更多“单选题According to Paragraph 3, having a job ______.A means earning a low wage.B has never provided a way out of poverty.C does not mean that the children will become rich.D may not be a guarantee for a poor family to become better off.”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    By citing the fact that "the number had shrunk to 39 out of 220" ( Line 3-4, Para.2), the author sug- gests that _______.( )

    [A] the poverty in the middle-income countries is alleviated tremendously

    [B] the life of children in the middle-income countries has become better

    [C] poor people's living conditions don't change although the number reduced

    [D] the financial aid to the world's poorest countries achieves great success


  • 第2题:

    __________ children believe they can succeed, they will never become totally independent.



  • 第3题:


    In many of the developinlg countries in Africa and Asia,the population is growing fast.The reason for this is simple:Women in these countries have a high birth rate一from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman.The majority of these women are poor,without the food or resources to care for their families.Why do they have so many children?Why don't they limit the size of the family?The answer may be that they often have no choice.There are several reasons for this.
    One reason is economic.In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.In an industrial economy,the situation is different. Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate.This was the case in Italy,which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of the twentieth century,Italy was a poor,largely agricultural country with a high birth rate.After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the world's lowest.
    However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.Saudi Arabia, for example,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand,are poor countries,with largely agricultural economies,but they have recently reduced their population growth.
    Clearly,other factors are involved.The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia.There,the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home.On the other hand,the improved condition of womnen in Mexico,Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.
    Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control.Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive ,birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore,Sri Lanka,and India,as well as in Indonesia,Thailand,Mexico,and Brazil.In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.
    These trends show that an effective programn to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet theii needs.Only then,in fact,does it have any real chance of success.

    According to this passage,Italy today is an example of an__________.
    A:agricultural country with a high birth rate
    B:agricultural country with a low birth rate
    C:industrialized country with a low birth rate
    D:industrialized country with a high birth rate


  • 第4题:

    资料: The poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem.
    As the general standard of living in the country rises, the poverty line does, too. Therefore, even with today’s relatively high standard of living, about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. However, if these people had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living. Economists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs.
    For one thing, more than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work. Over 40 percent of the poor. People are children. By law, children less than 16 years old cannot work in many industries. A large number of poor people are Old. Many companies do not hire people over 65 years old, the normal retirement age.
    Some poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons: they are sick, they do not have any motivation, they have family problems, or they do not believe that they can find a job.
    Other poor people look for a job but cannot find one. Many poor adults never went to high school. Therefore, when they look for jobs, they have few skills that they can offer.
    At the present time, the government thinks it can reduce poverty in the country in the following ways. First, if the national economy grows, businesses and industries hire more workers. Some of the poor who are qualified to look for jobs may find employment. Then they will no longer be below the poverty line. Second, if society invests in the poor, the poor will become more productive. If the government spends money on social programs, education, and training for poor people, the poor will have the skills to offer. Then it is more likely that they can find jobs.
    Finally, if the government distributes society's income differently, it raises some poor people above the poverty line. The government collects taxes from the non-poor and gives money to the poor. These payments to the poor are called welfare. In 1975 over 18 million people in the United States received welfare.
    Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a minimally acceptable standard of living.

    We may conclude from the passage that _______

    A.poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line if they have chances to do business
    B.welfare will enable people to be rich
    C.employment is the best solution to the poverty problem
    D.better solutions to the poverty problem are not found yet

    【关键词】conclude; from the passage
    【主题句】第二段Therefore, even with today's relatively high standard of living, about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below
    the poverty line. However, if these people had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living.(因此,即使今天有相对较高的生活水平,大约有百分之十的美国人处于贫困线以下。然而,如果他们有稳定的工作,就会满意自己的生活水平。);倒数第二段The government collects taxes from the non-poor and gives money to the poor. These payments to the poor are called welfare.(政府从非贫困人口中征税,把钱分给穷人。我们把这些给穷人的费用称为福利。);最后一段Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a minimally acceptable standard of living.(一些经济学家寻找更好解决贫困问题的方法。然而目前,许多人依靠福利勉强糊口。)

  • 第5题:

    Why So Many Children
    In many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia,the population is growing fast.The reason for this is simple:Women in these countries have a high birth rate—from 3 .0 to 7.0 chil-dren per woman.The majority of these women are poor,without the food or resources to care for their families .Why do they have so many children?Why don't they limit the size of their fami-lies?The answer may be that they often have no choice.There are several reasons for this.
    One reason is economic .In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful. Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.In an industrial economy,the situation is different.Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate .This was the case in Italy,which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of the twentieth century,Italy was a poor,largely agricultural country with a high birth rate .After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the world's lowest.
    However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.Saudi Ara-bia,for example,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).Mexico and Indonesia,on the other hand,are poor countries,with largely agricultural economies,but they have recently reduced their population growth.
    Clearly,other factors are involved.The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This
    would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia .There,the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home.On the other hand,the im-proved condition of women in Mexico,Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and oppotunities for women.
    Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control.Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so.In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive,birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore,Sri Lanka,and India,as well as in Indonesia,Thailand,Mexico,and Brazil.In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.
    These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to de-pend on better economic conditions.It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet their needs .Only then,in fact,does it have any real chance of success.

    According to this passage,in the early part of 20th century,Italy was an____.
    A: agricultural country with a high birth rate
    B: agricultural country with a low birth rate
    C: industrialized country with a low birth rate
    D:.industrialized country with a high birth rate

    本题的问题是:在传统的农业经济中,大的家庭的影响是什么?从文中第二段第二句和第三句话可以得出明确的答案。“ In a traditional agricultural economy , large families are helpful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.”所以答案为A,是优势。

    本题的问题是:当国家工业化后,人口和出生率的状况是什么?从第二段意大利的例子可以明确得出答案。“In the early part of the twentieth century , Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with a high birth rate.After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.”由此可见出生率降低。


    本题的问题是:文中提到沙特阿拉伯的例子说明了什么? 由第三段开头可知“However , the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.”下面将要介绍其他的因素,之后以沙特阿拉伯为例。故正确答案为B。经济以外影响出生率的因素。

    本题的问题是:墨西哥、泰国、印度尼西亚的政府采取了怎样的措施?从文中第四段后半部分“On the other hand , the improved condition of women in Mexico , Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.”可以得出结论。另一方面从第四段开头也可以得出结论。“ The most important of these is the condition of women.”之后举出这几个国家的例子,从而也可以得出结论。

  • 第6题:

    A tropical cyclone has recurved and entered temperate latitudes. In the Northern Hemisphere when a large high pressure system lies north of the storm,what situation may occur?()

    The low may suddenly deepen,and the cyclone intensify and pick up speed


    The left semicircle may become the dangerous semicircle


    The low and the high may merge and cancel out the weather characteristics of each


    The high may force the cyclone to reverse its track

    正确答案: C
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第7题:

    The sentence “Our planet has shrunk” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that __________.

    the earth has become physically smaller


    the more advanced ways of traveling has made the distance between countries shorter


    the traditional concept of our planet has become out-of-date


    modern means of communication has made it much easier for people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world

    正确答案: C

  • 第8题:

    Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

    The women having children show a rise in cold infections than those without children.


    People with low income will surely more colds than people with high income.


    Juniors are easier to have colds than seniors.


    It has not been proved scientifically that poor nutrition affects susceptibility to colds.

    正确答案: D

  • 第9题:

    What does “You begin to worry that fights of fancy might become one way” mean?

    You begin to worry that you’ll never be a useful member of the society again.


    You begin to worry that you’ll never be able to find a job again.


    You begin to worry that you’ll never be able to face the reality.


    You begin to worry that you’ll never be able to see your relatives again.

    正确答案: C
    You begin to worry that fights of fancy might become one way意思是“整日的胡思乱想会使你因此陷入不能自拔的境地”。换句话说,你将陷入不能面对现实的困境。C是正确选择。A“你会担心将永远不能再成为社会有用的一员”,B“你会担心将永远找不到工作”,和D“你将担心永远不能见到你的亲人”都与文章不相符。

  • 第10题:

    Passage1 In many of the developing countries in Africaand Asia, the population is growing fast. The reason for this is simple: Womenin these countries have a high birth rate - from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman.The majority of these women are poor, without the food or resources to care fortheir families. Why do they have so many children? Why don't they limit thesize of their families? The answer may be that they often have no choice. Thereare several reasons for this. Onereason is economiIn atraditional agricultural economy, large families are helpful. Having morechildren means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care ofthe parents in old age. In an industrial economy, the situation is different.Many children, do not help a family; instead, they are an expense. Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate. This was the casein Italy, which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the earlypart of the twentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural countrywith a high birth rate. After World WarⅡ, Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrializeBy theend of the century, the birth rate had dropped to 1. 3 children per woman, theworld's lowest.However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate. SaudiArabia, for example, does not have an agriculture-based economy, and it has oneof the highest per capita incomes in the worlNevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate. Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand,are poor countries, with largely agricultural economies, but they have recentlyreduced their population growth. Clearly,other factors are involveThemost important of these is the condition of women. A high birth rate almostalways goes together with lack of education and low status for women. Thiswould explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia. There, the traditionalculture gives women little education or independence and few possibilitiesoutside the home. On the other hand, the improved condition of women in Mexico,Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education andopportunities for women. Anotherkey factor in the birth rate is birth control. Women may want to limit theirfamilies but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have madebirth control easily available and inexpensive, birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India, as well as in Indonesia,Thailand, Mexico, and Brazil. In these countries, women have also been providedwith health care and help in planning their families. Thesetrends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not haveto depend on better economic conditions.3 It can be effective if it aims tohelp women and meet their needs. Only then, in fact, does it have any realchance of success.       (495 words) According to this passage, Italy today is an example of an _______.

    agricultural country with a high birth rate


    agricultural country with a low birth rate


    industrialized country with a low birth rate


    industrialized country with a high birth rate

    正确答案: B

  • 第11题:

    Passage1 In many of the developing countries in Africaand Asia, the population is growing fast. The reason for this is simple: Womenin these countries have a high birth rate - from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman.The majority of these women are poor, without the food or resources to care fortheir families. Why do they have so many children? Why don't they limit thesize of their families? The answer may be that they often have no choice. Thereare several reasons for this. Onereason is economiIn atraditional agricultural economy, large families are helpful. Having morechildren means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care ofthe parents in old age. In an industrial economy, the situation is different.Many children, do not help a family; instead, they are an expense. Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate. This was the casein Italy, which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the earlypart of the twentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural countrywith a high birth rate. After World WarⅡ, Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrializeBy theend of the century, the birth rate had dropped to 1. 3 children per woman, theworld's lowest.However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate. SaudiArabia, for example, does not have an agriculture-based economy, and it has oneof the highest per capita incomes in the worlNevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate. Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand,are poor countries, with largely agricultural economies, but they have recentlyreduced their population growth. Clearly,other factors are involveThemost important of these is the condition of women. A high birth rate almostalways goes together with lack of education and low status for women. Thiswould explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia. There, the traditionalculture gives women little education or independence and few possibilitiesoutside the home. On the other hand, the improved condition of women in Mexico,Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education andopportunities for women. Anotherkey factor in the birth rate is birth control. Women may want to limit theirfamilies but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have madebirth control easily available and inexpensive, birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India, as well as in Indonesia,Thailand, Mexico, and Brazil. In these countries, women have also been providedwith health care and help in planning their families. Thesetrends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not haveto depend on better economic conditions.3 It can be effective if it aims tohelp women and meet their needs. Only then, in fact, does it have any realchance of success.       (495 words) When countries become industrialized, _______.

    families often become larger


    the birth rate generally goes down


    women usually decide not have a family


    the population generally grows rapidly

    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    What does the ‘unwanted’ deep sea life mean in Paragraph 2 according to the passage?

    正确答案: They have no economic value.
    词义理解题。像乌贼、海胆、海星等一些海洋生物由于没有经济价值因此它们不是渔民捕捞的对象,是渔民不需要的东西,所以正确答案是“They have no economic value”。

  • 第13题:

    What does the phrase“clam up”in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    A. become excited

    B. show respect

    C. refuse to talk

    D. seek help


  • 第14题:


    In many of the developinlg countries in Africa and Asia,the population is growing fast.The reason for this is simple:Women in these countries have a high birth rate一from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman.The majority of these women are poor,without the food or resources to care for their families.Why do they have so many children?Why don't they limit the size of the family?The answer may be that they often have no choice.There are several reasons for this.
    One reason is economic.In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.In an industrial economy,the situation is different. Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate.This was the case in Italy,which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of the twentieth century,Italy was a poor,largely agricultural country with a high birth rate.After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the world's lowest.
    However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.Saudi Arabia, for example,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand,are poor countries,with largely agricultural economies,but they have recently reduced their population growth.
    Clearly,other factors are involved.The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia.There,the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home.On the other hand,the improved condition of womnen in Mexico,Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.
    Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control.Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive ,birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore,Sri Lanka,and India,as well as in Indonesia,Thailand,Mexico,and Brazil.In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.
    These trends show that an effective programn to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet theii needs.Only then,in fact,does it have any real chance of success.

    In a traditional agricultural economy,a large family_________.
    A:can be an advantage
    B:may limit income
    C:isn't necessary
    D:is expensive


  • 第15题:


    In many of the developinlg countries in Africa and Asia,the population is growing fast.The reason for this is simple:Women in these countries have a high birth rate一from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman.The majority of these women are poor,without the food or resources to care for their families.Why do they have so many children?Why don't they limit the size of the family?The answer may be that they often have no choice.There are several reasons for this.
    One reason is economic.In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.In an industrial economy,the situation is different. Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate.This was the case in Italy,which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of the twentieth century,Italy was a poor,largely agricultural country with a high birth rate.After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the world's lowest.
    However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.Saudi Arabia, for example,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand,are poor countries,with largely agricultural economies,but they have recently reduced their population growth.
    Clearly,other factors are involved.The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia.There,the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home.On the other hand,the improved condition of womnen in Mexico,Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.
    Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control.Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive ,birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore,Sri Lanka,and India,as well as in Indonesia,Thailand,Mexico,and Brazil.In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.
    These trends show that an effective programn to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet theii needs.Only then,in fact,does it have any real chance of success.

    When countries become industrialized,________.
    A:families often become larger
    B:the birth rate generally goes down
    C:women usually decide not to have a family
    D:the population generally grows rapidly


  • 第16题:


    Why So Many Children

    In many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia,the population is growing fast.The reason for
    this is simple.Women in these countries have a high birth rate一from 3.0 to 7.0 children per woman.The
    majority of these women are poor,without the food or resources to care for their families.Why do they have so
    many children?Why don't they limit the size of their families?There are several reasons for this.
    One reason is economic.In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful.Having more
    children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.In an
    industrial economy,the situation is different.Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an ex-
    pense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate.This was the case in Italy,which was
    industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of the twentieth century,Italy was a poor,largely
    agricultural country with a high birth rate.After World War II,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and
    industrialized. By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the world's lowest.
    However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.Saudi Arabia,for exam-
    pie,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the
    world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).Mexico and Indonesia,on the other hand,are
    poor countries,with largely agricultural economies,but they have recently reduced their population growth.
    Clearly,other factors are involved.The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth
    rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This would explain the high
    birth rate of Saudi Arabia.There,the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few
    possibilities outside the home.On the other hand,the improved condition of women in Mexico,Thailand,and
    indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to
    provide more education and opportunities for women.
    Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control.Women may want to limit their families but have no
    way to do so.In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive,birth
    rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore,Sri Lanka,and India,as well as in Indonesia,Thailand,
    Mexico,and Brazil.In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning
    their families.These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to de-
    pend on better economic conditions.

    When countries become industrialized,_________.
    A:the birth rate generally goes down
    B:families often become larger
    C:women usually decide not to have a family
    D:the population generally grows rapidly

    由文章第二段第二、三句话“In a traditional agricultural economy, large families are help-ful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of theparents in old age.”可知,在传统的农业经济中,家庭成员多是一种优势。故选B。
    由文章第二段第六句话“Thus , industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate.”可知,当一个国家工业化后,其人口出生率就降低了。故选A。
    文章第三段的第一句提到“However, the economy is not the only important factor thatinfluences birth rate.",下面以沙特阿拉伯为例介绍了除经济以外影响出生率的因素。故选D。
    由文章第四段后半部分“On the other hand, the improved condition of women in Mexico, Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.”可知,墨西哥、泰国和 印度尼西亚的政府都已采取措施改善女性的境况。

  • 第17题:

    Why So Many Children
    In many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia,the population is growing fast.The reason for this is simple:Women in these countries have a high birth rate—from 3 .0 to 7.0 chil-dren per woman.The majority of these women are poor,without the food or resources to care for their families .Why do they have so many children?Why don't they limit the size of their fami-lies?The answer may be that they often have no choice.There are several reasons for this.
    One reason is economic .In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful. Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.In an industrial economy,the situation is different.Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate .This was the case in Italy,which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly.In the early part of the twentieth century,Italy was a poor,largely agricultural country with a high birth rate .After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman,the world's lowest.
    However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.Saudi Ara-bia,for example,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).Mexico and Indonesia,on the other hand,are poor countries,with largely agricultural economies,but they have recently reduced their population growth.
    Clearly,other factors are involved.The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This
    would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia .There,the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home.On the other hand,the im-proved condition of women in Mexico,Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and oppotunities for women.
    Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control.Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so.In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive,birth rates have gone down.This is the case in Singapore,Sri Lanka,and India,as well as in Indonesia,Thailand,Mexico,and Brazil.In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.
    These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to de-pend on better economic conditions.It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet their needs .Only then,in fact,does it have any real chance of success.

    When countries become industrialized____.
    A: families often become larger
    B: the birth rate generally goes down
    C:.women usually decide not have a family
    D:.the population generally grows rapidly

    本题的问题是:在传统的农业经济中,大的家庭的影响是什么?从文中第二段第二句和第三句话可以得出明确的答案。“ In a traditional agricultural economy , large families are helpful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age.”所以答案为A,是优势。

    本题的问题是:当国家工业化后,人口和出生率的状况是什么?从第二段意大利的例子可以明确得出答案。“In the early part of the twentieth century , Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with a high birth rate.After World War Ⅱ,Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.”由此可见出生率降低。


    本题的问题是:文中提到沙特阿拉伯的例子说明了什么? 由第三段开头可知“However , the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate.”下面将要介绍其他的因素,之后以沙特阿拉伯为例。故正确答案为B。经济以外影响出生率的因素。

    本题的问题是:墨西哥、泰国、印度尼西亚的政府采取了怎样的措施?从文中第四段后半部分“On the other hand , the improved condition of women in Mexico , Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.”可以得出结论。另一方面从第四段开头也可以得出结论。“ The most important of these is the condition of women.”之后举出这几个国家的例子,从而也可以得出结论。

  • 第18题:

    The sentence “Our planet has shrunk” underlined in Paragraph 1 means that.

    the earth has become physically smaller


    the more advanced ways of traveling has made the distance between countries shorter


    the traditional concept of our planet has become out-of-date


    modern means of communication has made it much easier for people to communicate with each other from different parts of the world

    正确答案: B

  • 第19题:

    The sentence “But this has rarely been a one-way street.” in the last paragraph means that _____.

    contemporary art has been nourished by modern science


    modern science has been nourished by art


    artists can become scientists and scientists can become artists


    the impacts of modern art and science are actually mutual

    正确答案: B

  • 第20题:

    According to Paragraph 3, having a job ______.

    means earning a low wage.


    has never provided a way out of poverty.


    does not mean that the children will become rich.


    may not be a guarantee for a poor family to become better off.

    正确答案: B
    细节理解题。由题干信息定位到第三段,A、D选项属于无中生有,该段第一句“Employment no longer provides an escape from poverty.”可知,就业不再能使人摆脱贫困,推测就业在以前可能可以使人摆脱贫,故B选项错误;该段第三句“More than seven million poor children have at least one working parent.”可知,700多万贫穷孩子的父母至少有一方有工作,父母有工作,但是孩子依然贫穷,所以父母有工作并不意味着孩子们会变得富有,故答案为C项。

  • 第21题:

    What does the author mean by moms to be in the last paragraph?

    Women who are pregnant, especially for the first time.


    Women who dream of having babies for the first time.


    Women who already have children.


    Women who have just got babies for the first time.

    正确答案: A

  • 第22题:

    What does the sentencethe penny's days may be numbered in the last paragraph probably mean?

    The penny may be out of use very soon.


    The value of the penny may rise.


    The penny has a special place in American history.


    The penny is part of American culture.

    正确答案: C

  • 第23题:

    Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?

    Parents play an important part in their children’s growth.


    The less you use your mind the duller you may become.


    Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.


    Parents should always encourage their children.

    正确答案: C

  • 第24题:

    What do Americans think the relationship between their children and the future of the America is?

    Their future rests on how their children become.


    Their children can’t shape their future because they can’t affect their children’s development through education.


    If the children turn out to be useless, they won’t have any better future than the Soviet Union.


    The changes in education aim to make the American children better prepared for the new world order.

    正确答案: D