Sydney Opera House will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon ______.A.because it is a global expression of cultural modernityB.because it is the first designed and built modern buildingC.because everyone in the world with media ac


Sydney Opera House will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon ______.

A.because it is a global expression of cultural modernity

B.because it is the first designed and built modern building

C.because everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like

D.because it is the pioneer in accomplishing such an international architectural icon


4.It is pretty hopeless as a venue for opera, it took years to build, its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside. None of this matters. The Sydney Opera House, by the reclusive Danish architect Jorn Utzon, is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings. It has come to define not only a city, but an entire nation and continent.Beyond that, it is a global expression of cultural modernity. Everyone in the world with media access knows what the Sydney Opera House looks like. First designed in 1956 and finally declared completed in 1973, the opera house was the single best known modern building in the world until the arrival of Frank Gehry's equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in 1997. But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon--because it did all the difficult work tint.In the pantheon(万神殿) of classic modern buildings, Utzon's creation has the status of myth. The myth states that the unknown architect, then in his thirties, submitted rough sketches to the competition judges, that he ignored most of the rules, that his as only selected after being plucked at the last moment from the rejected pile by one of the judges, and that the design was unbuildable.But Sydney is remarkable for another reason: it is a complete one-off. It does not fit into any stylistic or chronological category. None of Utzon's other buildings--churches, government departments, house. looks anything like it, and architects today who try to copy his concept always end up looking very second-rate indeed. It is "modern", certainly, but it is an expressive modernism that was quite at odds with the rectilinear(直线的) "international style" of its time. It has more in common with the work of the American genius Frank Uloyd Wright, for whom Utzon worked briefly. Of course its location is an enormous help, sitting as it does on a promontory with water on three sides and the famous Sydney Harbor Bridge as a picture-postcard backdrop. But Utzon masterly exploited the site as nobody else could.Utzon left Australia in high indignation in 1966, never to return, before he could finish designing the interiors.As with Sir Christopher Wren at St Paul's Cathedral, Utzon was humiliated and removed from overseeing the final stages of his masterwork. But for all his manifold difficulties, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement? The Sydney Opera House showed us that anything is possible, and it demonstrated that sheer, seductive beauty for its own sake is nothing to be ashamed of.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A.the Danish architect Join Utzon totally failed in his design of Sydney Opera House and was forced to resignB.the Danish architect Jorn Utzon has been made known as the founder of all the modern landmark buildings, in spite of his part failure in his design of Sydney Opera HouseC.Sydney Opera House is hopelessly ugly and has never been finished insideD.Sydney Opera House is the single best known modern building in the world up to now

更多“Sydney Opera House will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon ______.A.because it is a global expression of cultural modernityB.because it is the first designed and built modern buildingC.because everyone in the world with media ac”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    I'd like to rent a house: modern, comfortable and ( ) in a quiet environment.

    A.all in all

    B.after all

    C.first of all

    D.above all


  • 第2题:

    The change in the attidues towards the Vcitorians is revealed in the fact that _____.

    [A] the 100th anniversary of the death of Queen Victoria is celebrated

    [B] the media publicizes events or people about the Victorian age

    [C] people begin to highly praise Victorian heroes

    [D] a new book regards Victorians as creators of the modern world


  • 第3题:

    Learning Beijing Opera in primary schools is intended _____________ the traditional cultural treasure. preserve preserving have preserved

    考查固定搭配。be intended to do sth.“打算做某事,为了做某事,被用来做某事”。句意为“在小学学习京剧是为了保护传统的文化遗产”。

  • 第4题:

    Going Back to Its Birthplace

    No sporting event takes hold of the world's attention and imagination like the Olympic
    Games.The football World Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America;baseball's
    World Series is required viewing in North America;and the World Table Tennis
    Championships attracts the most interest in Asia.
    But the Olympics belong to the whole world.Now,after travelling to 17 countries over
    108 years,the summer Games are returning to Athens,the place where the first modern
    Olympics was held.
    Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement,but also as an
    honour. The 1 6 days between August 1 3 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete,
    up from Sydney's 199.Afghanistan is back,having been banned from Sydney because the
    Taliban government didn't let women do sports.There is also a place for newcomers East
    Timor and Kiribati.
    A total of 10,500 athletes will compete in 28 sports,watched by 5.3 million ticket-
    paying viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.
    Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as
    possible.The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and
    Acropolis monuments.The final event will be a historic men's marathon following the original
    route run by Phidippides in 490 BC to bring news of victory over the Persians.
    The ancient stadium at Olympia,first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago,
    will stage the shot put competitions.And the Panathenian Stadium,where the first modern
    Olympics was held,is to host the archery(射箭)events.
    If the well-known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games,the 39
    new venues add a modern touch to the city of Athens.The main Olympic stadium,with a
    giant glass and steel roof, is the landmark(标志)building of the Olympics.
    "We believe that we will organize a'magical'Games,"said Athens 2004 President
    Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. "Our history with the Olympic Games goes back nearly
    3,000 years,and Athens 2004 could be the best ever."

    The first modern Olympics was held nearly three centuries ago.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第5题:

    New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()

    Ait is just east of the International Date Line

    Bit is just west of the International Date Line

    Cit is located halfway between the equator and the South Pole

    Dit is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean


  • 第6题:

    New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()

    • A、it is just east of the International Date Line
    • B、it is just west of the International Date Line
    • C、it is located halfway between the equator and the South Pole
    • D、it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean


  • 第7题:

    At the global level, countries around the world have expressed a firm commitment to strengthening international responses to the risks of climate change.____

    正确答案: I
    根据题干中“At the global level”定位至I段。本段讲到,国际方面,世界各国都表达了要致力于加强国际间联系以应对气候变暖危害的决心,故匹配段落为I段。

  • 第8题:

    Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world. The international community appears to be no more than a global village, in which people of different nations engage themselves in cultural exchange, while seeking common development in harmonious and respectful relationship. I think different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offset their own weaknesses. However, we also have to understand that cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign one, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures. Of course, the culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures, and make contributions to the development of human civilization.

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    New Zealand is the first country in the world to get the new day because()

    it is just east of the International Date Line


    it is just west of the International Date Line


    it is located halfway between the equator and the South Pole


    it is located in the Southern Pacific Ocean

    正确答案: D
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Globalization  What exactly does globalization mean? Concepts related to globalization include “internationalization”, “multidomestic marketing”, and “multinational or transnational marketing”, suggesting that the basic criterion is transactions across national boundaries. In the marketing and strategic management literature, globalization is conceptualized as a means to gain competitive advantage by locating different stages of production in different geographic regions according to the particular region’s comparative advantage. This conceptualization focuses only on the economic aspects of globalization; social, cultural and political factors are only considered in the context of achieving economic advantage. Thus, being “culturally sensitive” in global markets is being able to sell one’s product with enough ingenuity to avoid possible pitfalls arising from the seller’s ignorance of local customs. International marketing textbooks discuss such cultural pitfalls in great detail; however, the cultural contest of globalization is always framed by the economy.  Broader conceptualization of globalization can be found in other disciplines such as sociology and anthropology. Waters defined globalization as “a social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural arrangements recede and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding.” This conceptualization with its much broader scope, allows for the examination of a number of consequences of globalization, not jut economic but social, cultural and political ones.  While there are a few different conceptualizations of globalization, researchers seem to be in agreement that there are at least three dimensions of globalization: economic, political and cultural. The economic aspects of globalization stem from the spread of the capitalist world economy and the resulting expansion of goods and services. The need for cheap raw materials, cheap labor and new markets saw the expansion of the capitalist world economy from one that was primarily Eurocentric to one that encompassed the entire world. This process was achieved by various means and often involved overcoming political resistances in the new markets. The political aspects of globalization involved establishing control over markets and raw materials through either the use of direct military power or the establishment of international institutions that control such markets. The rise of the nation-state is an example of the political aspect of globalization, although it is argued that advances in telecommunications and information systems and the resulting constructions of institutions that transience territorial boundaries are making the nation-state obsolete.  If the economic and political aspects of globalization involve material and power exchanges, the cultural of globalization involves the expression of symbols that represents facts, meanings, beliefs, preferences, tastes and values. In fact, these symbolic exchanges are increasingly displacing economic and political exchanges in the spread of global mass culture. Traditional barriers of language pose no problems to modem means of cultural production such as satellite television and film. However, the new “global culture”, despite its manifestations through consumption of global products and symbols in different part of the globe, is essentially the culture of dominant groups centered in the West.

    正确答案: 【参考译文】
    全球化 全球化到底意味着什么?与全球化有关的概念包括“国际化”、“国内多国市场”以及“多国或跨国市场”,意味着全球化的基本标准是跨国际的交易。在市场和策略管理文化中,全球化被定义为根据某个特定地区的具有竞争力的优势,确定不同地区的不同的生产阶段,从而获得竞争优势的一种手段。这一定义只是强调了全球化的经济性的一面;社会、文化以及政治因素只在获得经济优势的背景下才加与考虑。因此,在全球化经济中的“文化敏感”就是能够把该国的产品以一种独具匠心的方式销售出去,同时避免因不了解当地的风俗习惯而可能遭遇的风险。有关国际市场的教科书对这类文化风险进行了详细的阐述,但是全球化的文化竞争总是受到经济的限制。
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    The project team members should also be aware of one of the fundamental tenets of modern quality management: quality is planned, designed and built in, not()








    正确答案: C
    解析: 该题的关键词为"planned、designed、built in",其关键的语句结构为"quality(主语)is planned,designed and built in,not()(谓语)",含义为"质量是通过计划、设计、制造而得到的,不是什么",易知此处应该选择与计划、设计、制造方式相反的观点,结合四个选项,CD首先可以排除,因为从形式上应该选择过去分词形式。选项A的含义与built in相似,排除法可以得到选项B,其实这句话是质量管理中一个非常著名的说法,原文可译为:项目组成员应该知道现代质量管理的一个基本原则,即质量是通过计划、设计和制造得到的,而不是通过事后检查得到。

  • 第12题:

    For Einstein to become a modern icon, especially in America, required a total revision of the definition of a hero. Anti-intellectualism has been as integral a part of American culture as the drive for universal education, and the fact that both have existed concurrently may account for the low status of teachers. In America it is not enough to be smart; one must compensate for one's intelligence by also showing the canniness and real-world power of the cowboy and the pioneer. Einstein did this. He was the first modern intellectual superstar, and he won his stardom in the only way that Americans could accept—by dint of intuitive, not scholarly, intelligence and by having his thought applied to practical things, such as rockets and atom bombs.

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    ____ the forties ____ the first fully automatic factory was built in the world.

    A.It was not until ...then

    B.It was not until ...that

    C.It was until ...that

    D.It was not until ...when


  • 第14题:

    I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable and __________in’a quiet environment.

    A.before all

    B.after all

    C.first of all

    D.above all


  • 第15题:

    Going Back to Its Birthplace

    No sporting event takes hold of the world's attention and imagination like the Olympic
    Games.The football World Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America;baseball's
    World Series is required viewing in North America;and the World Table Tennis
    Championships attracts the most interest in Asia.
    But the Olympics belong to the whole world.Now,after travelling to 17 countries over
    108 years,the summer Games are returning to Athens,the place where the first modern
    Olympics was held.
    Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement,but also as an
    honour. The 1 6 days between August 1 3 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete,
    up from Sydney's 199.Afghanistan is back,having been banned from Sydney because the
    Taliban government didn't let women do sports.There is also a place for newcomers East
    Timor and Kiribati.
    A total of 10,500 athletes will compete in 28 sports,watched by 5.3 million ticket-
    paying viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.
    Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as
    possible.The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and
    Acropolis monuments.The final event will be a historic men's marathon following the original
    route run by Phidippides in 490 BC to bring news of victory over the Persians.
    The ancient stadium at Olympia,first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago,
    will stage the shot put competitions.And the Panathenian Stadium,where the first modern
    Olympics was held,is to host the archery(射箭)events.
    If the well-known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games,the 39
    new venues add a modern touch to the city of Athens.The main Olympic stadium,with a
    giant glass and steel roof, is the landmark(标志)building of the Olympics.
    "We believe that we will organize a'magical'Games,"said Athens 2004 President
    Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. "Our history with the Olympic Games goes back nearly
    3,000 years,and Athens 2004 could be the best ever."

    The Panathenian Stadium is the landmark building of Olympics.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第16题:

    Going Back to Its Birthplace

    No sporting event takes hold of the world's attention and imagination like the Olympic
    Games.The football World Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America;baseball's
    World Series is required viewing in North America;and the World Table Tennis
    Championships attracts the most interest in Asia.
    But the Olympics belong to the whole world.Now,after travelling to 17 countries over
    108 years,the summer Games are returning to Athens,the place where the first modern
    Olympics was held.
    Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement,but also as an
    honour. The 1 6 days between August 1 3 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete,
    up from Sydney's 199.Afghanistan is back,having been banned from Sydney because the
    Taliban government didn't let women do sports.There is also a place for newcomers East
    Timor and Kiribati.
    A total of 10,500 athletes will compete in 28 sports,watched by 5.3 million ticket-
    paying viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.
    Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as
    possible.The Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and
    Acropolis monuments.The final event will be a historic men's marathon following the original
    route run by Phidippides in 490 BC to bring news of victory over the Persians.
    The ancient stadium at Olympia,first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago,
    will stage the shot put competitions.And the Panathenian Stadium,where the first modern
    Olympics was held,is to host the archery(射箭)events.
    If the well-known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games,the 39
    new venues add a modern touch to the city of Athens.The main Olympic stadium,with a
    giant glass and steel roof, is the landmark(标志)building of the Olympics.
    "We believe that we will organize a'magical'Games,"said Athens 2004 President
    Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki. "Our history with the Olympic Games goes back nearly
    3,000 years,and Athens 2004 could be the best ever."

    The World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asian countries.
    C:Not mentioned


  • 第17题:

    The project team members should also be aware of one of the fundamental tenets of modern quality management: quality is planned, designed and built in, not()

    • A、executedin
    • B、inspectedin
    • C、check-in
    • D、look-in


  • 第18题:

    _____ paid for the cost of the building of the Sydney Opera House.



    The public


    Queen Elizabeth II


    The government

    正确答案: B
    由第二段第一句“The Sydney House cost around ... by the public”可知选项B正确。

  • 第19题:

    Why did Jacky fly to Sydney?

    He flew to Sydney for sightseeing


    He flew to Sydney to attend an important international conference


    He flew to Sydney to attend a company meeting

    正确答案: C
    Jacky提到I was just going up to Sydney for some routine company meetings可知他去悉尼是为了参加公司会议。

  • 第20题:

    Practice 5  One by one, economies around the world are stumbling. By cutting interest rates again this week-for the seventh time this year-the Federal Reserve hopes it can keep America out of recession. But in an increasing number of economies, from Japan to Taiwan to Mexico and Brazil. GDP is already shrinking. Global industrial production fell at an annual rate of 6 percent in the first half of 2001. Early estimates suggest that gross world product, as a whole, may have contracted in the second quarter, for possibly the first time in two decades. Welcome to the first global recession of the 21st century.

    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    Building the Sydney Opera House lasted _____.

    from 1959 to 1973


    from 1962 to 1973


    from 1959 to 1967


    from 1962 to 1967

    正确答案: A
    由文章第一段中“The base for building was started in 1959”和该段的最后一句“Queen Elizabeth II officially opened it on October 20th, 1973”可知,悉尼歌剧院的建造时间为1959年至1973年。故选项A正确。

  • 第22题:

    Which is the best title for the passage?

    Sailing Roof


    Traveling in Sydney


    The Sydney Opera House


    The Opening of the Opera House

    正确答案: A

  • 第23题:

    The designer of the Sydney Opera House was from _____.








    正确答案: B
    由短文第三句中“by a famous Danish architect, Utzon”可知,悉尼歌剧院的设计师是丹麦人。故选项D正确。