea Bay is a hard blow for Wales.The tidal lagoon project,had it gone ahead,was expected to create 2,200 jobs,plus more in the supply chain.These are the kinds of jobs that Wales,so damaged by steel and coal closures,needs.But the business secretary,Greg Clark,has decided the country can't have them because they would be too expensive.Welsh politicians have reacted with understandable fury to Mr Clark's announcement,which comes almost exactly 12 months after the government abandoned plans to electrify the railway from Cardiff to Swansea,and just a day after Member of Parliament(MPs)voted to press ahead with another expensive infrastructure project:a third runway at Heathrow.There are some rational reasons to approve of this week's decision,while regretting its consequences.No one,including the Tidal Lagoon Power company,denied that the electricity produced off the Welsh coast would have cost more than the cheapest renewables,The most recent government auctions saw offshore wind schemes win contracts at record lows of£57.50 per megawatt hour,meaning they are within a few pounds of being subsidy-free.But cost is not the only consideration.Otherwise,the government would never have gone ahead with the hugely expensive,risky and uncertain Hinkley Point C nuclear power station.Nor would it have cut subsidies for solar power and onshore wind,as it did in 2015.Those decisions-particularly the promise to curb onshore wind,as the Conservatives did in their 2015 manifest0,despite poll after poll showing that a majority of the public prefers wind and solar to nuclear-were ideological.In a City speech this March,Mr Clark praised business for putting"evidence before ideology".It is welcome that the secretary of state says this is his own approach.Too many of his Conservative colleagues remain too strongly attached to fossil fuels,inclu'ding the prospect of a whole new shale gas industry.As the price of renewables continues to fall,they will surely lose the argument.With Mr Clark in charge,the hope is that onshore wind and solar subsidies may soon return-though too late for UK companies that could have developed and profited from the technology had we not given up on it long before the renewables boom.Yet the government is planning more nuclear power stations,including one in Wales.Different rules seem to apply for different technologies.It looks like a Tory government in Westminster snubbed Welsh Labour's pet project.Backers of the tidal project felt shut out by ministers.Wave energy lobbyists perhaps don't have the firepower in Whitehall that others can muster.Mr Clark might have relied on the evidence to make a tough call not to back a new,green technology.But it's hard to shake off the impression that the decision was one rooted in the partisan politics of self-interest.
    The author holds that many UK companies missed the chance to develop partly due to_____.

    A.shortage of fossil fuel reserve in UK
    B.government's neglect of renewables
    C.too idealistic thinking of investors
    D.the falling price of renewables

    [信息锁定]第五段术指出,在Clark大臣的负责下,政府列于向岸风能和太阳能的补贴可能很快回归,不过这对于国内企业来说太迟丁,因为它们原本能够借能源技术革新(可再生能源)的东风得到发展。可见作者认为,若不是补贴遭削减,可再生能源会蓬勃发展,从而惠及企业.B.正确[解题技巧][人]巾fossil fucls源于③句“太多保守党坚决支持化石燃料”,但”储备不足”在文中并无依据。C.从首句evidence before ideology反向推断之前的情况是“意识、思想更多,而切实依据更少”,但这是针对政府(决议)而言,选项把主体偷换为“投资者”。D.符合④句信息”可再生能源价格持续下行”,但该内容用以强调保守党的错误,脱离题干所问。

  • 第15题:

    资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday.
    In an update to its economic forecasts, the Paris-based international organisation representing advanced economies said that more private sector investment was needed for the expansion to endure, for wages to rise sustainability and for inequalities to be tackled.
    Although all leading economies are now recording positive growth, Catherine Mann, the OECD's chief economist, urged governments to “curb your enthusiasm [ because] strong and sustained medium-term global growth is not yet secured”.
    The OECD's economic outlook shows upgrades to the 2017 growth forecasts in China, Russia and Europe excluding the UK with the world outlook also appearing stronger in 2018.
    World growth should rise from a low of 3.1 per cent in 2016, to 3.5 per cent this year and 3.7 per cent in 2018, the OECD forecast, with the US, the Eurozone, Brazil and Russia contributing most to the improved global outlook.
    China's predicted growth rate of 6.8 per cent in 2017 and 6.6 per cent in 2018 has been revised higher by 0.2 percentage points in both years and although India's growth rate has been revised down, reflecting adjustment to its new goods and services tax, it is likely to remain the fastest growing large economy in the world.
    Only the UK, which remains embroiled in Brexit negotiations, has a deteriorating outlook. Responding to the OECD's forecast that the British economy will be the slowest growing in the Group of Seven in 2018 having been near the top of the league table in 2016, the British Treasury said it was not complacent.

    According to the passage,which one of the following statement is true?

    A.The Russia’s 2017 economic growth forecast has been revised higher.
    B.The leading economies have achieved sustainable long-term growth.
    C.The OECD is not optimistic about China's economic growth.
    D.India's economic growth forecast have been upgraded.

    【关键词】 which one of the following statement is true
    【主题句】第3、4、6自然段.Although all leading economies are now recording positive growth, Catherine Mann, the OECD’s chief economist, urged governments to “curb your enthusiasm [ because] strong and sustained medium-term global growth is not yet secured”.尽管所有主要经济体如今都记录的正增长,但经合组织首席经济学家凯瑟琳?曼(Catherine Mann)敦促各国政府“抑制激情,(因为)强劲且持续的中期全球增长尚未得到保障”。
    The OECD’s economic outlook shows upgrades to the 2017 growth forecasts in China, Russia and Europe excluding the UK with the world outlook also appearing stronger in 2018.经合组织在经济展望中,上调了对中国、俄罗斯和欧洲(除英国外)2017年的增长预测,2018年的全球经济前景似乎也更加强劲。
    China’s predicted growth rate of 6.8 per cent in 2017 and 6.6 per cent in 2018 has been revised higher by 0.2 percentage points in both years and although India’s growth rate has been revised down, reflecting adjustment to its new goods and services tax, it is likely to remain the fastest growing large economy in the world.中国在2017年和2018年的预期增速分别达到和,分别被上调0.2个百分点。虽然印度的增长率遭到下调(反映根据该国新的商品及服务税作出的调整),但印度很可能仍是全球增长最快的大型经济体。
    【解析】题干意为“下列哪一项是正确的?选项A意为“俄罗斯2017年经济增长预测被上调”;选项B意为“发达经济体已经获得长期可持续增长”;选项C 意为“经合组织对中国经济增长不乐观”;选项D意为“印度经济增长被上调”。根据主题句可知,选项B、C、D与题意不符,故选项A正确。

  • 第16题:

    According to paragraph 3,which of the following describes the Whig Party’s view of the role of government?( )

    A.To regulate the continuing conflict between farmers and business people
    B.To restrict the changes brought about by the market
    C.To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit
    D.To reduce the emphasis on economic development


  • 第17题:

    This country is( )deflationary pressure and the country′s policy-makers should create a better policy mix to cope with the new economic environment.

    A.confronted with
    B.coping off
    C.taking off
    D.wearing off

    考查词组辨析。be confronted with表示“面临,面对”,cope off表示“处理掉”,take off表示“(飞机)起飞,突然成功”,wear off表示“磨损;逐渐消逝”。根据后文的deflationary pressure以及better可知,confronted with符合句意。故本题选A。句意:这个国家正面临通货紧缩的压力,国家的决策者应该制定一个更好的政策组合来应对新的经济环境。

  • 第18题:

    Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to Fred Turek’s research?

    The nocturnal mice and the off-schedule mice ate different pellets.


    The off-schedule mice ate significantly more and are more lively.


    If the nocturnal mice consume calories during the day, it should be very harmful.


    After 6 weeks, the group of mice ate at night gained more weight.

    正确答案: C
    题目考查Fred Turek’s research,可将范围限定在第二、三段。第三段第一句清楚表明,在六周之后,那些饮食时间不规律的老鼠体重增加了百分之二十。off-schedule表示“不规律”。答案D正确。A选项错误,由第二段最后一句可知,其它的老鼠在白天吃的东西和夜间吃的一样。第三段最后一句可知,那些吃猪油越多的老鼠,行动越呆滞,排除B。实验表明只有正常的饮食才对身体有好处,C选项错误。

  • 第19题:

    On inflatable liferafts,the operating cord should be renewed by().

    cutting the old line off and renewing same


    an approved servicing facility ashore


    opening the case and replacing the entire line


    one of the ship's officers

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    The ground terminal of a starter should be connected to ()

    the common ground point


    the starter’s frame


    the commutator


    the starter’s mounting bolts

    正确答案: A
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    Which of the following statements is true of the tobacco industry?

    Tobacco is bad for people’s health but good for the national economy.


    Tobacco has had a favourable economic impact in many countries in recent years.


    Developed countries such as UK and the U.S. should transfer their technology in the tobacco industry to the developing countries.


    Tobacco industry is bad for the economy for rich and poor countries alike.

    正确答案: A

  • 第22题:

    The statement that “the people own the air” implies that _____.

    citizens have the right to insist on worthwhile television programs


    television should be socialized to cater to the nation’s whims


    the government may build above present structures


    the people own nothing, for air is worthless

    正确答案: A
    第三段结尾部分,作者提到“the people own the air”,随后指出“无论是在夜晚的精华时段还是清晨,人们都拥有the air,因此广播公司每一时刻由于占用the air,都owe people something”,最后,作者指出广播公司偿还的方式是搞好服务,由此可判断,作者强调人们拥有天空,是暗示人们有权要求有意义的电视节目的播放,选项A正确。

  • 第23题:

    —Look at the boy playing basketball on the ground. Is it George’?—It ______ be him. He told me he would play basketball after class, but he’s not sure.








    正确答案: C