单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundat

请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.Why was Bertha von Suttner awarded the 1905 Nobel Peace Prize?

She encouraged the Nobel family to make as many patents as possible.


She effected change in Nobel's policy and had protests against war.


She helped Alfred Nobel with many of his inventions.


She was influential in the building of many laboratories in 90 countries.

更多“请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Pri”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    阅读下面一段课文,回答下列 21~23 小题。

    第 21 题 分析这首诗融写景、抒情、说理为一体的特色。


  • 第2题:



    21. 日期1900年1月25日在Excel系统内部储存的是( )








    A 25因为EXCEL是从1900-1-1开始计算的

  • 第3题:

    25. The passage can most probably be found in a ________ book.

    A. science

    B. history

    C. travel

    D. maths


  • 第4题:



    (1)调研准备阶段 在本阶段,调研人员通过对企业的相关信息进行初步分析和非正式调研,确定调研的主题内容和范围。

    正式调研阶段 在本阶段,调研人员应确定获取相关信息的手段与方法,设计出科学合理的调查表格,并按预定的计划和设想,到现
    a.原始资料。又称第一手资料.或初级资料.是指调研人员自己采集的资料,如企业的业务状况记录、销售记录、成本记录、用户意见簿记录、消费者反馈信息记录、对批发企 业和零售企业的调查记录等。

    ②选择抽样方法,设计调查问卷 理想的调查问卷和科学合理的抽样方法,是调研顺利进行的保证。调查问卷应根据调查内容而设置,要求做到文字简练、通俗易懂,内容简单、明确,所提的问题不宜太长、太繁,要便于被调查者回答.尽可能让被调查者用“√”或“×”来回答,这样也便于数据的统计、处理和分析。

    ③实地调查 实地调查又称现场调查,是指到现场去调查,以获取第一手资料。这一环节对调查人员的思想政治水平、工作责任心、业务技巧水平和工作能力有很高的要求,因此要对调研人员进行慎重的选择、科学的培训和有效的管理。

  • 第5题:

    Which of the following best describes the relationship between Passage 1 and Passage 2?

    Passage 2 offers a criticism of the political theory outlined in Passage 1.


    Passage 1 expands upon an argument made in Passage 2.


    Passage 1 refutes the conclusion drawn in Passage 2.


    Passage 2 offers a balanced counterpoint to the biased opinions expressed in Passage 1


    Passage I offers evidence to support the main idea of Passage 2.

    正确答案: E

  • 第6题:

    Which of the following activities can be used to get the main idea of a passage? _____.

    reading the passage in detail


    reading to sequence the events


    reading to fill in the charts


    reading the first and last sentences of the passage and the paragraphs

    正确答案: B

  • 第7题:

    The two passages differ in their perspectives on the debate between industrialists and environmentalists mainly in that Passage 1 emphasizes ______.

    mathematics, while Passage 2 emphasizes psychology


    deficiencies in the debate, while Passage 2 emphasizes progress in the debate


    the irrelevance of externalities, while Passage 2 emphasizes their importance


    the impact on taxpayers, while Passage 2 emphasizes the views of politicians


    pollution, while Passage 2 emphasizes recycling

    正确答案: C

  • 第8题:

    We may conclude from the passage that ______.

    universities’ grants has risen less than 13%


    universities are facing serious pension deficits


    universities in the UK are predicting an average surplus of 1. 6% for the end of the financial year, so no need to worry for the moment


    many universities have cut the number of research projects

    正确答案: C
    题目问的是:我们可以从文中得出什么?倒数第13段提到“The report also noted that staffing costs, following the 13%three-year pay deal agreed in 2006, had risen at a faster rate than universities’ grants.”说明人事费增长13%,比大学津贴涨幅快,也就是说大学津贴涨幅少于13%。故选A。

  • 第9题:

    According to the passage, man’s intelligence _____.

    stays the same throughout the year


    varies from day to day


    changes with the season


    changes from year to year

    正确答案: C
    推理题。文章的第一句“If you are like most people, your intelligence varies from season to season”已经点出了本文的中心大意。

  • 第10题:

    Unlike Passage 1, Passage 2 discusses ______.

    the procedures of a specific experiment


    a mistaken assumption


    the work of professional researchers


    social behavior


    human emotions

    正确答案: B
    第一篇文章提到了错误的假设,文中他反驳直觉是能产生无限力量的未经开发的源泉的观点(2-3行),文中还提到职业研究人员的作品(Haight 和Daniel Kahneman的作品),社会行为(40-51)以及人类情感(36-39行)。然而并没有像第二篇一样描述了特定实验的程序。

  • 第11题:

    Which statement most accurately describes the difference between the two passages?

    Passage 1 deals less directly with the exportation of chimpanzees than does Passage 2.


    Passage 1 is less concerned with the interaction between man and the land than is Passage 2.


    Passage I pertains to a species in its indigenous habitat while Passage 2 addresses the same animal in nonnative settings.


    Passage I ends with an expression of optimism and Passage 2 does not.


    Passage I introduces a species and describes its status worldwide, while Passage 2 limits its discussion of that species to its activities in the Northern Hemisphere.

    正确答案: A

  • 第12题:

    请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.Who discovered nitroglycerine?

    Bertha von Suttner.


    Ascanio Sobrero.


    Alfred Nobel.


    Immanuel Nobel.

    正确答案: C

  • 第13题:

    阅读《山居秋暝》,回答下列 21~23 小题。

    第 21 题 如何理解这首诗中以动写静、动静相衬的表现手法?


  • 第14题:







  • 第15题:

    To grasp the gist of a passage in a quick way, what may a reader focus on?

    A.The transitional paragraphs.
    B.The whole passage.
    C.The topic sentences.
    D.Every sentence in the passage.

    考查阅读策。题目问“要想快速抓住文章要点,读者应该集中关注什么”。因为是要求在短时间内就迅速抓住要点,很显然找到主题句是最快捷的方式。the transitional paragraph“过渡段”,the whole passage“全篇”。the topic Sentences“主题句”,every sentences in the passage“文章每一个句子”。故选C,

  • 第16题:

    Which best characterizes how the impact of science on chimpanzees is treated in these two passages?

    The author of Passage 1 lauds the benefits  science has produced, while the author of Passage 2 speaks hopefully of possible future benefits.


    Both of the passages react with distrust to the idea of using science to assess chimpanzees.


    The first passage lists the studies that showed positive chimp interactions, while the author of Passage 2 refutes their claims,


    The first passage suggests that science can have a positive impact on perceptions about chimps, whereas the second passage views science as almost universally negative.


    The author of the first passage is more apt to justify using chimps in science than the author of Passage 2.

    正确答案: E

  • 第17题:

    请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.What was one problem of nitroglycerine?

    Office buildings could not be built using nitroglycerine.


    Transporting the compound from one factory to another took too much time


    The compound was explosive and storing it safely was difficult.


    Making dynamite from the compound was too expensive to make a prof it.

    正确答案: C

  • 第18题:

    According to the passage, residents in the state of Mississippi saved last year from tax breaks about.

    $10 million


    $47. 4 million


    no statistics available


    nearly a 3 percent increase

    正确答案: D

  • 第19题:

    The author of Passage 2 would most likely regard the spate of recent popular books (line 1) mentioned in Passage 1 with ______.

    righteous indignation


    informed skepticism


    eager anticipation


    sentimental regret



    正确答案: B

  • 第20题:

    请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

    The construction of bridges and tunnels became much more expensive.


    The original objective of dynamite was to help the Russian navy.


    Many people used nitroglycerine as a weapon in war.


    Alfred Nobel gave away prizes to specialists in six categories.

    正确答案: D

  • 第21题:

    Which of the following best describes the relationship between the two passages?

    Passage 2 describes a significant. and discovery that contradicts the argument of Passage 1.


    Passage 2 offers a theory that supports the main point in Passage 1.


    Passage I provides a possible reason for the scientific inquiry presented in Passage 2.


    Passage 1 relates an anecdote that explains the popular misconception in Passage 2.


    Passage 2 provides a historical context for the discovery described in Passage 1.

    正确答案: D

  • 第22题:

    Practice 1  Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150-200 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only once, and then you will have 25 minutes to finish your summary. This part of the test carries 20 points. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    正确答案: 【文章梗概】
    本文主要讨论英语语言。文章认为英语是目前在全球范围内最为广泛使用的语言之一,运用该语言的人数之多, 前所未有。英语在人类生活的各方面广为运用。原因主要有三个,即英语在科学、技术和商业中的运用、英语吸收其它语言词汇的能力及英语接纳不同方言的能力。随着世界的变化,英语也会随之而变,将有新的形式出现。英语不是世界上少数几个国家的财产,它属于所有需要它、使用它的人。
    综述内容应包括5个主要点信息和9个次要点信息中的5个。下划线部分为主要点, 斜体部分为次要点。
    The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable. It is unprecedented in several ways: by the increasing number of users of the language, by its depth of penetration into societies and by its range of functions.
    Worldwide over 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official status. One out of five of the world’s population speaks English with some degree of competence. Over 70% of the world’s scientists read English. About 85% of the world’s mail is written in English. By 2010, the number of people who speak English as a second or foreign language will exceed the number of native speakers.
    English is used for more purposes than ever before. Vocabularies, grammatical forms, and ways of speaking and writing have emerged influenced by technological and scientific developments, economics and management, literature and entertainment genres. What began some 1,500 years ago as a rude language, originally spoken by obscure Germanic tribes who invaded England, now encompasses the globe.
    Three factors continue to contribute to this spread of English: English usage in science, technology and commerce, the ability to incorporate vocabulary from other languages, and the acceptability of various English dialects.
    In science, English replaced German after World War . With this technical and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall linguistic dominance, first in Europe and then globally.
    Today, the information age has replaced the industrial age and has compressed time and distance. This is transforming world economics from industrial production to information-based goods and services. Ignoring geography and borders, the information revolution is redefining our world. In less then 20 years, information processing, once limited to the printed word, has given way to computers and the Internet. Computer-mediated communication is closing the gap between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style, and has resulted in Internet English replacing the authority of language institutes and practices.
    English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic syntax. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary, of which about 80%is foreign. Therefore, it has cognates from virtually every language in Europe and has borrowed and continues to borrow words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. This language characteristic makes it unique in history.
    And there is no English language central authority to guard the purity of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. But within this diversity is a unity of grammar and one set of core vocabulary. Thus, each country that speaks the language can inject aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary.
    The world is in transition, and the English language will take new forms. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people.
    English is divesting itself of its political and cultural connotations as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few countries. Instead, it is a vehicle that is used globally and will lead to more opportunities. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need.
    【解 析】
    1. The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable. It is unprecedented.
    2. English is used for more purposes than ever before.
    3. Three factors continue to contribute to this spread of English: English usage in science, technology and commerce, the ability to incorporate vocabulary from other languages, and the acceptability of various English dialects.
    4. The world is in transition, and the English language will take new forms.
    5. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need.
    1. In science, English replaced German after World War II. With this technical and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall linguistic dominance, first in Europe and then globally.
    [分析]本句从历史角度具体阐释英语发展科技方面的原因, 有力支持了原文主要观点,因此是重要的支持性细节。
    2. Computer-mediated communication encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style, and has resulted in Internet English replacing the authority of language institutes and practices.
    3. English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic syntax. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary.
    4. It has cognates from virtually every language in Europe and has borrowed and continues to borrow words from other languages. This language characteristic makes it unique in history.
    5. And there is no English language central authority to guard the purity of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed.
    6. Thus, each country that speaks the language can inject aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary.
    7. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people.
    8. English is divesting itself of its political and cultural connotations.
    [分析]本句位于最后一段段首,简明扼要说明了英语未来发展趋势的原因,因此是重 要的支持性细节。
    9. It is a vehicle that is used globally and will lead to more opportunities.
    The global spread of English over the last 40 years is remarkable. It is unprecedented in several ways: by the increasing number of users of the language, by its depth of penetration into societies and by its range of functions.
    Worldwide over 1.4 billion people live in countries where English has official status. One out of five of the world’s population speaks English with some degree of competence. Over 70% of the world’s scientists read English. About 85%of the world’s mail is written in English. By 2010, the number of people who speak English as a second or foreign language will exceed the number of native speakers.
    English is used for more purposes than ever before. Vocabularies, grammatical forms, and ways of speaking and writing have emerged influenced by technological and scientific developments, economics and management, literature and entertainment genres. What began some 1,500 years ago as a rude language, originally spoken by obscure Germanic tribes who invaded England, now encompasses the globe.
    Three factors continue to contribute to this spread of English: English usage in science, technology and commerce, the ability to incorporate vocabulary from other languages, and the acceptability of various English dialects.
    In science, English replaced German after World War Ⅱ. With this technical and scientific dominance came the beginning of overall linguistic dominance, first in Europe and then globally.
    Today, the information age has replaced the industrial age and has compressed time and distance. This is transforming world economics from industrial production to information-based goods and services. Ignoring geography and borders, the information revolution is redefining our world. In less than 20 years, information processing, once limited to the printed word, has given way to computers and the Internet. Computer-mediated communication is closing the gap between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style, and has resulted in Internet English replacing the authority of language institutes and practices.
    English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic syntax. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary, of which about 80% is foreign. Therefore, it has cognates from virtually every language in Europe and has borrowed and continues to borrow words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. This language characteristic makes it unique in history.
    And there is no English language central authority to guard the purity of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. But within this diversity is a unity of grammar and one set of core vocabulary. Thus, each country that speaks the language can inject aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary.
    The word is in transition, and the English language will take new forms. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people.
    English is divesting itself of its political and cultural connotations as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few countries. Instead, it is a vehicle that is used globally and will lead to more opportunities. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need.
    解析: 暂无解析

  • 第23题:

    请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1Every year, the Nobel Prize is given to outstanding work in six fields: physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, economics, and work in peace.These prizes are named after Alfred Nobel, who asked for the Nobel Foundation to be made in his will.He was an inventor and businessman.Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1883.His father, Immanuel Nobel has periods of success building bridges and periods of not making any money.Immanuel sent Alfred to study chemistry in Paris.Alfred met Ascanio Sobrero, who found the liquid nitroglycerine, a liquid that explodes very easily.Alfred thought about making use of nitroglycerine in the construction of bridges and tunnels.An accident happened during the experiment with the liquid, causing an explosion, which killed and injured several people, including his brother.He continued looking for ways to make this liquid not explode so easily.Nobel was successful in finding a safe way to store the liquid and in 1864 began producing huge amounts of it.He found that mixing it with kind of sand would turn the liquid into a paste.He then wanted to shape the paste into rods that would make it easy to blow up rock when building a tunnel.In 1867, he patented the material as dynamite.This patent greatly reduced the costs of blasting rock and drilling tunnels.As a businessman, Nobel set up laboratories that made dynamite in 90 locations in more than 20 countries.Although dynamite was useful in construction, many people used it as a weapon in war. At age 43, the wealthy and lonely businessman put an ad in the newspaper for a secretary though he was really looking for a wife.Bertha Kinsky worked as his secretary for a short time, but married another man and became Bertha von Suttner.Bertha and Alfred remained friends and wrote letters many years later.She most likely influenced him to strive for peace.She published a novel “Lay Down Your Arms!” in 1889 and became a leading figure in the peace movement.For these reasons, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1905.Alfred Nobel's family ____ .

    designed buildings that could survive explosions


    continued to aid Ascanio Sobrero in his researches


    was constantly successful in whatever enterprise they took on


    had times in which they struggles for money and eamed a lot of money

    正确答案: C