For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the impact of theinformation explosion by referring to the saying "A wealth of information creates apoverty of attention. " You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explainwh


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the impact of theinformation explosion by referring to the saying "A wealth of information creates apoverty of attention. " You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explainwhat you can do to avoid being distracted by irrelevant information. You shouldwrite at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

更多“For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay about the impact of theinformation explosion by referring to the saying "A wealth of information creates apoverty of attention. " You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explainwh”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,You should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    From the graph,we can clearly witness that the urban population was ascending while the rural population was declining during 1990 to 2010.The number of the urban citizens rose from 300 million in 1990 to about 460 million in 2000,and to about 685 million in 2010,while the rural peopledescended from about 820 million in 1990 to 800 million in 2000 and to 690million in 2010.It's apparent that in the past two decades,the urbanpopulation witnessed a steady growth,but in the latter decade,the rural population had a remarkable shrinkage.Personally,there are two main reasons for this phenomenon.On one hand,the economic boom led to the regular improvement of people sliving standard,and further resulted in a steady growing urban labor force.On the other hand,from 2000 the countryside urbanization oriented by the government gave rise to a conspicuously declining of rural labor force.In conclusion,based on the analysis above,the increase of urban quantity of citizen will be going on,while the rural population will continue to drop in the future,which is the need and trend of china's urbanization process.

  • 第2题:

    Write an essay hased on che chart below.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

    Chin8 s Automobile Market Grows Rapidly According to the table above,the auiomobile production sales in China amounted to over 8 million in 2007,with an average annual growth of more than 22qo from 2001 t0 2007.This means that after less tban one decade of development,China has emerged into the world's fastesl-growing major auto market.There are two main reasons for the increase.For one thing,since general market-onented reforms were introduced in China around 30 years ago.restrictions and controls on the automobile sector have been gradually eased,resulting in the joint venture partnerships with major global automobile manufacturers.For another,thanks to Lhe burgeoning economy,the disposable income of Chinese cithens has maintained an upward trend for years,contributing to an increasing number of people owning private vehicles.Despite the breakneck growth over the past decade,China's auto market still has much room Lo grow before reaching saturation and the prospects for China's auto market remain bright.

  • 第3题:

    Write an essay based on the chart below,In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    From the chart above.we can see the numbers of beds per thou.sand older people in elder-care institutions of some Chinese cities and the developed countries.Though the numbers for some cities,such as Guangzhou,Wuhan and Beijing,are higher than the average number for the whole country,which is 21.5,they are st川much lower than that of developed countries,which is 60.There are many factors contributing to the above-meniioned phenomenon,but in general,they may come down to two major ones.To begin with,the tradition of supporting the elders at home in China has hindered the development of nursing institutions.What's more,while the aging of the population is speeding up,the attention placed on the elders is insufficient.Considering the big gap between China and the developed countries,it is high time for us to take measures to close the gap.First,we.should change our idea that nursing institutions are only for those whose children don't respect them.In addition,more funds should be invested for the construction of elder-care institutions.Only in this way can we construct a society in which the elderly are looked after properly.

  • 第4题:

    Practice 4Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Since we’re now living in a society where a good education is becoming less important for a high income, the government should not encourage people to go to college any more.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    The Importance of Higher Education The contemporary society has seen a trend of discordance in education. Many college students graduate only to find that they earn much less than their bosses who even have never entered colleges. However, higher education is still valuable for students.
    Most importantly, higher education is the source of expertise. Every industry in the society is built on the professional knowledge. If all the staff is poor-educated, who can we depend on to make profits? Colleges can equip students with the most useful and systematical theories. Further, the academic environment in college will provide students with a better opportunity to develop healthy bodies and hearts. What they need to do is to read more and think more for their own pursuits. Thus, they can be stronger to confront the extreme thoughts that may destroy their righteous beliefs in the future. Lastly, good friends and teachers from colleges will help students form right outlook on life and values, which will also benefit their future career.
    In summary, higher education will set students a higher start in the future career. If you can not see it now, wait and see that how the better are separated from the good.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第5题:

    Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Success is something most people try to achieve.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    At the mention of success, different people maintain various views. Some hold that wealth is the only criterion on account that without money you can’t live a decent life, and that the more money you possess, the happier you will be. Some however, regard fame as a symbol of one’s achievement, in that the social recognition is the value of each individual because people will respect you if you are in high social status. In my personal point of view, the achievement of self-value decides whether his or her life is successful.
    Maslow’s famous theory has pointed out that human needs are divided in to different levels. Once the lower level has been achieved, we begin to seek higher needs. Money, which brings us basic needs of life, only produces physical comfort. Social needs are higher, because respect and recognition are indispensable for us social animals. But the highest need we pursue is the self-value, which is through work or other things we do, we feel we are needed and contribute our efforts to the society. This has nothing to do with which social rank we are in.
    So whether one person is successful or not does not hinge on his wealth and fame, for the accomplishment of self-worth is what we should focus on.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第6题:

    Practice 5Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “Which Is More Important: Wealth or Health?” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Which Is More Important: Wealth or Health? In today’s society, many people think wealth is the symbol of success. So some people take the goal of becoming rich as their aim in life. They are crazy for making money. On the contrary, others think health is more important. In balancing the two, I have every reason to accept the latter.
    At the first place, good health implies a long life. A man in good health could live a happy life. Next, people usually turn to healthy man for help. Finally, good health brings people great wealth. While big fortune sometimes causes trouble, a man with big fortune who fears of being robbed trusts nobody. What’s more, some evil people want to cheat rich men out of money. Furthermore, many things exist around us that can’t be bought by cash, such as, friendship, love, health and etc.
    Therefore, I think good health is more important than wealth. We can do nothing without good health. If we have good health, we can do what we want.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第7题:

    Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Integrate Chinese Culture into College Education. You should write at least 140 words.

    Integrate Chinese Culture into College Education As a result of the development of Internet, College students in China are exposed to a large amount of information. We can rarely see Chinese culture in college education curriculum, which indicates that Chinese traditional culture has been ignored in college education.
    As is known to all, traditional culture represents the accumulated wisdom of our ancestors down through the ages and is a rich heritage to us. For college students, successors of modernization construction, to master Chinese culture is particularly of significance. Moreover, native culture education can promote the cultural awareness and patriotism among college students. Therefore, it is necessary and beneficial to integrate Chinese culture into college education.
    To achieve this, colleges and universities should take effective measures to preserve the traditional culture. Cultural awareness should be promoted both through the courses and extracurricular activities. As for college students, we should actively be involved in the culture education.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第8题:

    Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “As the popularity of the Internet continues to increase, newspapers will soon become a thing of the past.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Undoubtedly, the Internet has become a major choice when looking for information or seeking pleasure for us modern people. It provides us with instant news stories, color pictures, and video clips. Based on this, many people maintain that the Internet outweighs the newspapers, and hence will replace the latter one. However, the extinction of the newspaper will not be seen in a relatively short time. The following are the reasons.
    First of all, the convenience of the newspaper is its biggest advantage. We could fold a piece of newspaper and put it in our pocket when taking a bus. Some would argue that using other devices such as cell phone, laptop, etc, we could easily get access to the Internet, thus looking for news. But this requires electronic devices and the number of the people who have such tools is still not high.
    In addition, the Internet does no good to our health. Exposure to radiation cannot be avoided when we access the internet, by whatever means we use. Newspaper, in contrast, has no radiation at all. For the sake of our health, the newspaper is a better option.
    Newspaper has a long tradition in the mass media. Many press and agencies are built on this industry. Once newspaper becomes extinct, the structure of the industries will have to change. Even if newspaper becomes a thing of the past, it will not happen in a short period.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第9题:

    Practice 4Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “In many countries, increasing numbers of young people are graduating from university, but are unable to find suitable jobs.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Youth Unemployment upon Graduation The recent years have witnessed a depressing social phenomenon in many countries—a great number of college students become unemployed after graduation. This fact not only causes pressure for the graduates, but also lays burden on the society.
    There are mainly two possible reasons accounting for this problem. Firstly, the expansion of universities provides chances for more students to receive higher education, but the job market cannot develop at the same speed. The situation is even worse with those students who uniformly choose the “hot” majors such as economics and accounting. Secondly, some students think too highly of themselves so that they choose not to work at all if they are not satisfied with the salary or working environment of the job.
    To solve this problem, the government should try to develop the economy in order to create more job opportunities. College authorities should take the job market into consideration when enrolling students. Besides, students also should cherish every job opportunity.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第10题:

    Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the following picture. Please write an article entitled “Our Disappearing Countryside”. You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Our Disappearing Countryside In many people’s minds, countryside means a place with green trees, beautiful flowers, clear rivers and blue sky, but the notion is changing. Trees and flowers become fewer, rivers are stagnant and the sky turns blurry. Countryside does not agree with the one that in our memory. Our countryside is disappearing.
    People in the whole world are highlighting urbanization and industrialization nowadays for they are the synonyms of prosperity and advance, in spite of how much they should pay for that. The destroyers would never realize that the generous nature gives us the pleasing environment for free is not because it is valueless when compared to practical profits but invaluable until they ruin the last clean pitch on the earth. How pathetic they are! And as residents on the same earth, how pathetic we are!
    Measures should be taken to protect our countryside—the last paradise for human beings. Save water, avoid using one-off stuff, plant more trees, reduce rubbishes and start doing so in this moment, for it is our last chance to keep our disappearing countryside.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第11题:

    Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay discussing about how much freedom parents should allow young people to have nowadays. You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    My Views on the Freedom Given to Young People Young people have more freedom today than they did one hundred years ago, but how much freedom depends on the family. And it is obvious that nowadays young people are given too much freedom by their parents.
    As we know, today parents are busy with their work and have no time to get much information about their children, for example what they have done and what kinds of friends they have. This isn’t a good phenomenon because young people can easily get into trouble by drinking too much or mixing with the wrong people. What’s worse, they may get addicted into online games. Therefore, some limitations should be given to young people, such as the prohibition of drinking and smoking and the online time. On the other hand, young people must learn how to be sensible, knowing what should be done and what shouldn’t be done.
    In all, I don’t think parents should give their children too much freedom, but it is important for parents and children to reach agreement on some rules.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第12题:

    Practice 4Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Some people place a high value on loyalty to the employer. To others, it is perfectly acceptable to change jobs every few years to build a career.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Should We Change Jobs a Lot or Not? Different cultures place varying values on loyalty to the employer. In some countries, most notably in Asia, there is a high degree of loyalty to one company. However, in most European countries and the United States, loyalty to one’s employer is not highly valued; instead, it is considered more rational and reasonable for an employee to change jobs whenever it is warranted to achieve the optimal overall career. Both of these positions have advantages and disadvantages.
    In cultures that value loyalty to the employer, a kind of family relationship seems to develop between employer and employee. It is a reciprocal arrangement which the employer is concerned with assisting the employee to develop his/her full potential and the employee is concerned about optimizing the welfare of the company. The negative aspect of absolute loyalty to one company is that an employee may stay in one job that he/she has outgrown and may miss out on opportunities to develop in new directions. From the employer’s point of view, the company may be burdened with employees whose skills no longer match the needs of the company.
    In cultures in which it is quite acceptable to change jobs every few years, employees can build the career they choose for themselves. They can stay with one company as long as it is mutually beneficial to company and employee. As long as good relationship exists and the employee’s career is advancing at an acceptable pace, the employee can remain with a company. But at any time the employee is free to move to another, perhaps to achieve a higher position, to move into a new area, or to find a work situation that is more suitable to his/her personality. The disadvantage of this situation is that employees tend to move from around a lot.
    Although both of these systems have advantages and disadvantages, it is much better for employees to have opportunity to move from job to job if it is necessary to have a better career.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第13题:

    Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart,and 2)give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    The pie chart given above reflects the public's attitude towards food safety.According to the figures,44.7%of the people take neutral attitude towards food safety,ranking first.The percentage of consumers being a little worried about food safety ranks the third among all.making up t 5.8%.There is no denying that food safety is related to people's health and basic livelihood.However,many producers tend to adopt poor-quality raw materials to lower costs,resulting in poor-quality products prevailing in our society,which not only poses threats to people's health,bul also wreaks havoc(破坏)on the economic development and social stability.Particularly,when the authorities concerned fail to give direct control and supervision,these profit-driven companies are unlikely to shoulder social responsibility.To conclude,such a trend will probably develop more dramatically in the future.Therefore,it is advised that administrators and the authorities should keep taking measures to reverse such trend,and it is only by consistent and persistent efforts that they can ultimately eliminate the misdeeds.

  • 第14题:

    Write an essay based on the following should interpret the chart and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

    Portrayed in the above pie chart is a survey of college students'purposes of traveling。The number of students who take traveling as a chance to see beautiful scenes accounts for 37%,while students who would like to travell relieve pressure fr om study.

  • 第15题:

    Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should College students Get Involved in Stock Markets or Not? You should write at least 140 words.

    正确答案: Should College Students Get Involved in Stock Markets or Not? Affected by people’s madness about stock market, an increasing number of college students throw themselves into this market. Concerning this phenomenon, people have different opinions. Some hold that it is rewarding for students to be involved in stock market. On one hand, they may earn some money and learn to manage money. However, others claim that getting involved in stock market may bring disastrous effect on college students, both economically and psychologically.
    As far as I am concerned, students shouldn’t get involved in stock market unless they are fully prepared both in financial ability and in knowledge. Since there is a high degree of risk in the stock market, the money students invest are mainly from parents for their living. Without it, how can they deal with everyday life? Furthermore, with no basic knowledge about stock market, anyone is prone to failure. All in all, the principal work of college students is not getting involved in stock market.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第16题:

    Practice 5Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Is Space Worth Exploring?” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Is Space Worth Exploring? With the development of science and technology, space exploration has greatly advanced. We could watch the exciting news from TV and read the latest achievement in this field almost every day. As human beings, we are so proud of our work.
    Yet, not everyone has the same attitude towards this issue. Some people think we could use the money and resources to find out ways to relieve the suffering of the earth’s starving millions. It has also been felt that the space might lead to the development of space weapon, which may cause the destruction of earth. Despite these disadvantages and potential dangers, the advantages are far greater. Our daily life cannot be without the results of the space science. We use satellites for communication, weather forecast and oil exploration. Some problems may be solved with further exploration. For instance, with the success of space shuttles and the feasibility of living on other planets, we may solve the population problem on earth. Space projects will also enable us to find new sources of energy to solve the energy problem and discover new chemical elements to cure some incurable diseases.
    So in my opinion, space exploration contributes a lot to the improvement of the quality of human life. We will have better life with the advances of the space exploration.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第17题:

    Practice 6Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “In contrast to the mass enthusiasm for returning home for family union during the Spring Festival, there are some, becoming known as the “home-fear group”, who have deep reservations about going back home.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    My View on Home-fear Group As usual, many people working outside will be eager to go home and visit friends and families whom they have missed terribly. However, according to a survey, the surprise is that there are an increasing number of people, known as the “home-fear” group, who feel anxious about returning home.
    As far as I am concerned, such fears can be attributed to economic pressure, long distance, parents’ desire to see their child get married and so on. Besides, difficulty in buying tickets is another important reason causing fear. In Spring Festival, not only bus and train but also airplane can not offer enough seats to take people home. So many people have to line up in advance for a couple days. In addition, many people are anxious about having to spend a lot of money during the festival.
    In my opinion, Spring Festival is the time for family reunion. Therefore, the “home-fear group” should abandon all their worries, and go home to spend Spring Festival with their family.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第18题:

    Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Internet Games:Good or Evil. You should write at least 140 words.

    Internet Games: Good or Evil With the rapid development of computer technology,great changes have taken place in our way of spending leisure time. We can see more and more young people spend much of their time on Internet games.
    Some people think that playing Internet games is a good way for entertainment. One can play different roles in this virtual Internet community which is interesting and exciting. Besides,playing Internet games can help people cultivate some desirable qualities,such as perseverance.
    However, some others believe that playing Internet games can distract people from their work and study. Too much indulgence can do harm to one’s physical health. They also hold that Internet games should take the blame of increasing teenager misbehavior.
    In my view, Internet game is bad. Young people, especially students, should play less Internet games because it wastes too much of their precious time.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第19题:

    题目要求:  The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can develop and express ideas. You should, therefore, take care to develop your point of view, present your ideas logically and clearly, and use language precisely.  Your essay must be written on the lines provided on your answer sheet—you will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting to a reasonable size. Remember that people who are not familiar with your handwriting will read what you write. Try to write or print so that what you are writing is legible to those readers.  Important Reminders:  ·A pencil is required for the essay. An essay written in ink will receive a score of zero.  ·Do not write your essay in your test book. You will receive credit only for what you write on your answer sheet.  ·An off-topic essay will receive a score of zero.  ·If your essay does not reflect your original and individual work, your test scores maybe canceled.  You have twenty-five minutes to write an essay on the topic assigned below.Practice 1  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  The liberally educated person is one who is able to resist the easy and preferred answers, not because he is obstinate but because he knows others worthy of Consideration.  —Allan Bloom  Assignment: What is one important easy and preferred answer that we should resist? That is, what dangerous misconception do people commonly hold? Write an essay in which you answer this question and support your position logically with examples from literature, the arts, history, politics, science and technology, current events, or your experience or observation.

    正确答案: 【参考范文】
    One of the most dangerous misconceptions that people hold today is the idea that our enemies are fundamentally different from us. It is easy, to a certain extent, to understand how such a belief comes about. Most human societies must kill in order to survive, but must at the same time prohibit particular kinds of killing. Throughout our history, humans have been meat-eaters, and so must kill and eat animals in order to thrive (the minority of vegetarians notwithstanding). Also, societies must often defend themselves against violent enemies, necessitating the occasional use of deadly force. On the other hand, civilized societies must prohibit most killing within their own ranks, so that their populations do not die out or suffer needlessly.
    So how do humans deal with this dichotomy: the need to kill, at least occasionally, to survive, and the need to prohibit killing within its ranks? Simply, humans have developed the concepts of us and them. It is okay to kill and eat animals because they do not have the value of humans. Perhaps, too, a society may justify the killing of animals by adopting a belief system that says that animals are gifts to humans from a divine being or beings.
    In much the same way, humans are inclined to put their enemies in the category of other, that is, less than human, or to believe that a divine being has given them permission to kill those enemies. Paradoxically, those religious systems are also very likely to have severe restrictions against killing other human beings. In practice, most cultures regard these as restrictions merely against killing their own kind. However, this type of thinking is counterproductive to the goal of building more just and functional societies. If one society can easily categorize another as an enemy and thereby reduce its foes to the status of animal, then the concept of universal human rights is abolished.
    We see the dangers inherent in denying the humanity of our enemies in the United States today. Although the American Constitution champions the concept of inalienable rights that are due to all human beings, the United States Senate is actively engaged in undermining those rights. The right of habeas corpus, that is, the right of a person in custody to seek a hearing to determine whether or not he or she is being held justly, is a cornerstone of the United States Constitution. It is regarded as a fundamental element of a just society. Yet the Senate is seeking to eliminate that right for foreign detainees captured in the war on terror. In other words, the mere suspicion of terrorism—not proof, but suspicion—is evidently reason enough to reduce a human being to the status of an animal. This heinous distinction of us versus them will surely have dire consequences for the United States, who will rightfully be seen as being grossly hypocritical on the matter of human rights.
    Even beyond the trampling of human rights, the us versus them distinction is not even as useful in wartime as it may seem at first glance, because to defeat our enemy, we must understand our enemy. If we begin with the assumption that your enemy lacks human intelligence, desires and motivations, then we risk severely underestimating his ability. Therefore, if the United States continues down this dangerous path, it runs the risk of losing not only the moral war but the actual war.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第20题:

    Practice 6Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “Can Money Buy Happiness?” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Can Money Buy Happiness? I have once seen a caricature that depicted an ironic picture: a man who is overloaded with a pretty large piece of gold is making every effort to creep forward. However, there is much to say about it. It gives a vivid expression to a serious topic—Can money buy happiness?
    Money means wealth—social wealth as well as personal wealth. Making money is creating wealth. The more money you have, the wealthier you are. To increase wealth is what a person desires and what society needs. A person’s desire can never be satisfied and social progress has no ending. Therefore, making money is one of essential activities that identify a person’s existence.
    Happiness is referred to as enjoyable experiences that people are feeling. To some extent, enjoyable experiences result from a person’s mental satisfaction. People can never get satisfied with making money, so money is something distant from happiness. Although the man mentioned above is possessed of much money, he is suffering from the weight of gold. It is not exceptional that some millionaires are not happy at all in life. Indeed, money can buy wealth, but it cannot buy happiness if inappropriately used.
    Nevertheless money is not in contradiction to happiness when making money is regarded as a means to attain a definite goal. In a word, more attention should be focused on orientation of life when it comes to the subject—Can money buy happiness?
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第21题:

    Practice 2Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the topic “My Idea of Professional Ethics for a Scientist.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    My Idea of Professional Ethics for a Scientist There is no denying that a distinguished scientist should not only be learned and creative but also have good professional ethics for the good of both society and the scientist himself. But what are good professional ethics for a scientist?
    In my opinion, a scientist should possess the following qualities. First of all, an eminent scientist should make sure that his knowledge is used to bring benefits to the general public rather than to make his personal gains. He should devote himself to the advancement of technology, with the aim of raising the living standards of people and making our world a better place to live in. Secondly, as a respectable scientist, he should be on good terms with other scientists. Cooperation and mutual trust between scientists are very critical for scientific achievements. Thirdly, a good scientist should be honest and respect the work of others. Never should he copy from others or falsify research findings. Last but not the least, a scientist should be a responsible person. He should not make any hasty decisions. Once a decision is made he should shoulder its consequence.
    In a word, an excellent scientist should have good professional ethics to win the respect of the people and contribute more to people’s benefits.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第22题:

    Practice 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “College students have many ways to finance their college education. They may get help from their parents, find part-time jobs, apply for loans, or win scholarships.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Method for College Students to Cover Tuition Fees and Other Living Costs In China, college students should pay for the tuition fees themselves. However, most students have no jobs and the most common way to cover tuition fees is to turn to parents for help. There are also some students who find jobs in the summer before they go to college. In my opinion, the best way is to find part-time jobs.
    On the one hand, they are in school all the time, from primary school to high school. They never get in touch with society and need social experience. So, during college time, they can take the opportunity of doing part-time jobs to accelerate experience.
    On the other hand, college students can earn money to support themselves. Some students are able to earn their tuition fees and some may not. Even though the money they earn is not enough for the tuition fees, it can cover their living costs.
    All in all, part-time job not only can add social experience but also can support college students their everyday life and even tuition fees. It is the best way for them because they can benefit much from it.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    Directions: In this part of the test, you will write an essay in response to a question that asks you to state, explain, and support your opinion on an issue. Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words. Your response will be scored on:·whether your opinion is supported with reasons and/or examples·grammar,·vocabulary, and·organization.Practice 1Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words.Some people believe that hard work is the only way to be successful. Other people believe that success comes from luck. Which do you agree with and why?

    正确答案: (1)
    In my opinion, I believe hard work is the most important element to be successful. The meaning of success varies for different people. As for me, success is being financially well off and being emotionally happy as well. And hard work is the gateway to success.
    The main reason why people are successful is to work hard. A hard worker is able to follow directions from superior, act in obedience to the orders given to him. And in most cases, works set goals for themselves. But the difference that sets hard workers apart from regular workers is hard workers make any effort to accomplish their objectives. Hard workers are well aware of their goal and do not stop until they achieve it. Consequently, success is due to those who truly work hard.
    A good example of this is Tiger Woods. He is a person who has been extremely successful. Maybe he possesses some natural talent, but in fact, he spent a tot of time and efforts on practicing, and finally became an excellent golfer. He did not just rely on luck one day and win a championship in a tournament. It is the years of dedication and hard work he put into golf that leads to his success. Natural talent can only get you to the entrance of the field.
    Hard work provides consistent or sustained power to become success too, because people do not necessarily depend on chance factors, such as luck. Hard work is something people work at doing. They are in the process of pursuing success instead of relying on luck to give them a break. If success is the goal for a hard worker then they will achieve it, and they will be sure to. Their hard work will lead them there.
    At one time I regarded hard work as more important than luck, but now I think chance is of the great importance for success. Luck, or chance, comes about not by design but accidentally. It is the reason why many unqualified people are successful. This success, from the financial perspective, is a matter of chance.
    In the movie industry, a lot of actors and models were discovered by chance or owing to some type of luck in many countries around the world. Some of the situations might be that they were sitting next to an agent or a director at lunch, or when they were walking down the street. Someone spotted them. Under Such circumstances, these people were picked out because they happened to be next to the one who could help promote them into a better career and situation. They may then have successful careers and make a lot of money just because of one chance lucky meeting. They were lucky indeed.
    Assuming a real world situation. A man owns a restaurant, and he works hard every day to run his business, but the result turns to be that he does not make much money. One day, he gets a call for a special food delivery order. His employee delivers the food to the customer, who is the owner of another large restaurant chain. The franchise owner especially enjoys the food, hence he offers the man a deal that the man is invited to join in the restaurant chain. Then, the man, who was struggling, becomes successful. It was very lucky for the man that the chain restaurant owner tries the food; as a result, he gets the opportunity to achieve success. I believe a lot of people work hard, but do not benefit from luck. Though they do a great job at work and try their very best. If they do not happen to have a certain lucky situations, they may never be successful.
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